* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure Southeast 911 Governing Board Including Cass, Fillmore, Gage, Jefferson, Johnson, Lancaster, Nemaha, Nuckolls, Otoe, Pawnee, Richardson, Saline, Seward, Thayer and York Counties Issued by contracting agent: County of Nemaha Nemaha County Sheriff Office 1805 N St Auburn, NE 68305 Proposals must be submitted No later than 5:00 PM 12/4/2014 LATE PROPOSALS WILL BE REJECTED Issued: 10/31/2014 1|Page Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Table of Contents PART I ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATION SECTION 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................... 6 PROJECT OVERVIEW ..........................................................................................................................................6 SCOPE OF SERVICES ...........................................................................................................................................7 SOUTHEAST 911 BOARD REGION BACKGROUND .....................................................................................................7 RESPONSE INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................................10 PURPOSE OF THIS PROCUREMENT .......................................................................................................................10 ADDENDUM TO SPECIFICATIONS.........................................................................................................................11 PROPOSALS DUE .............................................................................................................................................11 PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE ............................................................................................................................11 PROPOSAL QUESTIONS .....................................................................................................................................11 INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED WITH PROPOSAL ................................................................................................11 STANDARDS ...................................................................................................................................................12 OPEN STANDARDS ...........................................................................................................................................13 FAILURE TO RESPOND ......................................................................................................................................14 BINDING ........................................................................................................................................................14 POSTPONEMENT AND REJECTION OF PROPOSALS...................................................................................................14 VENDOR SELECTION.........................................................................................................................................14 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AWARD .................................................................................................................14 CONTRACT AWARD..........................................................................................................................................14 DELIVERY .......................................................................................................................................................15 RISK OF DESTRUCTION OR DAMAGE ....................................................................................................................15 PROSECUTION OF WORK ..................................................................................................................................15 SUPERVISION BY VENDOR ................................................................................................................................16 IMPLEMENTATION ...........................................................................................................................................16 ACCEPTANCE TEST PLAN ...................................................................................................................................17 FINAL SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE ..............................................................................................................................17 PROPRIETARY STATEMENT ................................................................................................................................18 LAWS TO BE OBSERVED ....................................................................................................................................18 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES.....................................................................................................................................18 TECHNICAL MANUALS AND DRAWINGS................................................................................................................19 WARRANTY ....................................................................................................................................................19 PAYMENTS .....................................................................................................................................................20 SERVICE.........................................................................................................................................................21 PROPOSAL DURATION .....................................................................................................................................21 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................................21 SECTION 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................. 22 PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS ...................................................................................................................................22 PROPOSAL RESPONSE.......................................................................................................................................22 PROPOSAL OPENING ........................................................................................................................................22 PATENT AND ROYALTY INFRINGEMENT ................................................................................................................22 SPECIFICATIONS FOR CERTAIN EQUIPMENT ...........................................................................................................22 EXCEPTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................22 INCURRING COSTS ...........................................................................................................................................23 2|Page Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 NON DISCRIMINATION .....................................................................................................................................23 INSURANCE ....................................................................................................................................................23 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS ............................................................................................................................25 COORDINATION OF ACTIVITIES ...........................................................................................................................25 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................................................25 PERMITS........................................................................................................................................................25 COST PROPOSAL .............................................................................................................................................25 PARTS ...........................................................................................................................................................26 DETAILED EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS ...............................................................................................................26 QUANTITIES ...................................................................................................................................................26 CERTIFICATION ...............................................................................................................................................26 AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED ...........................................................................................................................27 PART II TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SECTION 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 28 PROJECT MANAGEMENT...................................................................................................................................28 PROJECT MANAGER .........................................................................................................................................29 PROJECT PLAN ................................................................................................................................................29 STAFFING ......................................................................................................................................................29 ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................................................................................29 SECTION 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 ESINET NETWORK REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 30 ESINET NETWORK SERVICES ..............................................................................................................................30 NETWORK ARCHITECTURE REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................................30 NETWORK DIAGRAM .......................................................................................................................................31 TEXT REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................................33 NETWORK FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................35 NETWORK SIZING ............................................................................................................................................39 RELIABILITY AND AVAILABILITY ...........................................................................................................................39 FIVE “9’S” REQURIEMENTS ...............................................................................................................................39 COMPLIANCE..................................................................................................................................................39 REDUNDANCY.................................................................................................................................................39 DIVERSITY ......................................................................................................................................................40 NETWORK FAILOVER ........................................................................................................................................40 NETWORK SECURITY ........................................................................................................................................40 SECTION 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 CPE REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 42 CPE EQUIPMENT FUNCTIONALITY ......................................................................................................................42 INTERFACE TO PSTN........................................................................................................................................42 I3 COMPLIANCE .............................................................................................................................................. 42 BANDWIDTH REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................42 CONNECTIVITY ................................................................................................................................................42 CALL ROUTING ...............................................................................................................................................43 CALL FLOW ....................................................................................................................................................43 VIRTUAL PSAPS..............................................................................................................................................43 CALL QUEUE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................43 INTEROPERABILITY WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS ......................................................................................................43 SOUND..........................................................................................................................................................43 MONITORING AND BARGE-IN CAPABILITY ............................................................................................................43 RECORDING ...................................................................................................................................................44 3|Page Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 INTERFACE CUSTOMIZATION ..............................................................................................................................44 CALL CAPABILITIES ...........................................................................................................................................44 ANI/ALI INTERFACE ........................................................................................................................................45 CALL HISTORY ................................................................................................................................................45 CALL MANAGEMENT........................................................................................................................................45 FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS..................................................................................................................................46 MESSAGING ...................................................................................................................................................47 ANI/ALI FUNCTIONS .......................................................................................................................................47 CALL LOGGING................................................................................................................................................47 CAD INTERFACE .............................................................................................................................................48 DISCREPANCY HANDLING ..................................................................................................................................48 SECTION 6 6.1 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................. 49 GENERAL MAP DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS..............................................................................................................49 SECTION 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 SERVICE AND SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................... 50 CUSTOMER SUPPORT SERVICES ..........................................................................................................................50 HELP DESK.....................................................................................................................................................50 TROUBLE HANDLING AND TICKETING REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................50 TRAINING ......................................................................................................................................................51 SECTION 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS .............................................................. 53 REPORTING AND DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................53 STATISTICAL AND OPERATIONAL REPORTING .......................................................................................................53 EVENT LOG ....................................................................................................................................................53 LOCAL LOGGING RECORDER INTERFACE ...............................................................................................................53 SECTION 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................... 54 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION ................................................................................................................................54 STATUS MONITORING.......................................................................................................................................54 ADMINISTRATON.............................................................................................................................................54 DASHBOARD ..................................................................................................................................................54 ALARMS ........................................................................................................................................................54 QUALITY ASSURANCE .......................................................................................................................................54 MONITORING OF APPLICATIONS AND EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................54 NETWORK OPERATIONS CENTER ........................................................................................................................54 NOTIFICATION AND ESCALATION ........................................................................................................................55 PERFORMANCE MONITORING ............................................................................................................................55 ALARM CATEGORIES ........................................................................................................................................55 SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE...............................................................................................................................56 MAINTENANCE SUPPORT LOGS ..........................................................................................................................56 SECTION 10 MIGRATION PLANNING REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................... 57 10.1 10.2 TRANSITION PLAN ...........................................................................................................................................57 SYSTEM TEST PLAN..........................................................................................................................................57 SECTION 11 SERVICE MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 59 11.1 11.2 SERVICE MANAGEMENT PLAN ...........................................................................................................................59 DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN ................................................................................................................................60 SECTION 12 APPENDIX A ..................................................................................................................................... 61 4|Page Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 12.1 PSAP INFORMATION........................................................................................................................................61 SECTION 13 APPENDIX A ..................................................................................................................................... 62 13.1 PSAP ADDRESS ..............................................................................................................................................62 SECTION 14 APPENDIX A ..................................................................................................................................... 63 14.1 PSAP NETWORK DIAGRAMS ..............................................................................................................................63 SECTION 15 APPENDIX A ..................................................................................................................................... 