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OMEGAHEALTH: The Key To Life: Improve your immune system.
Volume 6 Issue 3
For Information Only
Dietary Measures
Eat immune boosting foods such as raw fruits
and vegetables, raw garlic and onion, raw
vegetable juices, raw fenugreek, chili, ginger,
free range eggs, oily fish (salmon, sardines,
tuna), avocadoes, fresh wheat-germ, flaxseed
(ground freshly and cold compressed oil),
barley grass (juice or sprouted seeds), wheatgrass juice, freshly sprouted seeds and beans,
cold pressed seed and vegetable oils, fresh
seafood, legumes, raw nuts and seeds.
* Sea-weeds such as kelp, dulse, agar-agar,
nori, arame, kombu, wakame and hijiki are
excellent for improved function.
Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli,
cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and
kohlrabi contain phyto-nutrients that protect
against infections and cancer. Foods
containing plant hormones (known as phytoestrogens) such as isoflavones and lignans,
are soybeans, and their products, alfalfa and
* Ensure adequate intake of the most important
minerals for the immune system--magnesium
400 mg daily, zinc chelate 20 mg daily, and
selenium 200 mcg daily. These minerals are
needed for immune function and are antiinflammatory. (li)Avoid mucous producing foods-animal milks, cheese, ice-cream, cream,
preserved meats, processed foods are the
biggest culprits.
* Drink 8 to 10 glasses of distilled water daily.
* Ensure adequate vitamin C intake by eating
citrus fruits, red and green peppers, kiwi,
tomatoes, and take a supplement of
approximately 1000-2000 mg.
* Take olive leaf extract. A good dose to
maintain is 500mg twice daily. It is
April 2006
recommended that you take brands that contain
at least 10 percent of the active ingredient,
* Take "immune boosters" such as: * Betacarotene /Vita. A: 20000 IU per day
* Vita. C: 3000 mg per day
* Vita. E: 100 IU per day
* Zinc: 50mg per day
* Selenium: trace amounts
* Sulfur: trace amounts
* NAC: 200-400mg 2-3 times a day
* Echinacea/Goldenseal root: 250-500mg 3
times a day
* Pine Bark/Grape Seed Extracts: 2-3 caps per
* HMB: 3 grams per day
* Glutamine: 10grams three times per day (
before and after training, before bed)
* "When your diet is deficient nutritionally, your
defenses go down, permitting proliferation of
virus germs and the risk of illness. You don't
even have to be grossly undernourished. A few
minor deficiencies can break down the immune
system," said R.K. Chandra, M.D., professor of
pediatric research at the Memorial University of
Newfoundland. "It's not that certain nutrients
affect the immune system, said Thomas Petro,
Ph.D., a nutritionist at Purdue University. "It's
that every nutrient affects the immune system."
* Make regular exercise a part of your daily
regimen. Exercise can do wonders for a poorly
functioning immune system and promote health
in various other ways.
* The optimal duration time of exercise is crucial
for muscular, strength, and recuperative gains. It
is a known fact that muscle stimulation is best
achieved through a workout that is of high
intensity and brief duration. When you train too
long, you tax your nervous system, weaken your
immune system, and diminish your chances of
muscle growth. I would definitely shoot for an
intense workout lasting no more than 50-70
minutes, max.
* Another factor that helps maintain immune
system strength is regular exercise. A daily
walk---or a minimum of 20 minutes of exercise---can help keep you young. For example,
exercise burns up hormones like noradrenalin,
released during everyday stress. If these
hormones accumulate in your body, they can be
harmful. Exercise invigorates your circulatory
system, improves your iron utilization and boosts
your immune system.
Too many people neglect the much-needed rest
they need to function optimally. Not only does
the right amount of sleep re-energize you, but
also it is your body's time to build and repair. If
we do not get the adequate amounts of sleep,
we are never going to be running on a full tank.
Repeated neglect of proper sleep can lead to
many problems including a suppressed Immune
system. Make sure you get 6-8 hours of sleep a
day. If you don't, try to take a mid-day nap. Even
if you are eating right and taking all of the
immune-boosting supplements, it will not matter
if you are not getting enough sleep.
State of Mind
* High stressed and emotionally depresses
people tend to get sick a lot. Remember that the
quality of you thoughts can determine your
biochemical status. If you are too stressed and
worry too much, our
body will produce more cortisol than normal.
