Download Preparing data from downloaded datasets

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Preparing data from
downloaded datasets
In Web of Science, save data using “Save to a Plain text”. If
more than 500 records I suggest you name the files 1-500.txt,
501-1000.txt etc. In Scopus save as complete records and risformat.
Adding files in Bibexcel: Double-click in the box “Type new file
name here” and type a filename. Then select all of your
downloaded txt-files and run Files/Append all files to another.
Select a txt-file and then run Edit doc-file/Replace line feed
with carriage return. This will create a tx2-file.
Select the tx2-file and run Misc/Convert to Dialogformat/Convert from Web of Science. This will create the docfile that Bibexcel can analyze.
For Scopus downloads in ris-format you run steps 1-3, and
then use Misc/Convert to Dialog-format/Convert from Scopus
RIS format. This will create the doc-file that Bibexcel can