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he purpose of this chapter is to explore the growing need for threedimensional (3-D) imaging services, as well as the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing 3-D imaging in conjunction with a
picture archive and communication system (PACS) environment. The
advantages of 3-D imaging services are discussed, as well as the workflow
involved in integration of 3-D imaging with PACS and radiology information systems (RIS), the staff and equipment needed for providing 3-D services, and issues with proper coding of claims and obtaining reimbursement
from insurance.
Radiological images were initially reviewed as transmission x-ray films,
and, during the past 30 years, as cross-sectional images with the advent of
computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. During
PACS: A Guide to the Digital Revolution
the first century of radiology (1896 to 1996), all these images were read primarily in the same paradigm, that is, viewed on films printed with a fixed
preselected window and level setting and displayed before a lighting source
such as a light box. Thus, the image review process for CT and MR imaging
for the radiologist was similar in its workflow to that for x-ray films. Primarily during the past decade, PACS softcopy reading has replaced film at
many institutions. While these images can be interactively adjusted for
window/level, zoom, and so forth, PACS softcopy reading, as with film
reading, generally is limited to viewing the transmission or cross-sectional
images in their fixed orientations as provided by the original scan. Recent
improvements in computing power, networking speeds, and image standards
for digital image communications (Digital Imaging and Communications in
Medicine [DICOM]) have allowed medical images to be transferred among
modalities, image archives, and vendor computer-imaging platforms relatively seamlessly and quickly. These advances, combined with a dramatic
improvement in the speed, usability, and affordability of 3-D workstation
hardware and software, make it feasible to apply computer imageprocessing techniques for 3-D imaging and computer-aided diagnosis (CAD)
within the routine clinical workflow of a PACS environment. This may
involve image post-processing on specialized 3-D imaging workstations now
available from a variety of vendors, or 3-D imaging techniques may be integrated and available directly through the PACS workstations themselves.
Three-dimensional medical imaging has revolutionized both radiological diagnosis and surgical planning. Three-dimensional reconstructions
provide lifelike views that can quickly summarize the relationship among
anatomic structures to facilitate accurate diagnosis or to identify the optimal
treatment plan before the patient is in the operating room (OR). The benefits include decreased exploratory time in the OR, less damage to healthy
tissues, and a lower risk of complications for the patient, all of which contribute to reduced surgical morbidity. Increased diagnostic sensitivity across
all specialties and the likelihood of shorter OR time per procedure contribute
to reduce costs. Thus, the quality of care is greatly enhanced, often with a
decrease in cost compared to alternative procedures such as catheter angiography. For example, prior to the establishment of the Massachusetts General
Hospital (MGH) 3D Imaging Service in February 1999, the standard protocol at MGH and other institutions for assessing laparoscopic living renal
donor candidates involved a catheter angiogram to assess the renal vasculature (number, location, and relationships among renal arteries and veins) plus
an intravenous pyelogram (IVP) to assess the configuration of the ureters
and renal collecting system. These procedures involved exposing the patient
(in this case a healthy renal donor candidate) to a significant health risk
involving anesthesia with associated risk of complications, catheterization
with associated risk of vessel perforation, as well as a high radiation dose,
and a high cost (several thousand dollars for the 2 procedures). Through 3D imaging post-processing of high-resolution CT scans, the current protocol involves a CT angiography scan (CTA) to assess the renal vasculature in
place of the catheter angiogram, plus a delayed-phase CT urogram (CTU),
which replaced the IVP. Both the CTA and CTU are acquired in a single
outpatient CT contrast study (see Figure 22.1). Thus, a single, contrastenhanced CTA/CTU outpatient procedure, costing a few hundred dollars
with minimal risk and exposure to the patient, has replaced 2 expensive
and invasive procedures costing several thousand dollars and exposing an
otherwise healthy patient to significant risk. Similarly, diagnostic 3-D CTA
imaging has also replaced catheter angiography for assessment of cerebral
aneurysms in our institution as well as many other hospitals that perform
diagnostic 3-D CTA (see Figure 22.2). Ultimately, 3-D imaging provides
these patients with improved care at significantly lower risk and cost and
with improved diagnostic clarity than the older diagnostic protocols.
