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Soul Mates and Blood Links
by Pamela Rowe, LPMAFA, FMFAA
How many times as astrologers, have we counselled clients reliving similar
disastrous relationships to those experienced in their formative years -- settling
for familiarity, rather than initiating a reprogramming experience? Positive and
negative astrological links shared with relatives are projected into adult
relationships in a repetitious manner. This same theme of familiarity can apply to
happy, productive relationships. Is fate after all, stronger than free will?
When the likely astrological links between two people are not found in the natal,
progressed or directed charts, we look further afield. The Draconic chart provides
pivotal information regarding the soul's purpose. The Draconic chart in relation to
parent and child and between siblings, has been a source of fascination to me for
years. Members of the Australian Academy of Astrology & Cosmobiology
Research Group have also researched the Draconic chart as a key topic. We
have concluded that the Draconic chart can be categorised as karmic, spiritual
and unconscious, with possible connections to reincarnation. It pinpoints those
we draw close to us in our lifetimes, to resolve unconscious issues , which in turn
connects to our state of physical and emotional health. It speaks less of free will
than the basic natal chart.
Through our Draconic chart we can discover how others are acutely, albeit
subconsciously, aware of our soul's purpose and act accordingly -- opening life's
doors and sometimes slamming them in our face. It traces where we came from
(test it with parents and grandparent's charts) and where we are going (compare
it with the charts of your children and soul mates). Links will be found by
comparing Natal and Draconic charts, plus Draconic and Draconic. Draconic
charts are also quite sensitve to transits, so compare the Draconic chart with
transits of important events.
The Draconic chart highlights the importance of the 0-degrees Aries point. The
distance between the natal Northern Moon Nodes or Dragon's Head and 0degrees Aries is the adjustment increment used to convert the natal chart to its
Draconic counterpart. The natal North Moon Node (ascending node) becomes 0degrees Aries of the Draconic chart, or 'draconic equinox' and other planets and
points are adjusted accordingly. English astrologer Pamela Crane is well known
for her work on Draconic astrology. Pamela uses the True Moon Nodes in
preference to the Mean Moon Nodes in her calculations. The difference in the
resultant Draconic charts is small, but enough for me to continue to research
both. In some cases the Draconic Mean Moon Node chart produces tighter, more
relevant aspects.
The Draconic chart may have been overlooked because natal house placements
and planetary aspects remain unaltered -- however, the zodiacal degrees can be
strikingly different.
The Northern Moon Nodes in the charts of relatives and soul mates is as
potentially variable as its distance from 0-degrees Aries. When adjustments are
made for the Draconic chart you may be surprised at the new zodiacal links
which did not exist in the natal charts -- new clues as to life's learning curve
through these important people. In the case of those born with the Northern
Moon Nodes at 0-degrees Aries, the natal chart is also the Draconic chart -suggesting a person directly in touch with their soul's purpose. I would be most
interested in the spiritual journey of any reader who has the Northern Moon
Nodes at 0-degrees Aries.
Solar Fire and Winstar Plus software provide ready calculation of the Draconic
chart. For those without this facility, the simplest and most accurate method is to
convert all natal cusps and planets into their absolute zodiac positions (0Aries=0°, 0 Taurus=30°, etc) and add the increment (distance between the natal
true moon nodes and 0-degrees Aries) to each position. If answer over 360°,
deduct 360°.
for a natal chart with a Northern Moon Node of 19°38' Scorpio
1. Distance between 19°38' Scorpio (229°38')
and 0° Aries (which is also 360°)
360° 00'
229° 38'
= 130°22' (Increment)
2. Natal Ascendant = 14°14' Pisces = 344°14'
Plus Increment 130°22'
Less 360° 360°00'
3. Natal Jupiter =
15°07' Aries =
Plus Increment 130°22'
(25°29' LEO)
As an example, consider the Richardson family of 2 adults and 2 children, both
natural births. Each of the 4 has a different adjustment increment between their
natal Northern Moon Nodes and 0-degrees Aries, which dramatically changes
the zodiacal degree comparisons in the natal charts. In this family 22° to 28° of
Cardinal signs concertinas into high significance through the Draconic Ascendant
and Midheaven positions, creating a new sensitive family point for transitting
planets. In addition, 5° to 6° of the fixed signs, significant in 3 of the 4 birth
charts, includes the 4th person (2nd child) through her Draconic chart. New
grandparent connections to each child are readily defined, plus a new draconic
link to the father, through his draconic Ascendant. The Mean Moon Node has
been used in this study.