75 15.1 15.2 ACRONYMS ....................................................................................................................................................75 DEFINITIONS...................................................................................................................................................78 5|Page Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SECTION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.1 Project overview This project will result in the selection of a service provider or a combination of service providers whose proposed solution(s) and services as sought by this RFP will at a minimum, provide the existing level of service as provided by the current 9-1-1 network to include all existing capabilities, functions, components and ancillary services to all Southeast Nebraska PSAPs either directly or in collaboration with other systems, services and providers both in Nebraska and in adjoining states (IA, KS, MO). The solution(s) and services sought through this RFP may be proposed as an integrated, comprehensive solution. The Southeast 911 Board may, at its discretion, integrate proposed solutions or components of proposed solutions in order to achieve an enterprise-wide, region-wide, best in class system that benefits the Southeast 911 Board PSAPs and best serves the objectives of the Board in fulfilling its duties. The Southeast 911 Board reserves the right to designate a contractual prime vendor and require individual Vendors to agree to contractual relationships, cooperative agreements, interconnection to and interaction with other Vendors or third parties as required or necessary for the operation of the proposed system. The Southeast 911 Board prefers an integrated solution with a designated primary vendor contractually responsible for providing the services as specified in this RFP. Through this procurement the Southeast 911 Board seeks to procure a solution or combination of solutions that: 1. Are designed to industry standard(s) including the NENA i3 standard 2. Provides or supports a foundation for NG9-1-1 and is designed to support or interoperate with core i3 functionality 3. Are secure and resilient to cyber-attack, penetration, abuse or misuse 4. Provide the ability to alarm, report, monitor, manage and support on a 24/7/365 basis 5. Be able to support or integrate with Interim SMS Text-to-9-1-1 solutions that are currently in-place or planned via delivery methods as prescribed by the Board, as per FCC order or by Carrier consent decree 6. Provides or supports increased fault tolerance, reliability, resiliency and disaster recovery 7. Provides or supports clear demarcations of responsibility and accountability in the handling of all traffic related to an emergency request originating from the public and delivered to a PSAP via the NG9-1-1 ecosystem 6|Page Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 8. Provides or supports a seamless infrastructure proactively managed and administered through the Board which delivers a consistent and equitable level of service to PSAPs, enabling PSAPs to improve the quality of service to the public 9. Provides for or supports Enterprise wide call accounting and data collection 1.2 Scope of Services The Southeast 911 Board is seeking to procure services from qualified vendors that include the highest degree of resiliency, reliability and redundancy to ensure service availability in keeping with industry standard(s) and best practices. The services sought by this RFP include: 1. Shared CPE solution for the 16 locations (14 primary county PSAP’s), Crete City Police Department PSAP, and the backup PSAP in Lincoln, NE (Lancaster County) 2. ESInet network design, management, and operation services 3. NG9-1-1, i3 core functions and capabilities 4. Call routing and reporting services 5. Text to and from 911 services 6. Region-wide data collection and reporting services on all facilitated transactions 7. System and component level monitoring, alarming, diagnostics and reporting services 8. Disaster recovery and system restoration services 9. 24/7/365 Help desk, trouble ticketing and customer support services 10. 24/7/365 Network operations center (NOC) monitoring services 11. Installation, testing, maintenance and on-site support services 12. Project management services for the planning, design, testing, installation and operation of the system or systems The Southeast 911 Board is not favoring one technology or platform. This RFP is designed to allow providers to package, represent and demonstrate their services. The Southeast 911 Board will evaluate each service on its own merit to determine the best solution(s) for the Southeast 911 Board Region. This overview of the Scope of the effort is meant to provide a high level understanding of the objectives. The RFP provides greater detail of the requirements in the following sections. 1.3 Southeast 911 Region Background The Southeast 911 Region is comprised of 15 counties, with 14 primary county PSAP’s, and 1 city PSAP. The city of Lincoln, NE has a backup center that also must be connected into the system. The entire region serves approximately 440,000 residents. The region is generally more rural; with the exception of Lancaster County. Lancaster County is home to Lincoln, NE the largest urban area within the region comprising almost 65% of the total population. Cass County is the second most populated and borders Sarpy County to the north and is included in the OmahaPine Bluff Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). 7|Page Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Resident total population, 2010 (Number) County Value Lancaster 285,407 Cass 25,241 Gage 22,311 Seward 16,750 Otoe 15,740 Saline 14,200 York 13,665 Richardson 8,363 Jefferson 7,547 Nemaha 7,248 Fillmore 5,890 Thayer 5,228 Johnson 5,217 Nuckolls 4,500 Pawnee 2,773 Total 440,080 Table 1: Population 1.3.1 Current Southeast 911 Region Features, Functions and Capabilities Presently, the Southeast 911 Region is utilizing equipment and network functions that are antiquated. Many locations have CPE that is end of sale, and very nearly end of useful life. In addition, broadband networking is limited in most locations. All trunks are CAMA based and are tied back to the Selective Routing tandems in Lincoln provided by Windstream. Windstream is the primary Local Exchange Company (LEC) for the entire region; however in Richardson County; Southeast Nebraska Communications provides last mile connection for the PSAP. All of the 15 counties covered by this Request for Proposal are currently served by Windstream for E911 network and database management services as well as E911 call handling equipment. Network The area is served by two Windstream E911 switches serving as Selective Routers. These are not mated Selective Routers in the traditional sense. The largest PSAP in the area, Lancaster County, has the highest degree of network redundancy in that it has trunking to the PSAP from both Selective Routers. The remaining PSAPs in the region may be served by one or both E911 Selective Routers but not in a redundant capacity. 8|Page Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 There are few shared rate centers amongst the 15 counties in the region; county jurisdictional boundaries correlate closely to the telephone rate center boundaries. There majority of the rate centers are Windstream Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) rate centers which are remotes off of host switches in the Lincoln rate center. There are 4 switches based in the Lincoln rate center which supports all remote rate centers as well as the E911 service. There are 5 independent telephone companies in the area. All PSAPs except for one, the Richardson County Communications Center, are located in Windstream LEC service area. Database All PSAPs in the region are served by a centralized Automatic Location Identification (ALI) database which is located in Lincoln in Windstream offices. The PSAPs access the database via redundant dedicated 56 Kilobits per Second (Kbps) private lines; however the ALI data delivery runs at 9.6Kpbs. The independent telephone company provides subscriber data to Windstream for inclusion in the E911 database. Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) Windstream provided the E911 call handling equipment to all participating PSAPs in the region. There is an amalgam of purchase with maintenance contracts and leasing of equipment. The equipment ranges from basic call handling to rudimentary computer work stations. None of the equipment in the PSAPs is capable of receiving IP traffic. Much of the equipment in place today has exceeded the product life cycle and is need of upgrade to more current operating systems. This is important because of the lack of support for any computer E911 answering points still working on Microsoft XP. Additional Southeast 911 Board information A) Staffing / Positions - Within the region, there are 132 full time personnel responsible for 9-1-1 call taking and dispatching. The 15 county region is served through 50 active positions; and 41 of those are combined call-taker and dispatch operationally. B) CPE - The region is primarily served with Cassidian CPE products. There are a few locations that are Plant Equipment MAARS CPE and one location served by Zetron. Due to the merger between Plant, CML and now rebranding as Cassidian that means that Cassidian equipment currently handles all but one PSAP. See appendix 12.1 for details C) Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) - CAD is often not used for 9-1-1 purposes. Only five counties have a true CAD system, and one of those is a cloud based solution from ITI. Many locations utilize only records management tools to organize and store calls and call information. See appendix 12.1 for details 9|Page Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 D) Logging / Recording - Call recording is all handled through local on-site logging recorders. The most prevalent recorder is provided by a system known as Red Box. The majority of the call recorders are not IP capable. Vendors should note that their solution may require a legacy interface to the existing units. E) Mapping - Mapping is provided at each location except Crete Police Department. They have access to mapping support, but it is not linked to calls or to the CPE. F) Call Volume - Call volume for the entire region is 529,860 annually. 1.4 Response Instructions Vendors must respond with either COMPLY, NON COMPLY or EXCEPTION to all of the sections in this Technical Specification. It is recommended that all detailed responses are located directly under the section heading and section verbiage to aid in evaluation. If no clear order is followed; the response may be disqualified. Vendors that take an EXCEPTION to a particular requirement must provide an alternative to the required feature or function specified. The alternative must describe in detail how it meets the original requirement and must include any other pertinent information that may be necessary to properly consider the alternative being offered (i.e diagrams, enhanced capability, design efficiency, cost savings, etc.). The Southeast 911 Board (Board) recognizes that in some cases Vendors may be able to provide a service or function that is superior to the requirements listed. If the Respondent wishes to present such an alternative, an EXCEPTION should be used to clearly articulate the functionality that Vendors would like to propose as an alternative for evaluation. The requirements specified in this RFP are identified as MUST haves, SHALL haves, REQUIRED, REQUIRES, or REQUIREMENT(S). Each proposal will be evaluated according to how well the requirements have been addressed. 1.5 Purpose of this procurement The purpose of this procurement is to ensure that at a minimum, the current 9-1-1 emergency services are continued and improved upon as technology, standards, and societal demands evolve. The Southeast 911 Board invites qualified vendors with documented expertise and experience to submit proposals to provide wireless E9-1-1 call delivery, migration to an i3 NG9-1-1 network, Reporting, Monitoring, Service and support for a converged Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Network. 10 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 1.6 Addendum to Specifications Any substantive interpretation, correction, or change of the proposal documents shall be made by formal addendum to this RFP. Interpretation, corrections, or changes of the proposal documents made in any other manner shall not be binding, and Vendors shall not rely upon such interpretations, corrections, or changes. Addendums would be distributed in a manner similar to the initial RFP. 1.7 Proposals Due The original proposal is due no later than 5:00 PM Central Time 12/4/2014. Vendors shall supply one (1) complete printed copy along with seven (7) complete versions on an unprotected (not password protected) CD-ROM. 1.8 Pre Proposal Conference Will not be held. 1.9 Proposal Questions All Vendor questions should be submitted in writing e-mailed to: Brent Lottman Nemaha County Sheriffs Office 1805 N St Auburn, NE 68305 [email protected] Note: All Vendor questions must be received no later than 5:00 PM Central Time 11/13/2014. in order to be accepted. Responses to vendor questions will be posted 1.10 Information to be submitted with Proposal The Vendor shall submit the following information to be included in the proposal as evidence of compliance with the Board’s specifications. Vendors are requested to provide their responses “in-line” directly beneath the section they are responding to. Attachments are allowed. It is the vendors responsibility to provide clear instructions to the evaluation team when an attachment is used to further describe a feature or function within their response. THE PROPOSAL MAY BE REJECTED IF THE RESPONSES TO THE REQUESTED SPECIFICATIONS ARE INCOMPLETE OR IF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM DEVIATES FROM THE SPECIFICATIONS. a. A complete list of all equipment proposed for each installation shall specify manufacturer and individual model numbers. All equipment and component parts furnished shall be new, meet the minimum requirements stated herein, and be in operable condition at the time of delivery. b. The Vendor shall furnish free of charge with their proposal, technical information, graphs, charts, photographs, circuit diagrams, instruction books, or other means to show that the proposed equipment fully complies with this specification. In the event the published literature furnished by the Vendor deviates from the requirements of any 11 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 item in this specification, the Vendor shall explain in detail, with full engineering support data, the reason why the proposed equipment will meet specification and not be considered an exception thereto. c. Detailed description of any special equipment. d. A list of users of the proposed equipment, installed in similar E9-1-1 systems. e. Samples of pertinent contracts, warranties, and purchase or lease and maintenance agreements. 1.11 Standards The Board expects that the proposed solution is built using a modular system architecture based on open standards and industry best practices so that additional functionality can be added as it becomes available without requiring a major revision of the underlying system code. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. Vendors shall demonstrate their industry knowledge and describe their commitment to proposing standards based solutions and services. The Board may disqualify or reject non-standard or proprietary systems that may hinder NG9-1-1 implementation, limit interoperability, or that might restrict the Southeast 911 Board Region from interconnecting to a regional or national 9-1-1 system in the future. Throughout the duration of the project, Vendors shall maintain compliance with all standards and ensure that the products, solutions and services provided are upgradeable, and can transition as the standards evolve. In addition to all other standards set forth herein and in addition to all other NENA i3 standards, the system shall comply with the following standards: NENA 08-003 v1 Detailed Functional and Interface Specification for the NENA i3 Solution, Stage 3 Version 1 NENA 08-002 NENA Functional and Interface Standards for Next Generation 9-1-1 Version 1.0 (i3) NENA 08-751 NENA i3 Technical Requirements Document NENA 04-001 v2 PSAP E9-1-1 PSAP Equipment NENA 58-001 NENA IP-Capable PSAP Minimum Operational Requirements Standards NENA 58-501 IP PSAP 9-1-1 System Features and Capabilities NENA 75-001 Security for Next Generation 9-1-1 Standard (NG-SEC), NENA 75-001 v1, and NENA 04-503 v1 NENA 75-502, NENA 04-502 v1, NENA 04-503 v1, NENA 08-506 v1, NENA 08-752 v1, NENA 71-502 v1, NENA STA-003 Applicable Internet Engineering Task Force Standards (IETF), such as IP protocols, IP routing protocols, SIP, RTP, LoST, and the PIDF-LO NENA 08-506 Emergency Services IP Network Design for NG9-1-1 – Information Document J-STD-110, Joint ATIS/TIA Native SMS to 9-1-1 Requirements & Architecture Specification A J-STD-110 Standard 12 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Vendors shall describe in detail in the response how they shall meet such standards in their design. Federal Communications Commission Rules All equipment must conform to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules Part 15, Class A (commercial, non-residential radiation and conduction limits) for electromagnetic interference (EMI). Other Industry Standards Where applicable, all equipment proposed to support or operate the Southeast 911 Region must comply with applicable industry standards, such as: Underwriters Laboratories (UL) International Organization of Standards (ISO) Open System Interconnection (OSI) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), (including ANSI/EIA/TIA-568 Commercial Building Telecommunications Wiring Standards), etc. The Vendor will define and describe fully the necessary equipment/upgrades or other necessary processes to maximize the effectiveness of the proposed system to accommodate the transition to NG9-1-1 when it is available. The method to accomplish appropriate layer three Quality of Service (QoS) shall also be defined within the response. The costs for any additional equipment required for full participation in NG9-1-1 as described in the NENA i3 standards must be identified within this proposal. The system shall be capable of delivering NG9-1-1 functionality at any point along the migration path to true NG9-1-1. As the Southeast Region develops ESInet facilities, the provided system shall be capable of full interaction with these standards-based networks. The proposal shall describe how the proposed system will comply with standards as they emerge for such core NG9-1-1 functions as: a. b. c. d. e. IP Networking and Call/Data Delivery (CPE) Emergency Call Routing Function (ECRF) Emergency Services Routing Proxy (ESRP) Emergency Call Routing Proxy (ECRP) Border Control Function (BCF) 1.12 Open Standards Vendors shall propose a system that utilizes an Open Standards methodology. 13 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 The proposed system shall be subject to standards that enhance open standards and increase interoperability such as ITU, IEEE 802 at ISO Layer-2, and IP and TCP, as defined by the IETF in the applicable RFCs, at ISO Layer-3 and above. If proprietary standards or protocols are used within a proposed solution; Vendors shall disclose the proprietary nature and discuss any limitations that may result. 1.13 Failure to Respond Failure to respond will forfeit consideration. 1.14 Binding Unless otherwise specified, all formal proposals submitted shall be binding for 120 calendar days following the proposal closing date. 1.15 Postponement and Rejection of Proposals The Southeast 911 Board shall have the right to postpone the proposal opening for its own convenience, or to reject any or all proposals not accompanied by any required security or by other required data. The Board reserves the right to reject a proposal which is in any way incomplete or irregular. 1.16 Vendor Selection Proposals will be evaluated by the Board for conformance to the specification requirements. Preference will be given to those Vendors providing demonstrated capability and experience in the design and implementation of similar systems. The evaluation of the proposals will be conducted on a weighted scale. The 100 points are allocated per section are as follows: Criteria General Requirements Proposal Requirements Total Business Proposal Points Available Business Proposal Section 1.1 - 1.34 2.1 - 2.19 Criteria RFS Section PROJECT MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS SECTION 3 TOTAL ESINET REQUIREMENTS SECTION 4 TOTAL CPE REQUIREMENTS SECTION 5 TOTAL MAP DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS SECTION 6 TOTAL SERVICE AND SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS SECTION 7 TOTAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS SECTION 8 TOTAL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION 9 TOTAL TRANSITION AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS SECTION 10 TOTAL SERVICE MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS SECTION 11 TOTAL Total Technical Proposal Points Available Cost proposal TOTAL Technical and Cost Proposal points Points 5 5 10 Points 5 10 25 5 10 10 15 5 5 90 50 150 Finalists may be invited to an interview and/or equipment demonstration. Selection of the successful Vendor will be followed by contract negotiations. The final award will be based upon an analysis of the proposed solution, not just lowest price as indicated. 14 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 1.17 Terms and Conditions of Award The terms and conditions for contract award imposed herein shall govern in all cases, and conflicting terms or conditions submitted by the Vendor may constitute sufficient grounds for rejection of the proposal. 1.18 Contract Award The contract(s) for this project will be comprised of supplying the equipment and service solution to complete the Shared and Networked PSAP infrastructure and be to the Vendor(s) deemed most advantageous as determined through the Board and individual PSAP the evaluation. The Board reserves the following rights: a) The right to negotiate with one or more Vendors to arrive at a final selection. b) The right to negotiate all proposal elements to ensure the best possible consideration be afforded to all components required and all parties concerned (this includes the right to approve or disapprove subcontractors proposed after award). c) The right to reject any or all proposals, to consider alternatives, to waive any minor irregularities and technicalities, and to re-solicit proposals. d) The right to award the contract to a vendor who is not the lowest cost vendor. Vendors shall propose a solution that meets all requirements outlined in this RFP; however, the operational framework of the Southeast Nebraska 911 Board allows individual PSAP’s the choice of participating in the configuration. Prior to contract negotiation, the Board will determine the final participants and work with the Vendor to adjust and modify the proposed solution (if required). Each PSAP reserves the right to participate in the solution. Vendors should be aware that the proposed solution may be modified according to the final county participants after evaluation of the proposals is complete. The selection of the Vendor will be made dependent on the availability of funds, and the projected operating costs over a seven-year period. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. Final approval shall be subject to action of the Board. The contract will be designed with Capital (one-time) costs for the equipment; and Operating (monthly recurring) charges for ongoing administrative and operational functions provided by the vendor. Vendors shall provide all pricing in this manner. 1.19 Delivery The equipment purchased by the Board hereunder, shall be delivered to its proper location and installed by the Vendor without additional cost or expense to the Board or any participating jurisdiction and at the convenience and direction of the Board. The Board shall not be deemed to have accepted any component or piece of equipment until such time as said equipment has been installed and operating in accordance with the specifications and the Board’s authorized representative has affixed signature to an acceptance certificate. 15 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 1.20 Risk of Destruction or Damage Prior to the acceptance of such equipment purchased by the Board hereunder, the Vendor shall be responsible for destruction or damage of such equipment while in transit, storage, or partially installed. In the event destruction or damage occurs to such equipment or to existing city or county owned equipment or facilities, the Vendor shall replace or repair such equipment and/or facilities without additional cost or expense to the Board. The Board retains the right to determine if repairs are required and that said repairs, when completed are acceptable. 1.21 Prosecution of Work The PSAP system and the installation thereof shall be accomplished with minimal interruption to the normal business operation. All work shall be done in a neat and professional manner and shall comply with the applicable national, state, and local codes and regulations. Primary power electrical work shall be done by or under the supervision of an acceptable electrician licensed by the State of Nebraska. 1.22 Supervision by Vendor The Vendor shall have a complete set of Plans and Specifications available on the Project at all times while the work is in progress, shall assume full responsibility for supervision of the work irrespective of the amount of work sublet, and shall give the work the constant attention necessary to facilitate satisfactory progress and to assure completion in accordance with the terms of the Contract. During the life of the Contract, the Vendor shall identify and provide at all times a competent person/individual in charge of the overall Project, who will be personally available within 24-hour notice. This individual shall be fully authorized to conduct all business with the subcontractors; to negotiate and execute all Supplemental Agreements; to execute the orders and directions of the Engineer without delay; and to promptly supply the materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals necessary for prosecution of the work. At all times while work is actually being performed, the Vendor shall employ a competent individual who is authorized and fully capable of managing, directing, and coordinating the work in progress; who is thoroughly experienced in the type of work being performed; who is capable of reading and thoroughly understanding the Plans and Specifications; and who is authorized to receive instructions from the Board’s representatives. 1.23 Implementation The Vendor shall furnish a detailed implementation schedule with the proposal response. The implementation schedule shall be clearly identified in the project plan requested in section 3.0. This schedule will include all key project milestones in a timeline graphical form, clearly indicating state and completion of all events. The implementation schedule should also clearly indicate an incremental plan for activating the system for end user testing. The single most important milestone is activation of this system by 9/30/2015. Summary of Milestones 16 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 The following timeline is only an illustration of the RFP process. The dates associated with each step are not to be considered binding. Due to the unpredictable nature of the evaluation period, these dates are commonly subject to change. At the conclusion of the evaluation process, all Vendors will be informed of the evaluation team’s findings. Key RFP Dates Activity Issue of RFP Date October 31, 2014 Pre-Proposal Conference call (not mandatory) November 5, 2014 – 2 PM Central time Deadline to Submit Written Questions November 13, 2014 – 5 PM Central time Response to Written Questions/RFP Amendments November 20,2014 – 5 PM Central time Submission of Proposals December 4, 2014 – 5 PM Central time The dates for the following activities are target dates only. These activities may be completed earlier or later than the date shown. Proposal Evaluation December 2015 Proposal Discussions/Clarifications (if necessary) December 2015 Oral Presentations (if necessary) December 2015 Best and Final Offers (if necessary) January 2015 RFP Award Recommendation January 2015 1.24 Acceptance Test Plan The Acceptance Test Plan (ATP) is a very important document related to the successful implementation of this major system project. As part of the Vendor’s response, a detailed outline of an ATP shall be included to allow the Board to judge the Vendor’s ability to develop such a document. It is suggested, but not required, that the Vendor also include an example of an ATP 17 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 document utilized for a previous project similar in scope to the proposed system, provided that permission is granted for its presentation from the previous customer involved. The proposed ATP shall be submitted to the customer for approval prior to the beginning of system installation. The system will not be accepted until all items on the ATP are met to the satisfaction of the customer. 1.25 Final System Acceptance System acceptance by the Board will be based upon the following conditions: a) The project manager has supplied the Board with a final Acceptance Test Plan (ATP) jointly approved by the Board’s representative. b) All tests in the ATP have been completed and accepted by the Board. c) Final site inspections by the Board’s representative have been completed. These inspections will check against a previously developed "punch list." Each operational subsystem shall be in operation for a minimum of 30 days after acceptance testing is successfully completed before final acceptance. 1.26 Proprietary Statement The laws of the State of Nebraska require that at the conclusion of the selection process, the contents of all proposals shall be placed in the public domain and be open to inspection by interested parties. All requests for said inspections shall be directed to the County of Nemaha. Trade secrets or proprietary information that is recognized as such and protected by law may be withheld if clearly identified in the proposal. Proprietary restrictions normally are not accepted. However, when accepted, it is the Vendor’s responsibility to defend the determination in event of an appeal or litigation. 1.27 Laws to be observed The Vendor shall keep fully informed of all Federal and State laws; industry safety standards; all local laws, ordinances and regulations; and all orders and decrees of bodies and tribunals having any jurisdiction or authority, which in any manner affect the conduct of work. The Vendor shall at all times observe and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, orders and decrees, and shall protect and indemnify the Board, all participating cities and counties and its representatives against all claims and liabilities arising from or based on Vendor or employee violations. Upon discovering any provisions in the contract that are contrary to or inconsistent with any law, ordinance, regulation, order, or decree, the Vendor shall immediately report it to the Board in writing. 18 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 1.28 Liquidated Damages Time is an essential element of this contract. If the Vendor fails to provide a complete and operational system by the specified or otherwise agreed upon date of completion for any reason excepting delays caused by Acts of God, or other conditions beyond the control of the Vendor, it is hereby agreed that the Board shall have the right to deduct as liquidated damages from any money or moneys due or coming due to the Vendor an amount equal to $500 per day for each and every calendar day after the contract completion date, during which time the contract remains unfinished and uncompleted. The parties agree by submission of their Proposal that the per diem fee shall not be construed as a penalty. Any moneys deducted are not to be construed as a penalty, but as liquidated damages to compensate for the additional costs incurred by the Board. The Board acknowledges that the project will require well-coordinated schedules for PSAP visits and facility inspections. Every reasonable effort will be made to assist the successful Vendor in obtaining access to the proper local authority representatives and facilities as scheduled, except for any delays caused by Acts of God, or other conditions beyond the control of the Board. In addition, the Board will provide appropriate local contact information, and will inform the Vendor about any excluded days and times when such visits may not be scheduled. 1.29 Technical Manuals and Drawings As part of the equipment to be delivered, the Vendor must furnish with the system a minimum of 15 complete printed technical service manuals (one for each PSAP) describing the system equipment and any related items, plus an electronic copy for the Board. The Vendor shall also supply as-built drawings of the system as installed. The as-built drawings shall be submitted electronically in Microsoft Visio format, or a different format if agreed to by the Board. Adobe PDF copies of Visio drawings shall also be included. The as-built drawings shall include complete and accurate wiring diagrams detailing the interconnection of the various pieces of equipment. All interconnecting wires shall be coded and referenced as installed. The service and technical manuals shall be complete and shall describe the equipment exactly as furnished and installed. The installation and acceptance of the system shall not be complete until the technical service manuals and as-built drawings are delivered to the Board. Final payment, scheduled per paragraph 1.31, may be withheld until any incomplete or inaccurate manuals or drawings have been corrected, provided to and accepted by the Board. 1.30 Warranty All equipment, including material used therein, shall be guaranteed by the Vendor against mechanical, electrical, design, and workmanship defects. In the event defects become evident within the warranty period, the Vendor shall furnish replacement parts, materials and procedures, and labor as necessary, at no cost to the Board. The Vendor shall be liable to the Board for supply of information and materials necessary for mandatory revisions determined by the manufacturer at no cost to the Board for the duration of the warranty period. 19 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 The duration of the warranty period shall be stated by the Vendor in their proposal and shall be at least one year. The warranty period shall commence on the date of system acceptance, not on the date of equipment delivery or completion of installation. In addition to these general warranty requirements, the following specific requirements apply: a. The Vendor warrants that the equipment delivered under this contract conforms to the contract requirements and is free of any defect of equipment, material, or workmanship. b. The Vendor warrants that all equipment furnished here under is new, current manufacture, and includes the latest hardware and software designs being delivered by each manufacturer. c. Under this warranty the Vendor shall remedy at its own expense any failure to conform with the general contract terms, specifications, or any other document included by reference into this contract. Vendor also agrees to remedy at its own expense any defect in materials or their workmanship. d. The Vendor shall remedy at its own expense damage to the Board, city or county owned or controlled real or personnel property, when that damage is the result of the Vendor's failure to conform to the contract requirements. The Vendor shall also restore any work damaged in fulfilling the terms of this contract. The Vendor's warranty with respect to work repaired or replaced here under will run for one year from the date of such repair or replacement. e. The Board shall notify the Vendor in writing immediately after the discovery of any failure, defect, or damage. f. Should the Vendor fail to remedy any failure, defect, or damage within a reasonable time after receipt of notice thereof, the Board shall have the right to replace, repair, or otherwise remedy such failure, defect, or damage at the Vendor's expense. This failure is also a breach of contract. Thus, the Board’s rights are in addition to and not as an alternative to rights under breach of contract. g. In addition to the other rights and remedies provided by this contact clause, all subcontractors', manufacturers', and suppliers' warranties expressed or implied, regarding any work and materials shall, at the discretion of the Board, be enforced by the Vendor for the benefit of the Board. The Vendor shall obtain any warranties which the subcontractors, manufacturers, or suppliers would give in normal commercial practice. h. The "acceptance" of a subsystem or individual equipment by the purchaser shall not limit the Board's rights with respect to material defects, workmanship, or fraud. 20 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 i. If there is a conflict between a clause in this warranty and a clause in the Vendor's warranty, the clause that extends the greatest protection to the Board under the circumstances in question shall control. j. The Vendor must agree to negotiate and establish a Service Level Agreement that includes a penalty if functionality is provided that does not work consistently with the requirements of this RFP or as agreed to in the statement of work. 1.31 Payments A schedule of payments will be developed during contract negotiations. The Board proposes the following schedule. 25% of total contract amount upon delivery of equipment 50% of total contract amount upon completion of installation and training 25% upon system acceptance 1.32 Service The Vendor shall be prepared to show proof of ability to provide service on the proposed system. a. Service Facility: The Vendor shall identify the location of an established service facility equipped with the instrumentation necessary to provide service on the system proposed. The Vendor's staff shall include qualified technical personnel, manufacturer trained for the system proposed. Indicate on the Proposal Item Schedule, the location and personnel involved in installation and service of the proposed system. b. Service Area: The Vendor shall be prepared to provide documented proof of satisfactory service and an ability to respond to major and minor alarms within the time parameters required by the Board. c. Service Contractor: If the Vendor intends to utilize a subcontractor or individuals other than employees of the Vendor to perform maintenance or service, the Vendor must have and furnish a copy of a written agreement or contract between the Vendor and the subcontractor to the Board as a component of the proposal. The financial arrangements between the Vendor and subcontractor may be redacted. 1.33 Proposal Duration No Proposal may be withdrawn for up to 120 calendar days after submittal of the Base Proposal. Any subsequent alternative proposals offered during negotiation shall be valid for a minimum of 120 day original or 75 additional days, whichever is longer. 1.34 References Vendors shall supply three (3) references of similar scope, size and/or configuration to their proposed solution that they have completed within the last ten (10) years. 21 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SECTION 2 REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Proposal Documents Fifteen printed copies plus one electronic copy of the proposal, appropriate proposal forms, and any other documents submitted with the proposal shall be mailed or submitted to: Nemaha County Sheriffs Office c/o Sheriff Brent Lottman 1805 N St Auburn, NE 68305 Note: Receipt of delivery to any other location does not constitute delivery. 2.2 Proposal Response The Vendor must provide a specific response to these specifications and must address the requirements of each section. The contents of this proposal, by the successful potential Vendor, shall become a contractual obligation if accepted by the Board. All proposal prices must be valid for 120 days from response due date. Proposals may be withdrawn or resubmitted any time up to the deadline for proposal closing. All proposal responses must be labeled: RESPONSE FOR SHARED AND NETWORKED PSAP INFRASTRUCTURE Southeast 911 Board. 2.3 Proposal Opening Proposals received prior to 5:00 PM Central time 12/4/2014 will be kept secure and unopened. Bids will be opened the following week at the County of Nemaha, Nemaha County Sheriffs Office 1805 N St Auburn, NE 68305. No proposal received after 5:00 PM Central Time on 12/4/2014 will be considered and will be returned to the Vendor unopened. 2.4 Patent and Royalty Infringement The successful Vendor shall agree to defend at his/her own expense all suits alleging infringement on any patents or royalties by reason of the use or resale of any apparatus furnished or used and will save the Board and all participating cities and counties harmless from any and all expense of defending said units from all payments which may be assessed against the Board and/or participating cities and counties on account of such infringement. 2.5 Specifications for Certain Equipment Nothing in this RFP is to be construed as limiting competition, as proposals are invited by manufacturers and distributors of other equipment which equals or exceeds the performance of the specified item(s). Such proposals will be given full consideration. 2.6 Exceptions Exceptions to any part of the requirements stated in this RFP must be clearly identified as exceptions. Alternatives should be stated at that point in the response. 22 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 2.7 Incurring Costs The Board nor any participating city or county is liable for any costs incurred replying to this RFP. 2.8 Non Discrimination All Vendors agree that during the life of the contract, the Vendor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, disability, national origin, or ancestry and will intend a similar provision in all subcontracts entered into for the performance thereof. All proposals will be accompanied by a signed statement of this fact with failure to sign reason for proposal rejection. 2.9 Insurance The Contractor shall not begin work under this contract until it has obtained all insurance coverages required under this section and such insurance has been approved by the Board. The following insurance coverages shall be kept in force during the life of the Contract and shall be primary with respect to any insurance or self-insurance programs covering the Board, its commissioners/supervisors, officials, agents, representatives and employees. These insurance coverages shall specifically state, or be endorsed to state, that thirty (30) days notice shall be given to the Board in the event of cancellation of, or material change in, any of the coverages. A. Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance The minimum acceptable limits shall be the statutory limits as required by the State of Nebraska for Coverage A, Workers Compensation and $500,000 for Coverage B, Employers Liability. B. Commercial General Liability Insurance Coverage shall include liability coverage addressing premises and operations, contractual, independent contractors, and products/completed operations. The coverage must protect against claims for damages resulting from bodily injury, including death, personal injury and property damage. The minimum acceptable limits of liability shall be $1,000,000 each occurrence. If the coverage contains a general aggregate, such limit shall not be less than $2,000,000. The products/completed operations limit shall not be less than $2,000,000. If written on a claims made form, the products/completed operations coverage is to be maintained for two years after final payment. The Board is to be named as an additional insured on the insurance coverage required under this section. C. 23 | P a g e Automobile Liability Insurance Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Coverage shall include liability coverage addressing claims for damages resulting from bodily injury, including death and property damage, which may arise from the operations of any owned, hired or non-owned automobile. The minimum acceptable limit of liability shall be $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit for each accident. The Board is to be included as an additional insured on the insurance coverage required under this section. D. Professional Liability Insurance Coverage shall be for wrongful acts, errors or omissions. The minimum acceptable limits of liability shall be $1,000,000 each occurrence. If the coverage contains a general aggregate, such limit shall not be less than $2,000,000. The Contractor shall provide proof of coverage for one (1) year after the completion of the work. E. Property Insurance During the term of the Contract all responsibility for maintenance of property insurance on the work remains solely with the Contractor who shall as a minimum obtain a builders risk “all risk” or equivalent policy form with sufficient limits to cover the total value of the Project including all the cost of the material, equipment and/or machinery involved under this Contract. This property insurance shall cover portions of the work and materials stored off-site, on-site and in transit. F. Certificate of Insurance The Contractor shall furnish the Board with a certificate(s) of insurance evidencing the coverages required in this section. If the certificate(s) is shown to expire prior to completion of all the terms of this Agreement, the Contractor shall furnish a certificate(s) of insurance evidencing renewal of its coverage to the County. The Contractor shall require each and every Subcontractor performing work under this Contract to maintain the same coverages required of the Contractor in this section, and upon the request of the Board, shall furnish the Board with a certificate(s) of insurance evidencing the Subcontractors insurance coverages required in this section. G. Insurance Company All insurance coverages herein required of the Contractor shall be written by an insurance company or companies transacting business as an admitted insurer in the State of Nebraska or under the Nebraska Surplus Lines Insurance Act. All insurance companies must possess a minimum A.M. Best Insurance Company rating of A-. Upon request of the Board, the Contractor shall furnish evidence that the insurance company or companies being used by the Contractor meet the minimum requirements listed in this subsection. 