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What’s So Important About
. . . C ontinued f rom P age 3
Brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste, using fluoridated mouth rinse, and receiving fluoride at your cleaning appointments allows the fluoride to go directly onto the tooth’s surface. It also becomes a part of your saliva, constantly bathing the teeth and helping to rebuild weakened tooth enamel.
Professional fluoride treatment is important in figh0ng tooth decay in children and adults. In our offices, a fluoride rinse or varnish is applied to your teeth aMer a cleaning. The fluoride we use is stronger than over-­‐the-­‐counter toothpastes or mouth rinses and provides the “boost” your teeth need to con0nue in the fight against tooth decay.
Fluoride contributes much more to overall health than simply reducing dental decay. it prevents needless infec0on, pain, suffering and loss of teeth. It improves quality of life and saves vast sums of money in dental treatment costs. It works for everyone, no maLer the age.
“Why Live with Head Pain?”
Free Seminar
November 1, 2012, 5:30 – 7:00 PM
DoubleTree by Hilton (Bush River & I-­‐20)
RSVP: Call 803.781.1600
Do you or a loved one, co-­‐worker or friend suffer from headaches, migraines or jaw joint problems? Do they take medica0ons with side effects that’s as bad as the headaches? Do they miss family events, vaca0ons or work because of the paralyzing effects of migraine headaches? Mark your schedules now, RSVP and plan to aLend our Trudenta Seminar on November 1st from 5:30 to 7:00pm to qualify for up to $1,000 in treatment discounts. We will be sharing informa0on on this amazing new technology and therapy for trea0ng migraines, headaches and jaw joint pain. This revolu0onary treatment has been proven over ten years and to countless pa0ents, who have regained their lives. There are no needles, no medica-ons and no pain. It’s all natural and the cost of this therapy may actually be less than the monthly cost of the medica0on you’re taking to combat your migraines!
October 2
Issue 19
4th Annual Halloween Candy Buy Back
For the fourth year, we will offer our “Halloween Candy Buy Back” program. Anyone, adult or child, will receive $1 for every pound of Halloween Candy (up to $5) brought to our Dental Offices. Again, we are joining forces with The South Carolina Children’s Dental Group and The Orthodon0c Offices of Dr. Leslie Pitner. Over the last three years, we collected over 800 pounds each year. The candy is donated to USO’s Opera0on Gra0tude and sent to our troops overseas – as well as to Ronald McDonald House locally. We will collect candy on November 1, 5, 6 and 7 during our normal business hours. Help show our apprecia0on to our brave young men and women who keep us safe – and to the children helped by Ronald McDonald House!
Dental Care Provided to Those in Need
Once a year the South Carolina Dental Society offers a weekend of free dental care to a region in the state. This year, Dental Access Days (DAD) was held in August at the Columbia Fairgrounds. Wanda, Cindy, Sarah and Dr. Hartley all volunteered their 0me and talents with over 300 den0sts, assistants, front office staff and other dental personnel providing over $500,000 worth of needed dental care to over 1,500 pa0ents! Next August, DAD is going to be held in Charleston. Visit for more informa0on. Dr. Gregory Wych Dr. Benne/a Bell Dr. Anna Goldston Dr. Caroline Hartley
FALL for Dental
There’s so much misinforma0on these days concerning good dental health. Take it from your knowledgable and experienced dental team, the following are absolute misconcep0ons about your teeth . . .
Not True. Teeth are held in posi0on by the bone. Tartar can some0mes bind the teeth together. Tartar, unless removed, will then cause inflamma0on of the gums. When tartar is removed, your teeth may slightly reposi0on to ensure the healthy recovery of gums and bone.
Not True. Dental treatment can be done easily during the second trimester of pregnancy (4-­‐6 months). During the first or last 3 months of pregnancy, only emergency dental procedures to provide pain relief should be carried out. Dental digital x-­‐rays have extremely low amounts of radia0on, but should be avoided during pregnancy.
Not True. Toothbrushes can remove plaque and calculus from the teeth far more effec0vely than cleaning with a finger. Plus, there’s liLle difference between a hard and a soM toothbrush. Abrasions, notches or ridges in the teeth are usually caused from abrasive toothpaste rather than the hardness of a toothbrush. . . . Con&nued on Page 2
Not True. Actually, as soon as the teeth start erup0ng they require regular cleaning to prevent dental decay, either with a small, child-­‐sized toothbrush or with a washcloth.
THERE IS NO NEED TO TREAT BABY TEETH DECAY AS THEY WILL FALL OUT ANYWAY. Not True. Baby teeth need to be cared for as much as permanent teeth. Unless treated, decay may cause pain and may lead to difficulty in chewing food. Early loss of a baby tooth could cause driMing and mal-­‐alignment of the erup0ng permanent teeth. WHEN THE GUMS BLEED, IT IS BETTER TO NOT BRUSH OR FLOSS THE TEETH.