Code: (Dr. = Draconic N = Natal)
Dr.MC 24.15 Lib
Dr.AS 28.26 Lib
Dr.MC 24.30 Can
Dr.AS 24.36 Can
N.MC 6.32 Aqu
N.AS. 6.42 Aqu
Dr.Moon 5.18 Aqu
Dr.Jup 29.59 Lib
N.Sun 5.34 Leo
Dr.Moon 6.23 Sco
Dr.AS. 5.22 Sco
Dr.Sun 14.52 Ari
(Grandfather's N.Sun 14.42 Ari)
Dr.Moon 15.0 Vir
N.AS 14.14 Pis
(Grandmother's Dr.Moon 15.31 Pis)
Drac.AS 1.50 Cap
N.Moon 0.33 Can N.Sun 2.36 Cap
There are many more draconic links in this family tree. These few mainly involve
the personal points of Natal and Draconic Ascendant, Midheaven, Sun and
The natal Ascendant describes how others perceive us in a physical sense, the
silent message we project through our physical image. THE DRACONIC
ASCENDANT is our intuitive identity, certain hereditary factors and the unique
qualities we pass on through reproduction and spiritual teaching. For further
information consider the decanate of the Draconic Ascendant (eg 28°26' Libra on
the Draconic Ascendant is in its 3rd decan, incorporating a Gemini/Mercury
influence to the Libran energies).
The natal Midheaven depicts our ego expression, career, worldy status, parent
figures and mentors. The Draconic Midheaven speaks more of superconsciousness, the soul's divine quest, vocation as distinct from occupation.
Astrologers already familiar with house meanings, aspects and primarily the
interpretation of their own natal chart, will liken the experience of interpreting their
Draconic chart to that of bumping into an old friend. This is probably due to the
emergence in the Draconic chart of astrological degrees synonymous with old
friends, foes and soul mates.
The Draconic and Natal combinations of popular British Royal family members is
a virtual goldmine of information. The charts used are Queen Elizabeth, Prince
Phillip, Prince Charles, Princess Diana, Prince William and Prince Henry.
Synastry buffs will discover many more links than I have space to mention. Once
again the personal points of Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven provide
pivotal information on hereditary and karmic history.
I have used the Solar Fire software and Clifford data collection for my charts and
calculations -- with the exception of Prince Phillip -- the source of which is
astrologer, Deborah Houlding. The True Moon Nodes have been used in this
1. William's Dr.MOON (21.38 Pisces) conjunct Henry's Dr. MOON (21.43 Pisces)
conjunct Charles' Dr.MOON (25.28 Pisces) conjunct Diana's Dr.Uranus (25.10
Pisces) Conjunct Elizabeth's Dr.PLUTO (22.36 Pisces) opposition Diana's
Dr.MOON (26.52 Virgo)
2. William's Dr.AS (14.10 Virgo) is conjunct Henry's Dr.MC (17.30 Virgo)
1. Phillip's Dr.SUN (23.40 Scorpio) is conjunct Elizabeth's natal MC (25.33
Scorpio), conjunct Charles natal SUN (22.25 Scorpio) conjunct Diana's Dr. IC
(24.53 Scorpio).
