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Food-based Dietary Guidelines
Bolivia initiated development of dietary recommendations in 2000. Bolivia has 8 nutrition
recommendations, plus 1 recommendation about physical activity. The process of developing
guidelines included many ministries, UN agencies, NGOs and private and professional societies.
Government approval of the guidelines is pending.
Guías Alimentarías
• Consuma diariamente una alimentación variada aumentando a los cereales y granos,
frutas y verduras
• Por lo menos tres veces por semana coma hígado, carne, pescado o charque
• Aumente el consumo de huevo y productos lácteos sin grasa
• Use siempre sal yodada en las comidas sin exagerar
• Prefiera aceites vegetales y evite las grasas y aceites recalentados
• Laves las manos después de ir al baño y antes de cocinar y comer
• Reduzca el consumo de te y café y reemplace por mazamorras de productos nativos
• Evite el consumo exagerado de azúcar, dulces y bebidas
• Realice con frecuencia algún deporte o ejercicio físico
Eat a varied diet to grow cereals and grains, fruits and vegetables .
At least three times a week eat liver, meat, fish or jerky
Increase your intake of eggs and nonfat dairy products
Always use iodized salt in foods without overdoing it
Choose vegetable oils and fats and oils avoid overheated oils/fats
Wash your hands after using the toilet and before cooking and eating
Reduce your intake of tea and coffee and replace the native product mazamorras
Avoid excessive consumption of sugar, sweets and beverages
Conduct frequent sports or exercise
Ecuador published its FBDGs in pamphlet and manual form since 1999, using both written
guidelines and a food guide pyramid. The health ministry and provincial divisions, as well as the
education ministry, hygiene division, technical colleges, and international organizations
(UNICEF, WHO, FAO) were involved with developing the guidelines. The guidelines form a
tool in the national nutrition education plan, following the World Food Summit. In addition to
the general national recommendations, each province in the country publishes its own materials
that are adapted to local food customs.
Guías Alimentarías
• Dos porciones de cereales + 1 de leguminosa + verdura + aceite = mezcla nutritiva
• Es muy importante comer diariamente alimentos de cada uno de los grupos
• Hierro: Previene la anemia de la embarazada y ayuda a la formación sanguínea del feto.
• Problemas comunes durante el embarazo
• Mareos y náuseas matinales
• Consumir alimentos de fácil digestión: galletas, tostadas, arroz, fideos antes de levantarse
por la mañana y durante los períodos de náuseas.
• Calambres
• Incrementar alimentos ricos en calcio y potasio: perejil, guineo, espinacas
• El agua de cocción se debe utilizar en sopas, guisos, coladas
• Laminas de educación nutricional
• Niño/niña de 6-8 meses que no está ganando peso: hay que comenzar a dar al niño/niña
comida complementaria, de lo que come la familia, siempre bien espeso, porque en el
espeso está el alimento.
• Lo mejor para los niños entre 1 y 2 años es: darle la comida familiar tres veces al día y
una entre comida a media mañana y a media tarde. Ir aumentando la cantidad de comida
cada día en cada vez. Hay que mezclar alimentos blancos, rojos, verdes y amarillos para
que la comida sea nutritiva y todos estén sanos.
• Two servings of grain legume + 1 vegetable + oil + = nutrient mixture
• It is very important to eat foods from each of the groups
• Iron: Prevents anemia of pregnant women and helps the formation of fetal blood.
• Common problems during pregnancy
• Dizziness and morning sickness
• Eat easily digested foods: crackers, toast, rice, noodles before getting up in the morning and during
periods of nausea.
• Cramps
• Increase foods rich in calcium and potassium, parsley, bananas, spinach
• The cooking water should be used in soups, stews, drained
• nutrition education Prints
• child of 6-8 months is not gaining weight, begin to give the child complementary food, the food you
eat the family.
• Best for children between 1 and 2 years is: to give the family meal three times daily between meals
and midmorning and midafternoon. Gradually increase the amount of food each day at a time. Food
must be mixed white, red, green and yellow so that the food is nutritious and all are healthy
Ministerio de Salud Pública ex Dirección Nacional de Nutrición
Direcciones Provinciales de Salud de las 22 provincias
Dirección de Educación para la Salud del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura
La Tribuna de Defensa del Consumidor
Dirección Municipal de Higiene
Facultad de Nutrición de la Escuela Politécnica del Chimborazo
Facultad de Nutrición de la Universidad Técnica del Norte
Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Central
Thailand began its process of developing dietary guidelines in 1996. The guidelines were
published in 1998. The guidelines were developed by the Ministry of Public Health and
Food Based Dietary Guidelines
Eat a variety of foods from each of the 5 food groups and maintain proper weight.
Eat adequate amount of rice or alternative carbohydrate sources.
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits regularly.
Eat fish, lean meat, eggs, legumes and pulses regularly.
Drink milk in appropriate quality and quantity for one's age.
Eat a diet containing appropriate amounts of fat.
Avoid sweet and salty foods.
Eat clean and safe food.
Avoid or reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
For good health, eat a variety of foods in appropriate amounts.
Working Group on Food-Based Dietary Guidelines For Thai People.
Nutrition Division, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health.
Thailand , December 2001.