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Myroslav Honcharuk-Khomyn
AP English
8th Period B-day
Aztec Mythology
All Gods
Main Gods in Aztec Mythology
Xipe Totec
Aztec Religion
The religion of the Aztecs is polytheistic. Some of the religion’s gods had been known in Mexico for
many years; others were adopted from the religions of the people the Aztecs conquered. The Aztec
religion is one in which the practitioners were constantly trying to win the favor of the gods—to influence
the gods to look favorably upon them . This was done through offerings to the gods—human and
otherwise. The Aztecs believed that it took four attempts at creating the earth and mankind before the
gods finally got everything right with the fifth attempt. The first creation took place when Black
Tezcatlipoca (tes kah tlee POH kah), one of the four sons of the Lord and Lady of Duality, Ometecuhtli
(oh may tay COO tlee) and Omecihuatl (oh may SEE wahtl) respectively, changed himself into the sun.
The earth at that time was inhabited by giants who ate acorns, berries and roots. Tezoatlipoca’s rival,
Quetzalcoatl(ket sahl KO ahtl), couldn’t stand the fact that Tezcatlipoca was ruling the universe, so he
knocked him out of the sky. In his rage at being knocked out of the sky, Tezcatlipoca turned into a jaguar
and destroyed the earth.
Attempt number two began when Quetzalcoatl took over the heavens. He created people on earth who
ate pine nuts. Tezoatlipoca overthrew Quetzalcoatl and destroyed the earth with a great wind. The few
people who were left on earth were changed into monkeys.
The third creation began when Tlaloc (TLAHL lock), the god of rain, became the sun. Quetzalcoatl sent
rain which flooded the earth, killing almost all mankind. Those who did survive were turned into birds.
When Chalchiuhtlicue (chahl chee oo TLEE kway), the water goddess, took over the sun’s
responsibilities, the fourth creation had begun. This time, however, the earth was destroyed by flood and
those men who survived became fish.
The final creation (the fifth sun) occurred when the gods met and decided one among them had to
sacrifice himself to become the new sun. One poor, humble god did this and became the sun.
However, the sun hung in the sky and didn’t move. In order for the sun to move, it was necessary
for all of the gods to sacrifice themselves. Once the sun was moving across the sky, it was
Quetzalcoatl who took on the responsibility of creating mankind. He did this by going to the
underworld to bring back to earth the bones of past generations. While fleeing the god of the
underworld with his bag of bones, he slipped and fell, breaking the bones. He sprinkled the pieces
of one with his blood and turned them into men. Because the pieces of bone were all different sizes,
the men and women he created were all different sizes, too . While there are different variations of
this account, in all versions, each creation brings man and food closer to the ideal of mankind . This
is a wonderful story to present to children, and a longer version of this myth that I have rewritten is
included later in this unit.
The Aztecs believed in a heaven and an underworld. There were thirteen levels of heaven and nine of
the underworld. There were also four horizontal points which corresponded to the directions of the
compass and were associated with the four creator gods. All beings were assigned to one of these
four points, depending on the day one was born. The earth was believed to be a large disc
surrounded by water at the point where the horizontal and vertical met. The Lord and Lady of
Duality, mentioned earlier also were the rulers of this central point .
The Aztecs believed that where you went after death depended upon what you did on earth and how
you died. The eastern paradise, the “house of the sun” was the home of the souls of warrior who
were killed in combat. This also included the souls of enemy warriors who had a special “god of the
enemy dead.” Sacrificed victims went there also. It was believed that souls stayed in the eastern
paradise for four years, and then they returned to earth as hummingbirds or other exotic birds.
The western paradise, the house of corn, was believed to be for women who died in childbirth. They
also returned to earth as phantoms of bad omens. The paradise of Tlaloc, the southern paradise
was for people who died of lightening, leprosy or other sickness. This was a place of plentiful food.
The Aztec accounts of the trials a soul must go through to get to Mictlan are as follows:
1) cross a deep river—dogs were buried with their dead owners to guide them on this journey.
