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Circuits (16.3) Notes
What are
An electric circuit is a ________________ through which charges can be conducted. In other words there is a
__________________-loop path for electrons to follow. This conducting path is called a _________________
_________________. Without a complete path, there is no charge flow and therefore no current. This is called an
______________ ________________.
____________________ are used to open and close circuits.
A diagram that depicts the construction of an electrical circuit or apparatus is called a ____________________
Complete the chart below by drawing the symbols for each electrical component:
Wire or other
Bulb or lamp
Battery or
other voltage
Open Switch
When appliances or other devices are connected in a __________________ circuit, they form a single pathway
Series and
for charges or current to flow.
Because there is only one ______________for a charge to follow when connected in series, the current in each
device in the circuit is the ____________________. The ______________________ may be different; therefore,
the voltage across each device in a series can also be different.
Sketch a series circuit here: 
Parallel circuits have _________________ paths for current.
When devices are connected in __________________, the voltage across each device is the ______________.
The __________________ in each device does not have to be the same. Instead the sum of all the devices equals
the ____________ current. A _________________ in any one path in a parallel circuit does not interrupt the flow
of electric charge in the other paths.
Sketch a parallel circuit here: 
Electrical energy is the energy produced as a result of ____________________ particles because of their
Power and
When an electrical charge moves, work is done. The rate at which electrical work is done is called electrical
________________. It is the product of total current in (I) and voltage (V) across the circuit.
P = IV
Power companies charge for _______________ used in homes, not power. The unit these companies use to track
usage is the _________________-______________.
Fuses and
Too many appliances or short circuits can cause the the overall _____________________ of a circuit to be
lowered. This allows wires to carry an unsafe amount of current. High curretns in ______________________
circuits can cause ______________.
To prevent overloading circuits, _____________ are sonnected in series along a supply path. If current becomes
too large, the fuse will ______________ and the circuit will open.
Circuit breakers act as a ____________________ that opens when current becomes too large.