Download Sono Flex Quick Guide

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Sono Flex
Core Words
Flex Context Buttonswhich are changeable
when you press Select
Context Button
Has a combination of Core (most frequently used words) and Context (categorical activity based
 History = records everything you type in so you can go back and quickly say things you frequently do.
It can be turned On/Off in settings
 Quick Phrases = will speak immediately and not go into the message window.
 Message Window = where you compose sentences
o Grammar = apply the correct grammar form (present, past, plural…)
o Delete= to delete letters or words, double select to clear message window
 Keyboard = alphabetic keyboard, swipe for punctuation and numbers(Can’t be changed to QWERTY)
 Select Context = to change the Flex Context Buttons
Lite Version Restrictions:
Every 10th time the user taps the message window it will say “This is the free version of Sono Flex
from Tobii Technology”
Only 12 out of 50 contexts are available
Only 3,250 symbols of 11,00 are available
You can only have 15 contexts in total
After 20 messages, the chose message will ot be spoken at allm only the “free version” message
To reset it to get 20 more trials – double tap on the home button on the ipod/ipad, on the bottom
taskbar you can see the apps “running” in the background – swipe to move forward/backward
between apps. Find SonoFlex Lite icon – long hold it until they jiggle, a small red, delete circle will
appear at the top left of the icon. Select the red circle and the SonoFlex Lite icon will disappear
(it is now no longer running in the background). Tap your home button and the buttons will stop
wiggling. Press home again and restart Sonoflex.
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Settings – in the ipod itself (Not the Sonoflex app)
Press the Settings app on the ipad
2. On the left scroll down until you see Sonoflex- choose it
3. Choice to change include:
Voice – there are 5 (adult and child voices)
b. Message Window Behavior – the default is to automatically
clear after speaking, but you can choose to delete only
manually when you want.
Go Back after Word Selection in:
 Categories – if on, once you make a sub category choice
It will take you to the home page.
 Contexts – if on, you will stay in that vocabulary set after
a selection, and not go back to the home page
d. Multitasking: if you are going back and forth between communication pages and
games or something else, the default is to go back to the home page or you can
choose to go back to where you were when you switch back to Sonoflex
History View –
 you can either speak the message or have it go to the message window silently so
you can build sentences
 You can choose to not record the history
Alternate Home Page – the default setting is common core and off, or you can
choose to have the context based vocabulary on.
manual_SonoFlex_iPad_V1_0_1_01112011_UsEng_WEBHQ.pdf for the manual
 – free page sets and information
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Editing a Button
Go to the page you want to edit the button
2. Long hold on the button.
3. Choose Edit “button name”/ or “Add word”
4. You will get the Edit Word Dialogue Box with choices on the left side:
Message and Label
Press in the text box on the right (Message:) and type in
what you want the button to say. Press the keyboard icon in
the lower left corner of the keyboard to close the keyboard.
b. Symbol- Press where it says Tap to change symbol:
A. Symbol – click in the search box at the top and type in the name of the
symbol you want- choose the picture you want
B. Saved Image - takes you to your camera roll to choose a picture
C. Take a photo – opens up the camera, press the camera icon in the middle of
the camera screen to take a picture. Rescale it with the move and pinch
method, then choose Use
Contexts – opens up your categorical/activity based contexts. Choose the contexts
you want this item to be included in. You will see a checkmark to the right side.
d. Category - define the category (pronoun, people, verb, things…) for color coding
Parts of Speech – indicate verb, noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun or not applicable
5. Press Done
Deleting a Button:
Long hold on a Context/Category Button from where you want to delete the word
2. Choose Edit “context name”
3. Press in the Words: box on the right
4. A Context Words Dialogue Box will open
5. Scroll down to the word you want to delete from this context – It will appear in the various
parts of speech (i.e. verbs, pronouns, things…)
6. Press the item you want to delete – the red circle will change
to a vertical line instead of the horizontal line- and you will
see a delete button appear on the right
7. Press Delete
8. Press Back (in the Context Details section on the right NOT in the Context List on the left)
9. Press Done or Back( in the Context List on the Left)
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Changing the Flex Context Buttons:
Press the Context Button
2. Hold down the Home button then press the Select Context popup
3. Select one of your 4 Flex Context Buttons (vertical far right green buttons)
to assign a new context to (you will see a large green arrow next to what
you choose)
4. Now select a context (from the left) to assign to your Flex 4 buttons
Note: you can swipe for more choices if you want- there are little white dots
at the top of the context choices, under the message window -that show which
page of choices you are on.
Create/Add a New Context:
Long hold on a Context Button (i.e. one of the green buttons on the right -about me)
2. Select Full Context List
3. Press Add Context at the top
4. Press Title: and name your new context (press the bottom right key on the keyboard to
close it when finished typing)
5. Press where it says “Tap to add a symbol”: choose symbol, saved image or take a photo
(follow the steps like you did in Editing a Button above)
6. Press Done and Back
7. Press Select Context Button
8. Scroll through your context choices to find your new context- it will be at the end
9. To add, edit words follow the steps above for Editing a Button
To Make a Context Visible:
Long hold on a Context Button(i.e. one of the green buttons on the right -about me)
2. Select Full Context List
3. Select an “eyeball” next to the various contexts in the Context List Dialogue box on the
left (i.e. 4th of July)
4. It will put a slash through the eyeball – indicating it is no longer visible
5. Choose Back
Deleting a Context:
Long hold on a Context button (i.e. one of the green buttons on the right -about me)
2. Select Full Context List
3. Scroll down and select the context you want to delete (on the left side) so it is highlighted
4. Press the garbage can icon in the lower right corner
5. Press Delete
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