2) pass between two mountains which were joined together
3) climb an obsidian mountain
4) pass through icy wind that cut like a knife
5) pass through a place where flags waved
6) be pierced by arrows
7) pass among wild beasts which ate human hearts
8) pass over a narrow path of stone
9) reach this level where the soul found rest.
In order to make this trip, people were buried in a squatting position with items to help them on the
way. These included water, the dog (tawny in color) mentioned at the first level of hell, a jade bead
to act as the dead’s heart at the seventh hell and other personal objects to give to Mictlantecuhtli
(meek tlahn tay COO flee), god of the dead, or Mictecacihuatl (meek tay kah SEE wahtl), mistress
of the underworld, when they got to the ninth region. There were thirteen heavens. Ometecuhtli
and Omecihuatl, the creator gods, lived in the double twelfth and thirteenth heavens. It was
believed that the souls of babies went there was well as the souls of men waiting to be
reincarnated upon the destruction of the human race (Caso 1958: 64).
Agriculture was the primary focus of the Aztec religion and the forces of water and earth were directly
related to agricultural fertility. The Aztecs saw human life metaphorically—like maize or a flower.
Man was born to die, but carried the seed of reproduction . Therefore, ceremonies dealt with life—
not afterlife—to ensure health, fertility and to avoid natural disasters.
As mentioned earlier, the Aztec religion was one of constant effort to propitiate the gods in order that
they might look favorably upon mankind. The Aztecs, through their religious practices, endeavored
to keep a balance in nature. One religious practice to accomplish this was human sacrifice.
The sacrificing of humans was looked upon as a pay back to the gods . Just as corn might be
sacrificed to Tlaloc, the rain god, in thanks for that season’s harvest and to ensure future crops, so
humans would be sacrificed to the gods to ensure the continuation of the human race. Sacrifice
was considered a necessity for the welfare of man. Those sacrificed were considered messengers
to the gods, not victims.
Just as the griots of Africa and the balladeers of medieval Europe passed their stories along orally, so
too, the Aztecs passed along the accounts of their gods and goddesses orally. The myths
depended on word of mouth although some were recorded in codices. The stories were often
sung and accompanied by drums. Often there were mask wearing dancers, pantomime or stage
props. The story tellers strung the stories together into epics (Bierhorst 1984: 17). These practices
continued until the conquest when the stories were written down by missionary friars and Aztec
nobility who had learned Spanish. The purpose of writing down the stories was not so much to
preserve them as to refute them with Christianity. The friars thought that the more they learned
about the Aztec religion, the better they would be able to work against it. There were, however,
those who were interested in the religion simply because they had a quest for knowledge of the
Huitzilopochtl is the god of war and the god of the sun.
Huitzilopochtl is considered to be the special
guardian of Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital. His
temple, which was located on the main pyramid, was
the center of many fearsome sacrifices, where
Aztecs would sacrifice enemy prisoners, and string
their heads as trophies on "the great rack". Many
consider him to be the very incarnation of the sun,
and he constantly struggles with the night, in hopes
of keeping mankind alive. Huitzilopochtl feeds only
on "Chalchihuatl", (the blood of sacrifice) which is
said to keep him alive so that he may live to fight
another day.
Huehueteotl, also called Xiuhtecuhtli ("old god"), is the
senior-deity of the Aztec pantheon. He is the god of
light in the darkness, warmth in coldness, and life in
death. A god of light and fire, he is often depicted
with a red or yellow face, with a censer on his head.
At the end an Aztec century (52 years) it was feared
that the gods would discontinue their contract with
mankind. To appease them, they hold feasts at the
end of each cycle, in their honor, where Huehueteotl
as the god of fire was the center of their attention.
Victims were placed on burning coals, after their
hearts had been removed from their bodies.
Quetzalcoatl is the divine teacher, the god of learning.
He is also the god of civilization, and as we all know,
the Aztecs had technology well beyond their time.
