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Science 7
Notes 30
Potential Energy
Kinetic Energy
Energy Transfer
Energy Conversion
What is energy?
Differentiate between
kinetic and potential
Identify the types of
Energy: The ability to make something happen (e.g. change an object’s
inertia, shape, temperature, etc.)
Two main types of energy:
Identify the two
main types of
Compare and
contrast potential
energy and
kinetic energy.
1. Potential Energy = stored energy
Example : the water sitting behind a dam has the potential to
cause change if the dam breaks and the water is released.
 The amount of potential energy depends on TWO factors:
a) Mass: the more mass an object has the more potential
energy it has
b) Height: the farther an object has to fall the more potential
energy it has
2. Kinetic Energy = the energy of motion
Give an example
of a situation of
potential energy.
What two factors
affect potential
Give an example
of a situation of
kinetic energy.
What two factors
affect kinetic
- Anything moving has kinetic energy
- The amount of kinetic
energy depends on TWO
a) Mass: the more mass an
object has the more
kinetic energy it has
b) Velocity: the faster an
object moves the more
kinetic energy it has
Science 7
Identify different
forms of energy.
Notes 30
Forms of energy:
 Mechanical (the energy in moving things)
What is an
energy transfer?
Give an example.
Describe an
Give an example.
 Electrical (energy caused by moving electrons)
 Chemical (energy that holds particles together)
 Nuclear (energy holding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus
of an atom)
 Sound (movement of sound waves)
 Light (movement of light waves)
 Magnetic (energy that pulls opposite charges together)
 Heat (thermal energy)
An energy transfer occurs when the energy in one object causes a
change in another object (e.g. the energy in a bowling ball will be
transferred to the pins, energy from the stove will be transferred to
the water in the pot).
An energy conversion occurs when one form of energy becomes a
different form of energy.
 A windmill turning (mechanical) to electrical energy
 A battery (chemical) used to power a light (electrical)
Can you think of two more examples:
 _________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________