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Master of Science in Information Technology (M.Sc-IT)
Detailed Syllabi:
MSc.IT - First Semester
Questions to be set:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Questions to be answered:
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Introduction to computers: Computer – Definitions, The evolution of computers,
characteristics of computers, Organization of a Computer.
Computer Generation & Classifications: Generation of Computer, Classification of
Computers, Distributed Computer System, Parallel Computers.
Computer Memory: Memory System, Memory Cells, Memory Arrays, Random Access
Memory (RAM), Read Only Memory (ROM), External Memory (Secondary Memory),
Floppy Disk Drives, Compact Disk Read Only Memory, Magnetic Storage Drives, Physical
Devices Used to construct Memories.
Introduction to computer software: Computer Software, Overview of operating systems,
Overview of application software, Overview of proprietary software, Overview of open source
Software Development, Design and Testing: Software Development, Analysis and Design,
Coding, Software Testing, Software Paradigms, Programming Methods, Software
Operating System concepts: Operating System Concepts, Functions of Operating System,
Development of Operating System, Operating System Components, Operating System
Services, Operating Systems for Different Computers.
Communication system concepts: Basic elements of communication system, Data
Communication, Network Types, OSI Reference Model, Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet protocol Model, Internet.
Page No.: 1
1. Alex Leon & Mathews Leon (2009). Fundamentals of Information Technology. Leon Tech
2. Gupta Vikas (2004). Comdex Computer Ki. Wiley Dreamtech. Delhi.
3. Sinha P. K. & Sinha Priti (2004). Computer Fundamentals. BPB Publications.
4. Levine R John, Levine Young Margaret, Osborne (2001). Windows XP: the complete
reference. McGraw.
5. Ram. B (2000). Computer fundamentals: architecture and organization. New Age
6. Stallings William (2010). Data and Computer Communications. 9th Edition.
7. Raman. V Raja (1998). Introduction to Computers. PHI.
8. Miller Michael (2007). Absolute Beginner's Guide to Computer Basics. Que Publishing
9. Wells Dolores (2009).Computer Concepts Basics. Course Technology.
Page No.: 2
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Data Structures Basics: Structure and Problem Solving, Data Structures, Data Structure
Operations, Algorithm: Complexity and Time- Space Tradeoff.
Algorithm – Complexity Notations: Mathematical Notation and Functions, Algorithm
Notation, Control Structures, Complexity of Algorithm, Rate of Growth- Asymptotic Notation.
Linked List: Linked List and its representation in memory, Traversing a Linked List, Searching
a Linked List, Memory Allocation and Garbage Collection, Insertion into Linked list, Deletion
from a Linked list, Types of Linked List.
Stacks and Queues: Stack, Applications of Stack, Queue.
Trees and Binary Trees: Tree: Definition and Concepts, 3
Binary Tree: Definition and
Concepts, Types of Binary Tree, Traversal on Binary Tree, Representation of Binary Tree.
Binary Search Tree: Conversion of General Tree to Binary Tree, Sequential and Other
Representations of Binary Tree, Concept of Binary Search Tree (BST), Operations on BST.
Balanced Trees: Definition and Structure of AVL Tree, Operations on AVL Tree, Definition
and Structure of B-Tree, Operations on B-Tree, Applications of B-Tree.
Graphs: Basic Concepts about Graphs, Matrix Representation of Graphs, List Structures,
Other Representations of Graphs, Algorithms for Graph Traversal, Spanning Trees.
Applications of Graphs: Topological Sorting, Weighted Shortest Path – Dijkstra’s Algorithm,
Minimum Spanning Tree (MST), Introduction to NP-Completeness.
Dynamic Storage Management: Dynamic Storage Management, Memory Management,
First-fit Storage Allocation, Storage Release, Buddy Systems, Garbage Collection.
Page No.: 3
Searching and Sorting Techniques: Sorting- Notations and concepts, Bubble sort, Merge
sort, Selection sort, Heap sort; Searching- Sequential searching, Binary searching.
File Structures: External Storage Devices, Introduction to File Organization, Sequential Files,
Indexed Sequential Files, Direct Files.
External Sorting Techniques: External Sorting- Run lists, Tape sorting; Sorting on Disks,
Generating Extended Initial Runs.
External Searching Techniques: External Searching, Introduction to Static Hashing,
Dynamic Hashing Techniques.
1. Jean-Paul Tremblay Paul G. Sorenson (1991). An Introduction to Data Structures with
Applications, Adarsh printers, The McGraw-Hill.
2. Seymour Lipschutz (2006). Data Structures, Pashupati printers, Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. Patel R. B. (2000).Expert Data Structures with C, New Delhi, Khanna Book Publishing co.
4. D. Samanta (2006) Classic Data Structures, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India private Ltd.
Page No.: 4
Questions to be set:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Questions to be answered:
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Introduction to Java: Introduction, history of Java, Features of Java, Java Development Kit
(JDK), Security in Java.
Java Basics: Keywords, Working of Java, Including Comments, Data Types in Java,
Variables in Java, Using Classes in Java, Declaring Methods in Java, Code to Display Test
Value, The main() Method, Invoking a Method in Java, Saving, Compiling and Executing Java
Operators and Control Statements: Operators, Control Flow Statements.
Arrays and Strings: Arrays, String Handling, Special String Operations, Character Extraction,
String Comparison, Searching Strings, String Modification, StringBuffer.
Inheritance, Package and Interface: Inheritance, Packages Defining a Package,
Understanding CLASSPATH; Interface- Defining an Interface, Some Uses of Interfaces,
Interfaces versus Abstract Classes.
Exception Handling: Definition of an Exception, Exception Classes, Common Exceptions,
Exception Handling Techniques.
Streams in Java: Streams Basics, The Abstract Streams, Stream Classes, Readers and
Writers, Random Access Files, Serialization.
Applets: What are Applets?, The Applet Class, The Applet and HTML, Life Cycle of an Applet,
The Graphics Class, Painting the Applet, User Interfaces for Applet, Adding Components to
user interface, AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit) Controls.
Event Handling: Components of an Event, Event Classes, Event Listener, Event-Handling,
Adapter Classes, Inner Classes, Anonymous Classes.
Page No.: 5
Swing: Concepts of Swing, Java Foundation Class (JFC), Swing Packages and Classes,
Working with Swing – An Example, Swing Components.
Java Data Base Connectivity: Java Data Base Connectivity, Database Management,
Mechanism for connecting to a back end database, Loading the ODBC driver.
RMI, CORBA and Java Beans: Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Common Object Request
Broker Architecture (CORBA), Java Beans.
Networking in Java: Networking in Java, URL Objects.
Java Server Pages and Servlets: Java Server Pages (JSP)- What is needed to write JSP
based web application?, How does JSP look?, How to test a JSP?;, Servlets- History of Web
Application, Web Architecture, Servlet Life Cycle.
1. Cole Brain, Eckstein Robert, Elliott James, Loy Marc , Wood David. Java™ Swing. 2nd
2. Dr. Pantham Raj Sathya . Pure JFC swing-A code intensive premium reference.
3. Joe Weber(1998). Using Java 1.2, 4th edition, Que.
4. Herbert Schildt. The Complete Reference Java2, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill.
5. Sierra kathy, Bates Bert, Head First Java, 2nd Edition, O’Reilly Media.
6. Horstmann S Cay, Cornell Gary, Core Java 2- Vol I and Vol II, Java series, Sun
Microsystems Press, Prentice-Hall.
Page No.: 6
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Software Development Approaches: Evolving Role of Software, Software Characteristics,
Software Applications.
Software Design Processes: Software Engineering, Definitions of Software Engineering, The
Serial or Linear Sequential Development Model, Iterative Development Model, The
incremental Development Model, The Parallel or Concurrent Development Model, Hacking.
Software Reliability: Introduction to Software Reliability, Software reliability metrics,
Programming for Reliability- Fault avoidance, Fault tolerance; Software Reuse.
Software Design Principles: Introduction to Software Design, System Models-data -flow
model, Semantic data models, Object models; Data Dictionaries, Software Design- The design
process, Design Methods, Design description, Design strategies, Design quality; Architectural
Design- System structuring, Control models, Modular decomposition, Domain-specific
Object Oriented Design :Introduction to Object Oriented Design, Object Oriented DesignObjects, Object Classes & Inheritance, Object identification, An object-oriented design
example, Object aggregation; Service Usage, Object Interface Design- Design evolution,
Function oriented design, Data –flow design; Structural Decomposition- Detailed design.
Configuration Management: Introduction to Configuration Management, Change
Management, Version and Release Management- Version identification, Release
management, Version management tools; Software Maintenance- The maintenance process,
System documentation, Maintenance costs, Maintainability measurement; Software
Reengineering, Software Refactoring.
Software Testing Techniques: Software Testing Fundamental, Testing Principles, White Box
Testing, Control Structure Testing, Black Box Testing, Boundary Value Analysis, Testing GUIs,
Testing Documentation and Help Facilities.
Page No.: 7
Software Testing Assurance: Verification and Validation- Validation Testing, Validation Test
Criteria; Test Plan- Test Documentation; Test Strategies- Top-Down Testing, Bottom-Up
Testing, Thread testing, Stress testing , Back-to-back testing; Principles of Testing, Testing
methods and tools- Testing through reviews, Black-box testing (Functional testing), White box
testing (glass-box testing), Testing software changes; Additional requirements in testing OO
Systems, System Testing, Acceptance Testing, Regression testing , Metrics Collection,
Computation, and Evaluation, Test and QA plan, Managing Testing Functions.