2. William's Dr.MC (19.08 Cancer) is conjunct Diana's Dr. ASC (20.14 Cancer)
conjunct Henry's Dr.SUN (23.19 Cancer). All are opposition Elizabeth's N.ASC
(21.23 Capricorn)
3. Charles' natal ASC (5.25 Leo) is conjunct Elizabeth's Dr.MC (5.26 Leo)
opposition Diana's Dr.MERCURY (5.02 Aquarius), square to Phillip's natal Venus
(5.43 Taurus)
4. Charles' natal MC (13.18 Aries) is conjunct Phillip's Dr.MC (11.33 Aries).
5. Charles Dr.ASC (0.26 Cancer) is conjunct William's natal SUN (0.06 Cancer)
and in slightly wider conjunction to his natal Moon (4.58 Cancer). These are
square Elizabeth's Dr.AS (1.16 Libra).
6. Diana's Dr.MOON (26.52 Virgo) is conjunct Henry's natal Sun (22.57 Virgo).
As mentioned above Charles Dr.MOON is opposition at 25.28 Pisces.
7. Elizabeth's Dr.Jupiter (2.24 Scorpio) is conjunct William's natal Jupiter (0.29
Scorpio) and MC (2.28 Scorpio) and conjunct Henry's Dr.Jupiter (3.56 Scorpio).
8. Elizabeth's natal MC (25.33 Scorpio) and Saturn (24.27 Scorpio) are conjunct
Charles' Dr.Jupiter (24.55 Scorpio)
9. Elizabeth's Dr.SUN (10.06 Capricorn) is opposition Diana's natal Sun (9.40
10. Phillip's Dr.SUN (23.40 Scorpio) and Dr.Mars (28.55 Scorpio) are square to
Diana's natal Uranus (23.20 Leo) and northern Moon Nodes (28.10 Leo).
11. Phillip's Dr.AS (18.57 Gemini) is opposition Diana's natal ASC (18.24
Sagittarius). His Dr. Mercury (17.51 Sagittarius) and wider, his Dr.Pluto (12.15
Sagittarius) are conjunct her natal AS.
-- and the list of contacts goes on, with surprisingly close orbs of influence.
The interpretation of these links is fairly straightforward and the reader will have
their own ideas as to the messages conveyed. Positive emotional potential
(Dr.Moons) between Charles and his sons, was unsettled and awakened to new
expressions through Diana's erratic behaviour (Dr.Uranus) and Elizabeth's
powerful obsession with duty and conventionalism (Dr.Pluto). The 'Us and Them'
attitude is depicted by Elizabeth's natal AS opposition the Dr. AS,MC and Sun of
Diana and her sons -- and reinforced by Elizabeth's Dr.Sun opposition Diana's
natal Sun.
The lineage to the throne is indicated by Elizabeth and Charles' Dr. Ascendants
aspecting William's natal Sun. The strong presence of Dr. and natal Jupiter links
is another convincing factor. Irritation between Phillip and Diana can be seen
from Phillip's Dr. Sun conjunct Dr. Mars square Diana's natal Uranus and natal
North Moon Nodes. His Dr. AS opposition her natal AS, plus his Dr. Mercury and
Pluto conjunct her natal AS, suggests more undercurrent between them than was
Each chart can be successfully drawn onto tri-wheel and tri-dials, to distinguish
further how individuals relate to the rest of the group. My illustrations provide an
introduction. Factors such as fixed stars, critical degrees and eclipse degrees
can also be applied to draconic charts.
For Cosmobiologists the planetary structure patterns and midpoint trees of the
draconic chart remain the same (with the exception of Moon Nodes involvement).
However the patterns of the Draconic chart fall in different sections of the 90degree dial, providing additional sensitive time frames, especially when
compared to the directions, progressions and transits. The individual comparison
between natal and draconic structure patterns also interesting.
Even by sticking to basics and comparing the zodiacal degrees between the
draconic/draconic and draconic/natal charts of different individuals, the
remarkable links formed for respective life journeys cannot be overlooked.
Because our spiritual development requires us to meet the challenge of
relationships rather than evade them, the Draconic chart provides new
information as to who we are likely to attract in order to make the progress we
spiritually crave.