24 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Upon request by the County, the Contractor shall furnish the Board with complete and accurate copies of the insurance policies required within this section. If at anytime during the life of this Contract, the Contractor=s insurance coverages and limits do not meet or exceed the minimum insurance requirements presented in this section, the Contractor is required to notify the Board of any deviations from the minimum requirements presented in this section. 2.10 Independent Contractors The Vendor(s) and all employees of the successful Vendor(s) shall not be considered employees of the Board or any participating city or county while engaged in the performance of any work or services required herein, and shall be Independent Contractors. Any and all claims that may arise under the State’s Workers Compensation Act on behalf of said employees, and any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act of omission on the part of the work or service provided to be rendered herein shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the Board. 2.11 Coordination of Activities The successful Vendor(s) will coordinate all project activities related to the PSAP equipment installation with the Board’s assigned representative. The Board shall have the right to modify installation plans and schedules. 2.12 Installation Requirements The cost of installation of all equipment requested shall be included in the proposal price as a separate item as indicated on the proposal form. Upon completion of the installation, all systems and equipment shall operate in accordance with the specifications. 2.13 Permits The successful Vendor(s) shall assist the Board in the procurement of all licenses and permits necessary to the successful completion of this project. The successful Vendor shall be responsible for any required modifications to permits and licensing. 2.14 Cost Proposal Cost estimates and pricing for proposed solutions must be provided separately from the technical proposal. Costs shall be proposed using the template provided in Attachment 1. NO COST or PRICING information is to be provided in the response within the Technical Specifications. Pricing shall be expressed, as one-time costs and monthly recurring costs. Refer to section 1.31 on how one time payments will be completed. The Board assumes that monthly recurring charges will include network administration, management and monitoring for the length of the contract. The Vendor must provide clear statements describing the objectives of all proposed preinstallation and implementation planning and engineering efforts with costs. All costs related to the installation/implementation of equipment, hardware, software, services, warranty, and 25 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 maintenance options and services for the seven years of operation must be clearly delineated within the response to this RFP. Upon conclusion of the initial seven year term, The Board may extend the contract for up to five years. All prices shall include warranty and delivery to the Board. Payment will be made only for equipment and services purchased under contract with the Vendor. Payment will not be made for submission of proposal or any part thereof. The Board will base the award upon the basic system design. However, if the basic system design exceeds budgetary constraints, The Board reserves the right to reject all basic system designs and base the award on alternate system designs. Please include in your proposal a statement describing the expected life span of the system you are proposing. Describe any costs for system upgrades and for addition of NG 9-1-1 capabilities over the lifetime of the equipment. The Vendor(s) must provide a complete breakdown of cost by major item (see Attachment 1, Pricing Schedule). A cost for each sub-item shall be included for equipment and installation. If one or more of these sub-items require no cost to the Vendor and, respectively, no cost to the Board, the sub-item shall be marked "No Cost." 2.15 Parts The Vendor shall certify that it maintains a stock of replacement parts, located within the United States, for each item included in his equipment, and shall be in a position to replace such parts as may be required for a period consistent with the life of the equipment or for eight years, whichever is longer. 2.16 Detailed Equipment Specifications Proposals will be rejected that do not have the detailed specifications, catalog numbers of items, and any other data specifically requested. Technical data sheets containing detailed specifications shall be provided as part of the Vendor proposal. 2.17 Quantities Quantities specified in the specification are the best estimates of needs and are submitted to establish unit prices. The Vendor agrees to accept orders for items on this list at the prices quoted for a period of two years from the date of contract award, subject to an adjustment tied to the cost of living. Indicate on the proposal item schedule whether you will extend your prices for these potential additional purchases. 2.18 Certification Each firm submitting a proposal shall certify that it is actively engaged in the manufacture and installation of commercial communications equipment or regularly provides other equipment or services required by this proposal. 26 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 2.19 Authorization to Proceed Vendor(s) must obtain the Board’s written authorization before proceeding with any work necessitating cutting into or through any part of a building structure. - The remainder of this page intentionally left blank - 27 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SECTION 3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Project Management Vendors shall provide all project management activities for the implementation of the proposed solution that are consistent with the Project Management Institute (PMI) best practices. The contractor shall provide for project management at the commencement of the project through satisfactory implementation. Staffing for project management shall include, at a minimum, a PMP certified project manager responsible for oversight, management, and supervision, and status reporting of technical personnel involved in the provisioning activities. All written documents shall be delivered in machine-readable format, capable of being completely and accurately reproduced by computer software on a laser printer. All itemized and/or annotated lists shall be delivered in computer spreadsheets, capable of being imported to Microsoft Excel 2007 or higher. 3.2 Project Plan The implementation project management plan shall be consistent with Project Management Institute (PMI) best practices. At a minimum the implementation project plan must include: Schedule Change management plan Configuration management plan Communications plan Quality Assurance and Quality Control plan Risk management plan Status report and dashboard tools Proposed Site by site implementation/work plan The project plan will be referred to on a regular basis during the implementation phase of the project to ensure that all tasks are completed in a timely fashion. The Vendor must ensure that any changes to the schedule and project plan are communicated to the Board through the defined Change Management process. The project plan shall clearly describe the deliverables and define the milestones to clearly identify when the transition from implementation into service management occurs. A task-oriented project plan must contain a graphic Gantt chart utilizing MS Project 2000 or a later version. The proposed start date for the project shall utilize a "contract date" for competitive and demonstrative purposes. The Gantt chart shall identify critical dependencies and expected timelines. 28 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 3.3 Project Manager The project manager must be familiar with 9-1-1 networks and IP networks, as well as the proposed solution. Vendors shall ensure that their proposed project manager has substantial experience working on large scale, integrated public safety technology implementations. It is a requirement that the vendor include the project manager's resume in their proposal. References and experiences on similar projects must be included. The contractor’s proposed candidates for project management positions shall be approved by the Southeast 911 Board. The Board reserves the right to conduct a screening of the proposed project manager and approve or disapprove of the proposed resource. The proposed Project Manager shall be included in the proposal and all activities leading up to contact signing. In addition, the Board requests that the Vendor make every effort to keep a single Project Manager engaged throughout the entire project. If a change is required, the vendor must notify the Board in writing 30 days prior to the substitution and the Board reserves the right to interview the proposed Project Management replacement. The Project Manager has authority to exercise decision-making over contractual matters, and the contractor shall escalate such matters to the appropriate organizational level The preference is for the proposed project manager to be located near the Southeast 911 Board or be willing to spend substantial time within the region during implementation. Additionally, the proposed project manager shall have the appropriate certification that demonstrates their personal and professional capability. 3.4 Staffing The successful Vendor shall provide a staffing plan and organization chart that details the proposed team to complete the installation. Changes to the staffing plan must be made in writing and be approved by the Board prior to the change becoming effective. 3.5 Administration The Vendor will provide the Board with regular status updates. These updates shall be conducted weekly via a conference call to aid in quickly overcoming any obstacles that may occur. The weekly status call will be used to discuss relevant activities and the execution of deliverables. In addition, a monthly project review meeting that highlights the overall project performance measures is required. The monthly project review shall provide details of the work performed during the last 30 days and the planned work for the next 30 days. - The remainder of this page intentionally left blank - 29 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SECTION 4 ESINET NETWORK REQUIREMENTS 4.1 ESInet Network Services The proposed solution is expected to be a shared solution with network connectivity to each of the 15 primary PSAP’s and the Lancaster county (Lincoln) backup location. The proposed solution shall offer the highest degree of reliability, redundancy, diversity, and security possible. The Board seeks network and operations services from a provider or a combination of providers to implement an Emergency Services IP-network (ESInet) to deliver or support the delivery of voice, text, or other emergency communications related data to the PSAP’s throughout the region. The ESInet will be used as the fundamental transport system and technology to support the transition into Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) features, functions and capabilities that may become available during the term of the contract. Vendors must include ESInet services in their proposal to support the Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure. Successful vendors will include all services for the development, implementation, operation, monitoring and maintenance of their proposed ESInet including: Design, installation, testing, interconnection and operation of ESInet components required to operate or support the operation of the proposed solution Maintenance and repair of those elements of the ESInet and interconnections owned, operated, installed or controlled by vendors as part of their solution Completion of as built drawings, sketches and/or schematic materials related to the ESInet A data collection and reporting system for all ESInet elements so operational metrics of the ESInet can be monitored, reported and analyzed The solution must align with NG9-1-1 standards referenced elsewhere in this document and allow for the delivery of calls to the PSAP. 4.2 Network Architecture Requirements The successful Vendor must agree to coordinate with the local exchange companies operating in the region during deployment. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. The Network Architecture must be designed to reach all of the areas served within the region. The preferred architecture is an Emergency Services IP network with broadband and IP connectivity. The proposed ESInet conform to NENA 08-506, Emergency Services IP Network Design for NG9-1-1 (ESIND) and other industry standards as referenced. ESInet design requirements include but are not limited to: 30 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 The ESInet shall be designed to minimize or eliminate any single point of failure where possible. The ESInet shall be designed with a minimum level of bandwidth to support delivery of calls and associated data from originating service providers or other integrated ESInets to the PSAPs. The ESInet shall be designed and deployed using a highly reliable and redundant architecture. Availability, diversity, redundancy and resiliency shall be the guiding ESInet design principals. The ESInet design shall support the ability to automatically reroute traffic to alternate routes or systems in order to avoid network outages and system failures. The ESInet design shall offer the ability to prioritize critical traffic at multiple levels by importance of applications or users. The ESInet design shall be scalable and have the ability to scale without adverse effects on performance or costs. The ESInet shall be designed to support a guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) level. The ESInet shall be designed to support the automatic adjustment of traffic priorities in order to meet established QoS levels as defined in NENA 08-003. The ESInet design shall support the ability to ensure performance through the use of traffic shaping and traffic policing. The ESInet shall be designed to operate on a 24x7x365 basis. An ESInet design that utilizes the most cost effective and feasible combination of transport technologies available to deliver the bandwidth required. The ESInet design shall support the ability to handle legacy 9-1-1 calls and ensure the capability of handling future call types. 4.3 Network Diagram Vendors shall propose a network that supports a shared and networked PSAP infrastructure. The Board is seeking a solution that offers diversity, redundancy and resiliency for all PSAP’s. The design of the solution is the responsibility of the vendor and will be evaluated based upon functionality, standards adherence and operational efficiency. Vendors shall use the following diagrams as a guide for developing their design. The diagram(s) provided are a representation only and should not be used as a firm network design. Vendors are encouraged to propose a topology that may provide the services but appear much different than the one below. 31 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Figure 1 Figure 1 depicts a solution that utilizes 4 hosts; with an ESInet connecting all of the PSAPs and creating a shared network solution. 32 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Figure 2 Figure 2 depicts a solution that utilizes 2 hosts; with an ESInet connecting all of the PSAPs and creating a shared network solution. The diagrams are provided for representation only and is not suggest a preferred; or recommended solution. Vendors should use the diagram to create their own version of a solution that best meets the intent of this RFP and be able to describe their offering. The number of hosts used in the proposed solution for the vendor to determine. Vendors may design a solution that utilizes the number of hosts that offers a minimum level of diversity and redundancy for all PSAPs. The Board does not recommend simply copying this design if the Vendor can offer a more effective and efficient solution. The Board does recommend proposing a solution that is cost effective and financially efficient; while offering the highest redundancy, resiliency and reliability possible. 4.4 Text Requirements The Board is seeking a solution that will allow for the transition to and integration of texting to and from 9-1-1. Vendors shall offer a description of how text will be implemented within their solution. 33 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 As discussed in section 4.1, the Board prefers a solution that can meet the evolving industry standards without the need for a substantial system upgrade. Vendors shall apply the same emphasis on the implementation of text within the system to ensure that the proposed solution is capable of adding text when it is necessary. The Vendor shall describe how the proposed solution can support the delivery of 911 text calls to all participating PSAPs located throughout region. Vendors shall describe how their proposed solution may aggregate incoming Short Message Service (SMS) text messages from the public through one interface to all Text Control Centers (TCCs) provided by wireless carriers/vendors and distribute the text message to the appropriate Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) in the format required by that PSAP (web browser, TTY, Direct IP interface). Vendors shall explain how their proposed solution minimizes interconnection points between the proposed solution and the PSAP by providing a single content distribution node from the aggregator solution to the PSAP interface. Such an interface node shall be compatible with all NENA i3 CPE, TTY, and Web-based text displays. The proposed solution shall be designed to utilize a text short code of “9 1 1” from a wireless device to establish connection to a PSAP. Vendors must allow messages to be transferred between adjoining PSAPs (primary and secondary) that use a web-based browser or NENA i3 CPE interfaces. Vendors proposed solution should provide an Aggregator function that: • • • Will aggregate text-to-9-1-1 messages from multiple TCCs into a single message stream for distribution to the PSAPs Supports any ATIS compliant text-enabled CPE interface Supports transfer of text sessions between different interfaces Vendors proposed solution(s) should provide a Distributor function that: • Receives text-to-9-1-1 messages from the Aggregator and uses the ESRP/ECRF to route the message to the destination PSAP for the PSAPs served by the Distribution server. • The Distributor includes: o TTY Interface – to handle conversion of a text message to a TTY stream for interfacing to a selective router through an Emergency Services Gateway (ESGW) o Web Portal – contains a portal for the web-based Respondents solution for use by the call taker 34 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 o SIP/MSRP Interface – interface between the Aggregator and the NENA i3 ESInets or MSRP CPE at the PSAP. 4.4.1 Data Collection and Reporting Vendors shall include an ability to supply call detail record (CDR) or an equivalent for all text messages. The solution shall provide QoS information, per NENA i3 standards, for each text ‘call’ to ensure that SLAs are being met. Quality of service information should be accessible through Respondents’ maintenance function. Respondents shall provide diagrams for their proposed solution showing: • • • System connectivity System NG9-1-1 functionality including connectivity to network Intelligent workstation equipment 4.4.2 PSAP Graphical User Interface and Text Status Windows (browser method) Vendors shall include a user interface provided for a web browser that allows a supervisor the ability to modify the system sounds and button icons. The User interface proposed must utilize Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI) interfaces using drop-down boxes, check boxes, text boxes, radio buttons. Etc. to facilitate user friendly data entry and editing. The Intelligent Workstation shall present the text-call-taker, at a minimum, with the status of the following categories: • • • • 4.5 Number of Active Text-to-9-1-1 Calls Number of Text-to-9-1-1 Calls on Hold Number of Text-to-9-1-1 Calls ‘Ringing’ Number of Active Text-to-9-1-1 Call takers Network Features and Functions Vendors shall provide a narrative of their proposed ESInet with enough detail to ensure proper evaluation. A narrative that assists in explaining the network diagrams supporting the proposed solution is required. Vendors shall detail how the proposed ESInet solution is NG9-1-1 capable, supports current and evolving standards, and how it will accommodate the integration of other networks. The narrative will address each of the features or functions listed below (in no particular order): 1. 2. 3. 