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Object-Oriented Programming
Topic 16
Templates in detail
Summary: This topic shows C++ templates in detail, and compares them
to Java generics. It also considers the much used C++ standard template
library, which includes templates for containers, similar to the Java
collections framework.
C++ templates are a powerful mechanism for generic programming.
They allow you to do very similar things to Java's generics.
They also allow you to do more.
However, they can more difficult to work with because templates are
not type checked until they used with a particular type.
This can make them harder to debug.
The following is a small example using templates.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class mypair {
T a, b;
mypair (T first, T second) { a=first; b=second; }
T getmax ();
template <class T>
T mypair<T>::getmax ()
T retval;
retval = a>b? a : b;
return retval;
int main () {
mypair <int> myobject (100, 75);
cout << myobject.getmax();
return 0;
Comparison with Java generics
You can generally program with C++ templates in a very similar way to
Java generics.
A Java generic class can be easily converted into a C++ class template,
and similarly for generic methods.
Both allow type parameters to be used as types in a parameterized
definition, which is later instantiated with particular types.
However, a key difference is that Java generics are compiled only once,
while C++ templates are type checked and compiled each time they are
used with a new set of type parameters.
This fundamental difference results in a number of important practical
differences between Java generics and C++ templates.
Comparison with Java generics - disadvantages
Type checking and compiling C++ templates separately for each
instantiation leads to the following disadvantages compared to Java
Type errors in a template definition are not found until the template is
instantiated with particular types.
This can make the type errors difficult to understand.
This is particularly true when multiple templates are involved.
There are even tools to help interpret the errors. (!)
C++ does not have any equivalent of an “extends” specification for type
Instead, there will be a type error when compiling an instantiation
of the template if a type argument is inappropriate.
Generally there should be comments explaining any restrictions on
template parameters, similar to an extends specification.
Of course, these comments are not checked for consistency.
C++ templates can lead to large compiled programs.
C++ templates can't be separately compiled – all method definitions
must be in the same file as the interface. (Usually a header file.)
Comparison with Java generics - advantages
Type checking and compiling C++ templates separately for each
instantiation leads to the following advantages compared to Java generics.
The code can be optimized better because different compiled code is
produced for each set of instantiating types.
C++ allows special implementations of templates to be specified for
particular types. (See next page.)
C++ allows non-type parameters also in templates.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Example for non-type parameters
template <class T, int N>
class mysequence {
T memblock [N];
void setmember (int x, T value);
T getmember (int x);
template <class T, int N>
void mysequence<T,N>::setmember (int x, T value) {
template <class T, int N>
T mysequence<T,N>::getmember (int x) {
return memblock[x];
int main () {
mysequence <int,5> myints;
mysequence <double,5> myfloats;
myints.setmember (0,100);
myfloats.setmember (3,3.1416);
cout << myints.getmember(0) << '\n';
cout << myfloats.getmember(3) << '\n';
return 0;
Example of template specialization
The following code defines a “container” template class (like Java's
collections), and a specialization for when the elements have type char.
// template specialization
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// class template:
template <class T>
class mycontainer {
T element;
mycontainer (T arg) {element=arg;}
T increase () {return ++element;}
// class template specialization:
template <>
class mycontainer <char> {
char element;
mycontainer (char arg) {element=arg;}
char uppercase ()
if ((element>='a')&&(element<='z'))
return element;
int main () {
mycontainer<int> myint (7);
mycontainer<char> mychar ('j');
cout << myint.increase() << endl;
cout << mychar.uppercase() << endl;
return 0;
C++ standard template library (STL)
The C++ standard template library includes many useful templates.
Containers are the most used templates, and are similar to Java's
collections framework.
This includes vector, linked list, hash table, etc.
Iterators are also central to the standard template library.
There are a number of other algorithms.
See: for more