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7. 1 R E L E A S E U P D AT E
What’s new for
WebTrends 7 users
WebTrends 7
Updating WebTrends 7
Providing complete analytics for better business results.
In June of 2004, WebTrends introduced WebTrends 7 to provide marketers with a single, easy-to-use solution
for complete web results. While many web analytics solutions were able to provide analysis in a few areas, few
provided first-class analysis for all web initiatives. WebTrends 7 changed that, featuring analysis on all critical
web disciplines, from marketing analysis to site performance, and on all web properties, from Internets to
intranets to extranets. For the first time, marketers have a common, comprehensive reporting solution to
benchmark and optimize the performance for better business results.
Extending WebTrends 7 to optimize marketing budgets
WebTrends is now extending the easy-to-use web marketing analysis in WebTrends 7 with complete conversion
analytics for the primary business-generating activities in web marketing:
1. Audience Segmentation
2. E-mail performance
3. Search Marketing
While each of these activities hold enormous potential, marketers have had difficulty managing these programs
due to incomplete metrics, data locked in various applications, or applications that were too complex to use.
WebTrends 7 solves these challenges with new data integration, new database reporting and enhancements to
WebTrends SmartView that now intuitively display segment performance in a context that marketers can easily
understand-their own web site pages.
The new enhancements in WebTrends 7 provide the ability to:
1) Drive cost-effective, repeat business by dynamically identifying your most valuable audience segments.
Now WebTrends 7 provides a comprehensive segmentation offering, allowing you to create your own custom
segments, and dynamically compare segment performance side-by-side in the intuitive WebTrends SmartView.
2) Pinpoint exactly where your e-mail campaigns are losing customers. Traditionally locked up in multiple
systems, marketers needed to cobble together e-mail metrics from various systems to measure performance.
WebTrends 7 now offers unique e-mail integration with ExactTarget for complete conversion analysis-from
e-mail open to sale.
Each of these new capabilities is made available in WebTrends award winning on demand and software
applications so you can be focused on your results, not technology trade-offs.
3) Clearly determine the effect that search engine rank has on revenue. While pay per-click campaigns have
received the majority of marketing’s attention, search engine optimization has remained a mystery, making it
virtually impossible to relate the effect an improved ranking has on revenue. Featuring first-ever integration
with WebPosition Gold, WebTrends 7 can now precisely identify the relationship your organic rank has on
revenue in a single WebTrends SmartReport.
Updating WebTrends 7
Features by Edition
Dynamic Segments
Custom Segments
SmartReports Database
Ad Hoc Query
Integrated E-mail Analytics
Integrated Search Analytics
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WebTrends 7
Features by Edition
New items in WebTrends 7 are in bold
Ideal for Sites with the following yearly page views
Up to
5 million
Up to
200 million
Easier Results
Easily Interpret Reports
Visual Path Analysis
Visual Scenario Analysis
WebTrends SmartView
Personalize your Information
Custom Dashboards and Templates
Custom Date Ranges
Custom Reports
Explore and Discover answers to specific questions
Comparative Reports
Dynamic Metrics
Ad Hoc Report Query
Product and Campaign Drilldown
Dynamic Segments (in WebTrends SmartView)
Custom Segments
Comprehensive reporting across all reporting categories
Complete Reporting: Marketing, Merchandising, Commerce,
Navigation, Geography, Site Performance
Intranet, Extranet and Internet reporting
Integrated into your work environment
Excel exports
SmartReports for Excel
SmartReports Database
Database Reporting
Integration with Web Position Gold
Integration with Exact Target (E-mail)
Real-time analysis
Unparalleled Flexibility for a complete, long-term solution
On Demand or Software
Client-side or web server log file data collection
Multi-language, multi-user, browser-based
Distributed Architecture
Single sign-on security
Granular user-level permissions
Archiving and retrieval services
*Only available in software
**Merchandising and Commerce only available in software
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WebTrends 7
What’s New & Cool
Dynamic Segments in WebTrends SmartView
Intuitively compare how specific customer segments Interact with your page real estate
WebTrends SmartView, the intuitive browser overlay solution introduced in WebTrends 7 has been radically
enhanced. Unlike other browser overlay solutions that provide you with general click- through performance,
SmartView now allows you to precisely identify how different segments of your customer population interact
with different page layouts, calls to action, offers and creative. For example, if you wanted to understand
whether your holiday offer was better received by your pay- per-click Google traffic or your e-mail traffic, you
could simply use SmartView to overlay your success metrics on your holiday promotion landing page and easily
compare which segment drove the most revenue and what the average order size was for each segment. You
could also define a custom segment, such as your “Gold Club” members, and identify how your loyalty program
is performing relative to your general traffic.