Extra cortisol will lower the efficiency of the
thymus gland and in turn lower your immune
system. When this occurs you are very easily
able to get sick. Your solution is to take a step
back when you are feeling over stressed or
anxious and rewire your thoughts in a different
direction. You must get away from the situation
for a while and re-gather your well being. When I
get super nervous or stressed over something,
my mom always tells me, "Nothing is worth
getting sick over!"
* ...we need to reduce the amount of stress in
our lives as much as possible. A study by the
American Academy of Science revealed that as
much as 80 percent of all illness can be directly
tied to stress,
because it breaks down the defenses of the
immune system and opens the doorway to a
host of injurious invaders. The National Institute
on Aging has released a list containing several
ways people can reduce stress in their lives and
strengthen their immune systems, thereby
improving their longevity and chance of staying
Things to Avoid
* tobacco, smoking and alcohol.
* A basic list of things to avoid includes
physiological, psychological, and emotional
stress; poor physical and aerobic conditioning;
lack of sleep, rest, and relaxation; and an
especially poor diet.
Cell-Ready Nutrition
A Complete Wellness Solution of Vitamins,
Minerals, Phytonutrients and Ribose
What is ONLY ONE™
ONLY ONE™ is a unique blend of vitamins,
minerals, plant-derived nutrients and Ribose in
Activated Water. This formulation was
developed to enhance and support healthy body
systems with superior bio-available nutritional
components in proper proportion.
What is in ONLY ONE™
ONLY ONE™ contains the full spectrum of
vitamins and minerals in a base of 75% Nopal
Cactus Juice and Aronia Juice plus 2.5 grams of
Ribose per serving and CoQ10, as well as
numerous other beneficial nutrients.
Ribose aids in the metabolism of energy in the
body and regulates the process of energy
production and synthesis. It provides for
increased energy levels and anaerobic
thresholds. D-Ribose has also been shown to
increase muscle growth and aid in the treatment
of low oxygen conditions.
• Ribose improves physical and athletic
• Ribose increases energy reserves and
speeds energy recovery
• Ribose builds ATP in heart and muscle
• Ribose maintains healthy energy levels in
heart and muscle
• Ribose relieves post-exert ional muscle
cramping and soreness
• Ribose increases tolerance to cardiac
• Ribose improves exercise tolerance and
physical function
• Ribose provides healthy levels of cardiac
energy needed to maintain normal heart
• Ribose decreases free radical formation
during exercise
• Ribose increases cardiac efficiency and
lowers cardiac stress during exercise
Aronia Juice
Aronia juice has the highest known ORAC
(Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value of
all the juices, far surpassing blueberry and
pomegranate. Aroma’s ORAC exceeds a rating
of 6300, making it one of the most powerful
antioxidants. ORAC is one of several tests
available for measuring antioxidant activity.
The Aronia berry has all of the healthy attributes
of the cranberry, but also contains five to ten
times the amount of anthocyanins and
polyphenols of a cranberry. Anthocyanins are
known for their link to a multitude of health
benefits including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
antiviral, antibacterial and anticarcinogenic
activity. In addition, there's evidence of vascularprotective effects leading to a reduction in
CoQ10 is a critical nutrient involved in the
production of energy within our cells and has
been widely used in this country for various
cardiac conditions, especially congestive heart
failure (CHF). Since its discovery, studies of
CoQ10's clinical value has led to widespread
use and substantiation of its benefits, such as
treating heart diseases, increasing energy
levels, enhancing the immune system, reversing
gum disease, providing antioxidant activity, and
preventing certain side effects of common drugs.
Nopal Cactus Juice Extract
Nopal strengthens the liver and the pancreas
thereby improving the ability of insulin to
stimulate the movement of glucose from the
blood into body cells where it is used as energy.
Nopal is a healthy food for diabetics because it
slows the digestion of carbohydrates thereby
slowing the insulin production. Nopal also helps
to lower the blood sugar and it is low in calories
and sodium.
Nopal's amino acids, fiber and B3 (niacin)
prevent excess blood sugar conversions into
fats, while reducing the total cholesterol,
triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels by
metabolizing fat and fatty acids and eliminating
excess bile acids (excess bile acid is eventually
converted into cholesterol). Other research
studies in B3 (niacin) show its conversion effects
of LDL (bad) to HDL (good) forms of cholesterol
and help decrease the risk of heart disease.
