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Division of Tourism
Promote Missouri Fund Program
301 W. High St., PO Box 1055
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Packet includes:
 Instructions for completing the application
 Sample of official resolution
 Sample income and expense statement
Fiscal Year 2015 CALENDAR:
Program materials available
Certification application due at MDT by 5 p.m.
Oct.1, 2013
Nov. 1, 2013
Certification notification date
Dec. 16, 2013
The following organization types that wish to participate in the Marketing Matching Grant Program must
apply for certification:
Previously certified DMOs with certification designations without current certification status
Appropriately certified organizations without currently valid county resolutions or resolutions that will
become invalid prior to June 30, 2015
Organizations satisfying the basic qualifications for participation in the program that have not previously
applied for DMO certification
Complete sections A through D of the application as directed.
Section A, numbers 1 through 22 - Applicant Information: In the space provided, provide the requested
information. Do not attach additional pages for responses.
Nos. 1. - 5. Enter the legal name of the applicant organization, date of application and complete address.
6. Enter the county the DMO will be representing.
7. Enter the Federal Employers Identification Number assigned to the applicant organization.
8. Enter the area code plus phone number of the applicant organization.
9. Enter the area code plus fax number of the applicant organization
10. Enter the email address for the individual signing the application.
11. Enter the name and title of the individual that will be the primary contact for this application.
Nos. 12.-14. Enter the phone number, fax number and email address of the primary contact.
15. Check one box that describes the organization type of the applicant. If the correct organizational type is
not listed, check “Other” and describe the organization in the space provided.
16. Enter the Missouri Charter Number. This number may be found on the Annual Report submitted to the
Secretary of State by non-profit corporations. Enter N/A only if the applicant organization is a city or county
REVISED 10/2013
17. Enter the purpose or mission statement that directs the application with the marketing of tourism for the
destination. This information should come from the applicant organization’s articles of incorporation,
charter, code, etc.
18. Enter the applicant DMO’s total budget for the current year.
19. As a percentage of the applicant’s total budget, indicate the amounts budgeted for the listed tourism
marketing activities. Include only marketing and advertising budget amounts.
20. Enter the applicant DMO’s tourism marketing budget for the current year.
21. Breakout the revenues for the current year budget by source. Include only marketing and advertising
revenue sources.
22. In the first space provided, enter the total number of the applicant organization’s paid tourism marketing
staff. Break out the total staff between fulltime and part time employees; enter the number of each.
Section B, numbers 1 through 5 - Destination Information: Respond carefully to each of the questions in
the space provided concerning the destination area that will be marketed by the applicant DMO.
Section C, Certification Qualifications: Applicants should review the program guidelines before
completing this section of the certification application.
Be sure that the organization meets each of the stated qualifications.
Check each required document to indicate that it is included with the completed DMO certification
application. Applications must be submitted complete with all required documents.
Note on financial statements: Financial statements must clearly illustrate revenue and expense relating
to tourism marketing, advertising, and payroll/administrative. See sample profit and loss statement
included in this packet.
Section D, Signature section: Complete this section including the name of the applicant organization and
county as indicated. The application must be signed by the president or CEO of the applicant organization.
Include the signature date and the contact information for the president/CEO.
Provide MDT with the original copy of the application. Be sure to include contact information for the CEO and
Check to indicate that the following items are included in the submission to the Division of Tourism:
DMO Certification Application, completed, signed, and dated
Each of the required documents listed in Section C of the application
Submit all items to:
Promote Missouri Fund Program
Missouri Division of Tourism
301 W. High Street, PO Box 1055
Jefferson City, MO 65102
REVISED 10/2013
Division of Tourism
Promote Missouri Fund Program
301 W. High St., PO Box 1055
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Provide the requested information for the applicant organization in the space provided.
1. Applicant Organization:
2. Date of Application:
3. Address:
4. City:
State: MO
5. Zip Code:
6. County:
8. Phone: (
7. Federal ID Number:
9. FAX: (
10. E-Mail:
13. FAX: (
14. E-Mail:
11. Contact Name and Title:
12. Phone: (
15. Type of organization:
County Department,
Chamber of Commerce,
City Department
Other, describe
16. MO Charter Number:
(Not required for city or county government bodies)
17. Provide the formal statement of the applicant organization’s purpose or mission as it appears in the
articles of incorporation, charter, code, etc. that charges this organization with tourism marketing.
