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Universe and Stars Project
Final Due Date: December 7th!
Presentations: December 7-11
Unit 4 and 5: Universe and Star Formation and Classification
1. Benchmark(s)/Standard(s): Benchmark: SC.912.E.5.1 - Cite evidence used to develop and verify the scientific
theory of the Big Bang (also known as the Big Bang Theory) of the origin of the universe. (SUPPORT
BENCHMARKS SC.912.L.15.8 ) SC.912.L.15.8 - Describe the scientific explanations of the origin of life on Earth.
2. Benchmark: SC.8.E.5.5 Describe and classify specific physical properties of stars: apparent magnitude
(brightness), temperature (color), size, and luminosity (absolute brightness). (SUPPORT BENCHMARKS
SC.912.E.5.4, SC.8.E.5.6) SC.912.E.5.4- Explain the physical properties of the Sun and its dynamic nature and
connect them to conditions and events on Earth; SC.8.E.5.6- Create models of solar properties including:
rotation, structure of the Sun, convection, sunspots, solar flares, and prominences
Complexity level above the Learning Goal
I can create a model to show the property of stars (including our sun) and how the universe is
Marzano Complexity Level :___3___Comprehension
I can cite evidence used to develop and verify the scientific theory of the Big Bang, and I can
describe and classify specific physical property of stars.
The creation of our universe and Star Formation Learning Targets
Learning Target A – I will can describe evidence used to develop and verify the scientific
theory of the big bang (big bang theory) ,the origin of the universe.
Learning Target B - I can recognize that time, length, and energy depend on the frame of
Learning Target C – I can identify patterns in the organization and distribution of matter in
the universe and the forces that determine them.
Learning Target D- I can describe and classify specific physical properties of stars: apparent
magnitude (brightness), temperature (color), size, and luminosity (absolute brightness).
Learning Target E- I can connect the concepts of radiation and the electromagnetic spectrum
to the use of historical and newly-developed observational tools.
With help, partial success with the unit content.
This Project will begin with 6 lessons the week of November 9th
Nov 6 and 9- Creation of the universe- Big Bang Theory
Nov 10- What makes up the universe?
Nov 11- Star Classification
Nov 12- Star classification continued- the sun
Nov 13- Radiation, EM Spectrum and Observational Tools
Your project will consist of a Fusion Pages, Powerpoint, presentations and you will create one model/Visual Aid of
your choice (from below part C). You can work on this individually OR as a group of up to 4. I have to know who
your group members are by November 12th. Also, I have to have this paper with your parent signature by Nov 12th.
Part A (We Do): Turn in Fusion pages and Worksheet(s), 600pts Due: Nov 13th
Note: Even if you’re in a group, each person must complete this part individually in class.
Video Notes (we will do in class Nov 6th )- Friday 100pts
Fusion pgs 74-81 ( we will do in class Nov 9th) 100pts
Video Worksheet- The Universe and Light Years (we will do in class Nov 10th) 100pts
Fusion pages 85-93 ( we will do in class Nov 11th) 100pts
The Sun and HR Diagram worksheet ( we will do in class Nov 12th ) 100pts
Fusion pgs 242-243 ( we will do in class Nov 13th) 100pts
Part B (You Do): PowerPoint, 200pts- Library and Research Nov 16th -Dec 5th (Nov 30th - Dec 5th, we will be reviewing as
well so not every day will be in the library). POWERPOINT MUST BE SAVED TO FLASH DRIVE, YOU CANNOT EMAIL IT
BECAUSE IT WILL TAKE UP TOO MUCH SPACE IN MY WORK EMAIL! I will try to see if there is a shared drive we can use,
but if not please have a flash drive ready. At least 6 of the 10 slides due by Nov 30th for 100 points, print or bring flash
No less than 10 slides. (25pts)
All text must be in your own words, no copy and paste. Feel free to use your notes and textbook to assist you.
Include your sources at the end and where you found the information for each slide. (25pts)
Each slide should have a picture(s) (25pts)
Include at least 2 video clips, no longer than 8 min each. (25pts)
Your powerpoint slides must address the following topics ( 100pts):
1. Describe how the Universe was formed and provide at least 3 pieces of evidence of the Big Bang. ( LT A)
Make sure you include what red shift and steady state means.
2. Describe scientific explanations and conditions that explain and contributed to the origin of life on Earth
(give at least 3 examples of conditions that contributed to life on Earth).
3. Describe how the universe is organized and what makes up the universe. ( LT C)
4. Explain the concept of a light year AND give at least 3 examples of how large or far away things are from
each other by describing the distance using light years. ( LT B)
5. Describe 5 ways the sun affects the Earth.
6. How does gravity affect matter in the universe (give 4 examples). ( LT C)
7. Describe and classify the physical properties of stars. (LT D)
8. Explain why distance is a factor in space travel (LT B).
All 8 research topics explained, pictures for each slide, sources and at least 10 slides=200pts
Part C: Model- 200pts, Due by December 7th
Create a model which explains the characteristics scientists use to describe our Sun including rotation, structure,
convection, sunspots, solar flares, and prominences. Compare and contrast the Sun to other stars with your
display. ( All characteristics of the sun are shown on a model and explained, also you compared the sun to other
stars on a separate sheet of paper - 200pts)
Create a visual display of what makes up the universe on a large board- Include information and picture for
each: What is the universe, what is a galaxy, what is a nebula, what is a star, what is a planet, what is a dwarf
planet, what are moons, asteroids and comets (all information is included on a large display with a picture for
each- 200pts).
Part D- Presentation Participation Points-50pts
Parents, these are your students’ last few grades in my class. There will be absolutely no makeup or late work during
this time. I have thoughtfully planned out these last two units and students will have a month to complete all
requirements. Part A will be completed in class November 9th-13th, and if your student is absent on one of those days,
it will be due when they return to class. There is a lesson each day, so please have your student go on to make up any missing work. Parts B and C will be completed in class and at home. I
have planned 1 full week to complete research and begin/finish power points in class. Part C will probably be the only
part that will need to be done at home IF students are responsible and use their time in class wisely. Nov 30thDecember 5th, students will also have more research time. December 7th projects are due! This form is on the website
as well.
Parent Signature_____________________________________________________________ ( 50pts)
Project Total: 1100 points split up over 1 month.
Group Members:___________________________________________________________________
Helpful Links:
1. Describe how the Universe was formed and provide at least 3 pieces of evidence of the Big Bang. ( LT A)
Make sure you include what red shift and steady state means.
2. Describe scientific explanations and conditions that explain and contributed to the origin of life on Earth
(give at least 3 examples of conditions that contributed to life on Earth).
3. Describe how the universe is organized and what makes up the universe. ( LT C)
4. Explain the concept of a light year AND give at least 3 examples of how large or far away things are from
each other by describing the distance using light years. ( LT B)
5. Describe 5 ways the sun affects the Earth.
6. How does gravity affect matter in the universe (give 4 examples). ( LT C) )
7. Describe and classify the physical properties of stars. (LT D)
8. Explain why distance is a factor in space travel (LT B).