Studies have shown that Nopal actually
improves the function of the immune system. In
fact, phytochemicals are powerful allies of the
body's immune system, allowing it to defend the
body against all types of pathogens. Lab
animals given cactus juice demonstrate
increased immune function with regard to tumor
growth, Epstein-Barr virus and suppressed
immune response. Researchers have proven
that phytochemicals inhibit cancer growth and
may prevent cancer from developing. The
cactus contains many of these phytochemicals
in quantities greater than many other more
traditional plant foods.
Nopal's 18 amino acids, 8 of which are essential
and must be ingested as food, provide you with
more energy and less fatigue by helping the
body to lower blood sugar; elevate moods,
suppress the appetite and provide nutrients. Fat
build-up is prevented, while fat breakdown and
excretion is increased. Insoluble fibers such as
Lignan are known for increasing satiety and
eliminating excessive binges. Nopal's vegetable
protein helps the body pull fluids from the
tissues back into the bloodstream thereby
diminishing cellulite and fluid retention.
Nopal's natural available vitamins, minerals and
fibers (A, B1, B2, B3, C, Calcium, Magnesium,
Sodium, Potassium, Iron, Lignin, Cellulose,
Hemicellulose, Pectin, Mucilage's and Gum)
along with 17 amino acids help to detoxify and
support not only the liver, but also the body in
general. Ammonia, free radicals and
environmental toxins such as alcohol and
cigarette smoke, which all suppress the immune
system, are removed by Nopal. Nopal also aids
in the balancing and calming of the nervous
system, which benefits the body's overall
The juice of Nopal is widely used as an antiinflammatory diuretic. Where there is pain on
urination, with a continuing dull ache in the
urethra and bladder well after completion, the
juice can be taken to decrease the pain.
Nopal Juice's Additional Benefits
Vegetarian Food Combining: Nopal's 17
amino acids, fibers, vitamins and minerals
address the needs of a vegetarian diet.
Colon Cleansing: Nopal contains both soluble
and insoluble dietary fibers. the insoluble dietary
fiber in Nopal (more commonly known as
roughage), absorbs water and gently hastens
food through the digestive track and contributes
to regular bowel movements. In addition, the
presence of insoluble fibers in the colon helps to
dilute the concentration of potential carcinogens
that may be present. Soluble fibers also
contribute to regularity. Furthermore, Nopal is a
gentle alternative to psyllium for those with a
sensitivity or allergy to psyllium.
Arteriosclerosis: The effects of the amino acids
and fiber, including the anti-oxidant of Nopal's
Vitamin C and A (Beta Carotene) prevents the
likelihood of blood vessel wall damage and the
formation of fatty plaques.
Gastric Ulcers / Gastrointestinal Disorders:
Nopal vegetable fibers and mucilage's control
excess gastric acid production and protect the
gastrointestinal mucosa. This pH buffering and
coating has been studied for the prevention of
damages that may occur from ingesting spicy
foods, aspirin and other NSAIDs.
Studies: Studies show Nopal is a valuable
health supporting nutrient that helps support
immune, glandular, nervous, circulatory,
respiratory and digestive systems.
Blood Sugar Regulation for Diabetes
Mellitus: Nopal's 17 amino acids, provide you
with more energy and reduce fatigue by helping
the body to lower blood sugar. Nopal
strengthens the liver and pancreas thereby
increasing sensitivity to insulin which stimulates
the movement of glucose from the blood into
body cells where it is used as energy. It also
slows the digestion of carbohydrates which in
turn slows insulin production.
Nutrition: In comparison with other plants,
Nopal is high in nutrients that strengthen the
liver and the pancreas; the health of these two
glands being vitally important to the conversion
of carbohydrate sugars into stored glycogen
useable as energy by the body, the production
of insulin and the sensitivity of body cells to
insulin which is necessary to move glucose from
the blood stream into body cells where it is used
as energy. Vitamins found in Nopal (A, B1, B2,
B3, C) and Fibers (Lignan, Cellulose,
Hemicellulose, Pectin, Mucilage and Gum, along
with the 17 amino acids also found in Nopal help
to detoxify and support the functions of the liver
and pancreas, while improving body cell
response to insulin stimulation.