Software Testing Strategies: Introduction to Software Testing Strategies, Organizing for
software testing, Software Testing Strategy, Unit Testing- Unit Test Considerations; Top-down
Integration, Bottom-up Integration.
Case Study: System Requirements, Architectural Alternatives.
1. Pressman Roger. Software Engineering. McGraw Hill, Fifth Edition
2. Jalote Pankaj. An Integrated Approach To Software Engineering.Narosa
3. W. S. Jawadekar. Software Engineering.TMH.
4. Mall. R. "Fundamentals of Software Engineering", Prentice Hall of India
5. Behferooz & Hudson F. J.Software Engineering Fundamentals. Oxford University Press
6. Pfleeger. S. L. Software Engineering Theory and Practice. Pearson Education
7. Peter James. Software Engineering An Engineering Approach. John Wiley
8. Sommerville Ian. Software Engineering. Pearson Education
A sample list of exercises is given below. The list is not exhaustive.
Exercise 1:“Hello World” Program
Exercise 2: Arithmetic Operations
Exercise 3: Largest of ‘n’ Numbers
Exercise 4: Matrix Multiplication
Exercise 5: Reversing a Given String
Exercise 6: Using Recursion
Exercise 7: Implementation of Inheritance
Exercise 8: Exception Handling
Exercise 9: File Handling
Exercise 10: Applet Programming
Page No.: 8
MSc.IT - Second Semester
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Operating System – An Introduction:- Definition and functions of Operating System,
Evolution of Operating Systems-Simple Batch Operating Systems, Multi-programmed Batched
Operating Systems, Time- Sharing operating Systems, Personal Computer Operating
Systems, Multi-processor Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, Real-Time Systems;
Operating system structures-Layered approach, The kernel based approach, The virtual
machine approach.
Operating System Architecture: Operating System as an Extended Machine, Layered
Approach, Micro-Kernels, UNIX Kernel Components, Modules,Introduction to Virtual
Machines, Virtual Environment & Machine Aggregation,Implementation Techniques.
Process Management: Process, Process State, Process Control Block, Process Scheduling,
Operation on processes, Co-operating Processes, Threads.
CPU Scheduling Algorithms: Basic Concepts of Scheduling: CPU-I/O Burst Cycle.
CPU Scheduler, Pre-emptive / non pre-emptive scheduling, Dispatcher, Scheduling Criteria;
Scheduling Algorithms, First come First Served Scheduling, Shortest-Job-First Scheduling,
Priority Scheduling. Round-Robin Scheduling, Multilevel Queue Scheduling, Multilevel
Feedback Queue Scheduling, Multiple-Processor Scheduling, Real-Time Scheduling;
Evaluation of CPU Scheduling Algorithms-Deterministic Modelling, Queuing Models,
Simulations, Implementation.
Process Synchronization: Inter process Communication; Basic Structure, Naming: Direct
Communication; Indirect Communication, Buffering; The Critical-section problem: Two
Process Solution; Multiple Process Solutions; Semaphores; Monitors; Hardware Assistance.
Deadlocks: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Deadlock Handling; Deadlock
Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance-Safe State, Resource-Allocation Graph Algorithm, Banker’s
Algorithm; Deadlock Detection-Single Instance of a Resource, Multiple Instances of a
Resource, Recovery from Deadlock.
Page No.: 9
Memory Management: Logical versus Physical Address Space Swapping; Contiguous
Allocation-Single partition Allocation, Multiple Partition Allocation, Fragmentation; PagingConcept of paging, Page Table Implementation; Segmentation-Concept of Segmentation,
Segmentation Hardware, External Fragmentation.
Virtual Memory: Need for Virtual Memory Technique; Demand Paging; Page Replacement;
Page Replacement Algorithms-FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm, Optimal Algorithm; LRU
page Replacement Algorithm; Thrashing-Causes for Thrashing, Working Set Model, Page
Fault Frequency.
File System Interface and Implementation: Concept of a File- Attributes of a File,
Operations on Files, Types of Files; Structure of File; File Access Methods-Sequential Access,
Direct Access, Indexed Sequential Access; Directory Structure: Single Level Directory, Two
Level Directory; Tree Structured Directories; Allocation Methods- Contiguous allocation,
Linked allocation, Indexed allocation, Performance comparison; Free Space Management,
Directory Implementation.
Input-Output Architecture: I/O Structure, I/O Control Strategies-Program controlled I/O,
Interrupt-controlled I/O, Direct memory access; The I/O Address Space.
Operating Systems in Distributed Processing: Centralized and Distributed Processing,
Network Operating System (NOS) Architecture, Functions of NOS, Global Operating System
(GOS), Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Distributed File Management.
Security and Protection: Attacks on Security, Computer Worms, Computer Virus, Security
Design Principles, Authentication, Protection Mechanism, Encryption, Security in Distributed
Multiprocessor Systems: Multiprocessors, Multiprocessor Classification, Multiprocessor
Interconnections, Types of Multiprocessor Operating Systems (MOS), MOS Functions and
Requirements, Operating System Design and Implementation Issues.
Windows Operating Systems: Introduction, Windows NT Architecture, Windows 2000
Architecture, Common Functionality.
1. Silberschatz Abraham & Baer Galvin Peter. Operating System Concepts. PHI.
Page No.: 10
2. Tanenbaum. S Andrew. Operating Systems: Design and Implementation. Pearson
3. Tanenbaum. S Andrew. Modern Operating Systems. TMH.
Page No.: 11
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Database Management System Concepts: Significance of Database, Database System
Applications, Data Independence; Data Modelling for a Database-Entities and their attributes;
Relationships and types; Advantages and Disadvantages of Database Management System,
Database System Architecture: Three Level Architecture: External Level, Conceptual Level,
Internal Level; Mapping; MySQL Architecture; SQL Server 2000 Architecture; Oracle
Architecture, Database Management System Facilities , Database Management System
Structure, Distributed Processing.
Database Models and Implementation: Data Models and types of data Models- Relational
Data Model, Hierarchical Model, Network Data Model, Object-Relational Model, ObjectOriented Model; Entity-Relationship Model-Modelling using E-R Diagrams; Notations used in
E-R Model, Relationships and Relationship Types; Associative Database Model.
File Organization for Conventional DBMS: Storage Devices and its CharacteristicsMagnetic Disks, Physical Characteristics of Disks ,Performance Measures of Disks,
Optimization of Disk-Block Access; File Organization-Fixed-Length Records, Variable-Length
Records; Organization of records in files; Sequential file Organization, Indexed Sequential
Access Method (ISAM), Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM).
An Introduction to RDBMS: An informal look at the relational model; Relational Database
Management System, RDBMS Properties; Overview of Relational Query Optimization; System
Catalog in a Relational DBMS-Information Stored in the System Catalog, How Catalogs are
SQL – 1: Introduction to SQL, Categories of SQL Commands, Data Definition, Data
Manipulation Statements-SELECT - The Basic Form, Sub queries, Functions, GROUP BY
Feature, Updating the Database; Data Definition Facilities.
SQL – 2: Views; Embedded SQL *- Declaring Variables and Exceptions, Embedding SQL
Statements; Transaction Processing- Consistency and Isolation, Atomicity and Durability.
Page No.: 12
Relational Algebra: Basic Operations; Union; Difference (-); Intersection(); Cartesian
Product (x); Additional Relational Algebraic Operations-Projection (), Selection (), JOIN ();
Division ().
Relational Calculus: Tuple Relational Calculus-Semantics of TRC Queries, Examples of TRC
Queries; Domain Relational Calculus; Relational Algebra Vs Relational Calculus.
Normalization: Functional Dependency, Anomalies in a Database, Properties of Normalized
Relations, First Normal Form, Second Normal Form ,Third Normal Form, Boyce-Codd Normal
Form (BCNF), Fourth and Fifth Normal Forms.
Query Processing and Optimization: Query interpretation; Equivalence of expressions;
Algorithm for executing query operations; Heuristics of Query Optimization, Semantic Query
Optimization, Converting Query Tree to Query Evaluation Plan, Cost Estimates in Query
Optimization, Join Strategies for Parallel Processing.
Distributed Databases: Structure of Distributed Database; Tradeoffs in Distributing the
Database-Advantages of Data Distribution, Disadvantages of Data Distribution; Design of
Distributed Databases; Data Replication, Data Fragmentation.
Object Oriented DBMS: Next Generation Database System, New Database Application;
Object Oriented Database Management System, Features of Object Oriented System,
Advantages of Object Oriented Database Management System, Deficiencies of Relational
Database Management System, Difference between Relational Database Management
System and Object Oriented Database Management System, Alternative Object Oriented
Database Strategies.
Object Relational Mapping: Significance of Mapping , Mapping Basics, Mapping a Class
Inheritance Tree, Mapping Object Relationships, Modelling with Join Tables, Open Source
Object Relational Mapping Software.
