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• How do living organisms obtain energy?
• How do photoautotrophs get their energy?
Chemoheterotrophs? Chemoautotrophs?
• What do they use the energy for?
• How do living organisms store energy?
• In what form energy is available for direct use for
living organisms?
• Cellular respiration uses glucose and oxygen which
have high levels of free energy and releases CO2
and water with low levels of free energy. Is it
spontaneous or not? Is it exergonic or endergonic?
• If you turn over your body mass in ATP every day,
how many moles of ATP do you convert? (M≈507
• Describe the forms of energy that changes when an
apple falls off the tree and than somebody eats and
digests it.
• How does the second law of thermodynamics
explain the diffusion of substances across a
• How does ATP typically transfer energy from
exergonic to endergonic processes?
• Which of the following are oxidized and reduced:
– 2Fe3+ + Sn2+ -> 2Fe2+ + Sn4+
– NAD+ + 2H+ + 2 e- --- NADH + H+
• The rate of electron transport in mitochondria is
frequently measured by the disappearance of
oxygen in a solution. Justify why this is a good
• Why is it not possible to use ATP for long-term
energy storage? If ATP cannot be used for this
purpose, how can cells store energy long-term?
• Yeast can withstand the lack of oxygen for an
extended period of time. What type of
organism is yeast? How does it obtain sufficient
ATP under these conditions?
• What is the overall function of glycolysis?
• Describe the role of each of the following in
cellular respiration:
– Hydrogen ions
– NAD and FAD
– Oxygen
– Acetyl Co A
– ATP synthase
• In the following redox reaction, which compound
is oxidized, which one is reduced?
C4H6O5 + NAD+ C4H4O5 + NADH + H+
Photosynthesis section starts here:
• How do you know where in the plant photosynthesis
is occurring?
• What cell type is green in the plant? Why?
• What is the function of stomata in photosynthesis?
• What is the function of xylems and phloem elements
in photosynthesis?
• Why do chloroplasts contain starch granules?
• Write the general equation of photosynthesis and
determine what is oxidized and what is reduced.
• Chose one specific variable that influence the rate
of photosynthesis and design a controlled
experiment on how you would test the effect of this
variable on the rate of photosynthesis.
• Chose one specific variable that influence the rate of
photosynthesis and design a controlled experiment on
how you would test the effect of this variable on the
rate of photosynthesis.
• Scientists wanted to find out from which molecule
oxygen comes from during photosynthesis. To do so,
they radioactively labeled oxygen with oxygen-18
isotopes in water but used the traditional
concentration of oxygen isotopes in CO2 -- Experiment
1. Then they radioactively labeled CO2 with the
oxygen-18 isotope and left the water in its natural
isotope concentration -- Experiment 2. Explain the
• What type of ATP production takes place in the light
• Where does the concentration gradient of H+ ions form in
the chloroplast?
• In an experiment, isolated chloroplasts placed in a
solution with the appropriate components can carry out
ATP synthesis. Predict what would happen to the rate of
photosynthesis if a compound is added to the solution
that makes membranes freely permeable to hydrogen
• What is the overall function of the Calvin cycle?
• What is the actual end product of the Calvin cycle?
• Where in the chloroplast does the Calvin cycle take
• Explain why a poison that inhibits an enzyme in the
Calvin cycle also inhibits the light reaction.
• Name and describe the two ways in which ATP is
made in cellular respiration. During what stages
in the process does each type occur?
• A scientist was testing the effect of T4 hormone
on oxygen consumption. He used 3 types of
mice, one with low T4 levels, one with normal T4
levels and one with elevated T4 levels. Predict
and justify the oxygen consumption in each type
of mouse.
• Design an experiment to test the effect of
temperature on the rate of cellular respiration in
• A fungal infection attacks the root system of a
giant sequoia tree and causes root shrinkage.
How might root shrinkage affect the tree?
• What is the role of root hairs? How do their
structure help them to perform their function?
• Name two plant functions that are not
performed by root hair cells.
• Would you expect a plant inhabiting a region
with abundant rainfall to have many or few root
hairs? Why?
• Why do gardeners regularly prune shrubs to
make them bushier?
• Leaves primarily in the shade tend to be larger
than leaves that are in the sun. Why is that?
• Name three characteristics of plants that make
them more tolerant to draught. Describe how
these characteristics help.
• Name three characteristics of plants to be more
tolerant to living in water. Describe how these
characteristics help.
• List the three types of plant tissues and
describe their basic characteristics.
• Distinguish between the cell types of the xylem
and phloem. How does each cell type fit to
perform their function?
• Why is it beneficial to have dead cells transport
water but living cells transport organic
• What is the purpose of the companion cells in
phloem tissue?
• Point out the location of transport tissues in
• A gardener leaves carrots in the ground for two
years, thinking their roots will grow larger
during the second year since they are biennials.
Is this a good idea? Explain.
• How would the reduction of aquaporins affect a
plant cell’s ability to adjust to new osmotic
• Describe the role of symplast in transporting
polar substances.
• How effective would the symplast be at
transporting highly nonpolar substances?
• Some plants can detect increased levels of light
reflected from leaves of encroaching neighbors.
This detection elicits stem elongation,
production of erect leaves, and less branching.
How do these responses help the plant
• Suppose a mutant Arabiopsis mutant lacking
functional aquaporin proteins has a root mass
three times greater than that of wild-type
plants. Suggest an explanation.
• Explain why the evaporation of water from
leaves lowers their temperature.
• Why can xylem transport water and minerals
using dead cells, whereas phloem requires
living cells?
• Explain how stomata open.
• Why would you see the stomata on the top of
the leaves in hydrophytes but on the bottom on
most dry land plants?
• Differentiate between the regulation of the
flowering of short-day plants and long-day
• A Minnesota gardener notes that the plants
immediately bordering a walkway are stunted.
Suspecting that the soil near the walkway may be
contaminated from salt added to the walkway
during the winter, he tests the soil. The soil next
to the walkway contains 50mM more NaCl than
the soil elsewhere. Calculate the solute potential
of the soil along the walkway on 20°C. Compare
this value to the solute potential elsewhere if the
concentration of salt away from the walkway is
0.01 M. Explain how the change in water
potential effects the movement of water into the
• Describe the following processes:
– Water intake by root hairs
– Water transport into the xylem in plants
– Long-distance water and nutrient transport in
– Long-distance organic matter transport in plants
– Opening and closing the stomata
– Phytochrome function and plant responses to light
– Photoperiodism and plant flowering
• In what sense are nutrients from a recently
ingested meal not really “inside” your body
prior to the absorption stage of food
• What features of a mammal’s digestive system
make it an attractive habitat for mutualistic
• What are the advantages of a longer alimentary
canal for processing plant food?
• Why would a parasite living in the intestine of a
mammal have a greatly reduced digestive
system and very thin skin with rich blood
• For someone with a sedentary lifestyle, how
does the body deal with an excess energy
• Explain an example when the surface area to
volume ratio is significant in determining the
metabolic rate.
• Explain how age influence the metabolic rate.
• Through one specific example, explain how the
digestive system uses the structure and
function relationship.
• CO irreversibly binds to hemoglobin. How
would that affect the body?
• Name the main functions of the circulatory system.
Explain how some of these functions relate to
cellular respiration.
• How does an open circulatory system differ from a
closed circulatory system?
• Through one specific example explain how
evolution changed the circulatory system of
• If an organism is endothermic, what specific
adaptations of the anatomy and physiology of the
organism support the temperature regulation.
• Explain why the affinity of hemoglobin to oxygen
changes and how it changes.