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Quiz A
1 - Which international association,
whose goal was to keep peace among
nations, condemned the Japanese
invasion of Manchuria in 1931 but had
no power to enforce its decisions
largely because the United States was
not a member?
2 - In defiance of which treaty, Hitler
began to rebuild his armed forces in
1935 and moved his troops into the
Rhineland in 1936?
3 - Soon after Hitler and Mussolini
formed the Rome-Berlin Axis in 1936,
they sent troops, tanks, and airplanes
to help General Francisco Franco
wage civil war in which country that
ultimately led to him becoming its
fascist dictator in 1939?
4 - What term describes the United
States’ belief that political ties to other
countries should be avoided in order
to prevent the costly error of being
dragged into another foreign war?
5 - Anti-Semitism, or hatred of which
group of people, was a key part of
6 - What term describes a militant
political movement that emphasized
extreme loyalty to the country and its
authoritarian leader, denied individual
rights, and promised to revive the
economy, punish those responsible
for hard times, and restore national
7 - The feeling of betrayal at the Paris
Pence Conference, inflation, and
unemployment led to the rise of which
Italian fascist leader who encouraged a
campaign of terror against communists and
socialists on the street, marched on Rome,
was put in change of the government by the
king, used secret police to jail his
opponents, then abolished democracy and
opposing political parties?
8 - France and Britain declared war on
Germany in September 1939 after
Hitler invaded Poland using his new
military strategy called what that
involved using fast-moving airplanes
and tanks, followed by massive
infantry forces to take the enemy by
9 - After Hitler swept through Holland,
Belgium, and Luxembourg to set up
an invasion of France in May 1940,
which country joined forces with Hitler,
declared war on both France and
Britain, then attacked Egypt in order to
control the Suez Canal?
10 - From the summer of 1940 to May
1941, the British were able to resist
Hitler during the Battle of Britain
because they had a secret tracking
system called what and a German
code-making machine called Enigma?
11 - Hitler wanted to build bases in
southeastern Europe, known as the
Balkans, in order to attack which of
his “allies”, so he expanded his
European influence by adding
Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary to
the Axis powers and invading and
defeating Yugoslavia and Greece?
12 - What was the name of the
meeting of representatives from
Britain, France, Italy, and Germany, at
which Britain and France agreed to
allow Nazi Germany to annex part of
Czechoslovakia in return for Hitler’s
pledge to respect Czechoslovakia’s
new borders?
13 - The militarists from which country
were similar to European fascists
because they were extremely
nationalistic, but they were different
because they wanted to restore
traditional control of the government
to the military with Emperor Hirohito
as their head of state?
14 - Mussolini was encouraged by the
League’s failure to stop Japan’s
invasion of Manchuria, so he invaded
which African country in 1935 in order
to began building an Italian colonial
Quiz B
1 - What was the name of the German
empire Hitler said would last 1,000
years and began to expand with the
occupation of the Rhineland in 1936,
the annexation of Austria in 1938, and
the seizing of the Sudatenland in 1938
and Czechoslovakia in 1939?
2 - What term describes the United
States’ belief that political ties to other
countries should be avoided in order
to prevent the costly error of being
dragged into another foreign war?
3 - What term describes Britain’s
urging to give in to Hitler and keep the
peace, which ultimately strengthened
Hitler’s power and prestige in
Germany and encouraged him to
speed up his military and territorial
4 - Which international association,
whose goal was to keep peace among
nations, condemned the Japanese
invasion of Manchuria in 1931 but had
no power to enforce its decisions
largely because the United States was
not a member?
5 - What term describes a militant
political movement that emphasized
extreme loyalty to the country and its
authoritarian leader, denied individual
rights, and promised to revive the
economy, punish those responsible
for hard times, and restore national
6 - In the 1920s, economic crisis
caused by the Great Depression led
to millions of people losing faith in
what type of government?
7 - Anti-Semitism, or hatred of which
group of people, was a key part of
8 - In June 1941, Hitler began
operation Barbarossa with a Blitzkrieg
invasion of Russia, and just like
Napoleon, the Russians retreated and
burned and destroyed everything in
the enemy’s path until what ultimately
stopped the Nazis in March 1943 at a
cost of 500,000 lives?
9 - Hitler wanted to build bases in
southeastern Europe, known as the
Balkans, in order to attack which of
his “allies”, so he expanded his
European influence by adding
Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary to
the Axis powers and invading and
defeating Yugoslavia and Greece?
10 - After France surrendered in June
1940 and Charles de Gaulle fled to
London to set up a government-inexile, which country had a new prime
minister named Winston Churchill who
stood alone against the Nazis and
declared that his nation would never
give in?
11 - France and Britain declared war
on Germany in September 1939 after
Hitler invaded Poland using his new
military strategy called what that
involved using fast-moving airplanes
and tanks, followed by massive
infantry forces to take the enemy by
12 - The militarists from which country
were similar to European fascists
because they were extremely
nationalistic, but they were different
because they wanted to restore
traditional control of the government
to the military with Emperor Hirohito
as their head of state?
13 - By the mid-1930s, Britain,
France, and the Untied States were
distracted by economic problems and
longed to remain at peace, but which
two European countries took actions
that indicated they intended to
militarily conquer other countries?
14 - What was the name of the
meeting of representatives from
Britain, France, Italy, and Germany, at
which Britain and France agreed to
allow Nazi Germany to annex part of
Czechoslovakia in return for Hitler’s
pledge to respect Czechoslovakia’s
new borders?