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Kew Organics
Honey Lemon & Coconut Oil Syrup
With cooler weather on the way this is a great
recipe to have handy.
Mix all the ingredients together in a small
saucepan with just enough heat to melt the
coconut oil.
Take syrup by the spoonful as desired - room
temperature or warmer is best. You can also mix
Once the syrup is cooled the coconut oil will
harden. Gently warm the syrup up before using (or
"dig out" a teaspoon). Store in refrigerator for up
to a month.
The Best Medicine.
A farmer wants to know how many sheep he has
in his field, so he asks his border collie to count
them. The dog runs into the field, counts them and
runs back to the farmer. The farmer says, "How
many?" The dog says, "40." The farmer is
surprised and says, "How can there be 40 - I only
bought 38!" The dog says, "I rounded them up."
Issue No 63
Paleo Diet
In recent years a couple of Paleo diet books have
made the best seller list and led to a huge increase
in it's popularity. So move over Rawists,
Veganites and Vegetarianists, there's a new kid in
The Paleo diet of course, is based on what our
distant cave dwelling ancestors would have likely
consumed in their day to day lives. According to the following is a
summary of the Paleo Diet:
EAT: Grass-produced meats, Fish/seafood, Fresh
fruits and veggies, Eggs, Nuts and seeds,
Healthful oils (Olive, walnut, flaxseed,
macadamia, avocado, coconut)
DON’T EAT: Cereal grains, Legumes (including
peanuts), Dairy, Refined sugar, Potatoes,
Processed foods, Salt, Refined vegetable oils
Fred Bisci is an 84 year old raw foodist (100%
raw for the last 60 years). I went to hear him speak
a few years ago and one thing he said has always
stuck in my head.
He said "The only thing that is more important
than what you eat, is what you don't eat".
At the time I thought yes, avoid the over
processed, chemical ridden stuff they sell at the
But of course, it ain't quite that simple. Should one
consume Legumes? Meat? Dairy? Eggs? Grains?
They are all "natural" aren't they?
Depending on which, if any, dietary philosophy is
subscribed to, the answer will vary.
Personally, there's only a couple of guidelines that
I haven't changed my mind on over the years:
-Eat as much fruit and veg as you can handle
- Eat most food in as natural state as possible (the
food that is, not you). Probably one notable
exception to that is including some fermented
foods in the diet.
As for the question of meat, legumes, dairy, grains
and eggs etc - dunno. If you've worked it out let
me know.
However, the whole point of this article was to hilight the fact that we are now stocking Rumble's
Paleo range of goodies. They include creatively
named items such as Neanderthal Nuggets and
Mommoth Mounds.
They are all gluten,
grain and dairy
free and can be
found with our
other snacks next to
the register.
Feeling stressed? You may need magnesium
Magnesium deficiency is a growing concern in all
Western nations. The magnesium content of our
food is declining, while certain dietary and
lifestyle habits can cause you to lose excessive
amounts of magnesium from your body.
Being magnesium deficient places you at far
higher risk of high blood pressure and heart
Communities Study assessed more than 15
thousand people aged between 45 and 64 years.
People with cardiovascular disease, high blood
pressure and diabetes had significantly lower body
levels of magnesium. People with a low dietary
intake of magnesium had lower levels of good
HDL cholesterol and thicker carotid artery walls.
This places them at higher risk of having a stroke.
Magnesium helps to relax the muscular walls of
your arteries, thus helping to normalize blood
pressure. Magnesium also helps to keep your
heart beating in a regular rhythm. Ironically most
medication used to control high blood pressure
depletes the body of magnesium, thereby
worsening the condition.
Magnesium deficiency makes you feel more
stressed. When you are stressed, your adrenal
glands release the stress hormones adrenaline and
cortisol into your bloodstream. These hormones
cause the loss of magnesium through urine. This
means that anyone who has experienced long term
stress will probably end up magnesium deficient
unless they take a supplement. People who are
magnesium deficient feel more stressed. Minor
annoyances can feel overwhelming. This leads to
a negative spiral because the more stressed you
feel, the more magnesium deficient you become.
Who is at risk of magnesium deficiency?
The following people are most likely to be
magnesium deficient:
–Stressed people
–People who consume alcohol regularly or in
large quantities
–People with digestive problems that impair
mineral absorption
–High levels of salt, caffeine and soft drinks in the
diet increase magnesium excretion
–Profuse sweating, such as through intense
exercise or extreme heat increases magnesium loss
–The oral contraceptive pill increases magnesium
–Diets low in vegetables, nuts and seeds promote
magnesium deficiency
What are the symptoms of magnesium
Most of the magnesium in your body is stored in
your skeleton. This means blood tests are not a
reliable way to check for magnesium deficiency.
Therefore you can determine if you are
magnesium deficient based on certain symptoms.
The following symptoms are the most common
manifestations of magnesium deficiency:
–Muscle spasms and weak muscles
–Irritability and agitation
–Poor attention span
Magnesium supplements
Magnesium is found in green leafy vegetables,
nuts and seeds. Most people don't eat enough of
these foods to obtain sufficient magnesium, and
due to modern farming practices, the magnesium
content of all foods has declined. A magnesium
supplement is the most reliable way to correct a
magnesium deficiency quickly. You should
notice the benefits within a couple of weeks. I
have found that magnesium is best absorbed when
taken in a variety of forms; that is why I designed
Magnesium Complete tablets. I recommend you
begin with 2 tablets twice daily with meals, and
reduce the dose to 2 tablets daily for maintenance
once you are feeling better.
For anyone that wishes to learn more about the
importance of Magnesium to our wellbeing we
now have available at Kew Organics
Miracle Mineral by
Dr Sandra Cabot as
Health's Magnesium
Ultra Powder and
DID YOU KNOW we are now trading to 8pm on
Fridays and are OPEN SUNDAYS 10am to 3pm?
TRADING HOURS: 9am-6pm Monday to Thursday, 9am-8pm Friday. 9am-4pm Saturday, 10am-3pm Sunday