The symbol that people use when in reference to him
is a serpent rising from the earth bearing water on its
tail. In the Nahuatl language, this represents the rise
of a powerful thunderstorm sweeping down, with
wind raising dust before bringing rain. Quetzalcoatl
is often potrayed as an old man with a black beard.
Tezcatlipoca is characterized as the most powerful
diety, the god of night, sorcery, and destiny. He is
considered to be the creator of god, the god of the
hunt, patron of princes, god of providence, the lord
of the here and the now, the enemy on both sides.
Whenever Tezcatlipoca went to war, axiety and
trouble was sure to arise. He is thought to be the god
that causes wars, the one who has no real ally. He is
often referred to Necocyautl, or "Sower of discord on
both sides".
Xipe Totec
The god of suffering, spring, jewelers, and ruler of the
East. He is alternatively referred to as "The Red
Mirror", or as Tlatlauhqui Tezcatlipoca, meaning "red
Tezcatlipoca". It is said that if one would not worship
him, they would suffer from disease, boils, blisters,
sores, and tumors. To signify the beginning of
spring, a priest would skin a victim, and cover
himself in the victims skin, signifying that Earth
must shed its old skin of vegetation for a new. He is
also the god of gold, because of the fact that an aged
skin turns gold over time.
Tonatiuh is Aztec for "The Sun" The Sun was thought
to be the primary source of life. The Aztec warriors
believed that the Sun was what gave them their
strength in battle. The warriors would charge into
battle in hopes of killing victims as sacrifice to the
Sun. There was a special Sun alter, where they would
sacrifice prisoners of battle. The Sun is the most
important divine symbol that is not a god.
Xochipilli, goddess of feasting, goddess of young
Maize (corn). She is the "Patroness of Exotic Love"
and "Goddess of the Flowering Earth". She is
worshipped in the "Coming of Frost" festival, also
known as the "Farewell to the Flowers". This festival
celebrates the beauty of flowers, just before they are
to be swept away by the cold frost of winter. People
would make merry and dry flowers for the coming of
the next season.
He is the Aztec god of rain and fertility, his name
means "He Who Makes Things Sprout." Tlaloc's cult
was considered extremely important and had spread
throughout Mexico. Tlaloc was greatly feared. He
could send out the rain or provoke drought and
hunger. He hurled lightning upon the earth and
unleashed the devastating hurricanes; both floods
and droughts. Certain illnesses, such as dropsy,
leprosy, and rheumatism, were said to be caused by
Tlaloc and his fellow deities. Although a beneficent
god Tlaloc certainly had the power to unleash floods,
lightning and drought when angry.
"God of the Near and Close," "He Who Is at the Center,"
the god above all, the being both male and female who
created all life and existence. Ometeotl is dualistic,
embodying both male and female, light and dark,
positive and negative, yes and no. Ometoetol occupies
Omeyocan, the highest of the Aztecs' thirteen heavens,
and the four heavens immediately below Omeyocan are
a mystery about which no one knows very much. Below
the five highest heavens is a region of strife and
tempest, where Ometeotl breaks into his many facets or
All Gods from Aztec Mythology
Acolnahuacatl, or Acolmiztli - a god of the underworld, Mictlan
Acuecucyoticihuati (see Chalchiuhtlicue)
Amimitl - god of lakes and fishermen
Atl - god of water
Atlacamani - goddess of oceanic storms such as hurricanes
Atlacoya - goddess of drought
Atlatonan (also Atlatonin) - goddess of the coast
Atlaua - water god
Ayauhteotl - goddess of mist, fog, vanity and fame
Camaxtli - god of hunting, war, fate and fire
Centeotl (see Cinteotl)
Chalchiuhtlatonal - god of water
Chalchiuhtecolotl - a night owl god
Chalchiutlicue from Codex Ríos.
Chalchiuhtlicue (also Chalciuhtlicue, or Chalchihuitlicue) (She of the Jade Skirt). (Sometimes
Acuecucyoticihuati) - the goddess of lakes and streams, and also of birth; consort of Tlaloc.