1. Paul Beynon, Davies. Database Systems. Third Edition.
2. Ramakrishanan Raghu & Gehrke Johannes. Database Management Systems. Second
3. Korth ,Sudarshan, Silberschatz. Database System Concepts. Fourth Edition.
4. Teorey Toby, Lightstone Sam and Nadeau Tom. Database Modeling & Design. Fourth
Page No.: 13
5. Navathe Elmasri, Somayajulu Gupta. Fundamentals of Database Systems. Second
Page No.: 14
Questions to be set:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Questions to be answered:
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Introduction to Algorithms: Concept of Algorithm, The role of algorithm in computing,
Fundamentals of Algorithm, Important Types of Algorithm, Fundamental Data Structures.
Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency: Introduction Analysis Framework,
Methodologies for Analyzing Algorithms, Amortization, Case Studies in Algorithm Analysis.
Mathematical aspects and Analysis of Algorithms: Asymptotic Notations and Basic
Efficiency Classes, Mathematical Analysis of Non recursive Algorithms.
Mathematical aspects and Analysis of Algorithms-2: Mathematical Analysis of Recursive
Algorithms, empirical Analysis of Algorithms, Algorithm visualization.
Brute Force Method: Brute Force, Selection Sort and Bubble Sort, Sequential Search and
Brute-Force String Matching, Exhaustive Search.
Divide and Conquer: Introduction, Merge sort, Quick sort, Binary Search,
traversals and related properties, Stressen’s Matrix Multiplication.
Binary tree
Decrease and Conquer: Concepts of Decrease and Conquer, Insertion Sort, Depth First
Search, Breadth First Search, Topological Sorting, Algorithms for Generating Combinatorial
Transform and Conquer: Presorting, Gaussian Elimination, Balanced Search Trees, Heaps
and Heap sort, Problem Reduction.
Space and Time Tradeoffs: Sorting, Input Enhancement in String Matching, Hashing,
Methodology, Indexing Schemes.
Dynamic programming-1: Overview of Dynamic Programming, Fibonacci numbers, Binomial
coefficient, Warshall’s and Floyd’s Algorithms.
Page No.: 15
Dynamic programming-2: Principle of Optimality, Optimal binary search trees, knapsack
problem , memory functions.
Greedy Technique: Introduction to Greedy Technique, Prim’s Algorithm, Kruskal’s
Algorithm, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Huffman Trees.
Limitations of Algorithm Power: Lower-Bound Arguments, Decision Trees,
Complete Problems.
P, NP and NP-
Coping with the Limitations of Algorithm Power: Backtracking, Branch and Bound,
Approximation Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems.
1. Puntambekar. A.A (2008). Analysis and Design of Algorithms. Technical Publication. 1st
2. Levitin Anany (2007). Introduction to the Design & Analysis of Algorithms. 2nd Edition,
Pearson Education.
3. Cormen. H Thomas, Leiserson. E Charles, Rivest.L Ronal, Stein Clifford (2006).
Introduction to Algorithms. 2nd Edition, PHI, 2006.
4. E Horowitz, S. Sahni , S. Rajasekaran(2001). Computer Algorithms. Galgotia Publications.
5. Lee R.C.T, Tseng. S.S, Chang R.C. & Tsa. Y.T i(2005). Introduction to the Design and
Analysis of Algorithms A Strategic Approach, TMH.
6. Levitin, A. (2003). Introduction to the analysis and design of algorithms. Dorling Kindersley,
7. Cormen, H. Thomas (2003). Introduction to Algorithms. Mc Graw-Hill Book Company,
North America
Page No.: 16
Questions to be set:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Questions to be answered:
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Introduction to Computer Network: Definition and Uses of Computer Network, Criteria for a
Data Communication Network, Classification of Computer network, Network Architecture, OSI
Reference Model.
Data communication: Data Communication, Transmission Impairments, Transmission
Data Encoding: Line Encoding, Types of Line Coding, Analog-to-Digital Conversion- Pulse
code modulation (PCM), Delta modulation (DM);Transmission Modes.
Data Link Layer: Error Detection and Correction- One and two dimensional parity checks,
Hamming code, Cyclic redundancy check (CRC); Framing- Character stuffing, Bit stuffing;
Flow and Error Control
Error Correction and Detection Protocols: Protocols for Noiseless Channels- Simplest
protocol, Stop-and-wait protocol; Protocols for Noisy Channels- Stop-and-wait automatic
repeat request, Go – back – N – automatic repeat request, Selective repeat automatic repeat
Data Link Control protocols: High- level Data Link Control Protocol (HDLC), Point-to-Point
Protocol (PPP). MAC and LLC Sub-layers-Channel Allocation Problem, Pure ALOHA and
Slotted ALOHA, Persistent and non-persistent CSMA.
Wired LANs: Ethernet: IEEE 802 Standards, Standard Ethernet, Changes in the Standard,
Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet.
Unicast Routing: Routing Characteristics, Routing Algorithms, Comparison of Routing
Broadcast and Multicast Routing: Broadcast Routing, Multicast Routing, Routing in Ad Hoc
Page No.: 17
Traffic Engineering Principles: Congestion Control Algorithms- General principles of
congestion control, Congestion prevention policies; Quality of Service- Traffic shaping, Leaky
bucket algorithm, Token bucket algorithm; Integrated Services.
Network Layer: IP Addressing Scheme, Subnet Addressing, Subnet Masks, IPV4 Addressing,
IPV6 Addressing, Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
Transport Layer: Services of Transport Layer, Connection Establishment, Connection
Release, Transport Layer Protocols- TCP protocol, UDP protocol; Congestion.
Application Layer: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Sendmail Tool, File Transfer
Protocol (FTP), Telnet Protocol.
Internet and WWW: Internet basics, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), World Wide Web
(WWW), Security in Internet, E-mail Security.
1. Andrew. T. Computer network, 4thedition.india: PHI.
2. Douglas. E.C. Computer networks and Internet, 2ndedition.india: Pearson education.
3. Forouzan. B. A. Data communications and Networking, 4thedition.india: McGraw-Hill
4. Schaum Series. Computer Network.
5. Stalling William. Data communication and computer networks.
IS 2271 -Mini Project (9-Credits)
A project work of minimum 16 weeks duration has to be carried out in the area relevant to the
curriculum. The project work may be carried out in groups of students comprising of 2-3
Page No.: 18
MSc.IT - Third Semester
IS 2301Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Overview of Object Oriented Systems Development: Two Orthogonal Views of the
Software, Concept of Object Oriented Software, Importance of Object Oriented Software,
Object Oriented Future, Object Oriented Systems Development Methodology, Overview of
Unified Approach.
Object Basics: An Object Oriented Philosophy, Objects, Object Behavior, Object Oriented
Properties, Association and Aggregation.
Object Oriented Systems Development Life Cycle: The Process of Software Development,
Developing Good Quality Software, Use Case Driven Approach for Object Oriented Systems
Development, Reusability.
Object Oriented Methodologies: Introduction, Types of Object Oriented, Methodologies,
Patterns, Unified Approach.
Unified Modeling Languages (UML): Overview of Unified Modeling Language (UML), Static
and Dynamic Models, UML Diagrams, UML Class Diagrams, Use-Case Diagrams, UML
Dynamic Modeling, Implementation diagrams, Model Management: Package and Model
Organization, UML Extensibility, UML Meta-Model.
Object Oriented Analysis – Identifying Use-Cases: Complexity in Object Oriented Analysis,
Business Process Modeling and Business Object Analysis, Use-Case Driven Object Oriented
Analysis, Use-Case Model, Developing Efficient Documentation.
Object Analysis: Classification: Object Analysis, Classification Theory, Approaches for
Identifying Classes, Class Responsibility Collaboration.
Object Oriented Analysis – Identifying Relationships, Attributes, and Methods:
Introduction, Associations, Inheritance Relationships, A Part of Relationship-Aggregation,
Page No.: 19
Class Responsibility: Identifying Attributes and Methods, Class Responsibility: Defining
Attributes, Object Responsibility: Methods and Messages.
Object Oriented Design Process and Design Axioms: Design Process, Design Axioms,
Corollaries, Design Patterns.
Designing Classes: The Object Oriented Design Principles, UML Object Constraint Language
(OCL), Strategies for Designing Classes, Class Visibility: Designing Public Private and
Protected Protocols, Designing Classes: Refining Attributes, Designing Methods and
Protocols, Packages and Managing Classes.
Access Layer: Object Store and Persistence, Database Management Systems, Logical and
Physical Database Organization and Access Control, Object Oriented Database Management
Systems (OODBMS), Object Relational Systems, Designing Access Layer Classes.
View Layer: User Interface Design as a Creative Process, Designing View Layer Classes,
Purpose of a View Layer Interface, Prototyping the User Interface.
Software Quality Assurance: Quality Assurance Tests, Software Testing Techniques,
Testing Strategies, Impact of Object Orientation on Testing, Test Cases, Test Plan, Myer’s
Debugging Principles.
System Usability and Measuring User Satisfaction: Usability Testing, User Satisfaction
Test, Analyzing User Satisfaction by Satisfaction Test Template, Developing Usability Test
Plans and Test Cases.
1. Bahrami Ali (2008). Object Oriented System Development. Tata McGraw Hill, Edition.
2. Ram Baugh James, Blaha Michael, Eddy Fredrick, Lorensen William. Object Oriented
Modeling and Design, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA.
