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Marine Biology
Señor Robles
Ducks: an Original Duckumentary
Directions: Circle the correct answer. Yes, you can use your journal!!!
1. Ducks represent a vertebrate group that has returned to the water. In geologic time, in can be said that they are:
a. older than dinosaurs b. older than whales c. older than fish d. older than pterosaurs
2. Wood duck hatchlings recognize their mother by her:
a. voice b. scent c. size d. colors
3. The colorful male wood ducks contrast with the drab females. This is an example of:
a. counter shading
b. the unfairness of Mother Nature
c. camouflage
d. sexual dimorphism
4. The number of living duck species is more than (choose the best answer):
a. 20 b. 100 c. 120 d. 1,200
5. Within the first two weeks of a duck chicks life, how many can fall to predation?
a. 10%
b. 50%
c. 75%
d. 90%
6. What can be said about the male wood duck’s role in raising the young?
a. He plays the major parental part
c. Equal part with the female (as in contemporary Disney cartoons)
b. No part in raising the young
d. He is hostile to the young
7. What word did the movie use to describe the ducks that feed at the surface?
a. dabblers
b. divers
c. strainers
d. slurpers
8. Which duck is shown diving to the pond floor?
a. bufflehead
b. canvasback
c. hooded merganser
d. mallard
9. Ducks can use their webbed feet for:
a. paddling
c. paddling or swimming
b. swimming under water
d. flying
10. Redhead ducks practice brood parasitism; laying their eggs in the nest of other duck species. Their common
host, who ends up raising them, is what species?
a. bufflehead
b. mallard
c. hooded merganser
d. lesser scaup
11. Torrent ducks live in the fast rivers of what mountain range?
a. Cascades
b. Andes
c. Himalayas
d. Alps
12. Dabblers and divers have different approaches to getting into the air, mainly because of their body weight.
In what way are they different?
a. Dabblers can fly almost vertically off the water while the heavier divers need a long runway.
b. Divers can fly almost vertically off the water while the heavier dabblers need a long runway.
c. Actually neither can lift off the water very well, and they both need a long runway.
d. Both can lift up equally as well.
13. Green winged teals are pretty fast ducks. How fast can they fly?
a. 55 mph
b. 100 mph
c. 150 mph
d. Mach 1
14. The unusual thing about the way ducks molt is that they shed all these feathers at once:
a. marginal coverts
b. scapulars
c. primaries
d. downy feathers
15. What can consistently be said about mate selection in the duck world?
a. Females pick the mate.
b. Males pick the mate.
c. Males and females play equal roles in the final selection.
d. Neither gender picks; it’s all pure luck
16. What mainly determines the locations of stops on duck migration routes?
a. The Earth’s magnetic pole
b. The arrangement of the stars
c. The lack of predators
d. The availability of food
17. For ducks that paddle in icy cold waters, how do they prevent heat loss in their feet?
a. They have extra thick insulation in the form of blubber
b. The blood vessels close off circulation to the extremities
c. They burn massive amounts of calories to maintain a high body temperature
d. They swim super fast.
18. Eiders dive in icy polar waters to get at mussels and urchins. When they swallow these shelled invertebrates,
the shells get ground up in their gizzards. What happens to the calcium of these shells?
a. It causes indigestion
c. It gets excreted (pooped out)
b. It helps with their coloration
d. It gets recycled into egg shells (in the females)
19. An odd lobe hangs from under the bill on the male of what duck species?
a. Australian musk duck
c. Northern eider
b. hooded merganser
d. red canvasback
20. The narrator of this duckumentary is Paul Giamatti. You might recognize his voice from:
a. Chet from Turbo
b. Nick from Fred Claus
c. Ralph of Saving Mr. Banks
d. Kingsley from The Hangover Part II
Pick “e”