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1|Quick Manual User Management | Photo Supreme
This documentation is provided or made accessible "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" and without condition,
endorsement, guarantee, representation, or warranty of any kind and IDimager Systems assumes no
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IDimager System reserves the right to periodically change information that is contained in this documentation
© 2013 IDimager Systems
2|Quick Manual User Management | Photo Supreme
Photo Supreme is “Digital Asset Management” software. Photo Supreme makes it possible
to manage your image files by categorizing them. It will categorize the files based on the
available details of the file, this includes technical photo details, but also the location of the
file on disk, etc. Apart from those properties you can add tags to the images, enrich the files
with descriptions, or add custom information. This may sound like a very time-consuming
task, but once you’ve worked yourself through that, you will benefit from the many
advantages. With Photo Supreme at hand you will be able to quickly retrieve your images
using all kinds of criteria or combinations.
The PostgreSQL version of Photo Supreme Server is available for Windows as well as
MacOSX platforms. As its name suggests, this version uses the popular open source database
system PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL, is a free and open-source object-relational database
management system with an emphasis on extensibility and standards-compliance. As a
database server, its primary function is to store data, securely and supporting best practices,
and retrieve it later, as requested by other software applications, be it those on the same
computer or those running on another computer across a network (including the Internet). It
can handle workloads ranging from small single-machine applications to large Internet-facing
applications with many concurrent users. Recent versions also provide replication of the
database itself for security and scalability. [source: WikiPedia]
The SQLServer version of Photo Supreme Server is only available for Windows and MacOSX
platforms and, as its name suggests, uses Microsoft SQLServer as the database system.
Microsoft SQLServer is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft
Inc. The database software requires a Windows operating system. With Photo Supreme you
can connect to the database from Windows and MacOSX operated systems. As a database,
SQLServer is a software product whose primary function is to store and retrieve data as
requested by other software applications, be it those on the same computer or those
running on another computer across a network (including the Internet). There are at least a
dozen different editions of Microsoft SQL Server aimed at different audiences and for
different workloads (ranging from small applications that store and retrieve data on the
same computer, to millions of users and computers that access huge amounts of data from
the Internet at the same time). [source: WikiPedia]
This manual assumes that you have already successfully installed either PostgreSQL or
SQLServer and Photo Supreme Server and that you can start Photo Supreme and connect to
the database. The manual describes how to administrate Photo Supreme when there are
multiple users who connect to the database.
Photo Supreme allows you to grant access to multiple users and each user can get his/her
own role in the application. The application supports three types of user roles.
1. The Administrator role
© 2013 IDimager Systems
3|Quick Manual User Management | Photo Supreme
The Administrator role is the type of user who typically administers the database,
installs updates, creates/updates/deletes users, assigns user roles, runs backups and
restores. The Administrator role is unrestricted when it comes to Photo Supreme
2. The Catalog Manager role
The Catalog Manager role is the type of user who is responsible for the content of the
database. The Catalog Manager can perform every task inside the application, except
for system maintenance tasks like install updates, run backups/restores, manage
3. The Catalog Browser role
The Catalog Browser role is the type of user who can only “view” the content of the
database as created by the Catalog Manager(s). A user with the Catalog Browser role
is not allowed to alter the content of the database.
To access the User Management feature: select Tools -> User Management from the
application’s main menu.
As you, as the main administrator, logs in for the first time you use the default login
password: master2004. It is highly recommended that you now first change your password
to something private. Change the password by right clicking on the user row and select
“Reset Password” from the context menu.
© 2013 IDimager Systems
4|Quick Manual User Management | Photo Supreme
Now enter your new password, verify it with a repeated password and click OK to store the
new password.
Create a new user
Creating a new user can be done by clicking the plus (+) button in the lower left corner.
Enter the details of the new user.
User name
Enter the login name of the new user. Choose this name carefully
because it can’t be changed afterwards.
User Password
By default a new user uses the password welcome. Don’t be
confused by the displayed length of the dots in this field as they
don’t represent the length of the password
Full Name
Enter the complete name of the user.
Access Level
Assign the appropriate role to the user
© 2013 IDimager Systems
5|Quick Manual User Management | Photo Supreme
Deleting a user is a matter of right clicking on the user and delete “Delete this User” from
the context menu. When a user is deleted, the content of that user is migrated to the main
administrator, so nothing will be lost.
Photo Supreme is licensed on a per concurrent user base, meaning that for each user that
concurrently logs in, a license is required. Concurrent Users means “simultaneously logged in
users”. So if your department or business has 20 employees that need access to the catalog,
but only 5 will do so concurrently then you’ll only need 5 licenses. The application will
maintain the licenses that you purchased. As the administrator you add each purchased
license to the license pool. Then when a user logs in, the application will assign a license
from the license pool to that user. And when the user disconnects again from the
application, the license is released to the pool and is then available for the next user.
The Main Administrator License
The main administrator (you?) will need your own license and this is a dedicated license, not
used in the Pool. Pick any of your licenses to become the main administrator license. Then
download this license file from the User Control Panel at Copy this
license file to your Windows Documents folder and start the application. If there is no main
admin license in the database yet then it will now automatically be read from the Windows
Documents folder. Once the license is in the database, you can’t remove it. The license file in
the Documents folder is no longer needed (unless for your archiving purposes).
The License Pool
The User Management dialog displayed the number of licenses in the Pool and how many
licenses are currently in use or available.
© 2013 IDimager Systems
6|Quick Manual User Management | Photo Supreme
Let’s get your User licenses in the Pool. After purchase you’ve receive your (series of)
licenses in the User Control Panel at Download each of the licenses
there and store them to a temporary folder on your hard drive.
To read your licenses to the database, click the button “Load User Licenses”. A file selection
dialog opens. Navigate to the folder that contains your licenses and select each of the
licenses (you can select them in one go in the dialog). Then click “Open” to import the
licenses to the Pool.
Now as the authorized user start to login,
they temporarily get a license assigned
from the Pool. You monitor the counts in
the User Management dialog. Please be
aware that the counts update with a short
delay of two minutes.
© 2013 IDimager Systems