3. Haigh Andrew (2001). Object Oriented Analysis and Design. Tata McGraw-Hill
publications, New Delhi.
4. Booch Grady, Rambaugh. J, Jacobson Ivar. The UML Users guide. Pearson Education.
5. Jawadekar W S, Waman S Jawadekar(2004). Software Engineering: Principles and
Practice.Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing.
6. Atul Kahate (2004). Object Oriented Analysis & Design, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
7. Booch Grady (1987). Software Engineering with ADA, Pearson.
Page No.: 20
IS 2302 Web Technologies (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Web Basics: Introduction, Concept of Internet, Protocols of Internet, World Wide Web, URL,
Web Server, Web Browser.
HTML: History of HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language), Structure of HTML Document: Text
Basics, Structure of HTML Document: Images and Multimedia, Links and webs, Document
Layout, Cascading Style Sheet, Creating Forms, Frames and Tables.
Dynamic HTML: Introduction of DHTML, CSS of DHTML, Event Handling, Data Binding,
Browser Object Models.
XML Introduction: Introduction of XML, Anatomy of XML document, Element Tags, 5
Markup Element and Attributes, Document Type Definition (DTD).
XML Programming: XML Objects, Checking Validity, Understanding XLinks, XPointer, Eventdriven Programming, XML Scripting.
XML Presentation Technology: XML with Style Sheet Technologies, XML Schema, Creating
Element in XML Schema, XML Schema Types.
XML Processor: Introduction of XML Processor, Concept of DOM and SAX, Introduction of
Java Script, Objects in Java Script, Dynamic HTML with Java Script.
XMLHttpRequest: XMLHttpRequest, The XMLHttpRequest Object, Events for the
XMLHttpRequest Object, Request Object for XMLHttpRequest, Response Object for
AJAX Introduction: AJAX Introduction, AJAX Components, Handling Dynamic HTML with
Ajax, CSS to Define Look and Feel, Understand the XML: Markup, XMLHttpRequest.
AJAX Using XML and XMLHttpRequest: Ajax Using XML and XMLHttpRequest, Accessing,
Creating and Modifying XML Nodes, Loading XML Data into an HTML Page, Receiving XML
Responses, Handling Response XML.
Page No.: 21
PHP Introduction: PHP Introduction, Structure of PHP, PHP Functions, AJAX with PHP, PHP
Code and the Complete AJAX Example.
AJAX with Database: AJAX Database, Working of AJAX with PHP, Ajax PHP Database
Form, AJAX PHP MySQL Select Query.
Active Server Page: Introduction of ASP, ASP – Variables, ASP Control Structure, ASP
Objects’ Properties and Methods.
ASP Database Connectivity: Introduction, ASP Components, ASP Database Connection,
ASP Scripting Components.
1. C.Xavier (2005). Web Technology Design, 1st edition, New age International publication.
2. N.P. Gopalan and J. Akilandeswari (2008). Web Technology: ‘A Developer’s Perspective’,
2nd Edition, PHI publication.
3. O’Reilly (2006). HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, 6th Edition. USA: O’reilly media Inc.
4. Teague, J.C. (2001). DHTML and CSS: for the World Wide Web. Peachpit press.
5. Mark Birbeck & Jason Diamond (2001). Professional XML 2nd edition. Wrox Press Ltd.
6. Inc, K. S. (2001). AJAX:black book. new delhi, Delhi, India: Dreamtech Press.
7. Schmuller Joseph(2000). Dynamic HTML- BPB publications.
Page No.: 22
IS 2331 High Speed Networks (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Frame Relay Network: Introduction, Packet-Switching Networks, Frame Relay Networks.
Asynchronous transfer mode: ATM Protocol Architecture and Logical Connection, ATM
Cells, ATM Service Categories, ATM Adaption Layer.
High Speed LANs: Fast Ethernet LAN, Gigabit Ethernet, ATM LAN, Network Attached
Storage (NAS), Wireless LAN and Wi-Fi, LAN Interoperability.
Network Performance Evaluation Models: Introduction ,Overview of Probability and
Stochastic Processes, Queuing Analysis, Self-Similarity Network Traffic.
Congestion Management Part-1: Congestion – An Overview, Effects of Congestion,
Congestion Control, Traffic Management.
Congestion Management Part-2: Frame Relay Congestion Control, Flow Control
Techniques, Error Control Techniques.
TCP Traffic and Congestion Control: TCP Flow control, TCP Congestion Control,
Performance of TCP over ATM.
ATM Traffic and Congestion Control: ATM Traffic and Congestion Control, Traffic
Management Framework, ABR Traffic Management, GFR Traffic Management.
Integrated Services: Integrated Service (IntServ) Model, Flow and Service Description,
Queuing Discipline, Integrated Services in IP-ATM Networks.
Differentiated Services: Differentiated Service Architecture, Scalability of DiffServ, DiffServ
Functional Elements, Per-Hop Behavior (PHB), Models of DiffServ.
Protocols for Quality of Service (QoS) Support – Part I: Multicasting, Multicast Transport
Protocol (MTP), Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP), Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP).
Page No.: 23
Protocols for Quality of Service (QoS) Support – Part II: Multiprotocol Label Switching
(MPLS), Subnet Bandwidth Management (SBM), QoS Architectures, QoS Support for
Internet Routing Basics and Design –1: Basics of Graph Theory, Internet Routing
Principles, Analysis of Shortest Route.
Internet Routing Basics and Design –2: Intra-Domain Routing Protocol, Border Gateway
Protocol, Inter-Domain Routing Protocol (IDRP).
1. Stallings, W. (2011). High Speed Networks and Internets, 2nd ed. India: Pearson.
2. Perros, Harry G. Harry. (2002), An introduction to ATM network, John Wiley & sons LTD.
3. Boisseau Marc, Demange Michel, Munier Jean-Marie (1994). High speed networks reprint,
illustrated, Wiley.
4. Robertazzi, T.G. (2000). Computer Networks and Systems: Queuing Theory and
Performance Evaluation, 3rd ed. U.S.A: Springer.
5. Kung H.T. (1997). Traffic Management for High Speed Networks. Washington, D.C:
National Academy Press.
6. Warland & Varaiya Pravin(2001). High Performance Communication Networks”, Jean
Harcourt Asia Pvt. Ltd., 2nd Edition.
7. Pepelnjk Irvan, Guichard Jim and Apcar Jeff(2003) “MPLS and VPN architecture”, Cisco
Press, Volume 1 and 2.
8. Shanmugam, R., Padmini, R., & Niveditha, S. (2002). Using TCP/IP, 2nd ed. U.S. A: Que
Page No.: 24
IS 2332 Distributed Operating System (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Introduction: Distributed Computing Systems, Distributed Computing System Models,
Advantages of Distributed Systems, Distributed Operating Systems, Issues in Designing
Distributed Operating Systems, Distributed Computing Environment.
Message Passing: Introduction, Features of Message Passing, Issues in IPC by Message
Passing, Synchronization, Buffering, Process Addressing, Failure Handling, Group
Remote Procedure Calls: The RPC Model, Transparency of RPC, Implementation of RPC
Mechanism, STUB Generation, RPC Messages, Marshaling Arguments and Results, Server
Management, Parameter Passing, Call Semantics, Communication Protocol for RPCs,
Complicated RPC, Client-Server Binding, Security.
Distributed Shared Memory: Distributed Shared Memory Systems (DSM), DSM – Design
and Implementation Issues, Granularity – Block Size, Structure of Shared Memory Space in a
DSM System, Memory Coherence (Consistency) Models, Memory Consistency models,
Implementing Sequential Consistency, Centralized – Server Algorithm, Fixed Distributed –
Server Algorithm, Dynamic Distributed Server Algorithm, Implementing under RNMBs
Strategy, Thrashing.
Synchronization: Introduction, Clock Synchronization, Clock Synchronization Algorithms,
Distributed Algorithms, Event Ordering, Mutual Exclusion, Deadlock, Election Algorithms.
Resource Management: Introduction, Desirable Features of a Good Global Scheduling
Algorithm, Task assignment Approach, Load – Balancing Approach , Load – Sharing
Process Management: Introduction, Process Migration, Threads.
Distributed File Systems: The Key Challenges of Distributed Systems, Client’s Perspective:
File Services, File Access Semantics, Server’s Perspective Implementation, Stateful Versus
Stateless Servers, Replication, Caching, Ceph.
Page No.: 25
Naming: Desirable Features of a Good Naming system, Fundamental Terminologies and
Concepts, System Oriented Names, Object – Locating Mechanisms, Human – Oriented
Names, Name Caches, Naming and Security.
Security in Distributed Systems: Potential attacks to Computer Systems, Cryptography,
Authentication, Access Control, Digital Signatures, Design Principles.
1. Tanenbaum. Distributed Operating Systems.
2. Sinha k Pradeep (1997) Distributed Operating Systems: Concepts and Design: , IEEE
3. Paker Yakup, Banātre Jean-Pierre, Bozyiǧ it Müslim, Berlin(1987). Distributed operating
systems: theory and practice. New York. Springer-Verlag.
4. Goscinski Andrzej(1991).Distributed operating systems: the logical design AddisonWesley.
Page No.: 26
IS 2333 Software Architecture (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Introduction to Software Architecture: The Architectural Concept, Architectural Patterns,
Reference Models and Reference, Importance of Software Architecture, Architectural
Structures and Views.