Digestive System: The active ingredients found
in Nopal aid in preventing the digestive system
from absorbing excess dietary fat and
carbohydrate sugars, thereby maintaining proper
blood sugar balance and helping to control
obesity. Soluble fibers (including gums,
mucilage, pectin and polysaccharides) show the
absorption of glucose in the intestines. Insoluble
fibers (more commonly known as roughage),
reduce excess bile and potential carcinogens
(cancer-causing agents) that may be present in
the colon, by absorption and excretion. As a
fibrous plant, Nopal contains high levels of both
soluble and insoluble dietary fibers. Soluble
fivers present in Nopal include mucilage, pectin,
gums and some hemicellulose. Insoluble fibers
include cellulose, lignan and remaining
hemicellulose. Nopal is a gentle alternative to
psyllium (a well-known fiber supplement taken
for colon cleansing) for those with a sensitivity or
allergy to psyllium. Vegetable protein found in
Nopal (amino acids) help the body pull fluids
from body tissues back into the bloodstream
thereby diminishing cellulite and fluid retention.
Fat buildup is prevented, while fat break down
and excretion is increased. The pectin and
lignan found in Nopal are also known for
increasing satiety (decreasing appetite). These
are important factors in controlling obesity.
Immune System: As indicated above,
phytochemicals are powerful allies of the body's
immune system, allowing it to defend the body
against pathogens. Recent studies have found
that among the phytochemicals found in Nopal
are the types that inhibit cancerous cell growth
and may even help prevent cancer from
developing. Animal studies corroborate this,
showing that dosages of Nopal Juice increase
immune system efficiency in controlling tumor
growth, Epstein-Barr virus and suppressed
immune response.
Circulatory System: As demonstrated by the
hospital study referred to above, Nopal acts in
several ways that have been found to reduce the
risk of heart disease. First, the fiber found in
Nopal acts to absorb and excrete cholesterol in
the digestive system. Second, the amino acids,
fiber and B3 (Niacin) found in Nopal prevent
excess sugar conversions into fats, while
reducing triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels,
by metabolizing fat and fatty acids and
eliminating excess bile acids which eventually
convert into cholesterol. Third, the B3 (Niacin) in
Nopal acts to convert LDL (bad) cholesterol to
HDL (good) forms of cholesterol. Additionally,
the amino acids and fiber, together with the antioxidant effects of the vitamin C and vitamin A
(B-caroten) found in Nopal, aid in preventing
blood vessel wall damage and the formation of
fatty plaques in the arteries (arteriosclerosis).
Urinary System: The juice of Nopal is used in
Mexico as an anti-inflammatory diuretic and to
decrease pain on or following urination. These
effects derive from bioflavinoid, amino acids and
fiber in Nopal.
Nervous System: Nopal helps prevent
Neuropathy (nerve damage) and aids in the
balancing and calming of the nervous system,
which creates a sense of well-being and benefits
the body's overall function.
Phytochemicals: Phytochemicals found in
plants (also known as "functional foods" and
"neutriceuticals") act in four basic ways to
promote health and assist the human body in
resisting disease. One group act as "antioxidants" in eradicating oxygen deficient
molecules know as "free radicals" which, if not
eliminated, cause cell damage that can lead to
diabetes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis and
other disorders. A second group act as
"detoxifiers" by supporting normal processes
that allow the human body to recognize and
destroy or eliminate toxic substances ingested
or produced by the body. A third group act as
"hormone modulators" by triggering needed
hormone production (such as insulin) and by
substituting harmless hormone-like substances
(such as phytoestrogens) for over-acting natural
hormones and/or reducing the production of
excess hormones by the body. Excess
hormones can trigger cellular damage leading to
various types of cancers. A fourth group act as
"cell regulators" by assisting the human body in
controlling the rampant growth characteristics of
tumors. Nopal has been found to contain many
of these phytochemicals in quantities greater
than is found in more well-recognized plants.
Amino Acids, Vitamins and Minerals: Amino
acids are the chief structure of proteins and are
involved in a wide range of beneficial functions
such as stimulating the immune system,
maintenance of proper blood sugar balance and
control of anxiety and depression. Nopal is a
natural source of 17 amino acids, 8 of which
must be ingested as food. Vitamins A, E and C
act as antioxidants. Vitamin B3 (niacin) lowers
cholesterol and B12 protects against
atherosclerosis. Vitamin E helps prevent blood
clots and the formation of fatty plaques on the
walls of the arteries and helps counteract nerve
damage associated with adult-onset diabetes.
