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International Plant Protection Convention
Subjects: “ecosystem” (2016-003), “habitat” (2016-005),
and “modern biotechnology” (2016-006)
Agenda item: 5.6
Subjects on the TPG work programme:
“ECOSYSTEM” (2016-003), “HABITAT” (2016-005),
(Prepared by Mr John HEDLEY)
The terms “ecosystem”, “habitat” and “modern biotechnology” were added to the List of topics for IPPC
standards by the Standards Committee (SC) in May 2016 based on a Technical Panel for the Glossary
(TPG) proposal to review the definitions and use in ISPMs of “ecosystem”, “habitat” and “modern
biotechnology”. Deletion of “ecosystem”, “habitat” and “modern biotechnology” was proposed by the
TPG in December 2015 and reviewed by the SC in May 2016. The following explanatory points may be
“Ecosystem” is used in ISPM 3 (Guidelines for the export, shipment, import and release of
biological control agents and other beneficial organisms) (1 time), ISPM 5 (Glossary of
phytosanitary terms) (15 times), ISPM 11 (Pest risk analysis for quarantine pests) (7 times), and
ISPM 12 (Phytosanitary certificates) (1 time).
“Habitat” is also used in ISPM 2 (Framework for pest risk analysis) (5 times), ISPM 5 (6 times),
ISPM 11 (21 times), ISPM 12 (1 time), and ISPM 22 (Requirements for the establishment of areas
of low pest prevalence) (2 times).
“Modern biotechnology” is used in ISPM 2 (1 time), and ISPM 11 (3 times) in relation with Living
modified organisms (LMOs) and ISPM 5 (term definition and in definition of living modified
“Ecosystem” and “habitat” are common terms and are generally used in environmental/ecological
matters and are often related to the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) issues. The terms,
“ecosystem” and “habitat”, were originally defined as individual terms for the purpose of ISPM
3:2005. They were later used in the revised ISPM 11 that took into account environmental risks.
They are frequently used together when describing plant protection of the IPPC eg “…to the
protection of plants, including cultivated and uncultivated/unmanaged plants and wild flora
(including aquatic plants), habitats and ecosystems in the importing countries.”
“Modern biotechnology” definition found in the Glossary is based on a CBD definition. The term
was used extensively in the report of the Open-ended Expert Working Group for the Development
of a Detailed Standard Specification on the Plant Pest Risks associated with LMOs/Products of
Modern Biotechnology from the Third Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (ICPM) 3
of 2001. Thus, the term is used in ISPMs with specific meaning concerning an LMO context.
Other definitions
“Habitat” definitions include use of:– species or group of species - natural environment, normally
lives/occurs, place occupied, type of environment, act of dwelling, ecological or environmental area
inhabited, geographical area occupied by an ecosystem,
“Ecosystem” definitions include use of :- all the communities/living organisms/ biotic factors and
environmental / abiotic factors in a particular area; these factors are interacting and interdependent; they
make up a self-contained system which is self supporting in terms of energy flow; a system, or a group
of interconnected elements, formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their
environment; the complex of a community of organisms and its environment functioning as an ecological
unit; a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment; An ecosystem is
a community of living organisms in conjunction with the nonliving components of their environment
(things like air, water and mineral soil), interacting as a system.
“Modern biotechnology” definitions include use of :- term adopted by international convention to refer
to biotechnological techniques for the manipulation of genetic material and the fusion of cells beyond
International Plant Protection Convention
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09_TPG_2016_Dec (5.6)
Subjects for deletion: “ecosystem” (2016-003),
“habitat” (2016-005) and “modern biotechnology” (2016-006)
normal breeding barriers; used to distinguish newer applications of biotechnology, such as genetic
engineering and cell fusion from more conventional methods such as breeding, or fermentation.
Proposed deletions
modern biotechnology
A dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities
and their abiotic environment interacting as a functional unit [ISPM 3,
1995; revised ICPM, 2005]
Part of an ecosystem with conditions in which an organism is naturally
present or can establish [ICPM, 2005; revised CPM, 2015]
The application of:
a. in vitro nucleic acid techniques, including recombinant
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and direct injection of nucleic acid into
cells or organelles; or
b. fusion of cells beyond the taxonomic family,
that overcome natural physiological reproductive or recombination
barriers and that are not techniques used in traditional breeding and
selection. [Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD, 2000)]
I would prefer to retain all three terms in the Glossary:
(1) “Ecosystem” – this seems to be as good as any definition I came across. It links with “habitat”.
(2) “Habitat” - this links with ecosystem and uses the terms present and establish which have meaning
in phytosanitary systems.
Both of these terms can have a wide group of meanings. I would like the Glossary to hold the meanings
that have better connections to phytosanitary matters.
“Modern biotechnology” - this is used in the context of LMOs and the CBD – so has a meaning
related to the term and the organization. So I would suggest that the definition is retained.
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International Plant Protection Convention