18. What is the applicant DMO’s total current budget? $
19. List the applicant organization’s primary activities by percentage of total current budget:
Budgeted Expenditure % By Activity
Budget %
% Leisure Travel Marketing expenditures
% Other Tourism Marketing expenditures
Total % of non-marketing expenditures
20. What is the applicant DMO’s current tourism marketing budget? $
REVISED 10/2013
21. In the table that follows, breakout the revenue sources for the total tourism marketing budget amount
indicated in number 20.
Revenue Source By % Of Marketing Budget
Tourism Tax
22. Number of paid tourism marketing staff:
, number fulltime:
, number part time:
Provide the following requested destination information in the space allowed:
1. Provide the geographical boundaries and description of the county currently marketed by the applicant
organization. RESPONSE:
2. Provide the numbers of the following that are available within the boundaries described above:
Hotel & motel rooms
Bed & breakfast rooms
Camp and RV sites
Dining establishments
3. List the attractions and events within the boundaries described in response to question number B1 that are
of interest to the leisure traveler. RESPONSE:
4. Describe the partnerships in place that will support and facilitate the applicant’s countywide tourism
marketing plan. RESPONSE:
5. Detail the applicant organization’s strategy for the development and implementation of a countywide
marketing plan. RESPONSE:
REVISED 10/2013
SECTION C: CERTIFICATION QUALIFICATIONS; Assemble and attach required documentation.
The applicant organization must currently:
1. Satisfy the basic qualifications A,B,C, D, E, F & G as outlined in the program guidelines section IV
2. Submit the following required documents as evidence of the above qualifications:
Financial statements, reflecting budget, revenue and expense for the previous two years
detailing applicant organization’s tourism marketing expenditures, payroll/administrative expenses
and sources of revenue
Applicant organization’s tourism marketing Web site address
Applicant organization’s current tourism marketing brochure
Statement of tourism marketing activities successfully completed and paid for by the applicant
organization in the last two years. Include samples of all materials listed. These activities must be
detailed in the financial statements.
Annual Report – Annual Report filed with the Secretary of State for the current year. If no annual
report is required, provide the Missouri charter number (for nonprofit corporations) and a list of the
principle decision makers for the organization with their titles and contact information (all others)
Current detailed tourism marketing plan with action plan
Resolution adopted by the county commission recognizing the applicant as the official
Destination Marketing Organization for the county (Use official form)
Enter name of applicant organization and the county where indicated below. Complete and sign the
signature section.
I, as the highest-ranking officer of
, hereby apply for certification that designates said organization as the
official destination marketing organization for the Division of Tourism Promote Missouri Fund Program in
County. It is understood that in projects funded through the Promote Missouri Fund Program, we will cooperate
with non-certified marketing organizations within the county to market lodging, attractions, destinations and
tourism activities on a countywide/regional basis.
I further attest that the information contained in and with this application truly and realistically reflects the
purpose, position and activities of the applicant organization.
Print name of President/CEO of Applicant Organization
President/CEO address and telephone number
REVISED 10/2013
Signature of President/CEO
Sample Resolution
For the Official Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) for the Division of
Tourism’s Promote Missouri Fund Program
The county government must formally adopt this resolution.
(name of applicant)
, a legitimate department, agency, or
representative of _____(county) , is engaged primarily in the marketing and promotion of tourism; and
WHEREAS, this organization has shown and demonstrated evidence of its on-going tourism marketing activities
and plans for promotion of _____(county) county; and
WHEREAS, this organization requires formal acknowledgement and recognition by the governing body of the
county to become a qualified participant in the Promote Missouri Fund Program administered by the Missouri
Division of Tourism:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that _________________(applicant)__________is hereby designated
and recognized as the single representative organization to solicit and service tourism in
for participation in the Missouri Division of Tourism’s Promote Missouri Fund Program.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, in
____(county)__ county, this
(Presiding commissioner)
Resolution number _______
REVISED 10/2013
day of
, 20
Annual Income and Expense Statement
For Period Beginning on _______________ and Ending on _______________
DMO Name
City, State
(Itemize Income Sources Below)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Lodging Tax)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (State Sources)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
(Itemize Expense Categories Below)
Payroll & Administrative
Marketing Expenses
Ad Production
Brochures & Printed Materials
Direct Mail
On-line Advertising
Print Advertising
Public Relations
Radio & TV Advertising
Local Advertising
Convention Services Expenses
Exhibition Fees
FAM Tour Expenses
Other Expenses
REVISED 10/2013