Folic acid reduces risk of stroke and together
with B12 helps prevent cells from becoming
malignant. Nopal is an excellent source of these
important vitamins in a natural form. A primary
role of minerals is to serve as facilitators of the
many types of metabolism that are necessary to
the proper functioning of all human body
systems. For example, iron is necessary for
protein metabolism and plays a role in immune
system resistance. Potassium prevents impaired
glucose tolerance and impaired insulin
secretion. Selenium is an anti-oxidant and
preserves tissue elasticity. Additionally, minerals
play special roles; such as calcium in the
building of strong bones and teeth. Nopal is an
excellent source of 10 essential minerals.
Weight Loss: Nopal is most known as a natural
way to lose weight. Its high fiber content curbs
the appetite and fat buildup is diminished while
fat breaks down and excretions are increased.
Nopal offers vegetable protein that helps the
body pull fluids back from the tissues into the
bloodstream, thereby diminishing cellulite and
fluid retention.
Cholesterol Regulation: Nopal's amino acids,
fiber and B3 prevent excess blood sugar
conversion into fat, reduces the total cholesterol,
triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels by
metabolizing fat and fatty acids and eliminating
excess bile acids. These excess bile acids are
what are eventually converted into cholesterol.
Other research studies show the B3 (niacin) in
Nopal aid in the conversion of LDL (bad) into
HDL (good) forms of cholesterol and help
decrease the risk of heart disease.
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We can't see Gravity. We can't hear Gravity. Nor
can we touch, taste or smell Gravity. Thus,
when it comes to keeping up our health and
beauty, we seldom think about Gravity and its
powerful influence over our mental and physical
well-being in our earthbound lives. Yet, the
effects of Gravity's constant downward pull on
our faces, necks, shoulders, chests, backs,
organs, hips, legs and feet are painfully obvious
to most of us For instance, it's not old age
which causes our bodies to shrink on this planet:
It's Gravity! The same universal force that
causes our bodies to get out-of-shape in the first
place. And exercising, to shapeup our bodies,
can actually compound the situation. For the
more we run, the more we jump, and the more
we lift, the more down-to-earth our bodies
become-thanks to Gravity. Just the weight of
one's body on impact with the ground from
walking is over twice that as when one is
standing still. But no matter where we go on this
planet, we can never get away from Gravity: It is
always underfoot. Gravity never lightens up!
Nor does it discriminate. Young or old, rich or
poor, fit or unfit, we are all (at every moment)
equally hard-pressed not to be brought to our
knees (and even fall prostrated) before this well
entrenched landlord of the underworld. If Gravity
can prevent water from flowing upward, it can
also prevent the blood in our bodies from flowing
upward freely (above our hearts) and into our
heads-whenever we sit, stand and sleep with
our heads on top of pillows. And poor blood
circulation up to our eyes, ears, gums, faces,
scalps and brains is a good reason why these,
our most precious faculties, deteriorate first
Oils for Emotional Well-Being
Bergamot, Jasmine, Neroli, Orange, Patchouli,
Petitgrain, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Vetiver,
Ylang Ylang
Bergamot, Cedarwood, Clary Sage,
Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Mandarin,
Neroli, Patchouli, Roman Chamomile, Rose,
Sandalwood, Vetiver
Bay Laurel, Bergamot, Cypress, Grapefruit,
Jasmine, Orange, Rosemary
during our earthly existence. For most of us,
simply sitting and standing can be a neverending uphill battle against Gravity. And,
whether we realize it or not, the longer we
maintain these positions, the more of our human
energy is drained by Gravity. The heavy hand of
Gravity also takes its toll on our internal organs.
It compresses our lungs and limits breathing
capacity; it prolapses our colons and slows
metabolism and elimination. And the colon's
descent on our sex organs is a major downer.
Scientifically speaking-if the oceans and their
tides are moved by Gravity-so too are our
bodies, and their fluids, moved by Gravity.
Gravity makes the ground rule! It's the law of the
land! And we're all stuck to this planet because
of it. In short, no upright person escapes its
endless downsizing of the human body.
