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Note = 3/3
Resume from Unit 1 to 6
1/ Possessive Adjectives. We use possessive adjectives to show who owns or "possesses"
something. The possessive adjectives are: (I-my),(You-your),(He-his),(She-her),(We-our),(Theytheir). Its (neuter).
Singular My (male/female) exp: This is my book.
your (male/female)exp: I like your hair.
His (mal) exp: His name is John.
Her (female) exp: Her name is Mary.
Its (neuter) exp : The dog is licking its paw.
Our (male/female) exp: our classroom is light yellow.
your (male/female) exp: Your children are lovely.
Their (male/female/neuter) exp: their house is very big.
whose male/female (not neuter)exp: Whose phone did you use?
1/The verb be in the Present (Subject + verb).
I am(I’m)
You are (you’re)
She is (she’s)
He is(he’s)
It is (It’s)
I’m Jennifer Yang.
you’re in my classc.
She’s in our math
he’s over there.
It’s Yang.
We are
They are
We are from Algeria.
You’re students.
They’re doctors.
Unite 2
1 /pronunciation third-person singular /s/ - /z/ - /ɪz/ in the Present Simple.
1/(S) when the pronunciation of the infinitive ends with a voiceless consonant (without movement
of the vocal folds).exp: takes, attacks, walks.
2/ (Z) when the pronunciation of the infinitive ends with a vowel or a voiced consonant (with
movement of the vocal folds).exp: loves, lives, goes.
3/ (IZ) when the pronunciation of the infinitive ends with a sybilant consonant. (/s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /tʃ/,
2/an and a.Use an before a word that starts with a vowel sound (an +vowel sound) exp: This
is an encyclopedia.
Use a before a word that starts with a consonant sound (a+ consonant sound) exp: This is a
3/ demonstrative pronouns (This/it, these/they).
These words are called demonstrative pronouns and they are used to show the relative
distance between the speaker and the noun.
-near in distance or time (this, these).
-far in distance or time (that, those).
This (singular) and near the speaker.exp: This is a camera.
These (plural) and near the speaker.exp: These are cameras.
It’s a swatch.
They are sunglasses.
4/yes/no and where questions with be in the present simple.
Structure: where +to be in the present (is-are) + subject.
Is (singular) exp: where is your wallet?
Are (plural) exp:Where are your keys?
5/ Prepositions Place (Position and Direction).Prepositions are short words (on, in, to….)
that usually stand in front of nouns (sometimes also in front of gerund verbs).
Behind (at the back of) exp: The chair is behind the desk.
In front of (the part that is in the direction it faces) exp:The phone is in front of the
Next to (beside) exp:The CD player is next to the television.
On The wallet is on the purse.
Under (below) exp:The map is under the newspaper.
In exp:The pencil is in the pencil case.
Unite 3
1/Statements and yes/no questions with be in the present.
Structure: Auxiliary be in the present (is, am, are) + subject + other words.Exp: Are you and
Maria from Chile? Yes we are. No we’re not.Exp2: Is tony from Seoul? Yes he’s. No he’s not.
2/Wh-quetions with be in the present.structure:wh+be in the present (is,are) + subjects+object.
Exp1: Where are you from?
Unite 4
2/present continues statements. Action happening at the moment of speaking
Affirmative sentences: to be in the present (am, are, is) + infinitive + -ing.
NOTE: Use am with I - is with he, she, it - and with all other pronouns are.exp Peter is reading a
book now.
Negative sentences: to be in the present (I’m not, aren’t, isn’t) + infinitive + -ing.Exp:she isn’t
wearing boots.
4/present continuous yes/no questions. Structure: am,are,is+subject+infinitive+ing+object.
Exp1: Are Dane ad Sally wearing swimsuits?
B: No, they are not
Unite 5
1/ what doing conjunction so. So is a Coordinating Conjunction used to show,Indicates effect
result or consequence.Exp:I was tired so I went to sleep.
So - Indicates effect, result or consequence
2/pronunciation intonation of yes/no and no questions
Structure (present simple): to be in the present (is,are)verb+subject+object.exp:Is vectoria getting
Unite 6
1/simple present statements: The simple present is used to express habitual or everyday activities.
Affirmative sentences: structure :( she, he, it+ infinitive +s)/ (you,we ,they+infinitif) exp:I read
book.He reads book.
Negative sentences: Always use the auxiliary do for negations (she,he,it+ doesn’t)/(I,you,we ,they
don’t) Exp1:we don’t live far from here.exp2:she doesn’t work downtown.
2/ simple present statements with irregular verbs.
There are also few verbs which are irregular in the present simple:
1. 'have' becomes 'has'
2. 'do' becomes 'does'
3. 'go' becomes 'goes'
Exp1: we begin class at 08:30 am every day .exp2:My sister goes to university by bus.
3/ simple present questions Structure: Auxiliary Do for (I, you, we, they), or Does for (he, she, it)
before the subject (= Do/Does + subject + verb infinitif+object ) No’s’ or 'es' is added to the verb in
simple present tense negative questions. Exp: Do you get up early on weekends.No,I get up late.
Shorts answers structure: yes +subject +Auxiliary (do/does)/No+ subject
(+don’t/doesn’t).exp: does he have breakfast on Sunday? Yes, she does/No, she doesn’t.
5/Questions with question words in the Simple Present.
Structure: Wh+ Auxiliary (do, does)+subject+object. exp:when do they shop?
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