Left: CTA (CT angiography) of the renal arteries. Right: CTU (CT
urography) of the ureters and collecting system (kidneys, bladder,
etc.). These 2 images were created from the same CT contrast scan
session with 1 contrast bolus at different time delays. These 3-D
images depict in high-resolution anatomic detail the information
required in assessing renal donors for transplants and have replaced
more expensive and invasive procedures (catheter angiography plus
intravenous pyelography [IVP]).
PACS: A Guide to the Digital Revolution
CTA showing a right middle cerebral artery aneurysm. The right orbit
and skull base have been digitally segmented out from the image to
allow a view of the aneurysm and feeding artery. CTA can replace
catheter angiography for assessing cerebral aneurysms and provide
clear views of vascular geometry to allow critical treatment planning
Multidetector CT (MDCT) has opened new possibilities and demand
for 3-D imaging. Rapid acquisition using thin slices and improved rendering algorithms facilitate exquisite 3-D images and reformats. The pace of
progress is being hastened by rapid developments in MDCT technology
with availability of 4-, 8-, 16-, 32, and 64-slice scanners and more recently
volume CT. From a practical standpoint, developments in MDCT scanning
allow multiple thin slices to be acquired with increased z-axis coverage
resulting in an extraordinary increase in the quantity of acquired data. In
parallel with the developments in MDCT, MR imaging has also advanced
such that MR studies often involve larger numbers of images, with thinner
slices, scanned with multiple series of varying scan sequences and scan orientations, all of which contribute to increased image review workload to the
radiologist. Review of large numbers of images from modern MDCT and
MR scanners, often hundreds or even thousands of slices per study, poses
significant challenges to radiologists’ efficiency and may simply be impractical for most radiology departments. Having 3-D capability available for
diagnosis and surgical planning allows the radiologists and referring physicians to first get a summary view of the entire anatomy in a few concise
anatomically clear 3-D views and then refer back to the original twodimensional (2-D) data for comparison and confirmation. Thus, 3-D reconstruction is more frequently becoming a valuable technique to summarize in
a concise and clear way the overwhelming number of slices produced by
modern CT and MR scanners.
The variety of tools and techniques comprised by 3-D imaging may involve
a single image-processing operation or a combination of image segmentation, filtering, visualization, and feature-extraction algorithms to extract
the clinical information of interest from the scan. There are many resources
available for review of image-processing techniques. Computed tomography
and MR collect a series of 2-D slices through the region of the body under
study. These 2-D slices can be “stacked” and combined into a single 3-D
volume of data. However, this requires relatively thin slice acquisition for
high-quality 3-D imaging. The thinner the slices and the closer to isotropic
voxel dimensions, the better the resolution of the reformatted images. For
example, most 3-D protocols involve 0.5- to 3.0-mm thick slice data, while
thicker slices, such as 5 mm, produce blurred reconstructions and reformats
with a stepping artifact orthogonal to the original acquisition plane.
To create post-processed images from the original CT or MR source
images, it is necessary to load the slice data into a computer that has 3-D
image post-processing software. This may involve loading the scan onto a
separate 3-D imaging workstation, running a 3-D software program integrated on the PACS workstation, or loading a client-server–based 3-D software program remotely through a thin-client or Web-based applet. There
are several vendors providing various solutions such as these to enable
advanced 3-D image post-processing of CT or MR source 2-D datasets.
