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Transfer Pathways 3.4.16
Present: Paul Aberasturi, Jeffery Bleam, Tom Burgess, Sean Byrd, Anne Byrd, Carol Cooley,
Louise DiCesare, Lana Feddema, Scott Ford, Denise Gorsline, Susan Hanen, Kathy
Hendrickson, Paul Hustoles, Blayn Lemke, Mike Lenz, Amanda Mathews, Julie Maxson, Jan
McFall, Amee Nefzger Banks, Greg Rathert, Jane Reinke, Mike Ricci, Jolene Richardson,
Richard Shearer, Gail Smogard, Alan Stage, Linda Vander Maten, Brenda Wentworth, Lindsey
Williams, Jim Williams, Mary Kay Wilson, Leah James
WebEx: Nadine Schmidt, Patrick Spradlin, Tara Spletsoser, Abbey Soldner
10:12am began
Welcome: Paul and Tom welcomed everyone. Paul discussed the purpose of the meeting and
the structure of the pathway teams. Group introduced themselves.
Overview and History: Julie Maxson discussed the history of the pathway process. Theatre is
the first DSM to occur and we are pushing towards “interoperability” for our students. This
movement came from frustrated students and a plea to make transfer simpler. The students went
to the legislature who compelled MnSCU to take action. Julie also talked about the timeline of
the pathway. The expectation is the curriculum will be in place by Fall of 2017. The process is
student motivated, faculty led, and system coordinated.
Structure of the Pathway: The specific focus of the pathway is the AFA degree transferring
into BA and BS degrees. The Theatre TPT has decided to include the AA, and AFA: Theatre,
Performance, and Production and how it transfers to a four year program. The goal is to create a
pathway while respecting current curriculum. For this reason the Theatre TPT has created a list
of competencies instead of courses. Some institutions may be inspired to change their
curriculum to include competencies from the pathway. The TPT has been working from a
“toolkit” that includes examples of transfer pathways from Pennsylvania and California. The
Theatre TPT has decided to use the Pennsylvania model as a basis for the pathway. Transfer
students are required to complete the entire Minnesota Transfer Curriculum for a total of forty
The TPT has agreed on five basic competency areas: Theatre and Its Elements (3 credits), Text
Analysis (3 credits), Practical Application (2 credits), Performance (3 credits), and Stagecraft (3
credits). Performance and Stagecraft are separated for inclusion of the AFA in Performance
degree (does not require Stagecraft) and the AFA in Production and Design degree (does not
require Performance) which currently do not require certain competencies. Pathway would
include at least 6 additional credits of Theatre coursework as electives for a total of 20 credits.
Break: 11:01am-11:12am
Theatre and Its Elements: Question regarding the lack of the word “create” in this
competency. Since the word is imbedded in the other competencies it does not need to be added
in this competency. These competencies are minimum requirements for transfer and a theatre
program may add more competencies as desired.
Text Analysis: Each institution may define “varying eras and cultures” based off of their own
diversity. A comment was made that all of the outcomes could be completed through discussion
instead of critical writing. Group should consider addressing the volume of writing or be explicit
about writing in the outcomes. Consider adding the following:
1. Use appropriate theatre terminology to analyze a script to identify elements such as
genre, conflict, plot structure, units/beats, subtext, theme, style, social context, etc.
through oral and written responses.
The recommendation was made to add the word playwright to the competency. Consider the
following change:
4. Read or view a play and use appropriate theatre terminology to express an
informed personal, critical reaction to the text or to the particular elements of a
specific production, including its classification of dramatic structure, genre, and
style as well as the ways in which the performers and designers may have
interpreted the author’s playwright’s intent.
Practical Application: Some call this practicum, activity, etc. “lab” work. Question was asked
about the 50 hours requirement. The TPT’s hour requirement was arbitrary. Anoka Ramsey
uses 45 hours because that is how many hours a student would attend a ground class.
Question was asked how we are going to assess a student’s success within this competency with
words such as “understanding” and “apply” in the competencies.
Comment was made about the phrase: “different theatre spaces and theatrical styles.” This is
covered in Theatre and Its Elements and what if a student happens to work on a similar style
production in only one space. Suggest adding “different theatre spaces and styles if possible.”