Bottomline: Every aspect of our well-grounded
existence is undermined by Gravity. And its
method sucks! Plummeting Posture Yielding
Youth Heavy Head Nagging Neck Shifted
Shoulders Baggy Bust Listless Limbs Hostile
Hips Falling Fanny Obscene Organs Thick
Thighs Buckling Bones Varicose Veins
Agonizing Arches Stumbling
Bergamot, Clary Sage, Frankincense,
Geranium, Grapefruit, Helichrysum, Jasmine,
Lavender, Lemon, Mandarin, Neroli, Orange,
Roman Chamomile, Rose, Sandalwood, Ylang
Fatigue, Exhaustion and Burnout
Basil, Bergamot, Black Pepper, Clary Sage,
Cypress, Frankincense, Ginger, Grapefruit,
Helichrysum, Jasmine, Lemon, Patchouli,
Peppermint, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Vetiver
Bergamot, Cedarwood, Clary Sage,
Frankincense, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Lemon,
Neroli, Orange, Roman Chamomile
Sandalwood, Vetiver
Cypress, Frankincense, Helichrysum, Neroli,
Rose, Sandalwood, Vetiver
Happiness and Peace
Bergamot, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit,
Lemon, Neroli, Orange, Rose, Sandalwood,
Ylang Ylang
Bergamot, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Jasmine,
Sandalwood, Vetiver
Lavender, Mandarin, Neroli, Roman Chamomile,
Bergamot, Clary Sage, Frankincense,
Helichrysum, Roman Chamomile, Rose
Memory and Concentration
Basil, Black Pepper, Cypress, Hyssop, Lemon,
Peppermint, Rosemary
Panic and Panic Attacks
Frankincense, Helichrysum, Lavender, Neroli,
Benzoin, Bergamot, Clary Sage, Frankincense,
Geranium, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Lavender,
Mandarin, Neroli, Patchouli, Roman Chamomile,
Rose, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang
Various Uses for Bergamot Oil:
Oils for
Oil for Emotional
Cold Sores
Happiness and Peace
Loneliness and Sadness
ANALGESIC - A substance which
relieves pain
Birch, Black Pepper, Roman Chamomile,
Eucalyptus, Ginger Root, Lavender,
Lemongrass, Sweet Marjoram, Peppermint,
Wild Rosemary. Blends: Agility, Agility &
ANTI-BACTERIAL - An agent which
prevents the growth of, or destroys,
Basil, Clove, Eucalyptus,, Geranium,
Grapefruit, Helichrysum, Lavender, Lemon,
Lemongrass, Lime, Orange, Oregano,
Rosewood, Blends : Eternal Noel, Respire,
ANTI-CATARRHAL - An agent which
helps remove excess mucus (catarrh)
from the respiratory or lymph systems
and the body itself.
Eucalyptus, Ginger, Frankincense,
Helichrysum, Lemongrass, Ravensara,
Rosemary, Sandalwood. Blends: Respire
ANTI-DEPRESSANT- An agent which
helps alleviate depression
Basil, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender,
Orange, Sandalwood. Blends: Wealthy,
Rose Bliss, Agility, Composure
ANTI-FUNGAL - An agent which
prevents and combats fungal infection
Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Geranium,
Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Oregano,
Rosewood, Sage, Thyme. Blends:
Wealthy, Healthy
ANTI-INFECTIOUS - An agent which
prevents and combats the spread of
Oregano, Pine
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY - An agent which
alleviates inflammation
Basil, Bergamot, Birch, Roman Chamomile,
Helichrysum, Lavender, Lemongrass,
Myrrh, Peppermint, Thyme. Blend: Eternal
ANTI-MICROBIAL - An agent which
resists or destroys pathogenic microorganisms
Cinnamon Bark, Helichrysum, Lemon,
Myrrh, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme
ANTI-PARASITIC - An agent which
prevents and destroys parasites Basil,
ANTI-RHEUMATIC -Helps prevent and
relieve rheumatism
Birch, Eucalyptus, Helichrysum, Oregano,
Rosemary, Thyme. Blends: Agility, Agility
& Helichrysum
ANTI-SEPTIC - Destroys and prevents
the development of microbes
Cinnamon Bark, Ginger, Grapefruit,
Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Marjoram,
Ravensara, Sandalwood, Tangerine
ANTI-SPASMODIC - Prevents and eases
spasms or convulsions
Birch, Roman Chamomile, Eucalyptus,
Helichrysum, Lavender, Marjoram Blends:
Agility, Agility & Helichrysum
ANTI-VIRAL - substance which inhibits
the growth of a virus
Clove, Eucalyptus, Myrrh, Oregano,
Ravensara, Rosewood, Sage. Blends:
Healthy, Wealthy, Respire.
IMMUNE-STIMULANT - An agent which
stimulates the natural defense
mechanism of the body
Frankincense, Lemon, Oregano, Thyme.