Architectural Styles: Architectural Styles, Other Familiar Architectures.
Software Architecture – Case Studies: Key Word in Context, Instrumentation Software,
Mobile Robotics, Cruise Control, Three Vignettes in Mixed Style, Real Time Applications and
Distributed Applications.
Architectural Quality Attributes: Functionality and Architecture, Architecture and Quality
Attributes, System Quality Attributes, Quality Attributes Scenario in Practice, Other System
Quality Attributes.
Achieving Quality: Introduction, Tactics, Relationship of Tactics to Architectural Patterns.
Architectural Patterns –1: Architectural Pattern, From Mud to Structure- Layers, Pipes and
filters, Blackboard.
Architectural Patterns – 2: Distributed Systems- Broker architecture,Interactive SystemsModel-View-Controller (MVC), Presentation-Abstraction-Control (PAC).
Architectural Patterns – 3: Adaptable Systems- Microkernel, Reflection.
Important Design Patterns: Design Patterns, Structural Decomposition, Organization of
Work, Access Control.
Architectural Design Guidance: User Interface Architecture, The Quantified Design Space,
Architectural Design Space Formalism.
Page No.: 27
Formal Models and Specifications: Z-Notation, Formalizing an Architectural Style,
Formalizing an Architectural Design Space.
Linguistic Issues: Architectural Description Language, First Class Connectors, Adding
Implicit Invocation to Traditional Programming Languages.
Tools for Software Architecture: CASE Tools, Analysis and Design tools, Software
Development Tools, Software Tools for Architecture Design, Excel as an Architecture Tool,
Exploiting Style in Architectural Design, Quality-Driven Software Architecture Design.
Designing and Documenting Software Architecture: Forming a Team Structure, Creating a
Skeleton System, Uses of Architectural Documentation, Rules for Documentation, Views,
Documenting a View.
1. Bass Len, Clements Paul, Kazman Rick(2003). Software Architecture in Practice. 2nd
Edition, Pearson Education.
2. Varma Vasudeva. Software Architecture a Case Based Approach.
3. Qin Zheng, Xing Jiankuan, Zheng Xiang (2008). Software Architecture.
4. Shaw Mary and Garlan David (2009).Software Architecture – Perspective on an Emerging
5. Buschmann Frank, Meunier Regine, Rohnert Hans, Sommerlad Peter, Stal Michael (2006).
Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, A System of Patterns - Volume 1. John Wiley and
6. Gamma. E, Helm. R, Johnson. R, Vlissides. J(1995). Design Patterns- Elements of
Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley.
7. Shaw Mary and Garlan David (2007). Software Architecture- Perspectives on an Emerging
Discipline, Prentice-Hall of India.
8. Busch Mann, F. R. Meunier, H. Rohnert, P. Sommerlad, and M. Stal West Sussex (1996).
Software Architecture: A System of Patterns.
Page No.: 28
IS 2334 Open Source System (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Software Development Using Open Source Systems: Overview of Open Source System,
Open Source Software Development Models, The FOSS Philosophy, Social and Cultural
Licensing: Licensing, Intellectual Proprietary Right, Commercial License vs. Open source
Open Source Licensing, Contract and Copyright Law: Basic principles of copyright law,
contract and copyright, open source software licensing, issues with copyrights and patents,
The MIT, BSD, Apache Licenses: The MIT (or X) license, the BSD license, The apache
Academic free Licenses: Overview of Academic Free Licenses, Provisions under Academic
Free License (v2.0) Applications of AFL, Philosophy of Open Source License.
The GPL, LGPL, and Mozilla Licenses: GNU general public license, The GNU Library
General Public License, The Mozilla Public License, Applications and Comparisons of GPL,
QT, Artistic, and Creative Commons Licenses: QT- Overview, The Q public License,
Artistic license (Perl), creative commons licenses.
Non- Open Source Licenses: Overview of Non-Open Source Licenses, Classic Proprietary
License, Sun Community Source License, Microsoft Shared Source Initiative.
Open Source Development- 1: Infrastructure needed for an open- source project, Software
Development Life Cycle, Building a Community.
Page No.: 29
Open Source Development -2: Joining an Existing Open Source Project, Ending an OpenSource Project, Open Source Within a Company, Running Open Source Projects.
Legal Impacts of Open Source and Free Software Licensing- 1: Entering contracts,
statutory developments related to software contracts, self- enforcing nature of open source
and free software licenses.
Legal Impacts of Open Source and Free Software Licensing- 2: The global scope of open
source and free software licensing, the negative effects of open source and free software
Legal Impacts of Open Source and Free Software Licensing- 3:
Community Enforcement of Open Source and Free Software Licenses, Compatible and
Incompatible Licensing.
Software Development Using Open Source and Free Software Licenses: Models of open
source and free software development, Forking, Choosing an open source or free software
license, drafting open source licenses.
1. Andrew M. Laurent. St (2004). Understanding open source and free software licensing.
1st edition, O’Reilly Media, Inc.
2. Feller Joseph(2005). Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software. MIT press. Editionillustrated.
3. Andrew M. Laurent. St (2004), Understanding open source and free software licensing.
4. Kirk St. Amant, Still Brian. (2007). Handbook of research on open source software:
technological, economic, and social perspectives.
5. Agerfalk Par J, Boldyreff Cornelia, Jesus M. Barahona -Gonzalez (2010). Open Source
Software. New Horizons.
6. Michael R. Overly, Pike and Fischer (2003). The Open Source Handbook. Inc, Pike &
Fischer – A BNA company.
7. Dixon Rod (2004), Open source software law.
8. Ludvig A, Norin, Fredrik Stockel, Sweden (1998-05-20), Open-Source Software
Development Methodology.
Page No.: 30
IS 2335 Embedded Systems (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Embedded Computing: Embedded System, Complex Systems and Microprocessor,
Categories of Embedded Systems, Operating Systems for Embedded Systems.
Embedded System Design: Embedded System Design Process, Formalism for System
Embedded Processors, Hardware Units and Devices: Processor in the system, Other
Hardware Units and Devices in a System, Linking and Interfacing Buses and Units,
The 8051 Architecture: 8051 microcontroller, I/O Ports and Circuits, Timers / Counters, Serial
Interface, Interrupts.
8051 Assembly Language Programming: Registers in the 8051, 8051 Assembly Language
Programming, Assembling and Running an 8051 Program, The 8051 program Counter and
ROM Space, 8051 Data types and Directives, 8051 Flag Bits and PSW Register, 8051
Register Banks and Stack.
8051 Instruction Set: Addressing modes in 8051, Types of instructions in 8051, Descriptions
of 8051 Common Instructions.
Interfacings with 8051: Interfacing with Keyboard, Interfacing with D/A and A/D Converter,
Interfacing with LCD Display, Interfacing with Stepper Motor.
Introduction to Real Time Operating Systems: A Brief History of Operating Systems,
Meaning and Types of operating system, Definition of RTOS, The Scheduler, Objects and
Services, Key Characteristics of an RTOS.
Tasks and Tasks States: Definition of a Task, Task States and Scheduling, Task Operations,
Task Structure, Synchronization and Communication.
Semaphores: Definition of Semaphore- Binary Semaphores, Counting Semaphores, Mutual
Exclusion (Mutex) Semaphores; Typical Semaphore Operations, Typical Semaphore Use.
Page No.: 31
Message Queues, Mailboxes and Pipes: Message Queues, Mailboxes, Pipes, Event
Registers, Signals, Condition Variables.
Memory Management and Interrupt Routines in an RTOS Environment: Memory
Management, Timer Functions, Device I/O Management, Interrupt routines in an RTOS
Environment, Basic design using an RTOS, Encapsulating Semaphores and Queues,
Important Real Time operating Systems (RTOSs).
Advanced Architectures – I: ARM Processor, SHARC Processor, Memory Organization,
Instruction level Parallelism.
Advanced Architectures – II: Networks for Embedded Systems, I²C Bus, CAN Bus, Internet
Enabled Systems.
1. Simon, E, David (2005). An Embedded Software Primer. Pearson Education.
2. Wolf Wayne (2008.) Computers as Components-Principles of Embedded Computing
System Design. Elsevier Inc.
3. Kamal Raj (2008). Embedded Systems- Architecture, Programming and Design. Tata
McGraw Hill Education Private Limited.
4. Ayala, J., Kenneth (2011). The 8051 microcontroller. Thomson.
5. Mazidi Gillispie Janice, Mazidi A Muhammad, (2000). The 8051 Microcontroller and
Embedded Systems. Burlington: Prentice Hall.
6. Heffernan Donal (2002). 8051 tutorial. University of Limerick
7. Mulani A.O, Godse A.P. (2009). Embedded Systems. Pune: Technical Publications.
8. General RTOS Concepts. Renesas Electronics Corporation
Page No.: 32
IS 2336 Graphics & Multimedia Systems (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Introduction to computer graphics & graphics systems: Overview of computer graphics,
Advantages of Interactive Graphics, Image Processing as Picture Analysis, Visualization, RGB
color model, Direct Table, Lookup Table.
Devices: Over View of Graphic System, Active and Passive Graphic Devices, Computer
Graphics Software.
Scan conversion: Points & lines, Line drawing algorithms.