PACS: A Guide to the Digital Revolution
Once the data are imported into a 3-D imaging system (workstation,
PACS plug-in, client-server, etc.), the 3-D volumetric dataset can be resampled in different planes or visualized through various volumetric viewing
techniques. The simplest type of 3-D operation is multiplanar reconstruction (MPR), in which the 3 primary orthogonal views are produced. If these
views are sampled with a slice thickness greater than the original slice thickness (for example, with volume-rendered orthogonal slabs), this becomes
multiplanar volume reconstruction (MPVR). The reconstructed planes can
also be rotated and images created in any oblique plane or produced in a
curved reformat to create a reconstructed view that follows a curved structure such as a blood vessel, the spinal cord, or the inferior alveolar nerve
The next level of volumetric visualization involves maximum-intensity
projection (MIP), average-intensity projection (AveIP), or minimumintensity projection (MinIP), which display the maximum, average, or
minimum value through the volume along each ray drawn from a particular
viewpoint. These techniques are good for instances where the interpreting
physician does not want the image blocked at the surface, for example, in
visualizing vascular stenosis or craniosynostoses. However, MIP views do not
provide good depth cues since the brightest voxel can be at any distance from
the viewpoint. Therefore, MIP images are often created in a rotational batch
series to provide parallax depth cues through rotational orientation changes.
Volume and surface rendering provide an anatomical model that allows
selected tissues to be either displayed or stripped away to reveal the structures of interest. Surface rendering involves segmenting the image into a
binary mask from which a 3-D surface is created. The segmentation can
involve various techniques to select the surface to be rendered, such as setting
a threshold and/or manually carving portions out from the desired anatomy
of interest to be viewed. Because the surface is created based on a binary
mask, no voxel intensity information is appreciable in the surface rendering
since all surface points are displayed uniformly, with differences resulting
only from lighting and depth cues. Volume rendering involves application
of opacity maps based on the image histogram values, as well as different
grayscale and/or color lookup maps, such that a voxel may be displayed with
a variable opacity as well as variable intensity/color depending on the voxel
values that are displayed in a continuous range. Surface rendering and
volume rendering are useful in viewing bony anatomy, organ surfaces such
as brain gyral/sulcal patterns, as well as for visualizing blood vessels for planning treatment approaches for aneurysms. Volume rendering also allows
variable viewing of different tissues such that multiple components of the
image may be represented in different brightness, color, or relative transparency, such as bone versus tendons or blood vessels.
The specific type of image reconstruction depends on the anatomy, the
purpose (diagnosis or surgical planning), and the customer needs (radiologist or surgeon). In general, diagnostic radiologists often prefer MIP views
rather than volume- or surface-rendered views because image data are
retained and can be retrieved by window/level adjustments and rotation,
while the surface- and volume-rendered views make some objects transparent in a user-dependent manner. Maximum-intensity projection views have
the shortcoming, however, that objects within a high-signal object may be
obstructed from view, since only the brightest pixel along a ray is displayed.
For example, a contrast-enhanced lesion with a necrotic nonenhancing core
will have only the surface enhancement displayed since the necrotic core will
not be visible through the surrounding enhancement in the MIP view.
Average-intensity projection views may allow a more transparent view in
such cases and can be used as a simulation of transmission x-ray imaging
views. Surgeons, however, often prefer surface-rendered views because they
are more anatomically realistic for surgical planning purposes. However,
these views may create a threshold artifact that may give a false impression
of abnormality, which is why radiologists often feel more comfortable with
MIP or AveIP views rather than surface- or volume-rendered views when
looking at vascular structures, for example.
