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Ch. 18 Section 6: Schizophrenia
Obj: Describe the subtypes of schizophrenia.
______________________ – usually considered the most serious of the
psychological disorders, is characterized by loss of contact with ______________.
Schizophrenia can be very disabling, and even lead to the affected person’s
inability to function independently. Typically, schizophrenia first appears in
__________________ adulthood, but it may occur at other ages. Although it
usually develops gradually, it can also appear suddenly. Schizophrenia can now
be treated more effectively, although if untreated it can worsen over time.
The most obvious symptoms of schizophrenia include ______________________,
delusions, and thought disorders. In most cases, the hallucinations are
__________________ – voices may tell the individual what to do or comment on
the individual’s behavior. Sometimes the voices may tell the individual to _______
herself or himself or others.
Individuals with schizophrenia may experience delusions of _______________ –
beliefs that they are superior to other people. For example, such individuals may
believe that they are famous or on a special mission to save the world. Sometimes
the delusions are of ______________________. For example, a person with
schizophrenia might believe that he or she is being pursued by the CIA, FBI, or
some other government agency. Other delusions may include beliefs that one has
committed unpardonable _________ or even that one does not really exist.
_________________ disorders involve problems in the organization or the content
of mental processes. The thoughts of a person with schizophrenia may _________
from topic to topic in an apparently illogical way. This is reflected in the person’s
speech, which sounds disorganized and confused. A person with schizophrenia
may also _____________ the same word or phrase over and over, repeat words
or phrases that another person has spoken, or invent new words.
People with schizophrenia experience other symptoms that result in a decreased
ability to ___________________. These symptoms include ______________
withdrawal, loss of social skills, and loss of normal emotional responsiveness.
Some people with schizophrenia may even go into a ____________________
stupor – an immobile, expressionless, comalike state.
Understandably, these symptoms cause tremendous stress to individuals with
schizophrenia and their _________________. It has been estimated that as many
as 20 percent of people with schizophrenia attempt ________________ and that
10 percent actually do kill themselves.
Schizophrenia is found in all cultures and has been recognized for several
thousand years. A large number of people have schizophrenia – an estimated 2
_______________ in the US alone.
Types of Schizophrenia
Individuals with schizophrenia vary greatly in ___________________ they exhibit,
although virtually all have thought disorders. Most people with schizophrenia
exhibit a combination of symptoms.
The DSM-IV classification of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders is based
on the ____________________ and ____________________ of symptoms. The
types of schizophrenia include paranoid, disorganized, and catatonic
__________________ Schizophrenia – People with paranoid schizophrenia have
delusions or frequent auditory hallucinations, all relating to a single ___________.
These people may have delusions of grandeur, persecution, or jealousy. For
example, an individual with paranoid schizophrenia may be convinced that people
have been plotting against him or her even when there is no evidence of such.
Although people with this type of schizophrenia tend to have less disordered
thoughts and bizarre behavior than do people with other types of schizophrenia,
they may be _______________, confused, and afraid.
_____________________ Schizophrenia – People with disorganized
schizophrenia are incoherent in their thought and speech and disorganized in their
behavior. They usually have delusions or hallucinations as well, but these tend to
be __________________ and ____________________, unlike the more ordered
and systematic delusions of those with paranoid schizophrenia.
People with disorganized schizophrenia are also either _____________________
or show inappropriate emotions. Typically, they act _____________ and giddy,
and they tend to giggle and speak nonsense. They may neglect their appearance
and hygiene and even lose control of their __________________ and bowels.
___________________ Schizophrenia – The most obvious symptom of catatonic
schizophrenia is disturbance of movement. Activity may slow to a stupor and then
suddenly switch to agitation. Individuals with this disorder may hold
________________, uncomfortable body positions for long periods of time, even
after their arms and legs swell and stiffen. They may also exhibit waxy flexibility, a
condition in which other people can ___________ them into strange poses that
they continue to hold for hours.
Explaining Schizophrenia
Many different _____________ have been proposed to explain schizophrenia.
These theories include both psychological and biological ______________.
________________________ Views – According to the psychoanalytic
perspective, schizophrenia is the result of the overwhelming of the ________ by
urges from the id. The urges threaten the ego and cause intense conflict. In
response, the individual regresses to an early phase of the _________ stage of
development in which the infant has not learned that it is separate from the
mother. In this condition, fantasies become confused with reality, leading to
hallucinations and delusions. Like many psychoanalytic theories, this one has
fallen into disfavor over the years.
Other psychological views focus on the family ____________________ as the root
of schizophrenia. One such theory suggests that a family environment in which a
parent frequently expresses intense emotions and has a pushy, critical
___________________ puts children at risk of developing schizophrenia. It is
possible, however, that such a family environment may only increase the chances
of relapse in individuals who have schizophrenia. That is to say the family
environment does not actually _______________ schizophrenia.
____________________ Views – schizophrenia appears to be a _____________
disorder, and many studies have been done to determine how the brains of
schizophrenic people differ from those of other people. One avenue of brain
research connects the major problems found in schizophrenia – problems in
attention, memory, abstract thinking, and language – with differences in the frontal
part of the brain. Schizophrenic people have smaller _____________ region.
Research suggests that the difficulties may reflect a loss of synapses, the
structures that connect neurons to communicate with one another.
What might cause the loss of ____________________? Research evidence
suggests that there are three biological risk factors: heredity, complications during
pregnancy and birth, and birth during winter. Schizophrenia, like many other
psychological disorders, runs in families. People with schizophrenia constitute
about 1 percent of the population. However, children with one ____________ who
has been diagnosed as schizophrenic have about a ______ percent chance of
being diagnosed as schizophrenic themselves.
Children with ________ such parents have about a 35 to 40 percent chance of
being so. When one ________________ twin has it, the other has about a 40 to
50 percent chance of being diagnosed with it. Many studies have been carried out
to try to isolate the gene or genes involved. Some studies have found locations for
multiple genes on several chromosomes. Recent research suggests that particular
____________ may provide the vulnerability to schizophrenia.
Many people with schizophrenia have experienced ________________________
during pregnancy and birth. For example, the mothers of many people with
schizophrenia had _____________________ during the sixth or seventh month of
pregnancy. People with the disease are also somewhat more likely to have been
born during the _____________ than would be predicted by chance. Maternal
starvation has also been related to schizophrenia. These biological risk factors
suggest that schizophrenia involves abnormal prenatal brain development.
Problems in the central nervous system may involve _______________________
as well as brain structures, and research has focused on one particular
neurotransmitter: ___________________. According to the dopamine theory of
schizophrenia, people with schizophrenia use more dopamine than other people
do, although they may not produce more of it. Why? They may have more
dopamine _____________________ in the brain than other people, or their
dopamine receptors may be hyperactive.
A ______________________ Model of Schizophrenia – The multifactorial model
of schizophrenia illustrates how several biological and psychological factors may
interact in the development of the disorder. In this model, genetic factors create a
_______________________, or susceptibility, to schizophrenia. Among people
who are genetically vulnerable, other factors, such as ________________ during
birth, may lead to brain injury and the subsequent development of schizophrenia.
Once the disorder develops, its course may be negatively affected by the family
The model also suggests that ___________________________ factors alone are
not enough to lead to the development of schizophrenia. Thus, people who are not
_________________________ vulnerable are unlikely to develop the disorder,
regardless of the environmental ____________ factors to which they are exposed.