Scan conversion -2: Circle generation algorithm; Ellipse generating algorithm, Scan Line Fill
Algorithm, Boundary fill algorithm, flood fill algorithm.
2D Transformation: Basic transformations, Matrix representation & homogeneous
coordinates, transformations between coordinate systems, Other Transformation in 2D,
Composite Transformations in 2D.
2D Viewing: 2D Viewing pipeline, Window to viewport Co-ordinate transformation, clipping
operations, polygon Clipping.
3D transformation & Viewing: 3D transformations, other transformations, Rotation about an
arbitrary axis in space, reflection through an arbitrary plane, Projections, 3D Viewing.
Curves: Introduction to Spline Curves, Explicit Curves, Parametric Spline Curves, Bezier
Curves, B-Spline Curves, Non Uniform Rational B-Spline Curves, Introduction to Surfaces.
Hidden surfaces: Hidden Surface Determination, Visible-Surface Detection Methods, z-buffer
algorithm, Back Face Detection, BSP tree Method, Depth-Sort Algorithm, Scan Line Method,
Fractal Geometry, Wire Frame Methods.
Color & shading models: Color model, Basic Lighting and Reflection, Shading,
Page No.: 33
Multimedia: Introduction and Concepts of Multimedia, uses of multimedia, hypertext and
hypermedia, Video, Audio and Image Standards.
Audio: digital audio, Music- MIDI basic concepts, MIDI devices, MIDI messages; Processing
and sampling sound, Compression.
Video: MPEG compression standard, compression through redundancy, Frame compression.
Animation: Types and Techniques of Animation, key frame animation, morphing, Virtual
Reality concepts.
1. Donald D. Hearn, M. Pauline Baker(2009). Computer Graphics . Pearson Education.
2. J. Foley, A. van Dam, S. Feiner, & J. Hughes,(1996). Computer Graphics: Principles and
Practice. 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley,
3. Watt Alan(1999). 3D Computer Graphics.3rd Edition.
4. Hoggar. S (1992). Mathematics for Computer Graphics., Cambridge University Press,
5. Bhatnagar G., Mehta S & Mitra S. (2004). Introduction to Multimedia Systems. India:
6. Buford J.F.K. (2007). Multimedia Systems. India: Pearson Education.
7. Li Z. & Drew M. S. (2009). Fundamentals of Multimedia. India: Pearson Education.
8. Parekh R. (2007). Principles of Multimedia. India: Tata McGraw-Hill.
IS 2361- Web Technologies Lab ( 1.5 credits)
Following topics are to be covered through standard practical experiments:
Exercise 1 - XML
Exercise 2 – AJAX
Exercise 3 - AJAX with Database
Exercise 4- Active Server Page
Exercise 5 - ASP Database Connectivity
Exercise 6- SOAP
Exercise 7 – J2ME
Page No.: 34
MSc.IT – Fourth Semester
IS 2401 Data Warehousing and Data Mining (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Data Warehouse Fundamentals: Introduction, OLTP Systems, Characteristics & Functions of
Data Warehouses, Advantages and Applications of Data Warehouse, Top- Down and BottomUp Development Methodology, Tools for Data warehouse development, Data Warehouse
Planning and Requirements: Key Issues in Planning a Data Warehouse, Planning and
Project Management in Data Warehouse Construction, Data Warehouse Project.
Data Warehouse Architecture: Components of Data Warehouse Architecture, Technical
Architectures, Tool Selection, Federated Data Warehouse Architecture.
Dimensional Modeling: E-R Modeling, Dimensional Modeling, E-R Modeling VS Dimensional
Modeling, Data Warehouse Schemas, Snowflake Schema, Fact Constellation Schema.
Extract, Transform and Load: ETL Overview, ETL Requirements and Steps, Data
Transformation, Data Loading, ETL Tools.
Data Warehouse & OLAP: What is OLAP? Multidimensional Data, OLAP Architectures ,Data
Warehouse and OLAP, Hypercubes & Multicubes.
Metadata Management in Data Warehouse: Introduction to Metadata, Categorizing
Metadata, Metadata management in practice, Tools for Metadata management.
Introduction to Data Mining: Meaning and Working of Data Mining, Data, Information and
Knowledge, Relation between Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery Process, Data Mining and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), Data
Mining and Statistics, Data Mining Technologies, Data Mining Software.
Page No.: 35
Business Intelligence: Business Intelligence (BI), Business Intelligence Tools, Business
Intelligence Infrastructure, Business Intelligence Applications, BI versus Data, Warehouse, BI
versus Data Mining, Future of BI.
Data Preprocessing: Introduction, Data Preprocessing Overview, Data Cleaning, Data
Integration and Transformation, Data Reduction, Discretization and Concept Hierarchy
Data Mining Techniques – An Overview: Data mining: Various Definitions, Data Mining
Versus Database Management System (DBMS), Data Mining Techniques.
Clustering: Clustering, Cluster Analysis, Clustering Methods, Clustering and Segmentation
Software, Evaluating Clusters.
Web Mining: Introduction, Terminologies, Categories of Web Mining, Applications of Web
Mining, Agent Based and Data Base Approaches, Web Mining Software.
Applications of Data Mining: Business Applications Using Data Mining, Scientific
Applications Using Data Mining, Other Applications.
1. PONNAIAH PAULRAJ. Data Warehousing Fundamentals –WILEY STUDENT EDITION,
John Wiley.
2. HAN JIAWEI & KAMBER MICHELINE (2009). Data Mining – Concepts and Techniques Harcourt India.
3. PUJARI K. ARUN. Data Mining Technique. University Press
4. Inmon W. H. Building the Data Warehouse. Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd.
5. Tan Pang-Ning, Steinbach Michael, Kumar Vipin (2007).Introduction to Data Mining -,
Pearson Education
6. Dunham M.H. Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics. Pearson Education.
7. ANAHORY SAM & MURRAY DENNIS. Data Warehousing in the Real World.. Pearson
Edn Asia.
8. Berry M and Linoff G. Mastering Data Mining. John Wiley.
Page No.: 36
IS 2431 C# and .Net (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Introduction to .Net: The C# Environment: .NET Framework – An Overview, Components of
.NET , Common Language Specification (CLS), Common Language Runtime (CLR), Microsoft
Intermediate Language ("MSIL" or "IL"), The Common Type System (CTS), .NET Framework
Base Classes, Web Services, Web Forms, and Windows Forms, The .Net Languages.
An Overview of C#: Object Oriented Concepts, C# Program – Execution, Sample Programs,
Command Line Arguments, Programming Examples, Multiple Main Methods.
Literals, Variables and Data Types: Keywords,
Boxing and Unboxing.
Identifiers, Literals, Variables, Data Types,
Operators and Expressions: Operator Precedence and Associativity, Arithmetic Operators,
Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Assignment Operators, Increment and Decrement
Operators, Conditional Operators, Bitwise Operators, Special Operators, Type Conversions.
Branching and Looping Structure: Decision Making Statements, The Switch Statement, The
? operator, Decision Making and Looping, Jumps in Loops, Labeled Jumps.
Arrays and Strings: Single Dimensional Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays,Jagged Arrays,
System. Array Class, ArrayList Class, Strings, Regular Expressions.
Methods in C#: Declaring Methods, Main Method, Invoking Methods, Nesting of Methods,
Method Parameters.
Structures and Enumerations: Structures- Defining a Structure, Assigning Values to
Members , Copying Structures , Structures with Methods , Nested Structures , Classes Vs
Structures, Guidelines to use Structures; Enumerations- Enumerator Initialization, Enumerator
Base Types, Enumerator Type Conversion.
Classes and Objects: Classes, Constructors & Destructors, Member Initialization, ‘this’
Reference Variable, Nesting of Classes, Members, Properties.
Page No.: 37
Inheritance and Polymorphism: Classical Inheritance, Containment Inheritance, Defining a
Subclass, Visibility Control, Subclass Constructor, Method Overriding, Hiding Methods,
Abstract Classes, Abstract Methods, Sealed Classes, Sealed Methods, Polymorphism.
Exception Handling: Exceptions – An Overview, Exception Handling Syntax, Multiple Catch
Statements, The Exception Hierarchy, General Catch Handler, Using ‘Finally’, Nested Try
Blocks, User Defined Exceptions, Operators – Checked and Unchecked.
Interfaces, Delegates and Events: Defining Interfaces, Extending Interfaces, Implementing
Interfaces, Explicit Interface Implementation, Abstract Classes and Interfaces, Delegates,
Multicast Delegates, Events.
Managing Console I/O Operations: The Console Class, Console Input and Output,
Formatted Output, Custom Numeric Format.
Windows and Web Application Development: Developing Windows Applications,
Developing Web Applications.
1. Archer, T. & Whitechapel, A. (2002). Inside C#. Microsoft Corporation
2. Balagurusamy, E. (2008). Programming in C# – A Primer, Second Edition. Tata Mc Graw
Hill Publishing Company Limited
3. Gunnerson, E. (2000). A Programmer’s introduction to C#. Apress
4. Purdum, J. (2008). Beginning C# 3.0: An introduction to Object Oriented Programming.
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
5. Troelsen Andrew(2007). Pro C# with .NET 3.0. Special Edition, Dream Tech Press,
6. Balagurusamy E. (2004). Programming in C# ., 5th Reprint, Tata McGraw Hill.
7. Scheldt Herbert (2004).The Complete Reference C# . Tata McGraw Hill.
Page No.: 38
IS 2432 Network Security (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Security in Computing Environment: Need for Security, Security Attack, Security Services,
Information Security, Methods of Protection.