Currently, the 3D Imaging Service at MGH processes an average of 100
exams per day, which represents approximately 10 percent of the hospital’s
CT scan volume, plus about 20 percent of the MR and ultrasound (US)
volume. The 3D Imaging Service processes exams for vascular, orthopedic,
chest, breast MR, gastrointestinal/genitourinary, emergency, and pediatric
exams. However, about half of the 3-D exams are neuroradiology studies
of the brain, head, and neck. Many neuroradiology exams involve studies of
the carotid and/or cerebral vasculature with CT or MR angiography
(CTA; MRA). In addition, a variety of neurology, neurosurgery, and oralmaxillofacial exams are reconstructed with 3-D imaging, including brain
surface renderings for neurosurgical planning, stroke and aneurysm imaging,
brain tumor volumetric measurements, as well as imaging of facial malfor-
PACS: A Guide to the Digital Revolution
mations, craniosynostoses, complex facial fractures/trauma, and surgical
planning for dental implants, extractions, and nerve damage evaluations. The
3-D Imaging Service also processes vascular studies of the body, including
scans of the aorta, renal, hepatic, and/or pancreatic vasculature and peripheral runoff CTA and MRA exams. High-quality, consistent, reliable 3-D
reconstructions are essential to diagnosis and treatment planning of vascular imaging. For example, aortic aneurysm, liver resection, and living liver
and renal donor assessments are greatly aided by presurgical 3-D-imaging
vascular evaluation and treatment planning on computer rather than exploration in the OR. Three-dimensional imaging is also effective in assessing
pancreatic cancer and associated vascular involvement and for virtual
endoscopy, such as virtual colonography for assessing colon polyps.
At MGH, we are able to manage this high volume of clinical 3-D image
processing as a direct result of the successful implementation of a PACS
system with a high-speed image network (1000 base T or gigabit). When the
3-D Imaging Service was established in February 1999, the MGH radiology
department was already nearly entirely filmless. All CT and MR images were
available both on PACS for radiologists and on a hospital-wide enterprise
image server, via a Web-browser plug-in applet, for all referring physicians.
This plug-in applet was also integrated with the electronic medical record
(EMR) such that all images are available online and are a mouse click away
from the patient medical history, clinical test results, and clinical reports.
The successful implementation of the 3-D Imaging Service required
that the clinical workflow, protocols, billing, and staffing issues were established in a way that would enable routing clinical 3-D imaging with rapid
turnaround, and consistent, high-quality, clinically relevant post-processed
images. The 3-D Imaging Service has worked closely on an ongoing basis
with hospital billing and compliance, coding, and PACS to establish workflow, and with the radiologists, referring clinicians, and CT and MR scan
departments to establish clinical 3-D and scan protocols optimized for clinically useful 3-D imaging.
Within the PACS environment at MGH, the routine 3-D image
routing begins with the original 2-D scan being completed at the CT or MR
scanner. The exam descriptor is then appended with a 3-D modifier (“/3D”)
either by the scheduling department or by the scan technologist to indicate
that the study requires 3-D post-processing. The scan technologist sends the
scan to a PACS relay, where the scan header information is checked against
the patient information in the RIS and corrected for errors if necessary. Once
the scan information is validated at the relay, the original 2-D scan is transmitted to a PACS gateway, where it is available for review from PACS
terminals throughout the radiology department. The original scan is also
transmitted to the enterprise image server, where the original 2-D scan
is made available for review on PCs throughout the hospital via a Web
browser–based applet, as well as integrated with the EMR (see Figure 22.3A).
The 3-D exam modifier (“/3D”) informs the PACS routing table to
automatically send the scan to the 3-D lab and also sends a message to the
3-D lab pager with the study identifier to indicate that the scan is pending
post-processing. If the “/3D” modifier is inadvertently left off the exam
descriptor, the 3-D technologists can locate the study through a program
that searches the RIS system for exam descriptors that involve 3-D imaging
as standard protocol or by manual searching throughout the day of the RIS
exam lists. Once a scan has been identified for 3-D post-processing by one
of these methods, the 3-D workflow next involves downloading the original
Workflow of standard CT or MR 2-D imaging in a PACS environment. The original scan is transmitted from a CT or MR scanner to
a PACS gateway, where it may be forwarded to an enterprise-wide
image web server. The images are viewable from the radiologist’s
PACS review station, and also from the physician’s desktop PC via
web-browser DICOM viewer.