Identify how specific visitor segments interact with your key conversion pages, the value of links on the page and how those buyers convert through
your conversion funnel- all in one easy to understand view
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WebTrends 7
What’s New & Cool
Dynamically select the success metrics important to your business
Another important enhancement to SmartView is the ability to dynamically select your success metrics on the fly.
In the past, browser overlay tools allowed you to only measure either basic clickthrough or revenue performance.
Now WebTrends SmartView allows you to choose from up to 20 metrics for any page. This includes the standard
revenue and clickthrough metrics but can also include metrics for other business objectives such as scenario
completion, visit duration, average order size and more.
These enhancements make SmartView extremely interactive, giving you complete control over the segments,
success metrics, and conversion funnels you want to evaluate, all in one understandable view.
Benefits of Dynamic Segments in WebTrends SmartView:
• Optimize your copy, creative and offers to your target segments
• Determine which segments are converting through your web site
• Evaluate page performance by the success metric most important to your business
• Precisely identify which links on the page are most important to your conversion processes
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WebTrends 7
What’s New & Cool
Custom Segments
Define the segments that are uniquely important to your business
Segmentation is the key to increasing repeat business. However, many web analytics solutions only allow you to
segment the hard coded data elements that they track, such as segments based on a traffic source, or a past
purchase. WebTrends 7 now goes beyond pre-defined segmentation with the ability to create unique segments that
are important to your business. Whether you are trying to track customer demographics, psychographics, loyalty
programs, tiered customers or customers in specific verticals, WebTrends provides a seamless process to define,
collect and identify statistically significant trends so you can grow business without wasting marketing dollars.
WebTrends Custom Segments takes advantage of WebTrends Visitor History, the most scalable visitor
repository in the industry. It is capable of tracking hundreds of millions of unique individuals for a single brand.
A Custom Segment can be displayed intuitively in WebTrends SmartView for clickthrough and conversion
behavior on a page-by-page level. Information on Custom Segments can also be easily exported to the new
SmartReports Database for ad hoc reporting (See SmartReports Database). With this power, business users
can compare segment performance side-by-side and identify emerging revenue opportunities.
Benefits of WebTrends Custom Segments:
• Easily define the segments that are important to your business , from hard demographics to softer behavioral
segments unique to your business
• Report on Custom Segment behavior in SmartView to identify conversion behavior down to the page level
• Compare the performance of your Custom Segments in a sophisticated relational database for cross-channel
analysis and OLAP style reporting
Have complete flexibility in defining your own segments and determine how your high-value customers respond to your offers and products.
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WebTrends 7
What’s New & Cool
SmartReports Database
First Automated Client Side Database Reporting that gives you complete control
of your data
The ability to store data in a relational database has become a core web site analytics requirement for many
leading organizations. A strength of traditional software solutions for many years, the ability to analyze
relational data in a hosted service has also been growing in popularity. While great in potential, there have been
many difficulties to hosted data warehousing. Data transmission, privacy considerations, data integration and
report viewing have all been stumbling blocks that current hosted offerings have not been able to solve.
WebTrends SmartReports now features a seamless data transmission process that works easily with a common
standards-based ODBC Database to solve many of these issues. The export process has been made with the business
analyst in mind, through an easy to use wizard that automates the transmission of WebTrends reports and reporting
categories (such as all campaigns). Once the information is in the SmartReports Database, you can create
sophisticated OLAP-style reports with Excel or your favorite business reporting solution like Crystal Reports.
A one click startup
process imports your
WebTrends results into
the SmartReports
Integrating data for a complete picture of business performance
Web analytics data is a rich source of customer information. However, in a multi-channel environment, web
analytics data becomes substantially more valuable when it is integrated with other data sources, such as
product cost data, campaign cost information and point-of-sale information. Integration of data lets you
leverage your database to provide an accurate and complete picture of business performance. The database also
serves as the foundation for Ad Hoc Query and Reporting.
Benefits of the SmartReports Database:
• Create a complete view of business performance across business programs and channels
• Create a complete customer profile to gain a comprehensive understanding of how they interact with your
business across channels
• Develop a rich source of information for ad hoc query and reporting. This serves as the foundation for
comprehensive, easy and fast question-and-answer sessions to ascertain the root cause of change.
• Overcome the hurdles that most hosted data warehouses suffer from by providing a client-side database
completely in your control
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WebTrends 7
What’s New & Cool
Ad-Hoc Query and Reporting
Easily discover answers to your questions-on the fly
Just as your customers expect you to have all the answers, you expect your analytics solution to do the same. Many
web analytics solutions rely on pre-defined reports, which can become a barrier to true question-and-answer
sessions to troubleshoot issues in your business process or to identify segments for future marketing activities and
business creation. To solve this, WebTrends 7 now features an Ad Hoc Query and Reporting solution to drill into
specific reports as well as ad-hoc reporting in the SmartReports Database.