Basics of Cryptography: Terminologies used in Cryptography, Substitution Techniques,
Transposition Techniques.
Encryption and Decryption: Characteristics of Good Encryption Technique, Properties of
Trustworthy Encryption Systems, Types of Encryption Systems, Confusion and Diffusion,
Symmetric Key Encryption: Data Encryption Standard (DES) Algorithm, Double and Triple
DES, Security of the DES, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm, DES and AES
Public Key Encryption: Characteristics of Public Key System, RSA Technique, Key
Exchange, Diffie-Hellman Scheme, Cryptographic Hash Functions, Digital Signature,
Certificates, Certificate Authorities.
Protection of Computing Resources: Secure Programs, Non-malicious Program Errors,
Viruses and Other Malicious Code, Targeted Malicious Code, Methods of Control.
Security Features in Operating System: Objects to be Protected, Protection Methods of
Operating Systems, Memory Protection, File Protection, User Authentication.
Designing Trusted Operating Systems: Types of Security Policies, Models of Security,
Design of OS.
Network Security: Network Concepts, Threats in Networks, Network Security Controls.
Page No.: 39
IP Security: Overview of IP Security (IPSec), IP Security Architecture, Modes of Operation,
Security Associations (SA), Authentication Header (AH), Encapsulating Security Payload
(ESP), Internet Key Exchange.
Web Security: Web Security Requirements, Secure Socket Layer (SSL), Transport Layer
Security (TLS), Secure Electronic Transaction (SET).
Electronic Mail Security: Threats to E-Mail, Requirements and Solutions, Encryption for
Secure E-Mail, Secure E-Mail System.
Firewalls: Firewalls – Types, Comparison of Firewall Types, Firewall Configurations.
Planning and Enforcing Security Policies: Planning Security Policies, Risk Analysis,
Security Policies for an Organization, External Security.
1. Pfleeger. P Charles, Pfleeger Lawrence Shari (2002). Security in Computing. Prentice Hall
PTR (United States of America).
2. Salomon David (2006). Foundations of Computer Security. Springer-Verlag (London).
3. Bishop Matt (2002). Computer Security: Art and Science. Addison Wesley (United States
of America).
4. Lehtinen Rick (2006). Computer Security Basics. O'Reilly, United States of America.
Page No.: 40
IS 2433 Real Time Operating System (RTOS) (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Real Time Systems: Introduction to Real Time Systems, Classification of Real Time System,
Concept of Computer Control, Types of Real Time Operating Systems.
Requirements for Real Time Systems: Human Computer Interaction in Real Time Systems,
Hardware Requirement for Real time Systems, Specialized Processors, Interfaces &
Modeling Real-Time Systems: Purpose of the Model, Structural Elements, Interfaces, EventTriggered versus Time-Triggered, Interrupts.
Real Time Languages: Overview of Real Time Languages, Few Real Time Languages,
Modula 2 as Real Time Language, Ada as Real Time Language.
Real Time Operating Systems – 1: RTOS Overview, RTOS Components, Task Management
& Memory Management, Scheduling Strategies, Commercial Real-time Operating Systems.
Real Time Operating Systems – 2: Intertask Communication and Synchronization, Real
Time Kernels, Practical Real Time Operating Systems.
Design of Real Time Systems: Planning and Development Phase, Specification for RealTime Systems, Preliminary Design, Basic Software Engineering Principles, Basic Design
Using an RTOS.
Multi Processing Systems: Parallel Processing, Vector Computers, Multiple Tasks,
Development Methodologies: Yourdon Systems Method (YSM), The Ward and Mellor
Essential Model, The Hatley and Pirbhai Requirements Model.
Design Analysis – 1: Petri Nets, Petri Nets and the Modeling of Systems, Properties of Petri
Nets, Scheduler Characteristics, Real Time vs. General Purpose Database.
Page No.: 41
Design Analysis – 2: Transactions and Serializability, Scheduling RTDB Transactions, Disk
Fault Tolerance Techniques: Failures, Errors, and Faults, Error Detection, Testing
Security in RTOS: A Model for Network Security, Potential Attacks to Real Time Systems,
Cryptography, Authentication, Design Principles.
Case Study: Fault – Tolerant Design: A Case Study, Case Study in Software Requirements
Specification for Four way, Traffic Intersection Traffic Light Controller System.
1. Arnold S. Berge (2002). Embedded systems design an Introduction to processes, tools,
and techniques.
2. Hermann Kopetz (2002). Real time systems design principles for distributed embedded
applications (2nd edition).
3. Phillip A. Laplante, A. John (2004). Real time systems design and analysis (3rd edition).
4. Qing Li., Caroline Yao (2003). Real-time concepts for embedded systems (2nd edition).
5. Krishna C. M, Shin. G Kang(1997). Real Time Systems. Mc Graw Hill, India.
Page No.: 42
IS 2434 Customer Relationship Management (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Introduction to CRM: CRM – Definition, Origin and Evolution of CRM, Importance of CRM,
Types of CRM.
CRM Architecture: CRM Architecture – Overview, CRM Technology Components, Customer
Lifestyle, Customer Interaction,
Sales Force Automation (SFA): Definition and Need of SFA, SFA – Features, SFA
Functionality, Barriers to Successful SFA.
Technological Aspects of SFA: Data Synchronization,Flexibility and Performance, Reporting
Enterprise Marketing Automation: Enterprise Marketing Automation, Components of
Enterprise Marketing Automation, Managing the Marketing Campaign, Business Analytics
Enterprise Marketing Management: Integrate Marketing into the Enterprise, Response
Customer Interaction Centers: Evolution of Customer Interaction Centers (CICs), Planning a
Successful CIC, Technological Implementation.
Computer Telephony Integration: Computer Telephone Integration – Overview, Computer
Telephony Integration – Benefits, Computer Telephony Integration – Functionality, Web
Enabling the Call Center, Automated Intelligent Call Routing and Monitoring.
Implementing CRM–I: Kick off Meeting, Requirements Gathering, Scoping and Prioritizing
Projects, Designing the Project, Pre-implementation.
Implementing CRM–II: Prototyping and Detailed Proposal Generation, Development of
Customizations, Power User Beta Testing and Data Import, Training, Rollout and Systems
Hand-off, On-going Support, System Optimization, and Follow-up.
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Introduction to eCRM: Overview of eCRM, The Six ‘E’s of eCRM, Features of eCRM,
Differences Between CRM and eCRM, eCRM Architecture.
Introduction to Application Service Provider (ASP): Overview of ASP, Application Server
Provider (ASP) – Features, ASP – Value Chain Participants, Specialized CRM ASPs,
Advantages and Disadvantages of Implementing ASP.
Data Driven and Process Driven CRM: Data Driven CRM, CRM Macro Business Processes,
CRM Micro Business Processes, Process Driven CRM.
Internet and Social CRM: Traffic Building, Providing Quality, Transaction, Retention and
Measuring Result, Social CRM, CRM Tools.
1. Paul.Greenberg CRM at the speed of light. TMH.
2. Kristin Anderson & Carol Kerr. Customer Relations Management. TMH.
3. Kumar, A., Sinha, C., & Sharma R. (2008). Customer Relationship Management Concepts & Application. India: Sudha Offset Press.
4. Brown, S. (2000). Customer Relationship Management - A Strategic Imperative in the
World of e-Business. Canada: John Wiley & Sons.
5. Goyal, D, P. (2009). Enterprise Resource Planning. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.
6. Philip, B., & Douglas, T. (2004). Releasing CRM's Strategic Value. , New Jersey: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
7. Bayer, M. T. (2001).Computer Telephony Demystified. Vol 1. U.S. A: McGraw- Hill.
8. Makkar, U., & Makkar, H. K. (2012). Customer Relationship Management. New Delhi:
Tata-McGraw Hill.
Page No.: 44
IS 2435 Advanced Software Engineering (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Software Engineering Basics: Software Engineering Terminologies, Product Life Cycle,
Project Life Cycle Models.
Software Engineering Methodologies: Components of Software Engineering, Software
Development Models.
Predictive vs. Adaptive Approaches to SDLC: Traditional Predictive Approaches to SDLC,
Adaptive Approaches to SDLC, Separation of Design and Construction, Unpredictability of
Agile Programming: Introduction, Flavors of Agile Development, Agile Manifesto, Refactoring
Techniques, Limitations of The Agile Process.
Extreme Programming: XP Equation, XP Values, Assuming Sufficiency.
Extreme Programming Practices: Coding Practices, Developer Practices, Business
XP Events: Iteration Planning, Iteration, Releasing.
Extreme Programming Artifacts: Story Cards, Task Cards, Bullpens.
Roles of Extreme Programming: Customer’s Roles, Developer’s Roles, Supplementary
Coding XP Style: Balance Functionality with Simplicity, Implement Only the Needed
Features, Eliminate Repetition.
Adopting XP: Before Commencing XP, Eliminating Fear and Working Together, Starting
Feedback, Including Managers and Customers.