PACS: A Guide to the Digital Revolution
2-D scan from the PACS archive and loading the 3-D volume image data
into 3-D imaging software. Once the 3-D images have been post-processed,
a summary series of 3-D images is produced, and this series is sent back to
the PACS gateway, where the original 2-D study resides. The 3-D technologist completes the 3-D exam code appropriate for the study in the RIS.
This 3-D series has a new unique identifier (UID), with the same study
number (“accession number”), such that the PACS routing recognizes that
this is a new “series” within the same “study.” The PACS appends the new
series to the original study, and also forwards the new series to the enter-
Three-dimensional imaging workflow diagram involves the same
pathways for the original 2-D CT or MR scan. The original 2-D scan
is also routed to a 3-D imaging workstation or software where the
2-D study is converted into a 3-D dataset and a series of 3-D images
are created and sent back to the PACS gateway and forwarded to
the enterprise-wide image Web server. The 3-D images become a
new series attached to the original study and are viewable with the
original 2-D images at the radiologist’s PACS review station and at
the physician’s desktop PC via Web browser DICOM viewer.
prise image server so that the new 3-D series is available both on the PACS
and at the physicians’ desktop computer together with the original 2-D scan
(see Figure 22.3B). The 3-D processing may take 20 minutes to an hour, and
either it is available at the time of the preliminary clinical read, or the 3-D
images are reviewed afterward and comments are added to the report as an
addendum associated with the primary exam report. It is necessary to report
that the 3-D images were reviewed and indicate any additional findings in
order to bill for the 3-D exam code when appropriate.
There are 2 major hurdles to developing a consistent, reliable, and costeffective 3-D imaging service at a facility: (1) determining who will perform
the 3-D processing (i.e., appropriate staffing) and (2) capturing sufficient
revenue to cover the costs of the service, (i.e., reimbursement). One consideration in determining the cost-effectiveness of the service would be the cost
of not having a dedicated 3-D imaging service. For example, if a radiologist
were to spend a few hours per day performing 3-D processing, he or she
would be diverted from reading additional clinical cases, which would have
generated added revenue, and the facility might need to hire additional radiologists or moonlighters to read exams. Likewise, if CT or MR technicians
were to perform 3-D imaging between scans, it would slow down the scanner
throughput, also decreasing revenue. A primary objective in establishing a
3-D imaging service should be to allow the technologists and radiologists to
focus on their primary revenue-generation modes for the practice and hospital, namely scanning the patient and acquiring the images, and interpreting the exams, respectively. Meanwhile, a dedicated staff for 3-D imaging
services can provide an efficient and consistently processed set of 3-D views.
By having a dedicated 3-D technologist processing exams, it is also possible
to create greater uniformity and consistency across exams, as opposed to
having 3-D images produced by a variety of radiologists or technologists who
are not trained to produce a clinically determined set of 3-D imaging protocols. However, smaller facilities may not have the resources or clinical
volume to support a 3-D technologist, and thus, 3-D may be performed on
a more ad hoc basis by a radiologist or technologist, may be outsourced to
an outside 3-D imaging service, or might not be available or performed at
Many complex 3-D exams, CTA, for example, require 45 to 60 minutes
or more to process all the associated views, while other, less-complicated
PACS: A Guide to the Digital Revolution
3-D exams may take only 15 to 30 minutes each to process. If the clinical
volume at a facility is sufficient, it would be cost effective to have one or
more dedicated 3-D technologists process these exams (or alternatively, consider outsourcing the 3-D image processing to a centralized 3-D service). A
dedicated 3-D technologist should be hired as an experienced, trained, and
certified CT or MR technologist who can work closely with the radiologists
and referring physicians to create 3-D protocols that generate the most
useful views for each type of exam. The dedicated 3-D technologist is akin
to a computer graphics medical artist who can take the cross-sectional scans
and craft them into a beautiful set of concise, anatomically detailed 3-D
views. To accomplish this, the 3-D technologist must understand the crosssectional anatomy and pathology in depth, as well as scan artifacts, and must
learn to operate complex computer software. This is a very complex set of
skills and experience, and thus the training period for a dedicated 3-D technologist ranges from 3 to 6 months at our institution.
