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YEAR 2013
1. Discuss the following: (10)
(a) Entity
(b) Attribute
(c) Fox Pro
(d) View
2. Write a program in Fox Pro to print a series of natural numbers from given two numbers (start and end). (10)
3. How will you create a report in FoxPro? Write down its features and process for creation of a report.(10)
4. How many data types are available in Fox Pro? Explain with example. (10)
5. Differentiate between: (10)
(a) Delete and Pack
(b) Change and Replace
(c) Find and Seek
(d) Skip and Go to
6. (a) What is DBMS? Explain Table, Record and Field. (5)
(b) What is an Index file? Explain the advantages of index command over sort command. (5)
7. (a) Explain the term Median. Calculate the median of following numbers: (5)
42 , 23 , 14 , 18 , 10
(b) What is Mode? Calculate the mode of the following numbers: (5)
16 , 17 , 18 , 22 , 25
8. Define Mean Deviation. Find the Mean Deviation about the Median in respect of the following numbers and
also find the co-efficient of Mean Deviation: (10)
55 , 88 , 35 , 73 , 47 , 54 , 99 , 18 , 44 , 61
YEAR 2012
1. Discuss the following: (10)
(a) Domain
(b) Database
(c) Fox Pro
(d) Tuple
2. Write a program in FoxPro to print the first 20 pallindromic numbers. Produce a well-formatted output. (10)
3. What are the methods used for ordering records in Fox Pro ? Explain. (10)
4. Explain the following commands: (10)
(a) Day
(b) Zap
(c) Space
(d) Recall
5. Explain Data and Information. How data is a valuable resource for an organization? Explain the different data
collection approaches. (10)
6. Differentiate between: (10)
(c) SKIP and GOTO
(d) FIND and SEEK
7. (a) Define Standard Deviation. Calculate the Standard Deviation of the following marks of 5 students in
Mathematatics: (5)
14, 15, 16, 18, 20
(b) Explain the following: (5)
(i) Median
(ii) Mode.
8. Define Mean Deviation. Find the Mean Deviation about the Median in represent of the following
numbers: (10)
44, 77, 25, 83, 37, 64, 99, 27, 55, 71
Also find the co-efficient of Mean Deviation.
YEAR 2011
1. Discuss the following: (10)
(i) Tables
(ii) Database
(iii) Viewing a data
(iv) Editing a data
2. Write a program in FoxPro to print the first 10 print numbers. Produce a well-formatted output. (10)
3. Explain the need of "index" in database. How index and sorting are important? Explain with sample data.(10)
4. Explain the different steps for creating a report for "EMPLOYEE" in FoxPro. How can this report is
valuable? (10)
5. Explain the following commands: (10)
(i) ZAP
(ii) TRIM
(iii) DAY
(iv) FIND
(v) SPACE.
6. What do you mean by "DATA" and "INFORMATION”? Discuss primary data and secondary data with their
sources and usability. (10)
7. Define histogram. Draw histogram to present the following data: (10)
Age No. of Student
14-16 20
16-18 32
18-20 25
20-22 10
22-24 08
8. (a) Explain the following:
(i) Standard deviation
(ii) Mean deviation
(iii) Regression
(b) Calculate the following standard deviation from the following distribution:
Class frequency
0-4 5
4-8 2
8-12 8
12-16 19
16-20 11
YEAR 2009
1. Fill in the blanks : (1×10=10)
(a)Data stored on disks can be accessed in either a direct or ______ ways.
(b)____command removes all records from the current table.
(c)A _____file has a .dbc extension and can contain one or more tables, views, stored procedure, etc.
(d)File is a collection of ______ data.
(e)The ______ function converts a character expression to uppercase.
(f)In report designer window, it adds____ menu.
(g)Records which specifies a single record by its ______number.
(h)The table structure can be changed by executing _____ command from command window.
(i)______ are lines and boxes, that we draw to enhance a report.
(j)The forms in visual FoxPro take_______ extension.
2. Write a program in FoxPro which will display the first 20 natural numbers and their sum. Produce a wellformatted output. (10)
3. Write sort notes on : (10)
(b)Page Header
(c)Page Footer
(d)Memory Variable
4. (a) List out three uses of browse command. (5)
(b) What is the difference between list and locate command? (5)
5. (a) How to start a visual FoxPro? Write down the steps. (5)
(b) (i) What is sort and index command?
(ii) What is master and transaction file? (5)
6. Discuss, in brief, different methods of collecting statistical data. (10)
7. Draw histogram to present the following data: (10)
Income (Rs) No. of Individuals
100-150 21
150-200 32
200-250 52
250-300 105
300-350 62
350-400 43
400-450 18
450-500 9
8. Calculate the mean and standard deviation for the following data: (10)
Marks : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
No. of Students (Xi) : 2 10 12 18 4
9. (a) What is regression coefficient? (2)
(b) Find a given bivariate data
∑▒X=60, ∑▒Y=40, ∑▒X^2 =4160, ∑▒Y^2 =1720, ∑▒X Y=1150, n=10
Find the equation of two regression lines. (8)
10. In Mendel's experiment with peas, he observed 315 round and yellow, 108 round and green, 101 wrinkled and
yellow, and 32 wrinkled and green. According to his theory of heredity, the numbers should be in the
proportion of 9:3:3:1. Is there any evidence to doubt his theory @ 0.01 level of significance?