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Agile Modeling with XP: Agile Modeling – Principles, Comparing XP and Agile Modeling,
Scrum Methodology.
Dynamic Systems Development Methodology (DSDM): Overview of DSDM, The Principles
of DSDM, Phases of DSDM, Core Techniques Used in DSDM.
XP Tools: Java and XP, Tools and Philosophies, Open Source Toolkit.
1. Eric.M Burke , Coyner M.Brian. Java Extreme Programming Cook book:
2. Beck Kent (2002). Extreme programming explained. Person Education Asia.
3. Stewart (2002). Extreme programming. Person Education Asia.
4. Aggarwal, K. K. (2001). Software Engineering, 2nd ed. Delhi: New Age International
5. Jawadekar, W. S. (2008). Software Engineering: Principles and Practice. Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Limited.
6. Jeffries, R., Anderson, A., & Hendrickson, C. (2001). Extreme Programming Installed. NJ:
7. Hazzan, O., & Dubinsky, Y. (2008). Agile Software Engineering. London: Springer-Verlag
London Limited.
8. Stapleton, J. (2003). DSDM, Business Focused Development. Addison-Wesley.
Page No.: 46
IS 2436 Cloud Computing (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Introduction to Cloud Computing: From Collaborative to Cloud- A Short History, Functioning
of Cloud Computing, Cloud Architecture, Cloud Storage and Cloud Services, Industrial
Business Values: Service Modeling, Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service,
Software as a Service, Massively Scaled Software as a Service.
Inside Cloud Computing: Sensational Feeling about Organization, Deciding on Strategy,
Governance Issues, Monitoring Business Process, IT Cost Management.
Cloud Service Administration: Service Level Agreements and Monitoring, Support Services,
Accounting Services, Resource Management, Service Management, Untangling Software
Cloud Computing Technology: Clients, Security, Network, Services.
Accessing the Cloud: Platforms, Web Applications, API in Cloud Computing, Browsers for
Cloud Computing,
Cloud Data Management: Data Security, Data Location, Data Control, Securing Data for
Transport, Scalability and Cloud Services, Storage as A Service.
Information Storage in Cloud Computing: Storage as a Service, Storage Providers, Storage
Security, Merits and Demerits of Cloud Storage.
Discovery of Private and Hybrid Clouds: Need for Privacy, Comparing Public, Private and
Hybrid, Examining the Economics of the Private Cloud, The Up Key Vendors.
Cloud Computing Standards: Best Practices and Standards, Practical Issues, Standards
Organizations and Groups.
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Desktop and Device Management: Desktop Virtualisation, Desktop Placement in the Cloud,
Desktop Management.
Cloud Governance: IT Governance, Deciding the Governor, Risk Assessment of Running the
Cloud, Working of Governance.
Migrating to the Cloud: Cloud Services for Individual, Cloud Services Aimed at the MidMarket, Enterprise-Class Cloud Offerings, Migration.
Future practice of cloud computing: Analyze Your Service, Best Practices, How Cloud
Computing Might Move.
1. Miller Michael(2009). Cloud Computing: Web-Based Applications That Change the Way
You Work and Collaborate Online. Que Publications.
2. Hurwitz Judith, Bloor Robin, Kaufman Marcia, Halper Fern (2010). Cloud Computing for
Dummies. Wiley Publishing Inc.
3. David Linthicum S. Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in Your Enterprise: A step by
step guide. Addision, Wesley Information Technology Series.
4. Mather Tim, Kumaraswamy Subra, and Shahed Latif. Cloud Security and Privacy: An
enterprise perspective on Risks and Compliance. Orielly Series.
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IS 2437 Wireless and Mobile Communication (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Introduction to Wireless Telecommunication Systems and Networks: Concepts of
Wireless Communication, History and Evolution of Wireless Communication, Different
Generations of Wireless Networks.
Common Cellular System Components: Cellular networks architecture, Signal strength and
cell area, Common cellular netowrks components, Components Identification and call
Wireless Network Architecture and Operation: Fundamentals of Cellular Architecture,
Mobility Management in Wireless Network, Power Management in Wireless Network, Security
in Wireless Network.
GSM Architecture: Fundamentals of GSM Network, GSM Frequency Band, GSM PLMN,
GSM Objectives, GSM Services, GSM PLMN Subsystems.
GSM Interface and Protocol Stack: GSM PLMN Interfaces , GSM Radio Interface, GSM
Abis Interface, GSM A Interface , GSM Interface for Connecting Other Components, Mapping
of GSM Layers onto OSI Layers, Protocols Used Across Other Interfaces of GSM.
GSM TDMA Techniques: GSM and TDMA Techniques, GSM Channels, GSM Identifiers.
GSM System Operation and Traffic Cases: GSM System Operations, Traffic Cases in GSM
Network, Handover in GSM Network.
CDMA Technology: CDMA overview, CDMA channels Concept, CDMA system operations.
Speech Coding in GSM: Speech coding in GSM, Speech coding methods, Speech codec
attributes, LPAS, ITU-T Standards.
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Waveform Coding and Call Flow in GSM: Waveform Coding, GSM Vocoders, Data
Encryption in GSM, Call flow in GSM.
Wireless Modulation Techniques: Concept of Modulation, Wireless Modulation Techniques,
Air Interface, Path Loss Models, Multiple Access Techniques.
Wireless Modulation Techniques – 2: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM),
Ultra Wide Band Radio Techniques, Diversity Techniques, GSM Hardware.
Wireless Local Area Networks: Evolution of Wireless LANs, Wireless LAN Topologies,
Wireless LAN Requirements, IEEE 802.11 Standards, IEEE 802.15 Standards, IEEE 802.16
Standards, Wireless LAN Applications.
Wi-Fi and Wimax Technology: Wi-Fi (802.11), WiMAX(802.16).
1. Mullet(2006). Wireless Telecom Systems and networks. Thomson Learning.
2. Rappaport. T.S (2003). Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice. Second
Edition, Pearson Education/ Prentice Hall of India, Third Indian Reprint.
3. Lee W.C.Y. (2002). Mobile Cellular Telecommunication. MGH.
4. Agrawal. D P(2007). Wireless communication. 2nd Edition Thomson learning..
5. Tse David, Viswanath Pramod (2005). Fundamentals of Wireless Communication.,
6. Agarwal Dharma Prakash and Zeng An Qing. Introduction to Wireless and Mobile systems,
Second Edition, Thomson.
7. Lee. C. Y William(1995). Mobile Cellular Telecommunications: Analog and Digital Systems,
Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hills.
8. Kumar Vijay Garg. Wireless communications and networking, Springer.
Page No.: 50
IS 2438 Enterprise Resource Planning (4 Credits)
Questions to be set:
Questions to be answered:
Eight (Four from each unit)
Any Five selecting at least Two from each unit
Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning: Introduction, Benefits of ERP, Business
Process Reengineering, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Supply Chain Management.
Reasons for the Growth of ERP: Reasons for the Growth of ERP, Scenario and Justification
of ERP in India, Evaluation of ERP, Various Modules of ERP, Advantages of ERP.
Understanding ERP: Overview of Enterprise, Integrated Management Information, Business
Modelling, ERP for Small Businesses, ERP for Make to Order Companies.
Business Process Mapping: Business Process Mapping in ERP, ERP Implementation
Process, Hardware Environment for ERP Implementation.
ERP Implementation: Precautions in ERP Implementation, ERP Post Implementation
Options, Guidelines for ERP Implementation.
ERP and Related Technologies–I: Business Process Re-engineering, Management
Information System, Executive Information System (EIS).
ERP and Related Technologies–II: Decision Support Systems (DSS), Supply Chain
ERP Modules–I: ERP Finance Module, Plant Maintenance
ERP Module–II: Quality Management, Materials Management Module.
ERP Implementation–I: Pre-evaluation Screening, Package Evaluation, Project
Planning Phase.
ERP Implementation–II: Gap Analysis, Hidden Cost, Vendors, Consultants, Human
Page No.: 51
Post Implementation Phases: Re-Engineering, Configuration, Implementation, Team
Training, Testing, Going Live and End User Training, Post Implementation (Maintenance
ERP and E-commerce: Future Directives in ERP, ERP and Internet, Critical Factors Guiding
Selection and Evaluation of ERP, Strategies for Successful ERP Implementation, Critical
Success Factors in ERP Implementation, Failure Factors in ERP Implementation, Integrating
ERP into Organisation.
Using ERP Tools: ERP Software and Tools, Case Study 1: SAPR/3 at Tata Steel,
Case Study 2: Pantaloon.
1. Sadagopan. S. ERP- A Managerial Perspective. Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Leon Alex. Enterprise Resource Planning. Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Kumar Vinod Garg and Krishnan Venkita. N.K (2004). Enterprise Resource Planning –
Concepts and Practice, PHI.
4. Sharma, Pankaj. (2004). Enterprise Resource Planning. New Delhi: APH Publishing.
5. Mary Sumner (2008), Enterprise Resource Planning. Pearson Education.
6. Magal, S.R. & Word, J. (2011). Integrated Business Processes with ERP Systems. 1st
edition, Wiley.
IS 2475 Project (20 Credits)
A project work of minimum 16 weeks duration has to be carried out in the area relevant to the
curriculum. The project work may be carried out in groups of students comprising of 2-3
students or individually under the supervision of faculty member(s).
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