Many hospitals, including MGH, have established a 3-D imaging
service that has become an integral part of the clinical workflow for radiologists and referring clinicians. The 3-D Imaging Service at MGH has been
in operation since February 1999, with a staff that has grown to 6 full-time
3-D technologists and 2 image-analysis specialists, a billing coordinator/
administrator, a technical director, a systems administrator, and a director.
The 3-D Imaging Service at MGH is supported entirely by revenue generated from these services.
The second hurdle in justifying a 3-D imaging service is to determine how
to capture revenue to which the facility is entitled in order to support the 3D imaging staff and equipment cost and to demonstrate cost-effectiveness.
Carrier reimbursement from Medicare and other health insurers is the main
source of revenue to support 3-D imaging, but it is critical that services only be
billed to Medicare and other payers when it is appropriate to do so. In all circumstances, the 3-D reconstructions must be performed on software that has the
required FDA clearances when billing Medicare.
At MGH, Medicare coverage guidelines are used as the benchmark for
all carriers. Because payer mix varies widely among hospitals, it is important
to confirm the similarity between commercial/private carriers in a specific
geographical region with Medicare. This discussion will focus on Medicare
reimbursement as the revenue framework for 3-D imaging.
Medicare reimbursement is based on the medical necessity of the
service and procedural code definitions. For example, medical necessity of
CTA or MRA can be supported by the need to image the vasculature. This
should be reflected in the radiology report by documenting the patient’s
history and/or indications for the exam as specified by the referral or patient’s
medical record. Appropriate codes must be used to reflect the services
With the exception of CTA, MRA, and CT colonography, in which the
3-D post-processing is considered part of the primary exam and not billed
separately (see following sections for more detail on billing codes), 3-D
imaging is a separately reportable and billable service with CT, MR, or US
procedural codes (3-D add-on CPT code 76375).* However, for reimbursement, Medicare requires that both the initial exam and the 3-D imaging are
medically necessary.
Medical necessity can be supported by the radiologist’s documentation
of the patient history or indications for the exam. In addition, the medical
necessity of 3-D imaging must be supported in 1 of 3 ways. The first scenario
is a direct order from the requesting physician for 3-D imaging in addition to
the primary exam request (e.g., a surgeon requests a CT or MR exam with 3D reconstruction for surgical planning purposes). The second category is the
presence of positive findings by the radiologist during an ordered exam requiring additional views for clarification or confirmation of diagnosis; both the
positive findings and the reason for the additional view(s) must appear in
the radiology report to support the medical necessity of the 3-D imaging. The
third approach involves carefully monitored radiology departmental policies,
procedures, and protocols. The radiologist writes a protocol policy for an
exam to be associated with 3-D imaging that presents medical necessity, reasonableness, and standard of care as supported in the medical literature. The
policy is then reviewed for medical necessity, coding accuracy, and billing
compliance by the chief of radiology, billing and coding offices (professional
and technical), compliance offices (professional and intermediary), and radiology administration. When the policy is approved, a notice is sent to all referring physicians to notify them of the medical necessity and rationale for
performing 3-D in association with a particular exam. The referring physicians are also informed that a 3-D charge will be billed to the beneficiary in
* CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.
PACS: A Guide to the Digital Revolution
addition to the charge for the primary requested exam. These policies are
restricted to specific diagnostic situations in which omitting 3-D imaging
would lower diagnostic confidence below practice stadards and compromise
patient care. The notice also needs to provide the requesting physician with
directions on who to contact with questions or concerns regarding the medical
necessity of the 3-D exam. Once the new policy notice has been communicated to requesting physicians, the policy is made available on request in the
department of radiology and placed in the radiology policies and protocol
manual. To monitor ongoing billing compliance, this type of policy is subject
to rigorous interdepartmental review on a yearly basis.
