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ITS for 21st century learners
Asst.Prof.Dr.Surasak Mungsing
School of Information Technology
Sripatum University
Learning Characteristics
Human Tutor
Online Learning Resources
Intelligent tutoring system (ITS)
• An intelligent tutoring system is a computer
system that aims to provide immediate and
customized instruction or feedback to
learners, usually without intervention from a
human teacher.
ITS Components
ITS Concept
Decomposition of the matter
Example of research papers in ITS
(International e-Learning Conference 2008)
• Design of an Intelligent Tutoring System that Comprises Individual
Learning and Collaborative Problem-Solving Modules (Special Issue of the
International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management,
Vol.15 No. SP3, November, 2007)
• Correlation of Honey & Mumford Learning Styles and Online Learning
media preference (International Journal Computer Technology &
Applications, Vol 3 (3), 1312-1317, ISSN:2229-6093)
Ten Roles for Artificial Intelligence
in Education
Asst.Prof.Surasak Mungsing
School of Information Technology
[email protected]
Roles for AI in Education
Artificial intelligence can automate basic activities in education,
like grading
AI สามารถช่ วยกิจกรรมพืน้ ฐานของการเรียนการสอนให้ มีความเป็ นอัตโนมัติ
ได้ เช่ น การตรวจให้ คะแนนข้ อสอบ ในรู ปแบบต่ างๆ
While AI may not ever be able to truly replace human grading, it’s
getting pretty close. It’s now possible for teachers to automate grading
for nearly all kinds of multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank testing and
automated grading of student writing may not be far behind.
Today, essay-grading software is still in its infancy and not quite up to
par, yet it can (and will) improve over the coming years, allowing
teachers to focus more on in-class activities and student interaction
than grading.
Roles for AI in Education
2. Educational software can be adapted to student needs.
ซอฟต์ แวร์ ด้านการศึกษาสามารถปรั บให้ เข้ ากับความต้ องการของผู้เรี ยนได้
This kind of custom tailored education could be a machineassisted solution to helping students at different levels work
together in one classroom, with teachers facilitating the
learning and offering help and support when needed.
Adaptive learning has already had a huge impact on education
across the nation (especially through programs like Khan
Academy), and as AI advances in the coming decades adaptive
programs like these will likely only improve and expand.
Roles for AI in Education
3. It can point out places where courses need to
AI สามารถช่ วยชีใ้ ห้ เห็นจุดที่รายวิชาจาเป็ นต้ องได้ รับการปรับปรุงได้
This type of system helps to fill in the gaps in explanation
that can occur in courses, and helps to ensure that all
students are building the same conceptual foundation.
Rather than waiting to hear back from the professor,
students get immediate feedback that helps them to
understand a concept and remember how to do it
correctly the next time around.
Roles for AI in Education
4. Students could get additional support from AI tutors.
ช่ วยให้ ผ้ ูเรี ยนสามารถรับความช่ วยเหลือเพิ่มเติมจากระบบสอนเสริม
These programs can teach students fundamentals, but so
far aren’t ideal for helping students learn high-order
thinking and creativity, something that real-world
teachers are still required to facilitate. Yet that shouldn’t
rule out the possibility of AI tutors being able to do these
things in the future. With the rapid pace of technological
advancement that has marked the past few decades,
advanced tutoring systems may not be a pipe dream.
Roles for AI in Education
5. AI-driven programs can give students and educators
helpful feedback.
โปรแกรมที่มีความฉลาดสามารถให้ ข้อมูลป้ อนกลับที่เป็ นประโยชน์ ต่อผู้เรี ยนได้
These kinds of AI systems allow students to get the support
they need and for professors to find areas where they can
improve instruction for students who may struggle with the
subject matter. AI programs at these schools aren’t just
offering advice on individual courses, however. Some are
working to develop systems that can help students to choose
majors based on areas where they succeed and struggle.
While students don’t have to take the advice, it could mark a
brave new world of college major selection for future
Roles for AI in Education
6. It is altering how we find and interact with information.
AI สามารถใช้ ปรั บเปลี่ยนวิธีการที่เราใช้ หาข้ อมูลและปฏิสัมพันธ์ กับข้ อมูล
These kinds of intelligent systems play a big role in how we
interact with information in our personal and professional
lives, and could just change how we find and use information
in schools and academia as well. Over the past few decades,
AI-based systems have already radically changed how we
interact with information and with newer, more integrated
technology, students in the future may have vastly different
experiences doing research and looking up facts than the
students of today.
Roles for AI in Education
7. It could change the role of teachers.
AI สามารถนามาใช้ เพื่อเปลี่ยนบทบาทของผู้สอนได้
Teachers will supplement AI lessons, assist students
who are struggling, and provide human interaction
and hands-on experiences for students. In many
ways, technology is already driving some of these
changes in the classroom, especially in schools that
are online or embrace the flipped classroom model.
Roles for AI in Education
8. AI can make trial-and-error learning less intimidating.
AI นามาใช้ ในการเรียนรู้แบบลองผิดลองถูกได้ โดยไม่ ร้ ูสึกกดดัน
Trial and error is a critical part of learning, but for many students, the
idea of failing, or even not knowing the answer, is paralyzing. Some
simply don’t like being put on the spot in front of their peers or
authority figures like a teacher. An intelligent computer system,
designed to help students to learn, is a much less daunting way to deal
with trial and error. Artificial intelligence could offer students a way to
experiment and learn in a relatively judgment-free environment,
especially when AI tutors can offer solutions for improvement. In fact,
AI is the perfect format for supporting this kind of learning, as AI
systems themselves often learn by a trial-and-error method.
Roles for AI in Education
9. Data powered by AI can change how schools find, teach,
and support students.