4. Operations Security (both physical and logical) Availability Monitoring 35 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 5. Alarming 6. Maintenance 7. Disaster Recovery 8. Service restoration 9. Outage mitigation 10. Fault zone design methodology Respondents shall explain the following technical aspects of their network (at a minimum): Core routing Interface to Hosted solutions Wireless call distribution Legacy interconnection ALI integration Vendors shall provide a description of protocols or routing functions that are used in the ESInet infrastructure and ensure that they conform to NENA Detailed Functional and Interface Standards for the NENA i3 Solution NENA 08-003 standards and that the proposed ESInet design does not conflict with open standards specifications. The proposed solution must be designed to allow for interconnection to other ESInet implementations, PSAP systems (CAD, logging recorders, etc.), criminal justice networks, other 9-1-1 networks or other secure public safety technologies as may be designated by the Board. The ESInet shall be configured in a manner that Board approved edge site LANs, such as computer aided dispatch (CAD) systems or other Public Safety systems may be connected to utilize the capabilities of the ESInet. Any IP network approved by the Board to connect to the ESInet shall be required to comply with appropriate ESInet, NENA, National and Open Standards described in this proposal or as may be current at the time of proposed interconnection. Respondents shall be accountable for ensuring that additional networks meet the minimum qualifications for interconnection presented in this specification and that security of IN911 is maintained. Respondents shall describe the ability for their ESInet solution to interconnect and interoperate with other ESInet implementations, PSAP systems (CAD, logging recorders, etc.), criminal justice networks, other 9-1-1 networks or other secure public safety technologies as may be designated by the Board. 4.5.1 Quality of Service Features Any proposed ESInet shall have quality of service (QoS) features suitable for the real-time transport of VoIP traffic requesting emergency services (as defined in NENA 08-003). 36 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Vendors shall describe their method of managing the QoS features and minimizing delay, latency and other network related issues that impact voice quality. Vendors shall provide an explanation of the proposed solutions QoS capability that mitigates congestion and ensures the delivery of Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) packets across the ESInet. 4.5.2 Traffic Prioritization Narrative Vendors shall describe how prioritization of traffic occurs across their proposed ESInet, how QoS is implemented and how the IP routing mechanisms interoperate. 4.5.3 Scalability Vendors shall describe how their proposed ESInet design permits scalability. The Board seeks a solution that will allow bandwidth changes, sites to be added or removed, and to allow interconnection to other regional or state-wide ESInets without downtime or substantial increase in operating costs. 4.5.4 Bandwidth Vendors shall base their bandwidth estimates on the delivery of all calls and associated data to the PSAP; and the bandwidth required to create the core ESInet. The minimum bandwidth shall be sized to accommodate the anticipated voice and data traffic of the system for the next seven (7) years. PSAP Bandwidth Respondents shall provide a solution that can deliver enough bandwidth to each PSAP. Vendors shall supply a metric that defines how they are calculating the minimum bandwidth. This metric shall include the ability to monitor bandwidth for the duration of the contract and allow for the increase of bandwidth when appropriate. Bandwidth Expansion The ESInet must be capable of expanding as needed throughout the duration of the contract period. Bandwidth Sharing Vendors shall describe how their proposed solution can be used to offer additional services. Vendors shall provide details of how bandwidth is prioritized and separated from normal IP traffic. Loss of Bandwidth Vendors must provide a solution that can prevent a loss of bandwidth due to normal updates. The proposed solution must provide automatic rerouting as quickly as possible when behaviors are identified that impact normal routing. Describe how the proposed solution meets this requirement. 37 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 4.5.5 IP routing Vendors must propose a solution that utilizes an IP routing solution that can be configured to support both IP version 4 (IPv4) and IP version 6 (IPv6). Vendors shall describe how their ESInet configuration meets an ability to associate IPv4 and IPv6 in a seamless routing configuration. Internet Protocol Packet Delivery Vendors shall ensure that the IP routing protocol used in the ESInet provides delivery of IP packets from end to end. IP Routing Problem Resolution Vendors shall describe how IP routing problems are recognized and addressed. In addition, when interconnected networks are necessary; the Vendor will be required to coordinate with those providers to resolve IP issues. Automatic Internet Protocol Rerouting Vendors shall describe how their proposed solution automatically reroutes past failures or interruptions. Back to Back User Agent Usage Vendors shall describe the use of Back to Back User Agents (B2BUAs) in their ESInet and explain how the seamless delivery of traffic can be maintained using SIP and RTP between IPv6 and IPv4 networks. Subnet Number Assignments Vendors shall include in their proposed solution their method of documenting and all subnet address assignments to the Board prior to implementation of the ESInet. Network Static Addressing Vendors shall ensure that static IP address routing is configured at all core network interfaces to avoid IP configuration errors. “Loopback” Interface Vendors shall define an interface to allow for loopback testing within the ESInet. 4.5.6 Diverse Network Entries Vendors must propose an ESInet design that incorporates diverse network entries to connection points and PSAPs. The Board recognizes that in several cases there may not be physically diverse entrances into PSAPs. Where diverse entries are not possible; Vendors shall describe their methodology to implement the most diverse solution possible. 38 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 4.5.7 Network Demarcation Point Vendors shall describe how demarcation points between other networks may be established. In addition, demarcation between the Access Network facilities that connect an edge site, such as a PSAP site, to the Core Network, meet the Core Network at a point of interconnection (POI). 4.5.8 Access Network - Edge Site Interface Vendors shall ensure that all edge or PSAP sites should interface via 100 Megabit per second (Mbps) or faster port speed connection. 4.5.9 Time Servers A time server to synchronize all proposed network resources must be included in the proposed solution. The time server must be connected to redundant time sources located within the ESInet capable of providing accuracy to 20.0 milliseconds (ms) of true time. 4.6 Network Sizing The proposed ESInet shall be designed to handle, at a minimum, 1,500,000 calls annually, (2.5 times normal call volume). The ESInet shall be capable of increasing capacity by 20 percent annually over the initial term of the contract. Describe how the proposed solution meets this requirement. 4.7 Reliability and Availability Vendors shall provide details regarding the Reliability and Availability of their proposed network solution. The intent is that the winning vendors response to this section will be negotiated into a service level agreement that may include the provision of Liquidated Damages for failure to meet referenced SLA. Describe how the proposed solution meets this requirement including any relevant metrics that are utilized. 4.8 Five “9’s” Requirements The Vendor must describe how their proposed solution provides 99.999% reliability. Individual components do not have to provide 99.999% uptime as long as the system as a whole is able to do so. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 4.9 Compliance The Vendor must propose a solution that complies with all Federal Communication Commission rules and regulations, including the recent FCC order on Improving 911 Reliability, PS Docket No. 13-75 and Reliability and Continuity of Communications Networks, Including Broadband Technologies, PS Docket No. 11-60, dated December 12, 2013. Describe how the proposed solution meets these requirements. 4.10 Redundancy All proposed solutions, components and must provide redundancy automatically. The proposed solution shall minimize single points of failure that would prevent delivery of incoming 9-1-1 calls to a call-taker. Vendors shall propose redundancy that is cost effective and document where redundancy is too costly or not possible within their solution. Additional requirements for the 39 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 reliability design of the ESInet shall be guided by the FCC Report and Order FCC 13-158 – Improving 911 Reliability and Reliability and Continuity of Communications Networks, Including Broadband Technologies. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 4.11 Diversity The proposed solution must offer facility diversity at every location that is financially and technically feasible. Vendors must identify areas where diversity is recommended, but not provided, either because it is not available, too costly or for other reasons. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 4.12 Network Failover The proposed solution must be able to maintain normal operations in a fail-over scenario. Key network elements must be fault tolerant and provide they ability to automatically recognize and re-route critical information. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. The description must describe what would happen to calls in progress in fail-over scenarios. 4.13 Network Security The proposed solution must that meet a minimum level of security as defined by the national standards. The Board requires that proposed solutions comply with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security policies. They may be center/view. found at Vendors shall describe how their solution meets these security measures and how they comply with potential future changes to security measures to ensure that: • • • • • • • • • • • 40 | P a g e Network operations are not disrupted due to a security breach Unauthorized individuals cannot access the network Least access policy is applied Data theft does not occur Monthly assessments of vulnerabilities and frequent scans for malicious activity occur Security incidents are documented, risks identified, responded to and mitigated Management of security changes are documented Security documentation is maintained to aid in forensic audits as necessary Security data is maintained as recovered and not modified or deleted Intrusion protection and Intrusion detection is implemented throughout the network to eliminate breach of security Protection from identify theft occurs Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Vendors shall describe physical and logical security precautions in their proposed solution that meet the minimum criteria outlined above. This includes providing a description of any security based appliances necessary to meet the objectives including: • • • • • • • Firewalls Access Control Lists Switches Routers Intrusion Protection devices Intrusion Detection devices Specialized Cabling The proposed solution must be configured to withstand these attacks and protect the integrity of the entire 9-1-1 system. Describe how the proposed solution meets this configuration requirement 4.13.1 Intrusion Prevention and Detection The proposed solution must include intrusion prevention and detection capabilities provide alerting, logging and reporting of security threats by intruders to the network. 4.13.2 Encryption The proposed solution must include the advanced encryption standard (AES) on their proposed solution where appropriate. 4.13.3 Network Security Standards The proposed solution must comply with the following Standards: • • • • • • NENA Security for Next-Generation 9-1-1 Standard (NG-SEC, document 75-001 dated February 6, 2010) Next Generation 9-1-1 Security (NG-SEC)Audit Checklist NENA 75-502 V1 NENA i3 Technical Requirements Document 08-751 NENA Detailed Functional and Interface Standards for NENA (i3) Solution Stage 3 08-003 FBI Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policies 4.13.4 Remote Access and Network Security and Firewalls A firewall solution that provides security and protection to the system must be included. All such interfaces connected shall be in accordance with mandated security requirements. a. Secure remote access shall be strictly controlled. Control will be enforced via remote access authentication using security tokens that provide one-time password authentication or public/private keys with strong pass-phrases. b. Remote Access control will be enforced via network and system level auditing. 41 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SECTION 5 CPE REQUIREMENTS 5.1 CPE Equipment Functionality The shared and network PSAP infrastructure shall include a shared CPE system that includes equipment sized appropriately for call-takers at all of the Southeast 911 Board PSAP’s to use when answering 9-1-1 calls. Vendors shall refer to the detailed list in appendix A that provides the number of positions required at each location. All call-taking equipment must be able to accommodate or otherwise be prepared to deliver calls via the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Describe in detail the equipment that you are proposing for this purpose. It is important that availability, resiliency and reliability are included in the description. Some configurations may require multiple headsets for 9-1-1 calls and Administrative calls. Therefore, Administrative lines shall be integrated into the 911 answering position; with an ability to utilize a single headset or multiple headsets depending upon the local operation. 5.1.1 Administrative lines Currently, the administrative lines throughout the region are typically delivered through the CPE. Vendors shall propose a solution that allows the same capability for administrative lines at each PSAP that exists today. Describe how the proposed solution can address the Administrative telephone system functionality. 5.2 Interface to PSTN Vendors must propose a solution designed to interface with the existing PSTN network. Currently calls are delivered into the system over CAMA trunks via Windstream Communications. The proposed solution must offer a solution that can utilize the current PSTN infrastructure, but also be capable of migrating to NG9-1-1 as those services become available. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.3 i3 Compliance The proposed solution must be able to accept calls via TCP/IP that is compliant with the version of the NENA i3 standard in effect at the time of system implementation; and the successful vendor must plan for and commit to compliance with i3 standards that are released subsequent to implementation, and to make the transition necessary to remain complaint with i3 standards in a timely and efficient manner following release of those standards. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. While the Board has not implemented a text to 9-1-1 platform; the proposed solution must be capable of IP text messaging, with text “calls” delivered through the same interface and equipment as are voice calls, regardless of the carrier that delivers the text messages. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 42 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 5.4 Bandwidth Requirements The proposed solution must list the minimum bandwidth required to ensure acceptable performance and sound quality. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.5 Connectivity The proposed solution shall provide a method to deliver calls, both voice and text, to call-takers. Describe in detail the infrastructure and network architecture that will allow this functionality. 5.6 Call Routing The proposed solution must be able to support multiple methods of selecting the proper PSAP destination for incoming calls. Describe how call flow and routing is configured in the proposed solution, and how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. The proposed solution must also offer multiple tiers of customizable roll-over capabilities, so that if a call is not answered at the first location it may be programmed to roll over to a different position which may be in a different PSAP. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement and describe how many tiers are available with the solution and various ways they can be used. 5.7 Call Flow Vendors shall describe a call flow and provide a diagram for the proposed solution. This description should explain how a call enters the system, how the correct route is selected and how deliver to the correct PSAP is arranged. Vendors shall provide include details on whether PSAP or position selection is table based or GIS based, or both. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.8 Virtual PSAP’s The proposed solution shall support virtual PSAPs. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.9 Call Queue Requirements The proposed solution shall provide the ability for the call-taker to answer calls from wireline or wireless trunks. The Board does not wish to incorporate ACD functionality at this time. Describe how the solution will meet this requirement. 5.10 Interoperability with other applications Vendors shall propose a solution that enables interoperability with other applications that may be utilized at the PSAP. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.11 Sound The proposed system must not introduce echo, static, interference, delay, or anything additional interference that reduces the clarity of the call. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.11.1 Sound Adjustments 43 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 The proposed solution must allow call-takers to easily adjust both transmit and receive volume. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.12 Monitoring and Barge-In Capability The proposed solution must include the ability to monitor and barge-in on active calls. If necessary, the monitoring workstation must be able to barge-in and enter into a 3-way conference. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.13 Recording The proposed solution must be capable of recording every call, both inbound and outbound, and include easy to use tools that will enable local administrative staff to access call recordings. The proposed solution must be capable of interfacing to the local recorders that are predominantly not IP capable or SIP enabled. Vendors must provide the capability to secure recordings by PSAP. Recordings should only be available to those PSAPs where the recording originated from. Describe how the proposed solution will meet these requirements, clearly spelling out any limitations and including any additional features not specified. 5.13.1 Instant Call Recorder The proposed solution shall provide call-takers with a method to instantly play back the recording of any call from their assigned workstation, provided they have the proper permissions, regardless of whether the call was answered at that workstation by the call taker or elsewhere in the system by a different call taker. Call takers must be able to play back a call that is still in progress. The time frame for providing access to calls with the instant recorder must be configurable and the minimum duration that calls are accessible through the instant call recorder is 24 hours. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.14 Interface Customization The proposed solution must allow interface customization on a per user basis by users with proper permissions. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.15 Call Capabilities Vendors must propose a call handling application that offers both audible and visual methods to notify the call- taker of an incoming call. There must be no possibility that a call can be in a queue if there is an available call-taker anywhere in the solution. By default, answering a call shall result in the oldest call being picked up first. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.15.1 Call transfer The proposed solution must allow for a call to be transferred to any other position in the system. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 44 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 5.15.2 Selective transfer The proposed solution shall provide a list of responding agencies, based on the location of the caller. The call-taker must be able to connect to a responding agency with a single mouse click or keystroke. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.15.3 Selective transfer Updates Vendors shall include the ability to update the Selective Transfer records and describe how the updates are completed in their proposed solution. 5.15.4 Non-selective transfer The proposed solution must include a contact list that lets call-takers with proper permissions to dial numbers with a single action. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.15.5 Manual dialing Vendors shall explain how their proposed solution provides a method for a call-taker to manually dial any number. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.15.6 Dial back The proposed solution shall include a way to dial back a disconnected caller with a single action. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.15.7 Forced disconnect The proposed solution must allow call-takers to selectively release any call or any individual party of a call at any time. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.16 ANI/ALI Interface Vendors shall describe how their proposed solution provides a NENA compliant ANI/ALI display. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.16.1 Manual ALI query The proposed solution shall support manual (reverse) ALI queries based on the user’s permissions. All manual queries must be logged. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.17 Call History Vendors shall propose a solution for maintaining a log of all calls. The call log must allow calltakers to recall and redisplay the ANI/ALI information of any call. