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Do NOW (5)
• 1. Write tonight’s homework in your agenda.
– Publish four arguments, four counter arguments and
four responses on notecards or a piece of paper that
are the same size as notecards.
– Practice speaking your arguments, counter arguments
and rebuttal in front of an audience for 10 minutes
• 2. Complete DO NOW on your classwork.
• 3. When finished, you may read over the Athens
and Sparta readings that you were given
yesterday or organize your binder.
Housekeeping and Announcements
• 1. Your mini debate is on Monday after break.
You must come prepared to share your work!
• 2. Get all of your materials organized for the
debate that is going to happen!
Aims Check
• SWBAT draft four arguments, 4 counter
arguments and 4 responses on “note cards”.
• Things to think about….
– Have you ever been in an argument with someone
and you felt like you were winning because you
knew exactly what to say in response to the other
person? Have you ever felt like you were losing an
argument? Why?
• Argument: An attempt to persuade someone to think or do
something using evidence.
– For example: I might present an argument to my mom that I have
earned going to the movies with my friends because I am responsible
at school, never get on RAA and treat my friends with kindness.
• Counter Argument: A logical reply made by the opposition that
challenges the first argument.
– For example: My mom might present a counter argument and state
that while I have shown responsibility at school, I have neglected my
chores at home and should therefor not be allowed to go to the
• Response: A logical reply to the counter argument that solidifies my
first argument.
– For example: I might present a response by stating that I am not going
to grow up and be a professional chore master, so that is not what I
need to truly focus on. I am focusing on my schoolwork to further my
education and therefor should be rewarded for my good efforts. You
do good things, good things happen, MOM!
The Great Debaters
• Video Notes:
• As you watch this
video, please fill in
your classwork. Try
to identify (in your
own words) the
argument, counter
argument (made by
the other team) and
the response.
Samantha Booke: Resolved: Negroes should be -should be admitted --... Resolved: Negroes should be
admitted to state universities. My -- My partner and I will
prove that blocking a negro's admission to a state university
is not only wrong, it is absurd. The negro people are not
just a color in the American fabric. They are the thread that
holds it all together. Consider the legal and -- and historical
record: May 13th, 1865, Sergeant Crocker, a negro, is the
last soldier to die in the civil war. 1918, the first U.S. soldiers
decorated for bravery in France are negroes Henry Johnson
and Needham Roberts. 1920, The New York Times
announces that the "n" in "Negro" would hereafter be
Counter Argument
Oklahoma City College Debater
#1: Force upon the South what they are
not ready for would result in nothing
but but more racial hatred. Dr. W. E. B.
Dubois, he's perhaps the most eminent
negro scholar in America. He comments,
"It's a silly waste of money, time, and
temper, to try and propel a powerful
majority to do what they are
determined not to do.
Henry Rowe: My opponent so
conveniently chose to ignore the fact
that W. E. B. Dubois is the first negro
to receive a Ph.D. from a white college - called Harvard.
Let’s Work through One Together
(Front of Card)
Debate Topic: Education in Athens
Argument: A logical statement that tries to persuade someone to think as you do.
The education that young men and women received in Athens was far superior (better)
than the education that students received in Sparta. To begin, I would like to state that
the Athenian education was much better than Sparta because they believed in “a
sharp mind and a healthy body” (page 263). Education meant not only expanding
your mind, but also making your body strong. In addition to learning reading, writing,
poetry, math and literature young boys were also educated in sports, wrestling and
gymnastics to strengthen their muscles. In Sparta, however, young boys were not given
a well-rounded education and simply had to focus on physical education. In Sparta
they ignored the most important muscle in the body – the mind.
What Makes this a good argument?
1. It is clear and only brings up ONE point.
2. Provides evidence.
3. Argument should be about five sentences
4. Introduction, evidence, closing statement
Let’s work through one together….
Back of Card)
Counter Argument: What you think the other team might say in response. Remember, to
win an argument you must be two steps ahead of your opponent.
While the Athenian boys were wasting their time learning about poetry, art and dance,
the Spartans were gaining physical strength. Athenians, therefor, did not have as strong
an army as the Spartans because they lacked the training. The boys in Athens grew up
to be a bunch of sailing wimps who were constantly beaten by the Spartan army!
Response: What you would say back to the argument
While it is true that the Athenians focused less effort on physical strength, their wellrounded approach to education is still used today in schools across America. In every
school students are taught math, arts, literacy as well as physical education. If their
method was so wrong, why did it survive thousands of years?
What makes this a good Counter
1. Does not go off topic, but responds
to first argument
2. Short and to the point
3. Has a fierce tone
What makes this a good Response?
1. Responds directly to the counter
2. Short and to the point
3. Leaves audience with a great final
Independent Practice
• 1. Come up with four separate
arguments to support your
debate topic.
• 2. Find evidence from the text
with page numbers to support
your claim.
• 3. Each argument should be at
least five sentences.
• 4. Must be well-written and
• 5. You may use your textbook
and the Athens and Sparta
reading to assist you.
Counter Arguments and
• 1. Come up with four counter
arguments that you think the
other team might say about your
– Short, to the point
– Has evidence to support answer
– Discusses why your city-state is
• 2. Come up with four responses
– Short, to the point
– Has a great final statement
– Addresses the claim in the counter