ข้ อมูลที่ได้ มาจากการใช้ AI สามารถเปลี่ยนวิธีการของโรงเรี ยนต่ างๆเกี่ยวกับการ
ค้ นหาความรู้ การสอน และสนับสนุนการเรี ยนรู้ ของผู้เรี ยน
Data mining systems are already playing an integral role in
today’s higher-ed landscape, but artificial intelligence could
further alter higher education. Initiatives are already
underway at some schools to offer students AI-guided training
that can ease the transition between college and high school.
Who knows but that the college selection process may end up
a lot like Amazon or Netflix, with a system that recommends
the best schools and programs for student interests.
Roles for AI in Education
10. AI may change where students learn, who teaches them,
and how they acquire basic skills.
AI อาจส่ งผลให้ เกิดการเปลี่ยนแปลงเกี่ยวกับที่เรี ยน ผู้ท่ ที าการสอน และทักษะ
พืน้ ฐานที่จาเป็ นสาหรั บการเรี ยนรู้ ของผู้เรี ยน
Using AI systems, software, and support, students can learn
from anywhere in the world at any time, and with these kinds
of programs taking the place of certain types of classroom
instruction, AI may just replace teachers in some instances
(for better or worse). Educational programs powered by AI are
already helping students to learn basic skills, but as these
programs grow and as developers learn more, they will likely
offer students a much wider range of services.
Research Areas: IT in Education
10 Major Technology Trends in Education
• A survey from Project Tomorrow, which CEO Julie
Evans revealed at the FETC 2014 conference.
• The 2013 results represent more than 400,000
surveys from 9,000 schools and 2,700 districts
across the country. Respondents included
325,279 students, 32,151 teachers and librarians,
39,986 parents, 4,530 district administrators and,
new to this year’s survey, 1,346 community
By Chris Riedel02/03/14
10 Major Technology Trends in Education
1. Personal Access to Mobile Devices
From a survey, 89 percent of high schools students have
access to Internet-connected smart phones, while 50 percent of
students in grades 3 through 5 have access to the same type of
devices. High school student access to tablets tops out at 50
percent and laptops come in at 60 percent. In addition to
personal access, the survey found about a third of students have
access to a device (typically laptops or tablets) in their school.
2. Internet
An interesting set of statistics showing the ways students
generally connect to the Internet when at home. According to
the study, 64 percent of students surveyed identify 3G- or 4Genabled devices as their primary means of connecting to the
Internet, with another 23 percent saying they connect through
an Internet-enabled TV or Wii console.
By Chris Riedel02/03/14
10 Major Technology Trends in Education
3. Use of Video for Classwork and Homework
Video is another tool that has been on the rise in recent
years. The researcher noted that 46 percent of teachers are
using video in in the classroom.
4. Mobile Devices for Schoolwork
According to the 2013 results, students are leveraging
mobile devices both to be more efficient in their day-to-day
tasks and to transform their own learning processes.
Sixty percent of students are using mobile devices for
anytime research, 43 percent for educational games and 40
percent for collaboration with their peers. Thirty-three percent
of students surveyed use mobile devices for reminders and alerts
related to their academic lives, 24 percent for taking photos of
their assignments, and 18 percent for in-class polling.
By Chris Riedel02/03/14
10 Major Technology Trends in Education
5. Using Different
Tools for Different Tasks
Evans admitted, with the proliferation of so many tools, it
isn’t surprising students are designing “best-fit” solutions for
their very specific needs. Rather than using one or even a few
platforms for various tasks, students are increasingly savvy about
taking advantage of the benefits of the tools available.
6. Paying Attention
to the Digital Footprint
Digital footprint was a new research area for the 2013
survey. Sixty-four percent of high school students responding
admitted to being careful about the things they post online; 39
percent said they advise friends about the content they post,
with 32 percent saying they stopped interacting with friends who
post inappropriate content online. Finally, 44 percent of high
school students said they believe a positive digital profile is an
important part of their future.
By Chris Riedel02/03/14
10 Major Technology Trends in Education
7. An
increased Interest in Online Learning
Students who have not taken an online course are
increasingly interested in the opportunity, citing a desire to
have more control over their learning and believing that they
will get more support from an online teacher.
Gaming is Growing, and the Gender Gap
is Closed
This year’s results showed 60 percent of students using
laptops as a gaming device. Cell phones and game consoles
tied with 54 percent use, while tablets clocked in at 44
By Chris Riedel02/03/14
10 Major Technology Trends in Education
9. Social Media in Schools
The data for text messaging, networking sites
(Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and chat rooms, it
was clear the student expectations for the use of these
technologies far outpaced those of administrators,
teachers and parents. Administrators scored the highest
among the non-student groups represented.
10. What Devices Belong in 'The Ultimate School?
Fifty-six percent of students said laptops were
most important; 51 percent chose digital readers; and 48
percent selected tablets.
By Chris Riedel02/03/14
Five Research Summaries on IT in Education
1. Overview: Research on IT in Education
This paper is designed as background reading for PreK&emdash;12 educators
taking IT short courses and workshops.
2. Research on Multimedia in Education
There is substantial research supporting the effectiveness of information
technology-assisted project-based learning (IT-assisted PBL).
3. Research on Internet Use in Education
There is emerging research on how the Internet can be an important component of
a program that significantly increases student learning.
4. Research on Accelerating and Tracking Student
Information technology is a powerful aid to the organization and delivery of
instruction, and to student assessment.
5. Research on IT and Writing
Reading and writing are long enduring technologies. More recently, computer
technology has added the benefits of word processors, high quality computer
graphics, and laser printers to "traditional" reading and writing.
Ph.D.IT. Graduates 2555
Ph.D.IT. Graduates 2556