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.17.1 History by number 45 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 The proposed solution shall maintain a call history by call back number and provides an easy to use method for viewing the history data. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.18 Call Management Vendors shall explain how their proposed solution offers a system display of which lines are connected or have become disconnected to an active call. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.18.1 Muting The proposed solution must allow call-takers to block the caller from hearing the remaining parties on the call. The call- taker shall have the ability to selectively mute any party on a call. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.18.2 Conferencing Vendors shall describe how their proposed solution allows each call-taking position to be able to conference in up to five additional parties. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.18.3 Hold The proposed solution must support placing calls on hold. A reminder that alerts the calltaker that a party is on hold shall be included. Callers who are on hold must periodically hear a reminder message and that they should stay on the line. When a call on hold disconnects there should be an alarm to alert the call- taker. The alarm should display the call back number. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.18.4 TTY The proposed solution must fully support all ADA laws with integrated TDD/TTY features at each call-taking position. TDD/TTY calls must have the same level of functionality as voice calls. TDD/TTY detection must be automatic. The entire conversation must be logged and easily retrieved. The TDD/TTY interface must support the creation and use of pre-programmed messages. The solution must be Hearing Carry Over (HCO) and Voice Carry Over (VCO) compliant. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.18.5 Ready/Not Ready Call-takers shall have the ability to tell the “system” whether or not they are available to take calls without having to completely log out. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.18.6 Adding comments by phone number Call-takers must have the ability to easily add a comment to a phone record that will automatically display on future calls from that phone number. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 46 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 5.18.7 Auto answer The proposed solution must support pre-recorded greeting and auto answer features. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.19 Future Enhancements Vendors shall explain how their proposed solution be designed to accommodate future forms of emergency calling, including but not necessarily limited to: MMS Instant Messaging Picture messaging Satellite Personal Locator Beacons Video Messaging Future development in TTY/TDD type devices Describe how the proposed solution will keep up to date and how future enhancements will be implemented. 5.20 Messaging Vendors shall describe how their proposed solution offers a method for call-takers to communicate with each other through a broadcast or instant messaging system. The proposed solution must also enable PSAP to PSAP messaging. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.21 ANI/ALI Functions ANI/ALI (including caller name) information must be captured and reported on logs and lists from all sources. Describe how the solution will meet this requirement. 5.21.1 Actual Telephone number Vendors shall propose a solution that offers a display of the actual telephone number information, and not just a PseudoANI for all call types, including but not limited to wireless calls. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement . 5.21.2 Automatic ALI rebid The proposed solution shall provide automatic ALI rebid on wireless calls. The rebid timer must be configurable. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.21.3 Abandoned call handling Vendors shall explain how their proposed solution alerts call-takers, both visually and through a distinct tone, that a call was abandoned and allow callback with a single action. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.21.4 Rollover Once a call has gone unanswered and rolled to a different position and/or PSAP, and the caller then abandons the call, that the abandoned call alert will occur in the PSAP and at 47 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 the time the caller actually abandoned the call. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.22 Call Logging The proposed solution must provide extensive logging of call-handling activities that is available for access from multiple PSAP’s. At a minimum, logs must capture login and logout, non-9-1-1 associated calls, and other such events. Vendors must provide the capability to secure recordings by PSAP. Recordings should only be available to those PSAPs where the recording originated from. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.23 CAD Interface Vendors must explain how their proposed solution supports the transfer of call information to external systems consistent with i3 standards as they now exist or may exist in the future. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 5.24 Discrepancy Handling Call-takers must be able to create ALI and NRF discrepancies electronically, and provide a means to process those discrepancies in a similar manner and without having to repeat any data entry. Describe how the proposed solution will accomplish this. 5.24.1 ALI and NRF Call-takers shall have the capability of printing the electronically created ALI or NRF discrepancy in the event that there is a system failure in sending the discrepancy. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. - The remainder of this page intentionally left blank - 48 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SECTION 6 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS 6.1 General Map Display Requirements All call-taking positions must include a map display that is integrated with the call-handling software. All calls that have location information (wireline, wireless, VoIP) must be displayed on the map. The map display must be able to allow a call-taker to search by location using commonly addressable features or utilize a user defined search capability. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 6.1.1 GIS services Each county is responsible for their own GIS data, and the upload of that data in the format required by the Nebraska Public Service Commission. Therefore, GIS services that are proposed must be able to be adjusted to only those counties who choose the service. Presently, the PSC utilizes the ESRI format for all GIS data, and requires that all data: Supports existing and proposed GIS data standards from the Nebraska Information Technology Commission (NITC) Supports Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) service formats In addition, GIS services that are proposed must allow for integration with existing GIS and mapping tools that are deployed in some of the counties. Describe how the proposed solution meets these requirements. - The remainder of this page intentionally left blank - 49 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SECTION 7 SERVICE AND SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Customer Support Services The selected Vendor must provide live 24x7 technical support for the entire system. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 7.2 Help Desk The Vendor must operate a help desk to handle trouble calls. The Help Desk must be accessible via a toll free number 24x7x365 and be staffed with the appropriate technical resources to troubleshoot issues. Call-takers and personnel shall be able to submit Help Desk tickets to the vendor through all of the following means: The call taking user interface The Map user interface. Via email Via toll free dial in Web site interface Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 7.3 Trouble Handling and Ticketing Requirements The vendor shall describe their trouble ticket handling process and provide an escalation for each of the common outages: Critical – Network Outage – Some Network service or services are not available at one or more PSAP sites, with a potential for serious impact on public safety. All available resources are continuously applied to resolve the problem. Critical – Network outage 1st Level Support – Within 15 minutes Continuous problem resolution/workaround effort 2nd Level Support – within 2 Hours 3rd Level Support – within 4 Hours or upon Customer request. Major – Service affecting – Network is operating, but at a reduced quality or capacity. The Network is experiencing problems that result in the service not meeting technical specifications. Examples are a reduction in number of available trunks below traffic requirements, or a wholesale call misrouting. All available resources will be applied to resolve the problem unless superseded by Critical Network Events. Major – Service effecting 1st Level Support – Within 15 minutes 2nd Level Support – Within 4 Hours 3rd Level Support – Within 24 Hours or upon Customer request. Minor – Non-service affecting – Loss of redundancy and failures that are not normally noticed by any PSAP, such as a single trunk or an IP router failure that has caused an 50 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 IP re-route. The Network may be operating below design specifications, but barring unusual traffic loads or the failure of another Network element, this type of incident is not service affecting. It is expected that the automatic monitoring system will generate most of the Minor Trouble Tickets. Minor – Non-service effecting 1st Level Support – Within 30 minutes 2nd Level Support – Within 1 business day 3rd Level Support - Within 1 week or upon Customer request. Planned Maintenance – Software Updates, configuration changes, product and feature request enhancements, or a Customer who requires technical assistance. Minor non-disruptive error or function that has no appreciable impact on normal Network operations. Planned Maintenance/Informational – Software update, configuration. 1st Level Support – Within 2 Hours 2nd Level Support – Within 5 Business days 3rd Level Support – Only upon Customer or Management request. Describe the trouble ticketing process for handling incidents and problems that may occur and provide an escalation table that defines how the system will be returned to normal operation. 7.4 Training The Vendor shall implement a full training plan for call-takers. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. The Vendor shall also provide some additional train-thetrainer services that can support on-going training activities after the system is implemented. 7.5.1 Administrator training The Vendor will be required to implement a training plan for PSAP Administrators. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 7.5.2 Technical staff training The Vendor will be required to train the PSAP technical support resource(s). Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 7.5.3 User documentation The Vendor will be required to provide an electronic copy of documentation suitable for call-takers, and grant the PSAP the permission to make minor modifications if necessary to reflect the policies and procedures of the PSAP, and to make up to 1 copy per PSAP, plus 1 copy per position of the documentation for distribution to the PSAPs. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 7.5.4 Training Materials 51 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Training materials must be given to the Board as a finished, fully tested format. The Board specifics must be addressed in these documents. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 7.5.5 Technical documentation The Vendor will be required to provide documentation suitable for technical staff. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 7.5.6 Manuals The Vendor will be required to supply all equipment manuals for all components, in library format, as a complete collection of printed materials, and in electronic format, as .pdf files, unless documentation is not available from the manufacturer in electronic format. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 7.5.7 Training Environment There is not a preferred training site within the region. Vendors shall discuss their proposed method of training the entire 9-1-1 staff prior to system acceptance. - The remainder of this page intentionally left blank - 52 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SECTION 8 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 8.1 Reporting and Data Collection System Requirements The Vendor must propose a solution for collecting and reporting on system information. The Management Information System tool shall include a method for retrieving the information through simple; easy to use process. Describe the Management Information System tool and discuss how the tool will be implemented. 8.2 Statistical and Operational Reporting The proposed solution must include the ability to create comprehensive operations reports. The reports must be filterable and sortable by relevant fields such as date/time, PSAP, class of service, etc. The report must be able to show all system activity including calls by PSAP, calls by class of service, calls by date, calls by time, calls by day of week, etc. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 8.3 Event Log The proposed solution must include an event log report. The report must be able to show recorded events. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 8.4 Local Logging Recorder Interface Vendors must propose a solution that includes an interface into the local logging recorder. Many PSAP’s logging solutions will remain unchanged. In these circumstances, the Vendor may be required to augment their solution to ensure that calls are logged utilizing the existing logger. Vendors must provide the capability to secure recordings by PSAP. Recordings should only be available to those PSAPs where the recording originated from. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. - The remainder of this page intentionally left blank - 53 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SECTION 9 MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 9.1 System Administration The Vendor must supply the administrative and operational management of the proposed system for a period of 5 years with a potential 5 year extension. The System Administration capability in the proposed solution must support the monitoring of the network and components and be capable of recovering from network trouble. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 9.2 Status Monitoring The proposed solution shall incorporate active monitoring that will detect abnormal traffic indicative of a problem, such as a breach or compromised system. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 9.3 Administration The proposed solution must allow the individual PSAP’s administrative rights access to their information. Describe how your proposed solution will meet this requirement. 9.4 Dashboard Vendors must propose a solution that includes a dashboard, which may be deployed in all PSAPs, which provides real time information on system activity. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 9.5 Alarms Vendors shall explain how the system alarms are employed and follow a best practice tiered severity level methodology, to include hardware, software, server services, network (LAN&WAN) overall system health and security. Describe how the proposed solution will comply with this requirement. 9.6 Quality Assurance The proposed solution must have a dedicated (live duplicate) Quality Assurance (QA) testing system, ideally one that that also supports development and/or engineering. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 9.7 Monitoring of Applications and Equipment The Vendor must ensure that the proposed solution includes comprehensive monitoring of all system components (hardware, software, server services, network (LAN&WAN). The comprehensive monitoring system must be monitored 24x7x365 by the vendor’s staff for alarms/errors and corrective action taken when such an alarm and or error is detected. Describe how the proposed solution will comply with this requirement. 9.8 Network Operations Center The successful Vendor must supply a Network Operations Center (NOC) staffed with operational and technical personnel to support their proposed solution. The NOC must operate on a 24x7x365 basis for the duration of the contract. 54 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 In addition, the NOC shall and be capable of performing remote maintenance and restoration of alarms as necessary. The NOC shall interface with the help desk and be utilized to support the recovery from trouble tickets defined in Section 7.3 and Section 7.4. The NOC shall perform monitoring of the entire network, all connections and functional components. The NOC shall be equipped with a Network Management System (NMS) that monitors the performance of the network and infrastructure. • • The NMS shall continuously monitor the performance and availability of all devices The NMS shall monitor network performance, including throughput, latency, jitter, packet loss, and other parameters deemed necessary by the Board • The NMS shall monitor the network for network intrusion attempts security breaches and be capable of issuing security alerts when an event is recognized • The NMS shall create alarms based on thresholds and parameters and distribute alarm notifications appropriately • The NMS shall monitor the environment at all data centers or points of presence where critical network components are housed to ensure functionality • The NMS shall monitor ancillary network components such as power utilization and backup power systems Vendors shall describe the operation of their NOC, including the NMS system and provide details regarding its operation and the ability of the NOC to interface with other providers and systems. 9.9 Notification and Escalation Respondents shall propose a notification and escalation process in the event of failures that are reported to the NOC. Notification and Escalation of NOC events must follow the processes defined in 7.3 and 7.4. 9.10 Performance Monitoring The Vendor must provide a comprehensive network management system that is able to alert the staff when conditions develop that jeopardizes the reliable delivery of calls or data. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 9.11 Alarm Categories The proposed solution shall provide categories of alarms by event types depending on the criticality of the event (i.e. critical, major, etc.). Alarms must be able to be configured to thresholds defined locally; and must allow for the addition of new alarms as necessary. Alarms shall automatically notify the NOC when they are detected. Vendors shall describe how alarms are received and specify what types of alarms and are available for viewing/receiving and how and when they are generated. 55 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 9.12 Scheduled Maintenance The Vendor shall describe their process for conducting scheduled maintenance. The preferred maintenance window shall be identified and approved by the Board prior to commencing any work on the components, equipment or network. The NOC shall be the primary method for the Board to interface to the vendor during scheduled maintenance and will be required to provide regular updates to the selected Board representative. The process must include a methodology for coordinating and scheduling preventative maintenance activities and how those events are executed. During scheduled maintenance activities the network and system shall not experience a degradation or disruption. Individual components may be taken down for maintenance if an alternate route or redundant system is used to minimize the effect. Respondents shall describe how their schedule maintenance process will work. 9.13 Maintenance Support Logs Respondents shall propose a support log collection and retention process for the purposes of historical trends and analysis of system maintenance activities. - The remainder of this page intentionally left blank - 56 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SECTION 10 MIGRATION PLANNING REQUIREMENTS 10.1 Transition Plan The Vendor must include detailed plan to migrate from the current system to the proposed system. The plan shall include a comprehensive risk analysis and mitigation plan. It must include provisions to roll-back if problems occur during the transition. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. The successful vendor will be required to follow best practices in installation. This includes, but is not limited to: Installation will conform to engineered plans; All wiring and connections must be labeled; As-built documentation must be provided; Wire management must be used; Cables must be secure. The successful vendor will be responsible for migrating data from the current solution into the new solution. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. The successful vendor will be required to pre-stage and test any required equipment. Installation must follow a detailed plan to ensure consistency and quality. Ad hoc installation practices will not be tolerated. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 10.2 System Test Plan The Board will accept and approve all system requirements, using all data as it will be on the Production environment, prior to implementation. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. All requirements within this section apply to the User Acceptance Test (UAT) environment as well as the live environment unless otherwise stated. 10.2.1 Pre-cutover The proposed solution must include a pre-cutover test plan. Final details of the precutover acceptance test plan will be developed in the negotiation phase. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 10.2.2 Certification The successful vendor will be required to perform their own acceptance testing and provide certification that their system is complete. This will serve as notification that the Board can begin acceptance testing. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 10.2.3 Acceptance testing 57 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 The Board and the successful vendor will develop a comprehensive acceptance test plan during the negotiation phase. In general, the test plan will ensure that the completed system meets the requirements in this RFP, as well as the winning bidder’s representations in their proposal. Final payment will not occur before the system successfully passes all acceptance tests. If any portion of the system should fail during this timeframe, the vendor will fix the failure and the thirty day clock will begin again. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. - The remainder of this page intentionally left blank - 58 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SECTION 11 SERVICE MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS 11.1 Service Management Plan The successful vendor must provide a single point of contact for service management and the recovery from all problems. Service management must be provided both through a toll-free number and an on-line (email or web page) help desk. These tools and the associated process shall be in place prior to system installation. Individuals who provide service and support must have proper training, certifications, and /or supervision to ensure that manufacturer guidelines are followed. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 11.1.1 Technical support The proposed solution must include a detailed narrative that describes the plan for meeting the support requirements. Include a description of the support infrastructure, including the qualifications of the support staff. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 11.1.2 Subcontracting of Support Subcontracting support to a third party through the proposed solution is feasible. Any third party vendor must be approved by the Board prior to the third party being introduced into the project. Such agreements shall under no circumstances reduce or otherwise alter the responsibility of the vendor to be the single point of contact with the Board. Vendors who enter into subcontractor agreements with a third party; remain the primary single point of contact with the Board. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 11.1.3 Third-party support contracts It is the responsibility of the vendor to maintain all support contracts with third party vendors and manufacturers if these contracts are necessary to properly support the system. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 11.1.4 Response time Once alerted to a problem, the vendor must make reasonable efforts, appropriate for a critical system, to remedy the problem in as short a period of time as possible. The response time must not contradict or supersede the escalation time frames described in section 7.4. Note that failure to comply with agreed upon response times may trigger an assessment of liquidated damages. Describe the how the response time will align with the notification and escalation process as discussed previously. 11.1.5 Spare Parts for all Devices Vendors must include spares and/or parts for critical components at a location within the region to ensure that they are available within two hours when a need is determined. The 59 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 need to order parts that were not kept in stock will not reset any timers associated with liquidated damages. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 11.1.6 Spare Headsets and Handsets The vendor shall maintain, along with spare parts of devices as described above, spare headsets and handsets so that they can be replaced in a PSAP with not more than a two hour delay. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 11.1.7 Equipment refresh The vendor shall describe in their proposal; the frequency with which it will replace hardware during the term of the contract. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 11.1.8 Preventative maintenance The vendor must provide preventative maintenance on all components supplied under the contract resulting from this RFP at least once per quarter in accordance with a schedule approved by the Board. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 11.1.9 Patching and upgrades The vendor must provide patches and upgrades for all components supplied under the contract resulting from this RFP. Patches that address serious security vulnerabilities must be applied within 48 hours of patch release, unless other mitigation measures can address the security vulnerability. Describe how the proposed solution will meet this requirement. 11.2 Disaster Recovery Plan Vendors must include a disaster recovery capability within the proposed solution to offer continuity of operations in the event of a malfunction of the proposed network, system or i3 components. Describe the proposed disaster recovery methodology from a physical and logical network perspective. - The remainder of this page intentionally left blank - 60 | P a g e 61 | P a g e 285,407 25,241 22,311 16,750 15,740 14,200 13,665 8,363 7,547 7,248 5,890 5,228 7,990 4,500 6,960 Saline York Richardson Jefferson Nemaha Fillmore Thayer Johnson / Pawnee * Nuckolls Crete Police Department 9,300 1,910 1,210 1,804 2,088 1,860 1,782 900 2,300 3,077 477,000 7,429 7,400 6,000 5,800 6 4 7 5 5 5 4 2 6 5 51 10 8 8 5 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 14 4 3 3 2 Population Call Volume Personnel Positions Lancaster Cass Gage Seward Otoe PSAP CAD Vesta Pallas PSSI MAARS Sleuth Vesta Pallas New World Vesta Pallas Sleuth Vesta Pallas CAD Star Zetron 3200 / Sleuth 3300 Vesta Pallas Plant CML Vesta Pallas Sleuth Vesta Pallas Sleuth Vesta Pallas None Vesta Pallas Sleuth Vesta Pallas None MAARS None MAARS None MAARS ITI CPE GeoComm GIS Workshop GeoComm Orion MapStar Orion MapStar Orion MapStar Orion MapStar GIS Workshop None GeoComm Vella GIS Workshop GeoComm GeoComm GIS Workshop Mapping VoicePrint NICE Red Box Eventide NICE Red Box Red Box OWN OnviCord OnviCord 33 13 20 18 17 28 21 13 4 16 Responding Agencies VoicePrint 32 Red Box 58 Eventide 22 Eventide 20 Instant Recall 20 Recording Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SECTION 12 APPENDIX A 12.1 PSAP Information Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SECTION 13 APPENDIX B 13.1 PSAP Address Department Address Cass County 226 Main St., Plattsmouth Crete Police Dept. 1945 Forest Ave, Crete Fillmore County 900 G St., Geneva Gage County 201 N 5th St., Beatrice Jefferson 606 3rd St., Fairbury Johnson County 222 S. 4th St., Tecumseh Lancaster Co 575 S. 10th St., Lincoln Nemaha 1805 N St., Auburn Nuckolls 150 S. Main St., Nelson Otoe County 1021 Central Ave, Neb. City Richardson Co 2307 Barada, Falls City Saline County 911 S. Main St., Wilber Seward 261 S. 8th St., Seward Thayer 324 Olive St., Hebron York 520 N. Lincoln, York 62 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SECTION 14 APPENDIX C 14.1 PSAP Network diagrams CASS COUNTY Eagle Nehawka Union Weeping Water WNDSTRM LNCLNEXLDS0 Lincoln Avoca Elmwood Louisville WNDSTRM LNCLNEXADS1 Murdock Murray Lincoln WNDSTRM E911 SR CASS COUNTY SHERIFF LNCLNEXL Plattsmouth Plattsmouth Ashland Greenwood Waverly 63 | P a g e WNDSTRM LNCLNEXDDS0 Lincoln 4 Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 FILLMORE COUNTY Bruning Exeter Fairmont Geneva Grafton WNDSTRM LNCLNEXLDS1 WNDSTRM E911 SR Lincoln LNCLNEXL Milligan Ohiowa FILLMORE COUNTY SHERIFF Geneva Ong Shickley 64 | P a g e 2 Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 GAGE COUNTY Adams Barnston Beatrice Courtland Filley WNDSTRM LNCLNEXLDS0 Lincoln Liberty Pickrell Wymore WNDSTRM Clatonia LNCLNEXADS1 Lincoln Odell Virginia DILLER TELEPHONE DLLRNEXMDS0 Diller 65 | P a g e WNDSTRM E911 SR GAGE COUNTY COMM LNCLNEXL Beatrice 3 Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 JEFFERSON COUNTY Daykin Fairbury Jansen Steele City WNDSTRM LNCLNEXLDS1 Lincoln WNDSTRM Plymouth LNCLNEXLDS0 Lincoln DILLER TELEPHONE Harbine DLLRNEXMDS0 Diller Chester GREAT PLAINS COMM BRYNNEXCDS0 Byron 66 | P a g e WNDSTRM E911 SR LNCLNEXL JEFFERSON COUNTY SHERIFF Fairbury 3 Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 JOHNSON & PAWNEE COUNTIES Burchard Cook Crab Orchard Dubois Elk Creek WNDSTRM LNCLNEXLDS1 JOHNSON & PAWNEE COUNTIES COMM Pawnee City Steinauer Lincoln WNDSTRM E911 SR Sterling LNCLNEXL Table Rock Tecumseh WNDSTRM LNCLNEXADS0 Liberty Lincoln 67 | P a g e Tecumseh 2 Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 LANCASTER COUNTY Bennet Davey Denton Eagle Firth Hallam Hickman Malcolm Martell Panama Raymond Garland Lincoln (RS0) Pleasant Dale WNDSTRM LNCLNEXLDS0 Lincoln WNDSTRM LNCLNEXLDS1 Lincoln WNDSTRM E911 SR LNCLNEXL Waverly WNDSTRM LNCLNEXDDS0 Lincoln WNDSTRM LNCLNEXADS1 Lincoln WNDSTRM LNCLNEXBDS0 Lincoln 68 | P a g e LANCASTER COUNTY SHERIFF Lincoln 4 Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 NEMAHA COUNTY Auburn Brock Brownville Johnson Nemaha WNDSTRM LNCLNEXADS0 Lincoln WNDSTRM E911 SR Peru LNCLNEXL NEMAHA COUNTY SHERIFF Auburn 2 WNDSTRM Elk Creek LNCLNEXLDS1 Lincoln NUCKOLLS COUNTY Davenport Deweese Hardy Nelson Ruskin WNDSTRM LNCLNEXLDS1 WNDSTRM E911 SR Lincoln LNCLNEXL NUCKOLLS COUNTY SHERIFF Nelson Superior 69 | P a g e 2 Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 OTOE COUNTY Douglas Dunbar Julian Nebraska City WNDSTRM Otoe LNCLNEXLDS0 Palmyra OTOE COUNTY SHERIFF Lincoln Syracuse Talmage WNDSTRM E911 SR Unadilla LNCLNEXL WNDSTRM Burr LNCLNEXADS1 Lincoln 70 | P a g e Nebraska City 2 Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 RICHARDSON COUNTY Dawson Humboldt WNDSTRM LNCLNEXLDS1 Lincoln WNDSTRM E911 SR LNCLNEXL Tri City SE NEBRASKA COMM RICHARDSON COUNTY COMM Falls City 2 FLCYNEXMDS1 Falls City SALINE COUNTY Crete De Witt SALINE COUNTY SHERIFF Dorchester Friend WNDSTRM Milligan LNCLNEXADS1 Swanton Lincoln WNDSTRM E911 SR Wilbur 5 LNCLNEXL Tobias CRETE POLICE Western Wilbur Crete 2 71 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SEWARD COUNTY Beaver Crossing Cordova Garland Milford Pleasant Dale Seward WNDSTRM LNCLNEXLDS1 Lincoln WNDSTRM E911 SR Tamora Utica LNCLNEXL SEWARD COUNTY COMM Seward Staplejhurst CLARKS TEL ULYSNEXMGT0 Ulysses 72 | P a g e 3 Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 THAYER COUNTY Alexandria WNDSTRM Bruning LNCLNEXLDS1 Hebron Lincoln WNDSTRM Carleton LNCLNEXLDS0 Lincoln WNDSTRM E911 SR LNCLNEXL Chester GREAT PLAINS COMM Deshler BRYNNEXCDS0 Byron 73 | P a g e THAYER COUNTY SHERIFF Hebron 2 Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 YORK COUNTY Benedict Bradshaw Gresham McCool Junction Polk WNDSTRM LNCLNEXADS1 Lincoln Waco WNDSTRM E911 SR York WNDSTRM Cordova YORK COUNTY SHERIFF LNCLNEXLDS1 York Lincoln HENDERSON TELCO HNSNNEXMDS0 Henderson 74 | P a g e LNCLNEXL 2 Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SECTION 15 APPENDIX D - ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS 15.1 Acronyms ACL Access Control List AES Advanced Encryption Standard ANI Automatic Number Identification ANSI American National Standards Institute ARIN American Registry of Internet Numbers B2BUA Back-to-Back User Agent BCF Border Control Function BGP Border Gateway Protocol CAMA Centralized Automatic Message Accounting CPE Customer Premise Equipment DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DNS Domain Name Server DoS Denial of Service DSCP DiffServ code point E9-1-1 Enhanced 9-1-1 ECRF Emergency Call Routing Function ESInet Emergency Services Internet Protocol Network ESRI Environmental Systems Research Institute ESRP Emergency Services Routing Proxy FCC Federal Communications Commission GIS Geographic Information System GPS Global Positioning System GUI Graphical User Interface HELD HTTP-enabled Location Delivery IdAM Identity and Access Management IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IM Instant Message 75 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 IP Internet Protocol IT Information Technology ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library LAN Local Area Network LIS Location Information Server LNG Legacy Network Gateway LVF Location Validation Function MOS Mean Opinion Score MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switching MTBF Mean Time Between Failures MTTR Mean Time to Repair NENA National Emergency Number Association NG9-1-1 Next Generation 9-1-1 NMS Network Management System NOC Network Operations Centers OSI Open Systems Interconnection PBX Private Branch Exchange PIDF-LO Presence Information Data Format—Location Object PRF Policy Routing Function PSAP Public Safety Answering Point PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network QoS Quality of Service RCA Root Cause Analysis RFP Request for Proposal SBC Session Border Control SIP Session Initiation Protocol SLA Service Level Agreement SMS Short Message Service SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol 76 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 SONET Synchronous Optical Network TDM Time Division Multiplex TN Telephone Number URI Uniform Resource Identifier URL Universal Resource Locator URN Uniform Resource Name VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol VPN Virtual Private Network WAN Wide Area Network - The remainder of this page intentionally left blank - 77 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 15.2 Definitions 9-1-1: A three-digit telephone number to facilitate the reporting of an emergency requiring response by a public safety agency. 9-1-1 Service Area: The geographic area that has been granted authority by a state or local governmental body to provide 9-1-1 service. 9-1-1 System: The set of network, database, and CPE components required to provide 9-1-1 service. Access Line: The connection between a customer premises network interface and the Local Exchange Carrier that provides access to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). ALI Retrieval: A request for ALI record from the PSAP to the ALI database. Alternate PSAP: A PSAP designated to receive calls when the primary PSAP is unable to do so. Alternate Routing: The capability of routing 9-1-1 calls to a designated alternate location(s) if all 9-1-1 trunks to a primary PSAP are busy or out of service. May be activated upon request or automatically, if detectable, when 9-1-1 equipment fails or the PSAP itself is disabled. American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII): This standard defines the code for a character set to be used for information interchange between equipment of different manufacturers and is a standard for data communications over telephone lines. In the context of TDD/TTY this refers to both a binary code and modulation method used for 110/300 baud TDD/TTY communications. Automatic Location Identification (ALI): The automatic display at the PSAP of the caller’s telephone number, the address/location of the telephone and supplementary emergency services information. Automatic Number Identification (ANI): Telephone number associated with the access line from which a call originates. Backup Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP): Typically a disaster recovery answering point which serves as a backup to the primary PSAP and is not co-located with the primary PSAP. Board: the Southeast Nebraska 911 Board. Border Control Function or BCF: provides a secure entry into the ESInet for emergency calls presented to the network. The BCF incorporates firewall, admission control, and may include anchoring of session and media as well as other security mechanisms to prevent accidental, deliberate, or malicious attacks on PSAPs or other entities connected to the ESInet. Call: a session established by signaling with two way real time media and involves a human making a request for help or a non-human initiated call. Sometimes it is referred to as a “voice call”, “video call” or “text call” when specific media is of primary importance. The term “non-human-initiated call” refers to a one-time notification or series of data exchanges established by signaling with at most one way media, 78 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 and typically does not involve a human at the “calling” end. The term “call” may also be used to refer to either a “Voice Call”, “Video Call”, “Text Call” or “Data–only call”, since they are handled the same way through most of Next Generation 9-1-1. It is an element of current and anticipated 9-1-1 payloads. Call delivery: the capability to route a 9-1-1 call to the designated selective router for ultimate delivery to the designated PSAP for the caller’s ANI. Call Processing: the system and process that permits a PSAP to receive, receive, process, and route a 91-1 call and other current and anticipated payloads to a PSAP within the defined environment providing complete payloads with callback and location information of the calling party to the call taker position. Call processing also includes the ability to identify and answer TDD/TT/TTY and abandoned and silent calls including complete and accurate ANI and ALI of the TDD/TT/TTY calls. Call Transfer: The capability to redirect a call to another party. Calling Party Hold: The capability of the PSAP to maintain control of a 9-1-1 caller’s access line, even if the caller hangs up. Calling Party’s Number (CPN): The call back number associated with a wireless telephone. (Similar to ANI for wireline telephones) (Ref. NENA 03-002) Cell: The wireless telecommunications (Cellular or PCS) antenna serving a specific geographic area. Cell Sector: One face of a cell antenna (typically 3-sided) that operates independently of the other sectors. Cell Site: The location of a cell and related equipment. Central Office (CO): The Local Exchange Carrier facility where access lines are connected to switching equipment for connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network. Centralized Automated Message Accounting (CAMA): An MF signaling protocol originally designed for billing purposes, capable of transmitting a single telephone number. Circuit Route: The physical path between two terminal locations. Civic Address: any city-style address that includes a house number and a street name is considered a Civic Address. Civic addresses include a community name that may or may not be recognized by the United States Postal Service or be MSAG valid. Civic addresses may be used as Postal address if recognized by the United States Postal Service. Civic Addresses may be used as MSAG addresses if they are an exact match to the MSAG address. A rural route delivery address or FPO or APO address is not considered a Civic address. Class of Service: A designation of the type of telephone service, e.g. residential, business, centrex, coin, PBX, wireless. 79 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Communication Service Provider: an entity that provides communication services to a subscriber or end user. Contractor: a Respondent that has been selected and has contracted with the Statewide 9-1-1 Board to provide services under this RFS. Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD): A computer based system which aids PSAP attendants by automating selected dispatching and record keeping activities. Customer Premises Equipment: (CPE) equipment at a PSAP. Cutover: The activation of a new telephone call processing or switching system. Data Base: An organized collection of information, typically stored in computer systems, comprised of fields, records (data) and indexes. In 9-1-1, such data bases include MSAG, telephone number/ESN, and telephone customer records. Data Base Management System (DBMS): A system of manual procedures and computer programs used to create, store and update the data required to provide Selective Routing and/or Automatic Location Identification for 9-1-1 systems. Dedicated Trunk: A telephone circuit used for a single purpose; such as transmission of 9-1-1 calls. Default PSAP: a PSAP that is equipped to receive incoming calls that do not contain ANI or ALI or otherwise incomplete information allowing the proper routing of a payload. Default Routing: The capability to route a 9-1-1 call to a designated (default) PSAP when the incoming 9-1-1 call cannot be selectively routed due to an ANI failure or other cause. Deliverable: any work product that the contractor delivers for the purposes of fulfilling its obligations to the State 9-1-1 Department under the terms of the Agreement, including work product that the contractor must submit to the State 9-1-1 Department for its approval in accordance with the formal acceptance procedures set forth in the RFR. DLR: digital logging recorder that records date, time, audio and call detail data, and other transactions involved in the processing of calls to the PSAP. Discrepancies: A Service Provider term used to describe subscriber records that do not match the MSAG and are referred to an error file or report for resolution. Diverse Routing: The practice of routing circuits along different physical paths in order to prevent total loss of 9-1-1 service in the event of a facility failure. Emergency Call: A telephone request for public safety agency emergency services which requires immediate action to save a life, to report a fire or to stop a crime. May include other situations as determined locally. 80 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Emergency Call Routing Function or ECRF: a functional element in an ESInet which is a LoST protocol server where location information (either civic address or geo-coordinates) and a Service URN serve as input to a mapping function that returns a URI used to route an emergency call toward the appropriate PSAP for the caller’s location or towards a responder agency. Emergency Services Internet Protocol Network or ESInet: a managed IP network that is used for emergency services communications, and which can be shared by all public safety agencies. It provides the IP transport infrastructure upon which independent application platforms and core functional processes can be deployed, including, but not restricted to, those necessary for providing Next Generation 9-1-1 services. ESInets may be constructed from a mix of dedicated and shared facilities. ESInets may be interconnected at local, regional, state, federal, national and international levels to form an IP-based inter-network (network of networks). Emergency Service Number (ESN)/ Emergency Service Zone (ESZ): An ESN is a three to five digit number representing a unique combination of emergency service agencies (Law Enforcement, Fire, and Emergency Medical Service) designated to serve a specific range of addresses within a particular geographical area, or Emergency Service Zone (ESZ). The ESN facilitates selective routing and selective transfer, if required, to the appropriate PSAP and the dispatching of the proper service agency (s). Emergency Service (ES) Trunks: Message trunks capable of providing ANI, connecting the serving central office of the 9-1-1 calling party and the designated E9-1-1 Control Office. Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1): An emergency telephone system which includes network switching, database and CPE elements capable of providing Selective Routing, Selective Transfer, Fixed Transfer, ANI and ALI. Enhanced 9-1-1 Service: a service consisting of communication network, database and equipment features provided for subscribers or end users of communication services enabling such subscribers or end users to reach a PSAP by dialing the digits 9-1-1, or by other means approved by the department, that directs calls to appropriate PSAPs based on selective routing and provides the capability for automatic number identification and automatic location identification. Exchange: A defined area, served by one or more telephone central offices, within which a Local Exchange Carrier furnishes service. Feature Group D (FGD): An MF signaling protocol, originally developed to support equal access to long distance services, capable of carrying one or two ten-digit telephone numbers. FCC: the Federal Communications Commission. Fixed Transfer: The capability of a PSAP attendant to transfer a 9-1-1 call to a pre-determined location by activating a single button. Footprint: The geographic area covered by a particular wireless cell or cell sector. 81 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Forced Disconnect: The capability of a PSAP attendant to disconnect a 9-1-1 call even if the calling party remains off-hook. Used to prevent overloading of 9-1-1 trunks. Functional Element: major process, application, or appliance, including network bandwidth and bandwidth support. Geographic Information Systems or GIS: a computer software system that enables one to visualize geographic aspects of a body of data. It contains the ability to translate implicit geographic data (such as a civic address) into an explicit map location. It has the ability to query and analyze data in order to receive the results in the form of a map. It also can be used to graphically display coordinates on a map i.e., latitude/longitude from a wireless 9-1-1 call. Global Positioning System (GPS): A satellite based Location Determination Technology (LDT). Grade of Service: The probability (P), expressed as a decimal fraction, of a telephone call being blocked. P.01 is the grade of service reflecting the probability that one call out of one hundred during the average busy hour will be blocked. P.01 is the minimum recommended Grade of Service for 9-1-1 trunk groups. Hearing Carry Over (HCO): A method which utilizes both voice and text communications on the same call, allowing a person who is speech impaired to listen to the other party’s conversation and respond by typing via a TTY or other means for text communications. Immediately Redirected: the instantaneous redirection of a 9-1-1 call to a PSAP to prevent the loss of a 9-1-1 call. Inter-local Services Agreement: An agreement among governmental jurisdictions or privately owned systems, or both, within a specified area to share 9-1-1 system costs, maintenance responsibilities, and other considerations. Inter-Tandem Transfer: The capability of transferring a call over the 9-1-1 network from a PSAP served by one 9-1-1 tandem to a PSAP served by a different 9-1-1 tandem. Internal Clock: A time-of-day reference source for timing information in equipment or systems. (Ref. NENA 04-002) Interoperability: The capability for disparate systems to work together. IP-enabled Service: a service, device or application which makes use of Internet Protocol, or IP, and is capable of entering the digits 9-1-1, or by other means as approved by the department, for the purposes of interconnecting users to the enhanced 9-1-1 systems including, but not limited to, voice over IP and other services, devices, or applications provided through or using wireline, cable, wireless, or satellite facilities or any other facility that may be provided in the future. Legacy Gateway: a signaling and media interconnection appliance between analog callers in legacy wirelines/wireless originating networks and an i3 architecture so that PSAPs are able to receive emergency calls from such legacy networks. 82 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Legacy Network Gateway or LNG: a signaling and media interconnection appliance between legacy wireline/wireless originating networks and the Next Generation 9-1-1 provider’s ESInet. Legacy PSAP: a PSAP that cannot process calls received via i3-defined call interfaces (IP-based calls) and still requires the use of CAMA or ISDN trunk technology for delivery of 9-1-1 emergency calls. Legacy PSAP Gateway or LPG: an i3 functional element that supports the interconnection of the ESInet with legacy PSAPs. Legacy Selective Router Gateway or LSRG: This gateway facilitates the routing/transfer of emergency calls between the ESInet and the legacy emergency services network. The LSRG will have to interwork location infrastructure between Next Generation 9-1-1 and legacy emergency services environments. Legacy System: the existing analog-based enhanced 9-1-1 systems in the State of Indiana. Local Exchange Carrier (LEC): A Telecommunications Carrier (TC) under the state/local Public Utilities Act that provides local exchange telecommunications services. Also known as Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs), Alternate Local Exchange Carriers (ALECs), Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs), Competitive Access Providers (CAPs), Certified Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs), and Local Service Providers (LSPs). Local Loop: A physical facility between a customer’s network interface and the local serving central office. The most common form of local loop is a pair of wires. Location Information Server or LIS: a functional element that provides locations of endpoints. A LIS can provide Location-by-Reference, or Location-by-Value, and, if the latter, in geo or civic forms. A LIS can be queried for the location of an endpoint. In either case, the LIS receives a unique identifier that represents the endpoint, for example an IP address, circuit-ID or MAC address, and returns the location (value or reference) associated with that identifier. The LIS also provides the dereferencing service, exchanging a location reference for a location value. Location to Service Translation (LoST) Protocol: a protocol that takes location information and a Service URN and returns a URI, is used generally for location-based call routing and, in Next Generation 9-1-1, is used as the protocol for the ECRF and LVF. Location Validation Function or LVF: function that provides sufficient location-based information to a PSAP that allows a 9-1-1 call taker to dispatch emergency responders to a 9-1-1 call scene. The location information is provided by civic based addresses or latitude/longitude data. Logging Recorder: A voice-band audio recorder which records to and plays from a permanent storage media such as tape or disk. Logging recorders are typically multi-channel so as to simultaneously record from several sources. Management Information System (MIS): A program that collects, stores and collates data into reports enabling interpretation and evaluation of performance, trends, traffic capacities, etc. 83 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Master Clock: An accurate timing device that generates synchronization signals to control other clocks or equipment. (Ref. NENA 04-002) Master Street Address Guide (MSAG): A data base of street names and house number ranges within their associated communities defining Emergency Service Zones (ESZs) and their associated Emergency Service Numbers (ESNs) to enable proper routing of 9-1-1 calls. National Emergency Number Association (NENA): The National Emergency Number Association is a notfor-profit corporation established in 1982 to further the goal of “One Nation-One Number.” NENA is a networking source and promotes research, planning and training. NENA strives to educate, set standards and provide certification programs, legislative representation and technical assistance for implementing and managing 9-1-1 systems. NENA i3 Standards or i3: NENA Next Generation 9-1-1 standards and requirements, including without limitation, the NENA Security for Next Generation 9-1-1 Standard and the NENA i3 Technical Requirements Documents, now available or as may become available in the future. Network Components: any software or hardware for a control switch, other switch modification, trunking or any components of a computer storage system or database used for selective routing of 9-1-1 calls, automatic number identification and automatic location identification, including a PSAP. Next Generation 9-1-1: an enhanced 9-1-1 system that incorporates the handling of all 9-1-1 calls and messages, including those using IP-enabled services or other advanced communications technologies in the infrastructure of the 9-1-1 system itself. Next Generation 9-1-1 System or System: the Next Generation 9-1-1 emergency communication system procured under this RFS. NNX / NXX: A three digit code in which N is any digit 2 through 9 and X is any digit 0 through 9. They are the second set of three digits in the North American Numbering Plan. No Record Found (NRF): A condition where no ALI information is available for display at the PSAP. Non-blocking: A switching network designed to complete all call attempts. Number Plan Area (NPA): An established three-digit area code for a particular calling area. It takes the form of NXX, where N is any digit from 2 through 9 and X is any digit from 0 through 9. Open Systems Interconnection Model or OSI model: a seven layer hierarchical reference model structure developed by the International Standards Organization for defining, specifying, and relating communications protocols. Overflow: The process of automatically rerouting calls to an alternate facility. Point of Presence or POPs: the location at which an Internet service provider exchanges traffic and provides interconnect services. 84 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 POTS: plain old telephone service. Primary PSAP: a PSAP equipped with automatic number identification and automatic location identification displays, and is the first point of reception of a 9-1-1 call. It serves the municipality in which it is located. Prime Contractor: a general contractor that provides an aggregate of systems and components and assumes overall end to end responsibility for the Next Generation 9-1-1 system. Private Branch Exchange (PBX): A private telephone system that is connected to the Public Switched Telephone Network. Private Switch ALI (PS/ALI:) A service option which provides Enhanced 9-1-1 features for telephone stations behind private switches. e.g. PBXs Pseudo Automatic Location Identification (pALI): An ALI record associated with a pANI, configured to provide the location of the wireless cell or sector and information about its coverage or serving area (footprint). Pseudo Automatic Number Identification (pANI): A telephone number used to support routing of wireless 9-1-1 calls. It may identify a wireless cell, cell sector or PSAP to which the call should be routed. Also known as routing number. Public Agency: A state, or any unit of local government or special purpose district located in whole or in part within a state, which provides police, fire-fighting, medical or other emergency services or has authority to do so. Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP): A facility equipped and staffed to receive 9-1-1 calls. A Primary PSAP receives the calls directly. If the call is relayed or transferred, the next receiving PSAP is designated a Secondary PSAP. Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN): The network of equipment, lines, and controls assembled to establish communication paths between calling and called parties in North America. Rate Center: A geographically specified area used for determining mileage and/or usage dependent rates in the Public Switched Telephone Network. Real-Time: The availability of information at the exact time it is occurring. Re-Bid: A transaction initiated to collect accurate location information during a wireless call. Re-bid can be human initiated via a utility on the telecommunicator’s screen or automatically as part of the system design. Recall Recorder: A voice-band audio recorder which records to and plays from a media that may not be permanent (such as tape loop, fixed disk or RAM). Recall recorders are typically associated with each 85 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 operator position for the purpose of recording and playing back their most recent conversations. Also known as Call Check or Instant Playback Recorder. Redundancy: Duplication of components, running in parallel, to increase reliability. Remote Call Forwarding: As utilized within Interim Number Portability, a permanent call forwarding feature that allows a call to one Directory Number to be automatically advanced to a Directory Number of another Local Exchange Carrier. Repair: a permanent fix or repair, including replacement if necessary, of a broken, damaged, or failed network device, database, or CPE that allows such system or system component to be fully operational. Response: a response from a Respondent to the Request for Proposals. A response shall include submissions commonly referred to as “bids,” “quotes,” or “proposals.” Ringback Tone: A tone returned to the caller to indicate that a call is being processed. RS-232C: An electrical and mechanical standard for the serial transfer of digital information between digital systems, such as computers, printers or communications equipment. Secondary PSAP: A PSAP to which 9-1-1 calls are transferred from a Primary PSAP. (See PSAP) Selective Routing (SR): The routing of a 9-1-1 call to the proper PSAP based upon the location of the caller. Selective routing is controlled by the ESN which is derived from the customer location. Selective Routing Data Base (SRDB): The routing table that contains telephone number to ESN relationships which determines the routing of 9-1-1 calls. Selective Transfer: The capability to transfer a 9-1-1 call to a response agency by operation of one of several buttons typically designated as police, fire, and emergency medical; based on the ESN of the caller. Service Address: The physical location of a subscriber access line. Service Address is the recommended address for 9-1-1 use. (May be different from the listed address or billing address) Service Order: Local Exchange Carrier document used for additions, changes or removals of telephone service. Service Provider: An entity providing one or more of the following 9-1-1 elements: network, CPE, or database service. Serving Central Office: The central office (CO) from which a subscriber is served. (See Central Office) Silent Call: a 9-1-1 call received at a PSAP in which no audible voice or tone is received and the caller does not disconnect. 86 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 Silent Call Procedure: the enhanced 9-1-1 service feature that allows an enhanced 9-1-1 Telecommunicator to respond to silent calls so that a 9-1-1 caller who is unable to verbally communicate the emergency over the telephone may receive the appropriate response. SNTP: simple network time protocol for time synchronization of system clocks. Single Point of Failure: A hardware or software component or sub-system which experiences a failure causing more than 50% of the total system to fail. (Ref. NENA 04-001 Reliability Objectives) Spatial: relating to, occupying, or having the character or space. Geographical information systems store spatial data in regional databases. Splash Ringing: The capability to provide an audible signal simultaneously with trunk seizure on an incoming 9-1-1 call. Synchronization: In the context of timing, synchronization means to bring clocks or data streams into phase so they agree with the PSAP master clock. (Ref. NENA 04-002) TDD/TT/TTY: a telecommunications device consisting of modems that permit typed telephone conversations with or between deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired people. Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS): A federally mandated service provided by states that provides communication relay between TTY users and voice telephone users, via a third party, for communications assistance. Telecommunicator: As used in 9-1-1, a person who is trained and employed in public safety telecommunications. The term applies to call takers, dispatchers, radio operators, data terminal operators or any combination of such functions in a PSAP. Teletypewriter (TTY): Also known as TDD. A device capable of information interchange between compatible units using a dial up or private-line telephone network connections as the transmission medium. ASCII or Baudot codes are used by these units. (per EIA PN-1663) Transfer: A feature which allows the PSAP Telecommunicator to redirect a 9-1-1 call to another location. Transfer Key: A key which is programmed to dial a telephone number, a selective routing transfer code, or a speed dial code to accomplish the transfer of calls. Transient Voltage Surge Suppression: (TVSS) Devices designed to protect critical PSAP equipment from transients induced on powering and data/signal/telecommunications conductors. (Ref. NENA 04-001) Trouble: any event that: 1) impacts the functioning or operations of a PSAP; or 2) is reported to the contractor’s help desk by a PSAP or the State 9-1-1 Department. Trouble Ticket: a tracking document that contains a concise, complete, and accurate history of the trouble from the time the trouble is reported to repair of the trouble. A trouble ticket shall include, but not be 87 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 limited to, PSAP location, date and time of ticket opening, date and time of ticket closing, ticket number, detailed description of problem, all steps taken during repair efforts and reason for closing ticket. Trunk: Typically, a communication path between central office switches, or between the 9-1-1 Control Office and the PSAP. Trunk Group: One or more trunks terminated at the same two points. Trunk Seizure: The point in time at which a 9-1-1 call is assigned to a trunk and acknowledgment is provided by the equipment at the distant end. Underwriters Laboratories (UL): One of several nationally recognized testing laboratories (NRTL) whose testing specifications have been adopted as de facto industry standards. URI or Uniform Resource Identifier: a predictable formatting of text used to identify a resource on a network. URN or Uniform Resource Name: a uniform resource identifier that uses the URN scheme and is intended to serve as persistent, location-independent resource names. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS): An auxiliary power unit which provides continuous battery backup power in the event of a commercial power failure. Voice Carry Over (VCO): A method which utilizes both voice and text communications on the same call, allowing a person who is hearing impaired to speak directly to the other party and receive response via a TTY or other means for text communications. Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP: a type of IP-enabled service that allows for the two-way real time transmission of voice communications and has access to the public switched network. Wireless Enhanced 9-1-1 Service: the service required to be provided by wireless carriers under, and governed by, FCC order. Wireless Telecommunications: The family of Telecommunications services under the heading of Commercial Mobile Radio Service. Includes Cellular, Personal Communications Services (PCS), Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) and Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio (ESMR). Wireline Carrier: an incumbent local exchange carrier or local exchange carrier operating in the commonwealth, or a telephone company, or any other person, corporation or entity that provides local exchange service. Wireline Enhanced 9-1-1 Service: service provided by a wireline carrier that connects a subscriber dialing or entering the digits 9-1-1 to a PSAP. 88 | P a g e Southeast Nebraska 9-1-1 Board RFP for Shared and Networked PSAP Infrastructure – October, 2014 15.3 Reference ECRIT Standards: ECRIT Implementation NENA i3 ESIND 08-506 NENA i3 Technical Requirements Document. September 2006 NENA Functional and Interface Standards for Next Generation 9-1-1 (i3) NENA Detailed Functional and Interface Standards for NENA (i3) Solution Stage 3 NENA IP-Capable PSAP Minimum Operational Requirements Standard. NENA/APCO Human Machine Interface & PSAP Display Requirements (ORD). NENA 54-750 v1 NENA GIS Data Collection and Maintenance Standards NENA 02-014, Issue 1, July 17, 2007. NENA Master Glossary of 9 1 1 Terminology, NENA 00-001—Version 13A, dated March 17, 2010, Next Generation 9 1 1 (NG9 1 1) Architecture and Analysis Report. November 2007. NRIC Best Practices p/i3-requirements p/functional-interface-NG911-i3 NENA 58-001 June 9, 2007 Revised a/gis-data-collection-maintenance _MED_ArchitectureAnalysis_v1.0.pdf /BestPractice.cfm The Shortcut Guide to Improving IT Service Support through ITIL. Herold, Rebecca, 2007. Real-time Nexus. IETF Standards: IETF RFC 4346, The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol, Version 1.1, April 2006 IETF RFC 5491, GEOPRIV Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO) Usage Clarification, Considerations, and Recommendations, March 2009 IETF RFC 4119, A Presence-based GEOPRIV Location Object Format, December 2009 IETF, RFC 5222, LoST: A Location-to-Service Translation Protocol, August 2008 Telcordia Standards TIA-942 Telecommunications Infrastructure Standards for Data Centers, 4AE.pdf 89 | P a g e