Easy query and reporting wizard
At the heart of every WebTrends report is a new query wizard which allows you to probe deeper into the data. The
drag-and-drop interface allows you to intuitively select dimensions and measures to design new reports on the fly,
without re-analysis. A business user can also set thresholds and conditions on a report item to quickly isolate items
of interest and pinpoint the precise factors that are influencing your web results. The Ad Hoc Query Wizard can
be used on your main WebTrends reports.
Query information on the fly for precise answers to questions you have on your valuable
WebTrends analysis such as campaigns, merchandising and search engines
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WebTrends 7
What’s New & Cool
Query multi-channel information on the fly in the SmartReports Database
Earlier this year, WebTrends announced SmartReports for Microsoft Excel, making it easy to query valuable
WebTrends information quickly. Now WebTrends extends SmartReports with the ability to conduct Ad-Hoc
OLAP style reporting off a standard ODBC database for multi-channel analysis. Analyze customer segments,
integrate campaign information, and understand the effect the web has on offline sales or customer service
costs. Business users across an organization can easily explore information and uncover trends using Excel for
business reporting. Due to the ubiquity of Microsoft Excel, information is easily shared and accessed making it
easy for anyone proficient in Excel to explore multi-channel information. Using Excel, you can also create
calculated metrics or chart performance over time with Excel Pivot Charts.
Benefits of Ad Hoc Query and Reporting:
• Redesign a WebTrends report and set thresholds and limits on the fly to find the precise answers to your
• Integrate cost information, correlate cross-channel information to achieve a complete picture of your business
results and measure ROI
• Identify customer segments that are under-served for future business opportunities
• Integrates seamlessly with Excel, the common reporting tool business users are familiar with
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WebTrends 7
What’s New & Cool
Integrated E-mail Analytics
Pinpoint exactly where your e-mail campaigns are losing customers
Knowing what took place on your web site after launching an e-mail campaign is essential. Finding out how
many consumers opened your e-mail gives you part of the picture—but with ordinary e-mail metrics, it can be
difficult to tie those opens to your online sales. More importantly, wouldn't it be helpful to know how those sales
occurred? WebTrends and ExactTarget have teamed up to create an end to end e-mail analytics solution that
allows you to track everything that happens after the open with complete clickstream and conversion analytics
through to the sale.
See the results right on the e-mail
Identifying the precise factors that are influencing campaign success has never been easier. Use WebTrends SmartView to
see e-mail campaign metrics—such as opens, clickthroughs, and revenue-superimposed directly on your e-mail creative.
This easy-to-access, visual analysis uncovers how your audience responds to page layout, calls to action and copy.
Complete Scenario Analysis from open to sale
After you review your campaign results, you will probably have some more questions: What happened to
customers who opened and clicked through to the site, but didn't buy? Instead of piecing together behavioral
data across applications, WebTrends provides you with a complete conversion funnel detailing overall drop-off
and the subsequent paths taken at each stage of a scenario-from e-mail open to conversion.
Benefits of WebTrends e-mail analytics
• Identify precisely where visitors are dropping out of your conversion processes
• Measure conversion performance with intuitive, visual analysis
• Compare e-mail campaign performance to your other campaigns in one easily interpreted report
Easily measure how your audience is responding to your e-mail creative.
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WebTrends 7
Integrated Search Analytics
Pinpoint the effect that search engine rank has on revenue
Although immensely strategic, search engines have been a difficult marketing component to perfect. While paid
placement has provided the marketer with more control over the performance of specific terms, organic results
and analysis remain elusive. Ever changing, complex search algorithms make it difficult for an organization to
optimize rank. In addition, mapping rank to results has been a manual process at best.
WebTrends 7 changes the game with the first integration of analytics from the leading search optimization
solution in the industry: WebPosition Gold. Now organizations can seamlessly integrate the following metrics
in a single WebTrends SmartReport:
•Search Rank (yours and competitors)
• Scenario Steps (Conversion Rate)
• Average Order Size
• Number of Units Sold
With these metrics and others, you can understand your organic performance with the same level of granularity
and precision that you do your pay-per-click campaigns.
Benefits of WebTrends 7 organic search analytics
• Understand the impact your organic results have on your bottom line
• Identify which terms are worthwhile to continue optimizing for and which aren’t
• Determine if there are words that show enough promise to double-down and execute a paid campaign on the
same or similar word
Clearly identify the return of your natural search campaign with the first report that links natural search rank to revenue
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