Chalchiuhtotoliq (Precious Night Turkey) - god of pestilence and mystery
Chalmecatecuchtlz - a god of the underworld, Mictlan and sacrifices
Chalmecatl the underworld, Mictlan and the north
Chantico - the goddess of hearth fires, personal treasure, and volcanoes
Chicomecoatl (also Chalchiuhcihuatl, Chiccomeccatl, or Xilonen) - goddess of new maize and
produce, wife of Cinteotl.
Mixcoatl or Camaxtle was the god of the hunt and identified
with the Milky Way, the stars, and the heavens in several
Mesoamerican cultures. He was the patron deity of the
Otomi, the Chichimecs, and several groups that claimed
descent from the Chichimecs. While Mixcoatl was part of
the Aztec pantheon, his role was less important than that
of Huitzilopochtli, who was their central deity. Under the
name of Camaxtli, Mixcoatl was worshipped as the
central deity of Huejotzingo and Tlaxcala
Chicomexochtli - a patron of artists
Chiconahui - a domestic fertility goddess
Chiconahuiehecatl - associated with creation
Cihuacoatl (also Chihucoatl or Ciucoatl) (Woman Serpent) - an aspect of Ilamatecuhtli, Toci and
Tlazolteotl, as well as the title of the vice-ruler of Tenochtitlan.
Cinteotl (also Centeotl or Centeocihuatl) - the principal maize god, son of Tlazolteotl
Cipactonal - god of astrology and the calendar
Citlalatonac (see Ometeotl)
Citlalicue - a creator of the stars
Coatlicue (She of the Serpent Skirt) - legendary mother of Coyolxauhqui, the Centzon Huitzahua,
and Huitzilopochtli
Cochimetl (also Coccochimetl) - god of commerce, bartering, and merchants
Coyolxauhqui - legendary sister of Huitzilopochtli, associated with the moon, possibly patroness of
the milky way
Cuaxolotl - a goddess of the hearth
Ehecatl (also Ehecatl-Quetzalcoatl - the god of the Wind and creator of the earth, heavens, and
the present race of men. As god of the west, one of the skybearers
Huehuecoyotl (also Ueuecoyotl) - a trickster god of indulgence and pranks. A shapeshifter,
associated with drums and the coyote
Huehueteotl (also Ueueteotl, Xiuhtecuhtli, Xiutechuhtli) - an ancient god of the hearth, the fire of
life. Associated with the pole star and the north, and serves as a skybearer
Huitzilopochtli (also Mextli, Mexitl, Uitzilopochtli) - the supreme god of Tenochtitlan, patron of war,
fire and the sun
Huixtocihuatl (also Uixtochihuatl) - a goddess of salt and saltwater
Ilamatecuhtli (also Cihuacoatl or Quilaztli) - aged goddess of the earth, death, and the milky way.
Her roar signalled war
Itztlacoliuhqui-Ixquimilli - god of stone, obsidian, coldness hardness, and castigation. Aspect of
Itzli - god of sacrifice and stone knives.
Itzpapalotl - Queen of Tomoanchan and one of the Cihuateteo (night demons) and tzitzimime (star
Ixtlilton - the god of healing, dancing, festivals and games. Brother of Xochipilli.
Macuilcozcacuauhtli (five vulture) - one of the Ahuiateteo (gods of excess)
Macuilcuetzpalin (five lizard) - one of the Ahuiateteo (gods of excess)
Macuilmalinalli (five grass) - one of the Ahuiateteo (gods of excess)
Macuiltochtli (five rabbit) - one of the Ahuiateteo (gods of excess)
Macuilxochitl (five flower) - the god of games and gambling, and chief of the Ahuiateteo (gods of
Malinalxochitl - sorceress and goddess of snakes, scorpions and insects of the desert
Matlalceuitl (also Matlalcueje) - goddess of rainfall and singing. Identified with Chalchiuhtlicue.
Mayahuel (also Mayahual, or Mayouel) - the goddess of maguey, and by extension, alcohol
Metztli (also Metztli, Tecuciztecatl, Tecciztecatl)- lowly god of worms who failed to sacrifice himself
to become the sun, and became the moon instead, his face darkened by a rabbit.
