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Microsoft FoxPro 2.6 Intensive
At the end of the course the delegate will be able to complete the following:
Database Concepts
The key to a better future
Course No. F1004
5 Days
Understand the definition of a Database
Why use a Database
Understand the benefits of the FoxPro 2.6
Database Management System
Use FoxPro Interactively
Understand the Menu layout
Be aware of the Command window
Use windows and dialogs
Understand the terms Database, Table,
Record, Field, Index and Relation
Configure FoxPro
Change the on/off settings
Change the file and directory locations
Change the International and Miscellaneous
Save the current settings to a .VUE file
Restore settings from an existing .VUE file
Target Audience:
Datafile Basics
This course is designed for new or existing
users of FoxPro, or technical staff who will
be involved in the management of a new
FoxPro system. It provides a fast track
intensive week for those wishing to acquire
FoxPro development skills.
View the Records in a Table
This course does not have any prerequisites, however familiarity with a
computer, mouse and simple DOS/
Windows commands are assumed.
The overall aim of the course is to provide
the delegate with the experience and
knowledge required to design, develop,
implement, manage and maintain a multiuser FoxPro system. By the end of the
course, delegates will have created a system
using the FoxPro approach to programming.
Datafile Management - Work Areas
The VIEW window
Open Tables in work areas
Select a particular Table
Use the Browse option to view and modify
Modify the Browse layout to see selected
Use both Browse and Change displays
Navigating a Table
Understand the record focus
Move to the next, previous, top, bottom or
specified record
Search for one or more records matching
specific criteria
Datafile Analysis
Count the number of records in a table that
match specific criteria
Summate or average values in tables
Carry out more calculations on tables,
including finding maximum and minimum
Create and Use Indexes
Create simple ascending and descending
indexes by modifying the record structure
Apply indexes to change the record order
Create complex indexes using the Modify
index dialogue
Find and retrieve records using the index
Create and Use Relations
Establish Relational links between tables
Use and test a One to Many relation
Use and test a Many to One relation
Create Tables and Modify
Set up a Database table structure
Set a Field list
Set a Filter
Know the Data Types and when to use them
Create Reports with the
Report Designer
Create simple reports using the Quick
Report option
Understand and Modify report layouts
Move and align report objects
Use the Text tool, Field tool, Line and Box
tools to enhance the design
Change Fonts and Font sizes and styles
Include calculated fields in the report
Add additional group or summary bands
Output Reports
Preview report output
Send reports to a printer
Set printer options
Use the Relational Query By
Select input information
Select output information
Sort information
Summarize information
Group information
Output to screens, reports or graphs
Link to datafiles
Using Multiple Related Databases
Use the Application
Walk through the steps in generating an
application with the application generator
Run the application and be aware of the
functions provided and interface issues
Understand its limitations, and how to
enhance the application
Use Wizards
Use Wizards to create tables, reports and
Understand the limitations of Wizards
Modify the result of the Wizard
Elementary Programming
The xBASE Command Language
System Configuration Commands
Setting the environment
Understand command syntax
Use the help screen
Use the command reference manual
Datafile Management
Use the command line to manipulate
Write a program to set up the environment,
open tables, set the index order and set
Use General Command
Use the SCOPE options
Use the FOR and WHILE clauses
Use field lists
Use Key words to modify a command
Memory Variables
Assign Memory Variables with the Store
Use and know the different data types
Use variables in commands
Display the values stored in variables
Display Foxpro memory
Save sets of memory variables to a file using
optional wildcards and clauses
Restore variables from a file
FoxPro Functions
Use FoxPro Functions within FoxPro commands
Understand the additional scope and
functionality available by using functions in
FoxPro Expressions
Use the FoxPro expression builder to store
complex expressions into variables
Use the EVALUATE function to make program
commands more flexible
Use macro substitution as the ultimate tool
Use referencing to enable expressions to be
used where names are expected in the
command syntax
The BROWSE Command
Use the browse command and key words to
protect tables
Use key words to store browse formats so that
they can be reused
Use field clauses to protect and validate fields
Include fields from other related tables
Use expressions to calculate or derive new
columns in the Browse
Structured Programming
Use essential Programming Standards
Write programs using conditional and code
Write programs using iterative code structures
Use the Immediate IF function
Procedures and Sub-routines
Understand the compile option
Store and run programs as .PRG text files
Store and run sub-routines using different
Pass Parameters into
Pass parameters to programs and subroutines
Assign Public and Private Memory Variables
Be aware of modular coding techniques
User Defined Functions
Write User Defined Functions (UDFs)
Use UDFs in FoxPro commands to extend
FoxPro’s functionality
Change the parameter passing method for
UDFs and procedures
Using The Debug Tools
Use the Debug window to check the value of
variables, fields or expressions
Set a breakpoint against a change in value
Use the Trace window to follow a programs
execution or to see the command that has just
caused a breakpoint
Set a breakpoint against a command line so
that program execution suspends
Use FoxDoc
Create formatted programs
Document program hierarchies, variable cross
references etc
Import and Export Data
Copy records to new tables
Copy records to different file formats
Limit the records & fields selected for import
Add records from other tables
Add records from different file formats
Limit the records & fields selected for export
Program Screen Commands
Understand the commands used to program
screen display and input
Use the Read command
Code a Simple Data Input screen
Use advanced GET and READ parameters
Define Windows with specified properties
Use the Screen Designer
Create a data review screen using the quick
screen option
Generate a screen program from the screen
Screen Controls and Screen
Use a utility Toolbox to control screens
Projects and Applications
Use the Project tool to aid development
Understand the different components of a
Add elements to a project
Benefit from options stored with screens as
part of a screen set
Build a Project
Create Menus
Understand the commands to program menus
Use the Menu designer to generate Menu
Keyboard Short-cuts and Disabling Options
Integrating Menus With Procedures And
Attaching Edit Screens
Screen Controls and Screen
Screen Sets
Screen controls
Projects and Applications
Building the Project.
