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Maya & Aztec Myths
Paty Ventura
Aztec Creation Story
The mother of the Aztec creation story was called "Coatlique", the Lady of the Skirt of Snakes. She was created in the image of
the unknown, decorated with skulls, snakes, and lacerated hands. There are no cracks in her body and she was a perfect
monolith (a totality of intensity and self-containment, yet her features were sqaure and decapitated).
Coatlique was first impregnated by an obsidian knife and gave birth to Coyolxanuhqui, goddess of the moon, and to a group of
male offspring, who became the stars. Then one day Coatlique found a ball of feathers, which she tucked into her chest.
When she looked for it later, it was gone, at which time she realized that she was again pregnant. Her children, the moon and
stars did not believe her story. Ashamed of their mother, they resolved to kill her. A goddess could only give birth once, to the
original litter of divinity and no more. During the time that they were plotting her demise, Coatlicue gave birth to the fiery god
of war, Huitzilopochtli. With the help of a fire serpent, he destroyed his brothers and sister, murdering them in a rage. He
beheaded Coyolxauhqui and threw her body into a deep gorge in a mountain, where it lies dismembered forever.
The natural cosmos of the Indians was born of catastrophe. The heavens literally crumbled to pieces. The earth mother fell
and was fertilized, while her children were torn apart by fratricide and them scattered and disjointed throughout the universe.
Aztec Creation Story
Maya Creation Story
There were four gods in heaven and each of them sat on his chair, observing the world below. Then the yellow lord
suggested that they make a man to enjoy the earth and offer praise to the gods. The other three agreed.
So the yellow god took a lump of yellow clay and made a man from it. But his creation was weak; it dissolved in
water and could not stand upright.
Then the red god suggested that they make a man out of wood, and the others agreed. So the red god took a
branch from a tree and carved it into a human shape. When they tested it in water, it floated; it stood upright
without any problem whatsoever. However, when they tested it with fire, it burned.
The four lords decided to try again. This time the black god suggested making a man out of gold. The gold man was
beautiful and shone like the sun. He survived the tests of fire and water, looking even more handsome after these
tests. However, the gold man was cold to the touch; he was unable to speak, feel, move, or worship the gods. But
they left him on earth anyway.
Maya Creation Story
The fourth god, the colorless lord, decided to make humans out of his own flesh. He cut the fingers off his left hand and
they jumped and fell to earth. The four gods could hardly see what the men of flesh looked like as they were so far away.
From the seat of the four lords, they looked like busy little ants.
But the men of flesh worshipped the gods and made offerings to them. They filled the hearts of the four lords with joy. One
day the men of flesh found the man of gold. When they touched him, he was as cold as a stone. When they spoke to him, he
was silent. But the kindness of the men of flesh warmed the heart of the man of gold and he came to life, offering praise to
the gods for the kindness of the men of flesh.
The word of praise from the previously silent creature woke the four gods from their sleep and they looked down on earth
in delight. They called the man of gold "rich" and the men of flesh "poor," ordaining that the rich should look after the poor.
The rich man will be judged at his death on the basis of how he cared for the poor. From that day onward, no rich man can
enter heaven unless he is brought there by a poor man.
Maya Creation Story
They both have calendars. The Mayans have a calendar that shows the 365
days based on the Sun's movement. The Aztecs also have the same calendar.
They both have their own written language. Also the basic units of their
written language is hieroglyphs.
They had different methods of farming. The Mayans use the method of slash and
burn but the Aztecs use chinampas. (floating gardens).
Another difference between these two Ancient civilizations is that the Mayans and
the Aztecs worship their gods in different ways.
The Mayans believe in human sacrifice but the Aztecs believed in giving some blood.
The Mayans were more intelligent & least violent than the Aztecs.
the "peaceful" Maya
& the bloodthirsty Aztecs
Although human sacrifice was not as important to the Maya as to the Aztec, blood sacrifice played a major
role in their religion.
Mayans offered up their blood, but not necessarily their lives, to the gods through painful methods using
sharp instruments such as sting-ray spines or performed ritualistic self mutilation.
It is probable that people of all classes shed their blood during religious rites.
The king's blood(royal) sacrifice was the most valuable and took place more frequently.
The Maya were warlike and raided their neighbors for land, citizens, and captives. Some captives were
subjected to the double sacrifice where the victims heart was torn out for the sun and head cut off to pour
blood out for the earth.
Smithsonian National Museum
Sacred Texts of Mythology, Symbolism & Legends
Native Languages of the Past
God Checker