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Bilkent University
Engineering Faculty
Department of Computer Engineering
Database Management Systems
CS 353
Project Proposal
Group 02
Umut Utku ÇALIŞ – 21000227
Mustafa Enes KARACA - 21000276
Mustafa Taylan ÖZBAY -21001760
1.Application System
Tourism Agency Management System is DBMS (Database Management System) .
Our project uses DBMS to do all actions related to tourism agency . To implement this
system , we will use SQL language . We will develop a website to connect the SQL . All the
relationships in Tourism Agency Management System are :
- Many clients can make reservations , join the many tours and stay at different places and
hotels in a different time . They can also choose their rooms among possible room options .
- A client has a unique ID, a contact ,an address, an age and an entrance password and a name
(which is a multi-valued attribute with the first and last names)
- An agent has a unique ID, a contact , an entrance password , a total salary ,an address , an
office , a name and an age as attributes ..
-A hotel has a unique ID , name of hotel , number of stars , a rating , total capaciy , an adress
, information about hotel and a contact . We will also show which rooms in hotel are empty at
specified dates . We will certainly not permit to one person to make reservations for different
hotels at same date .
- A room has a room number , type which shows that room is single or double , price , extra
expenditure for room and phone number which is a multi-valued attribute . We will certainly
not permit to one person to make reservations for different rooms at same date .
-A tour has a unique id , starting date (which is a multi-valued attribute with the day , month
and year) , maxium capacity , price , transportation , information about tour and name of tour.
Clients can only join one tour between same dates .
- A transaction has a transaction number , a date which is a multi-valued attribute with the
day, month and year . A reservation is the subsection of transaction and it has a due date date
which is a multi-valued attribute with the day, month and year . Clients can only make one
reservation between same dates . A purchase is also the subsection of transaction and it has
amount as attribute .
In Tourism Agency Management System , we need to store many entities such as
list of agencies , clients , , hotels , rooms in hotels , tours, purchases and reservations .
Hence, to do this storing , we certainly need to use database management system . Using
DBMS makes our work easier , because it provides concurrent access, central data
administration and data security . Concurrent Access provides that one user change data
directly without waiting other users . DBMS also provides efficient creating views with the
help of tables , their attributes and relational models .
3. Requirements and Limitations
3.1 Functional Requirements
Functional requirements of Tourism Agency Management System are :
- System will have an interface to add or remove agencies to be stored or deleted .
- System will use a root user to do actions related with tourism agency when agency is
created .
- System will have an interface to add or remove clients .
- System will have an interface to add or remove hotels .
- System will have an interface to add tours to agency or remove .
- System will have an interface for customer to make reservations by choosing start
date , tour name , hotel and room or cancelling the reservation .
- System will have an interface for customer to purchase a tour by choosing start date ,
or cancelling the joined tour .
- System will have an interface for users to sign in or sign up .
- System will have an interface for customer to choose a room among empty rooms to
stay .
3.2 Non - Functional Requirements
Non- Functional requirements of Tourism Agency Management System are :
- The system can list the possible tours with start dates .
- The system can list the hotels in a specified tour .
- The system can list the empty rooms in a specified hotel and between specified
dates .
- The system can list the transactions of specified client stored in a database .
- The system can list the purchases of specied clients .
- The system can list the all clients of specied agency .
- The system can list the reservations of specified client .
3.3 Limitations
- Each user has limiting access to make changes on parts of our system . Agency can add or
remove tours and hotels Clientss can make reservations and join tours by purchasing . They
can choose hotel and room according to options .
- We will have twotypes of users in our system such as agency and client .
-Client can not join a tour which has maximum number of customer and can not make
reservations on full hotels or rooms .
- A customer can not see other customer’s reservations or purchases and information about
agency .
- Customer can not make more than one reservation between same dates .
-Customer can not join more than one tour between same dates .
- Customer can not stay different hotels and rooms between same dates.
3.4 Constraints
System will make queries in a 10 second
- System will be web based and written in PHP .
- System will have SQL implementation for relational models .
- We will also provide efficient GUI to system by using XHTML and Javascript .
Conceptual Design using ER Model