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Daily 40 no. – 17 Ernest Rutherford
Daily 40 Hall of Fame! Congratulations to these writers!
New-Zealand-born British scientist Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) was the first to accomplish
transmutation when he transmuted nitrogen into oxygen. He created the Rutherford model of the atom,
which theorized that atoms were composed of positively charged nuclei orbited by negatively charged
electrons; he also hypothesized about the existence of neutrons. --Chantal
Born in New Zealand, Ernest Rutherford lived from 1871-1937. He published the atomic theory, stating
that atoms each had a positive nucleus surrounded by negative particles, or electrons. Rutherford
contributed to the addition of atomic numbers to the periodic table. In addition, he discovered alpha and
beta rays. --Christine
Ernest Rutherford, a New Zealand born British chemist from 1871-1937, discovered the nucleus and
created the planetary model for atoms with his gold foil experiment. This helped him formulate the
periodic table according to protons. He received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1908. Rutherfordium
was also named after him. --Isaac
Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) was a British chemist and physicist; he discovered that atoms had a
charged nucleus. Then he established the Rutherford model of the atom, which had a nucleus and tiny
electrons circling it. With his ideas that lead to atomic numbers he greatly influenced the periodic table.
Ernest Rutherford, a British chemist from 1872 to 1937, was known for discovering protons by shooting
alpha particles through foil. He observed that some were repulsed, so there were positive charges in the
foil’s atoms. This led to atomic numbers, which were the key to completing the periodic table. --Eric
Ernest Rutherford was a British scientist who lived from 1871 to 1937 and made many advancements
chemistry and physics, such as discovering the nucleus of an atom through his gold foil experiment,
splitting the first atom, and various discoveries on radiation, all of which earned him knighthood in
1916. --Madeline
Living from 1871 to 1937, Ernest Rutherford was New Zealand born but spent most of his life in
England. He created the names alpha, beta and gamma to classify the various forms of rays and observed
and named radioactive “half-life.” He also discovered protons. --Alanna
British chemist Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) is best known for his gold foil experiment, in which he
beamed alpha particles to a thin sheet of gold and discovered that a positive charge (contained within the
nucleus of an atom) existed, causing the deflection of some of those particles.
Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) discovered protons which were the positive charged particles of an atom.
From this experiment, he also concluded that the size of protons were very tiny compared to the size of an
atom. Rutherfordium is named after him to honor his discovery of this element. --Dee Dee
Ernest Rutherford, a British chemist and physicist was born August 30, 1871 and died October 19, 1937.
He is known for discovering that atoms have a charged nucleus. He received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
in 1908 for this. He is also credited for splitting the atom in 1917. --Eyad
Daily 40 no. – 17 Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) was a British chemist, born in New Zealand with 11 siblings. He
discovered rutherfordium, was the founder of alpha rays, beta rays, and the laws of radioactive decay, and
identified alpha particles as mostly helium nuclei. Most importantly, he hypothesized the nuclear structure
of an atom. --Gennelle
Ernest Rutherford(1872-1937) was a British chemist and physicist. Called the “father of nuclear physics,”
he discovered the nucleus and created an accurate atomic model. He won the Nobel Prize in 1907. He
split the atom, and attempted to split the nucleus. He sparked the transition from chemistry to nuclear
physics. --Jaya
Ernest Rutherford (British, 1871 – 1937) is most famous for discovering the atom through his gold foil
experiment, where he shot alpha particles through a sliver of gold foil and discovered they scattered due
to the atom. Rutherford also developed the planetary model of the atom. --Jeff
Rutherford (1871-1937) is best known for discovering and naming alpha/beta radiation, and naming the
proton and nucleus. He also won a nobel prize in 1908 for explaing radioactivity. He changed nitrogen
into oxygen by splitting the atom's nucleus. --Julia
Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) a British chemist and physicist was the father of nuclear physics. His
experiment with alpha particles with foil leads him to discover that there are protons in the atoms. This
discovery helped lead to the atomic number which was how the periodic table is organized today.
Ernest Rutheford was known as an English scientist who lived from 1871 to 1937. He learned enough
about the positive charge in atoms to lead other scientists to the discovery of protons, which unlocked
atomic number as a tool to organize the periodic table. --Katy
Ernest Ruthford (1831-1937) was born in New Zealand and made many advances in the field of
radioactivity. He studied the absorption of radioactivity (alpha and beta particles) by thin sheets of metal
foil. Some were absorbed and others bounced back and concluded that there were positive charges in
radioactive particles.
British chemist Ernest Rutherford is known as the father of nuclear physics. Rutherford discovered the
electron and its charges relative to the elements. He also developed the Rutherford model that suggested
that atoms have charges that surround their nuclei. He created the Rutherford model which explained this
idea. --Tokunbo
Ernest Rutherford, a British chemist and physicist, ascertained that atoms have a small charged nucleus
and innovated the Rutherford planetary model that was later adapted as an atomic model. He received the
Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1908, split the atom in 1917, and had an element named after him.
Ernest Rutherford, a British chemist, lived from 1871-1937. He thought that atoms had most of the mass
in the nucleus with electrons orbiting it, and that atoms were mostly empty space. He reached this
conclusion after analyzing the results of his famous gold foil experiment. --Yulan