For 3-D reconstruction (other than CTA, MRA, and CT colonography as
discussed below), the image post-processing is billed as an add-on to the
primary CT, MR, or US exam under CPT code 76375, “coronal, sagittal,
multiplanar, oblique, 3-dimensional and/or holographic reconstruction of
computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, or other tomographic modality.” This CPT code was originally created for 2-D reformatting using “Coronal, Sagittal, Multiplanar and/or oblique Reconstruction”
of CT scans, generally performed on the scanner console at the time of the
scan. Then, in 1988, 3-D was added to the code description, and in 1998,
the description was expanded to include other tomographic modalities such
as MR imaging and 3-D US.
Insurance reimbursement is an important factor in developing a selfsupporting clinical 3-D imaging service. For Medicare outpatients, depending on whether the technical costs (3-D staff, 3-D workstations, etc.) are
funded by the radiology practice or through the hospital, the technical component of the service would either be billed under the Medicare Hospital
Outpatient Prospective Payment System (HOPPS) ambulatory payment
classification (APC) for hospital billing, or under the Medicare Physician Fee
Schedule (MPFS) under the relative value unit (RVU) system for nonhospital
billing. The technical component for hospital-based billing under HOPPS
for CPT 76375 is approximately $92 (2004 national average) and for freestanding clinics or where the 3-D staff and equipment is funded by the professional organization, billing under the MPFS is about $160. (At MGH, the
3-D Imaging Service was established and funded through the physicians’
organization, with services billed under MPFS, not hospital billing.) The
professional component (“-26” billing) is minimal (~$9).
There is a separate reimbursement code (G0288) for aortic aneurysm
stent planning and surveillance. This code was originally instituted in July
2001 specific to a particular centralized service vendor’s analysis system. In
2003, the code was revised to be more general. This code has a technical
reimbursement only for hospital billing under HOPPS (no professional
component), with national average of $267 in 2005, and a technical reimbursement only for non-hospital billing under MPFS (TC only, no professional component), of $425 national average reimbursement.
The Medicare payment for 3-D images that are created as part of a CTA,
MRA, or CT colonography, which do not allow separate billing and payment
for the add-on code (CPT 76375), has been the source of financial concern.
A detailed description of the problems associated with CTA and MRA reimbursements appears in a recent article. To summarize here, prior to 2001,
appropriate billing for CTA included 2 separate CPT codes: CT for the
specific anatomy involved, plus the 3-D reconstruction add-on code, CPT
76375. Thus, 3-D reconstructions for CTA, as well as for MRA, could be
appropriately billed separately, as with other reconstructions, as an add-on
to the primary exam. However, effective January 2001, the American Medical
Association’s (AMA) CPT editorial panel created new codes specifically for
CTA indicating that 3-D reconstructions must be performed or these exams
are not considered CTA. The code descriptor for CTA includes the phrase
“without contrast material(s), followed by contrast material(s) and further
sections, including image post-processing.” Thus, the add-on CPT code for
3-D reconstruction may not be billed with CTA or MRA as of 2001.
Unfortunately, when the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS) established payment rates for the new CTA codes, it did not recognize the additional facility costs of performing CTA as compared with
ordinary CT (i.e., the additional 3-D imaging reconstruction in a CTA).
Therefore, CMS assigned CTA the same payment rate as the lesser CT
service, effectively eliminating all reimbursement for 3-D post-processing of
CTA and MRA; of course, the facility had to bear the costs of the additional
equipment and staff time to create the 3-D post-processed images that distinguished CTA from CT.
