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Types of Aggression
What is Aggression?
o Last class
o Definition of Aggression
o This class
o Given our “objective” definition,
» How to understand the different
types/levels of aggression?
o What is the goal of aggression?
o Goals…
o are motives, objectives, desires,
wants, needs, etc
o are continuously influencing how we
perceive and process information
o are continuously influencing our
o are continuously conflicting with all of
our other goals
Hostile versus Instrumental
o Hostile
o Affect – yes, also called affective aggression
o Physiology – activity in central/autonomic
nervous system, activation of hypothalamus,
increase blood flow, blood pressure
o Cognition – goal is aggression (ends in itself)
o Instrumental
o Affect – no
o Physiology – no
o Cognition – goal is means to another ends
o Which applies to corporal punishment?
Proactive versus Reactive
o Reactive
o Response to provocation
o Goal is responding to provocation
o Proactive
o Without provocation
o Goals such as bullying, obtaining
goods, asserting power, gaining
respect, status
o Which applies to killings during
What is Aggression?
o asdfdsf
What is Aggression?
o Displaced Aggression
o Definition – Aggression toward
innocent third party
o Goal - ?
o How to Read a Journal Article
o Hypothesis
o Method
o Results
o Discussion