Not True. Bleeding is a sign of inflamma0on of the gums. Bleeding gums usually have plaque and tartar and require scaling (cleaning of teeth) to treat the underlying inflamma0on. To stop brushing only leads to a greater accumula0on of tartar and aggravates the problem. Scaling, followed by regular brushing with a soM toothbrush, is recommended.
Not True. If an aspirin or other pain pill is placed inside the tooth, it provides no pain relief and can cause burning of the soM 0ssues around the tooth. Swallowing the tablet can provide some relief. The cause of the toothache should be inves0gated and treated.
Not True. Nowadays with beLer anesthe0c techniques, root canal treatment has become virtually painless. In most cases, the root canal can be completed in one visit, using advanced dental technology.
Not True. AMer the nerve and blood supply removal associated with a root canal, the tooth may become briLle or discolor, so crowning the tooth is best. Some0mes, a front tooth may not need a crown, but back teeth almost always will. The bi0ng force on back teeth is at least nine 0mes stronger than on front teeth. But oMen, the front tooth will discolor and will need a crown or veneer to make it the same color as the others. What’s So Important
About Fluoride?
In this busy life we lead, our children are exposed to constant snacking and grazing on unhealthy food. This constant acid aLack on our children's teeth contributes to a high risk for tooth decay. As parent's, we are always distressed when a trip to the den0st ends with a report of more new cavi0es. So, what is the best way to prevent your children from having cavi0es? Here’s 0ps to provide beLer long-­‐term dental health for your family.
Fluoride is nature’s cavity fighter. It is a mineral that occurs naturally in varying amounts in water sources such as rivers, lakes and oceans, and even in certain foods and beverages. 2
A ROOT CANAL ISN’T NEEDED IF THERE’S NO TOOTH PAIN. Not True. Root canals are mandatory when an infec0on has reached the tooth’s pulp or nerve, even if no pain is being experienced with the decayed tooth.
Not True. Tissues beneath the dentures change over a period of 0me. The jawbone shrinks aMer an extrac0on, mostly in the first six months, but con0nues to shrink for the rest of your life. So, dentures will need modifica0ons or remakes over 0me.
Join Us on Thursday 11/1/12,
5:30-7:30pm, for our Free
Seminar at DoubleTree
by Hilton.
Call 781-1600 to RSVP
and qualify for $1000 in
treatment discounts.
(more on page 4)
Approximately 72.4% of the US popula0on served by public water systems receive the benefit of op0mally fluoridated water. Community water fluorida0on is the single most effec0ve public health measure to prevent tooth decay. To maximize preventa0ve proper0es against tooth decay, fluoride is added to drinking water, toothpaste and even applied to your teeth by the hygienist at your cleaning appointments. Even before baby teeth begin to show, it’s important for babies to get some fluoride intake to insure their new teeth are strong. This is usually from drinking water, but our dental offices can help you decide if the fluoride present in your water at home has enough to be effec0ve. REMOVAL OF UPPER TEETH IMPROVES VISION.
Not True. This crazy myth is not anywhere near the truth! Vision is not affected in any way by undertaking treatment of the upper teeth … including its extrac0on.
Say “Goodbye” to Headaches, Migraines & Jaw Pain!
Give Your Child’s Teeth a Healthy
Chance to Last a Lifetime
BRUSH TWICE A DAY WITH FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE. Brushing and flossing twice a day can greatly reduce tooth decay and gum disease. There are many aids available for children and parents to use. HAVE SUGARY FOODS AND DRINKS DURING MEALS. When your child eats, saliva flow increases. This helps to neutralize harmful acids that destroy healthy tooth structure.
LIMIT SUGARY DRINKS AND SNACKS. Make sure that your food and beverages are low in added sugar. Sugars and plaque work together to form an acid. Acid destroys healthy teeth. REMEMBER, sports drinks are high in sugar and acid content.
CHEW SUGARLESS GUM WITH THE ADA SEAL. Chewing American Dental Associa0on (ADA) approved gum for 20 minutes helps to increase saliva flow, which in turn washes food away from teeth and neutralizes the acid. DRINK WATER. It flushes away food from the mouth and decreases the amount of acid and bacteria on your child's teeth. Fluoride is a naturally present chemical that helps to prevent decay. It is found in nature in both water and green leafy vegetables.
For young children, before permanent teeth break through the gums, the fluoride taken in from foods, beverages and dietary supplements strengthens tooth enamel making it stronger and more resistant to cavi0es. For older children and adults, aMer teeth erupt, fluoride helps to rebuild (re-­‐
mineralize) weakened tooth enamel and reverse early signs of tooth decay. . . . Con&nued on Page 4
The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention has proclaimed
community water fluoridation as
one of 10 great public health
achievements of the 20th century.