PACS: A Guide to the Digital Revolution
This change in coding for CTA and MRA has had a significant impact
on the cost justification for 3-D imaging services. CTA and MRA account
for half of all 3-D exams processed at MGH. Prior to the coding change in
2001, the added $160 reimbursement for 3-D reconstructions under CPT
76375 supported the costs of 3-D workstations, technologist time, and extra
images for the 3-D Imaging Service, but since 2001, the add-on 3-D code
can no longer be billed separately for these exams. The 3-D Imaging Service
at MGH negotiated with the hospital finance department in 2001 to develop
a reimbursement-sharing model that allows for the 3-D Imaging Service to
obtain a portion of the total hospital payments for the CTA and MRA services to support the 3-D processing costs of providing this service.
During the past 2 years, the 3-D Imaging Service at MGH, together
with the American College of Radiology, has worked to successfully petition
CMS to allow for a differential payment for CTA by creating a new CTA
reimbursement APC (0662) separate from the CT without and with contrast
APC 0333, effective 2003. However, to set reimbursements, CMS looks at
hospital charges, adjusted by the hospital-specific cost-to-charge ratio, to
determine an “imputed cost.” It is these costs that are the basis for each APC
payment rate.
Unfortunately, CMS uses Medicare claims data to determine the
payment rate for the 2 separate APC groups, and these data, based on 2001
and 2002 Medicare claims, were not a valid reflection of differential hospital resource use. An analysis of the 2001 and 2002 claims data found that less
than half of all hospitals that submitted CTA claims charged more for CTA
than CT—clearly indicating that claims were not reflective of the additional
resources needed. Since a CTA involves all the costs of CT plus the additional 3-D post-processing, CTA should always be a higher-cost procedure
relative to CT, and thus, the claims data was not possibly accurate if CTA
was being charged less than CT at most hospitals. This may have partly
resulted from erroneous and conflicting coding advice in 2001 from the
AMA on whether the 3-D charge (CPT code 76375) could be billed with
CTA. Thus, despite the separation of CT and CTA into 2 APC groups to
allow for differential payment, the net differential was only $5 in 2003, and
only $24 in the 2004 proposed rule.
Considering that Medicare rates are based on hospital charges, adjusted
by a cost-to-charge ratio, it is imperative that all hospitals consider the
charges for the new CTA codes carefully. Advocates for CTA urge hospital
radiology administrators to consult with their chargemaster managers and
revise the CTA charges at their hospital so that CTA charges reflect the CT
plus the 3-D reconstruction costs. If hospitals that are charging erroneously
(charging less for CTA than for CT) will make this adjustment to reflect the
added costs involved with CTA versus CT, then the claims data will be more
valid, and, over the next few years, the differential for CTA reimbursements
will rise accordingly. Otherwise, it will be more challenging for new 3-D labs
to justify their added costs of staff and equipment to the hospital, and for
hospitals to justify the lost revenue of shifting from more invasive procedures such as catheter angiography to less expensive and less invasive 3-D
imaging procedures such as CTA and MRA, which translates into better
patient care.
Similarly, in July 2004, new codes were created for screening (0066T)
and diagnostic (0067T) CT colonography, which include the 3-D postprocessing component. Previously, diagnostic CT colonography was properly coded and billed as a CT abdomen and pelvis scan plus 3-D reconstruction (76375) add-on code. Currently, there is no reimbursement value
associated with these codes, and for the most part, there are no payments
from Medicare or other insurers. We encourage hospitals performing CT
colonography to raise this issue with their local Medicare Part B carriers to
try to create reimbursement policies for these exams.
Three-dimensional imaging in radiology has made major inroads in the past
decade in routine clinical practice. These images both are visually compelling
and have clinical impact. However, there is a cost and a learning curve
involved in producing optimal clinical 3-D imaging. The benefits of implementing 3-D imaging services can include improved confidence in diagnosis and treatment/surgical planning, reduced cost and invasiveness of
procedures, presurgical planning rather than exploratory surgery, and ultimately less risk to the patient and improved patient care.
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