Comment was made about outcomes working really well for performance and production but not
so much for management. Perhaps adding words such as problem solving and time management
and adding some either/or. Perhaps not requiring all six of the competencies, but require a
certain percentage.
Performance Competencies: Remove “be able to work” in the first competency.
Comment was made about the emphasis on different theatre spaces citing the previous comment
on if a student was only able to work in one space. Suggestion is to modify the competency as
1. The skills needed to work in the elements of performance and in different theatre
spaces, such as cooperation, respect, responsibility, and collaboration.
Discussion was had about the phrase, “use of voice and body”. Would this have to be in one
class or could they be separate? The thought is that there would be an integration of voice and
body in the one class. Could it be possible for two classes to meet the one outcome? We are
looking at meeting competencies rather the courses attached to them. Although it would be
possible to have two classes meet the competencies, the bottom line is it would have to be within
the 60 credits. Some flexibility is afforded through the elective courses and by double counting
MnTC courses.
A suggestion was made to remove competency number 4 “Performance skills and techniques”
since it is implicit in competency 1 “The skills needed to work in the elements of performance
and in different theatre spaces, such as cooperation, respect, responsibility, and collaboration.”
Suggestion was made to modify the wording in the competency 4 to be inclusive of other
possible forms of performance and to reduce redundancy from competency 1. For example:
4. Use performance skills and techniques to create a performance or presentation of
a theatrical work, such as a monologue, scene, play, and/or theatre piece other
expressive pieces.
Comment was made about possibly adding “or” to competency 2 to state: “voice and/or body”.
TPT is trying to cover as wide a spectrum as possible and a class focused on just one or the other
could be an elective.
Question was asked if a student could take a practicum 3 times for a total of 3 credits and have it
count as the Performance competency. Group does not feel like this would be permissible.
Stagecraft Competencies: Comment was made about appreciating the wording of the
competency for its inclusiveness of all tech areas.
Break for lunch: 11:55am-12:30pm
Transfer Pathway Draft Chart: Discussion was had about the Performance/Stagecraft
requirement. The four-year degrees require both, but the AFA’s in Performance and Production
would have the option of doing on or the other or both for an AFA in Theatre degree.
Question was asked about courses that count for the MnTC and the answer was that courses can
double count.
Question about Theatre Electives language: Could the top end of the credits be dictated rather
than the minimum? The concern is that administration may see that the transfer is only 20
credits but the degree at “X” institution has 25 credits in theatre, meaning the administration may
cut five credits from the degree thereby limiting the degree to the minimum number of credits.
The text could state a range of credits, 20-23, however there seems to be a general consensus that
we want to state the minimum floor and not the maximum ceiling of credits.
Suggestion was made about saying “Performance OR Stagecraft”? Then it wouldn’t be
mandated, but each college would have the option of requiring both if they wanted. Elective
credits would be changed to “9” rather than “6 to 9.” The math still adds up to 20 that way.
Suggestion was made that it may help to strongly recommend that students take both stagecraft
and performance, since many 4-years require both. Instead of having three separate AFAs
(generalist, performance, production) plus an AA Emphasis, there is just one pathway for the
entire discipline. A degree could only require stagecraft and not acting (for example) and still
call itself an “AFA Theatre.”
Suggestion: to put electives and Performance/Stagecraft in the same category, i.e. “12 additional
credits, at least 3 of which must be either Performance or Stagecraft (both are recommended).”
Comment was made that it is frustrating for our students that pre-major requirements are
different at each school. Community colleges have different grade requirements than some 4years; i.e. they will accept a D as passing whereas a 4-year would require at least a C in the
major courses. We will add that in order for the pathway to work, you must have at least a
C in each of the pathway courses (not cumulative).
Question was asked about internships. Group feels that internships may count as an elective if
the course meets all other requirements.
Question regarding theatre electives and if they must be theatre only. Group feels they must be
theatre only.
Additional Feedback: Please fill out the survey you were emailed a link to with any further
questions or comments. Theatre TPT will update the document during their next meeting and
email to the Theatre listserv.