Code Snippets & Event Driven
Screen Events
Field Events
Read Events
Creating Standard User Entry Screens with
PopUp Validation
Append And Delete Validation
Screen Design
Push Buttons
Check Boxes
Radio Buttons
Report Generation Using
Related Datafiles
Using Memory Variables in a Report
Advanced Screens, Screen Sets
Browse Window Control of a Screen Set
Hand Coding Menus
Database Implementation
Use of Entities, Relationships
and Attributes
Database Design
Eliminate Duplicate Entities
Eliminate Duplicate Relationships
Tidy the Diagram
Primary and Foreign Keys
The Design Process
System Overview
Entity Descriptions
Entity Relationships
Entity Modelling
Primary, Secondary and Foreign Keys
Additional Fields
Field Types
Create the Database
Primary Index
Further Design Issues
Rushmore Datafile Access
How Rushmore Changed The Way We
New Index Structures
Commands used with compound indexes.
How Rushmore Works.
Query By Example - SQL
Queries Using Multiple Related Databases
Project Management
User Requirement
Functional Specification
Database Design
Functional Design
Corporate Data Management
Applications & Executable
The Controlling READ
Distribution Options
Generating Applications
Modify the properties of the FoxPro icon
and add the name of the application file
after the FOXPROW command
Networking FoxPro
Configuring FoxPro
Programming Considerations
Memory variables in screens
The Use of Arrays from within Screens
One to Many Relationships
Cyclical Relationships
Use the Screen Generator to
Create Screens
Know when to use Push Buttons, Check
Boxes, Radio Buttons, Popups, Lists and
Use the above devices and use options in
the corresponding dialogues to modify their
appearance and behaviour
Use text Edit regions for Memo or large
Character fields
Use the Disable option to protect fields
Use the Say or Output form for read only
Avoid problems with saving the
environment in a screen
Create Screen Sets
Generate a data screen with a utility
Add generic functions to the toolbar
Modify the Screen using
the Layout Options
Specify a name and title for the
Change the default window type to a
Dialog window, an Alert window or a
Change the default window properties,
eg. the window may or may not
Minimize, Float, have borders, Close
Set the window font options
Set the window background colour or
Use Code Snippets
Add code to validate fields
Add code to protect fields
Add messages to appear in the status
Add error messages to be displayed if
field validation fails
Code commands to be processed
before the screen is written
Code commands to be processed after
the screen closes down
Use popup validation for foreign keys
Use Options to Control
the Screen Generator
Use options to include or exclude code
for opening and closing tables, defining
windows, releasing windows
Select options to change the READ
Select options to choose platform
independent code
Use Event Driven
Programming Techniques
Use the code snippets to handle
specific events during the program
Understand the sequence of Field
Events and Read Events
Validate Data on Entry
Write routines to provide field level
Write routines to provide record level
Append and Delete
Create and use routines for adding and
deleting records to maintain data
Advanced Screens, Screen
Integrate the BROWSE window with
screen sets
Include more than one data screen
from related tables
Use Memory variables in data entry
Error Handling
Trap Errors
Store information to aid error recovery
or correction
Write error handling routines
Help Options
Select Windows style or FoxPro style Help
Create a user defined help file
Code Context sensitive help
Use See Also lists in a Help topic
Networking FoxPro
Understand FoxPro’s automatic locks
Consider the implications of multi-user systems
and the requirement for optimistic or
pessimistic locking
Configure FoxPro for multi-user applications
Use record locking and file locking functions
and commands
Write a program using record locking
Optimise Code
Code commands to run with Optimised speed
Avoid expressions and clauses that will make a
command Non Optimisable
SQL Programming
Use the SELECT Command
Use options not available with RQBE
Optimize SQL Queries
Use the SQL INSERT command
Use the SQL CREATE TABLE command
Create and use temporary cursor files
Use and Manipulate Arrays
Set up arrays
Fill arrays from tables, records, queries or
assign individual elements
Use list and popup devices
Build Applications &
Executable Files
The Controlling READ
Distribution Options
Use the project management tools to assist the
development cycle
Generating Applications
Modify the properties of the FoxPro icon
Generate Executable files from a project using
the FoxPro Distribution Kit
for further information…
call us on
0800 169 1890
3 Kelso Place
Upper Bristol Road
Fax: 01225 444728
[email protected]
For the latest available price,
please see the course page on,
or call 01225 336096.
Maximum of 6 people on each
course at F1’s training facilities
in London and Bath