Blends: Wealthy, Healthy
Mu Omega chapter of Omega Psi Phi
Fraternity,Incorporated, was founded in the year
1920 as a graduate chapter in the city of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The chapter was
originally designated as Mu chapter but in 1923
under Grand Basileus J. Alston
Atkins,chapters were renamed in order to
distinguish the graduate from the undergraduate
It was in 1923 that the undergraduate chapter
was founded at the University of Pennsylvania.
Mu was the designation given to the new
undergraduate chapter and Mu Omega was
given to the graduate chapter . Mu Omega at its
founding was only the third graduate chapter in
the fraternity along with ten undergraduate
Mu Omega's rolls have always listed many
famous and outstanding Omega Men, many who
have held national fraternal offices at one time
or another. Oscar J. Cooper, one of our
beloved founders, led the fraternity as the
second Grand Basileus in 1912, the first Grand
Keeper of Records and Seal in 1911, and the
second Keeper of Finance in 1913. Julius
McLain, besides being Basileus of Mu Omega
in 1925, went on to become the third First Vice
Grand Basileus in the same year. Later he
became the twelfth Grand Basileus in 1926.
Mifflin T. Gibbs, served as the tenth First Vice
Grand Basileus in 1939. Joseph T. Brooks, a
relative of a current Mu Omega brother, was the
second Vice Grand Basileus in 1946 and the
sixteenth First Vice Grand Basileus in 1955.
Father H. Albion Farrell also served as a
Grand Chaplain. Daniel B. Taylor served as our
ninth Grand Keeper of Finance in 1925.
Robert N. C. Nix, Sr. although not a grand
office, distinguished himself in Pennsylvania
politics and was subsequently elected to the
House of Representatives of the United States
by the Fourth Congressional District of
Pennsylvania. William H. Hastie was the first
recipient of the fraternity's outstanding citizen of
the year award. He was also the first Black
appointed to the federal judiciary. William Hastie
resigned as Civilian Aide to the Secretary of War
in protest against discrimination in the Armed
Forces. He was later appointed Governor of the
Virgin Islands by President Truman.
William C. Jason, Jr. founder of Mu
(undergraduate) chapter was a pioneer in the
labor rights fight in the Postal system.
Terrel D. Parris, past Basileus of Mu Omega
chapter and a past 2nd District Representative,
was elected to Grand Keeper of Records and
Seal at the 72nd Grand Conclave in Charlotte,
North Carolina in 2002 and was re-elected for
another term at the 73rd Grand Conclave in St.
Louis, Missouri in 2004.
Housing in the early stages of Mu Omega
(Graduate) Chapter was primarily for meeting
purposes. These meetings were initially held in
various brothers houses. As the chapter
membership grew and the need for larger
quarters became apparent, these meetings were
then moved to a Methodist church in
Germantown, Sunnycrest Farms in Cheyney,
the Fairview Golf Club, St. Luke's Episcopal
Church and the Christian Street YMCA. These
arrangements satisfied the need for space but
stability of location and a facility for storing
property became an overriding force.
Additionally, these quarters were becoming too
small. It was at this time that talk of purchasing a
house began.
The Chapter purchased its first house at 49
North 54th Street around 1953. The whole
house was originally used for fraternal activities
but later the first and second floors were
converted into apartments and meetings and
gatherings were restricted to the renovated
basement. Around 1968, Mu Chapter
(Intermediate) purchased a house at 218 East
Price Street. Mu Omega (Graduate) Chapter
began to share this facility but realized that it
needed its own place to accommodate its
growing needs.
While the chapter was meeting at St. Luke's
during 1971, the Housing Committee was
formed for the sole purpose of purchasing a
house. The brothers held a raffle, made pledges
and instituted the Holiday (Christmas) Dance to
generate monies for a down payment. On
February 13, 1973, Mu Omega purchased 431
East Locust Avenue with a down payment of
$7,500 and a mortgage of $15,000. The chapter
used funds from the assessment of $100 per
brother, rental income from the 54th Street
property and revenue from the Holiday Dance to
maintain the Locust Avenue property and to pay
off the mortgage. Continual improvements to the
house were made possible through donations of
property, additional pledges of from $200 to
$1,000 and designated gifts. Brother Dr. Roland
Lucas, for whom the third floor lounge was
named, played a significant part in the early
development of the house. On March 3, 1978,
the 54th Street property was sold at final
settlement for $12,730. In 1980, $50,000 was
spent on renovations for the Locust Avenue
property and in 1988 the mortgage was retired.
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