Mextli - a god of war and storms
Mictecacihuatl (also Mictlancihuatl) - goddess of death and Lady of Mictlan, the underworld
Mictlantecuhtli (also Mictlantecuhtzi, or Tzontemoc) - the god of death and Lord of Mictlan, also as
god of the south, one of the skybearers
Mixcoatl (cloud serpent) - god of hunting, war, and the milky way. An aspect of Tezcatlpoca and
father of Quetzalcoatl
Nanahuatzin (also Nana, Nanautzin, or Nanauatzin) - lowly god who sacrificed himself to become
sun god Tonatiuh
Omacatl (see Tezcatlipoca)
Omecihuatl (see Ometeotl)
Ometecuhtli (see Ometeotl)
Ometeotl (also Citlatonac or Ometecuhtli (male) and Omecihuatl (female)) - the god(s) of duality,
pregenator(s) of souls and lord/lady of heaven
Ometotchtli (two rabbit) - drunken rabbit god, leader of the Centzon Totochtin
Opochtli - left-handed god of trapping, hunting and fishing
Oxomoco - goddess of astrology and the calendar
Patecatl - the god of medicine, husband of Mayahuel
Paynal - the messenger to Huitzilopochtli
Quetzalcoatl in human form, using the symbols of Ehecatl, from the Codex Borgia.
Quetzalcoatl (also Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli) (quetzal-feathered serpent) - creator god and patron of
rulership, priests and merchants. Associated with Ehecatl as the divine wind
Quilaztli (see Ilamatecuhtli)
Tecciztecatl (see Mextli)
Temazcalteci (also Temaxcaltechi) - goddess of bathing and sweatbaths
Teoyaomicqui (also Teoyaomiqui)- the god of dead warriors
Tepeyollotl - (The jaguar form of Tezcatlipoca) god of the heart of the mountain, associated with
jaguars, echoes, and earthquakes
Tepoztecatl (also Tezcatzontecatl) - god of pulque and rabbits
Teteoinnan - mother of the gods
Tezcatlipoca (also Omacatl, Titlacauan) - omnipotent god of rulers, sorcerers and warriors; night,
death, discord, conflict, temptation and change. A sinister rival to Quetzalcoatl. Can appear as as
a jaguar.
Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli - destructive god of the morning star (venus), dawn, and of the east. One of
the skybearers
Tlaloc (also Nuhualpilli) - the great and ancient provider and god of rain, fertility and lightning
Tlaltecuhtli - goddess of earth, associated with difficult births
Tlazolteotl (also Tlaelquani, Tlazolteotli)- the goddess of purification from filth, disease or excess
Tloquenahuaque - a creator god or ruler
Toci (also Temazcalteci) - grandmother goddess, heart of the earth and mother of the gods.
Associated with midwives and war
Tonacatecuhtli - the aged creator and provider of food and patron of conceptions
Tonacacihuatl - consort of Tonacatecuhtli
Tonantzin - a mother goddess
Tonatiuh - a sun god and heavenly warrior, associated with eagles and with the Maya
Tzitzmitl - aged grandmother goddess
Ueuecoyotl - god of promiscuity and wildness
Xilonen - the goddess of young maize
Xipe Totec - the god of the seasons, seed germination and renewal, considered the patron of
Xiuhcoatl (fire serpent or turquoise serpent) - embodiment of the sun's rays and emblem of
Xiuhtecuhtli -(also called Huehueteotl)
Xochipilli - the young god of feasting, painting, dancing, games, and writing. Associated with
Macuilxochitl and Cinteotl
Xochiquetzal - goddess of female sexuality, prostitutes, flowers, pleasure, craft, weaving, and
young mothers
Xocotl - star god associated with fire
Xolotl - canine companion of Quetzalcoatl and god of twins, sickness and deformity. Accompanies
the dead to Mictlan
Yacatecuhtli (also Yactecuhtli) - the god of merchants and travelers