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Section 1
1. The structure or behavior of an animal or plant that helps it survive is called
A. bioluminescence
B. a response
C. survival
D. an adaptation
2. The picture below shows the fungus called foxfire.
Fungus is a group of living things that ____________
A. Reproduce from seeds.
B. Can make its own food in sunlight.
C. Can only be seen using a microscope.
D. Get their food from the dead plants and animals they grow on.
Which one of the following is NOT a fungus?
A. yeast
B. mould
C. moss
D. mushroom
When a fish swims towards the lighted ball dangling above the head of an anglerfish,
what characteristic of living things is the fish showing?
A. It can grow.
B. It can reproduce
C. It can respond.
D. It needs air to breathe.
Section 1
Study the flowchart below.
Can it be seen with the naked eye?
Can it make its own food?
Does it reproduce by spores?
Which one of the following can represent the foxfire fungus?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
The octopus uses lights on its tentacles to __________________.
A. Escape from its predator.
B. Attract and catch its food.
C. Reproduce by attracting its mate.
D. Produce heat to adjust to the temperature of the water .
7. The “burglar alarm” jelly uses their light to ___________________.
A Escape from its predator.
B. Attract and catch its food.
C. Reproduce by attracting its mate.
D. Produce heat to adjust to the temperature of the water
8. The adaptation of the clusterwink sea snail to escape from its predators is its
A. shell.
B. sticky foot.
C. lighted body.
D. red eyes.
9. Fish that has lights on its belly is using the light to blend in with the light
coming from above the surface of the sea . This kind of adaptation is called
A. bioluminescence.
B. camouflage.
C. survival.
D. predation.
10. The diagram below shows a food web involving 4 organisms.
Which of these organisms is both a prey and a predator?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Section 2
Answer the questions in the spaces provided.
Study the picture shown below of fireflies in the meadow.
a. Name 2 living things in the picture.
b. Name a non-living thing that is most likely to be found in a meadow.
12. State 2 possible uses of bioluminescence to make life easier and safer for
Answer Key
Section 1
1. D. an adaptation
Tip: Adaptations serve to enhance survival of organisms in the wild. They can be structural
or behavioural to allow the organism to cope with physical factors, obtain food, escape from
its predators, reproduce by attracting mates or dispersing seeds/fruits.
2. D. get their food from the dead plants and animals they grow on.
Tip: Foxfire is a mushroom. Mushrooms are organisms classified as fungi (singularfungus). They are not plants as they have no leaves and no chlorophyll to make their own
food by photosynthesis. They depend on other organisms for their food so can be found
growing on plants and animals. They reproduce by spores.
3. C. moss.
Tip: Although mosses reproduce by spores they are plants and not fungi because they have
green leaves to make their own food by photosynthesis. They often grow in clumps or mats
in damp places. The individual moss plant is composed of simple one-cell thick leaves
covering a thin stem that is non-vascular, that is, it does not have special tissue to conduct
water and nutrients.
4. C. it can respond.
Tip: All living things need water, food and air to survive. They grow, respond to stimuli and
changes in their environment and reproduce.
5. B. 2.
Tip: Foxfire is a mushroom. Mushrooms are organisms classified as fungi (singular- fungus).
They are not plants as they have no leaves and no chlorophyll to make their own food by
photosynthesis. They depend on other organisms for their food so can be found growing on
plants and animals.
6. B. attract and catch its food.
Tip: This particular species of octopus has rows of flashing cells on its tentacles to attract
its prey which it then traps with the sticky suckers on the tentacles.
7. A. escape from its predator.
Tip: The “burglar alarm” jellyfish responds when threatened by its predator by displaying
flashing lights which attract larger predators to it. As the larger predator approaches, the
jellyfish turns of its lights and glides away, leaving its original predator to the larger predator.
8. A. shell.
Tip: When the clusterwink sea snail is in danger, it shines a green light through its shell
which suddenly splinters to spread the light, making it look bigger than it really is thus it is
able to chase away its predators.
9. B. camouflage
Tip: Camouflage is an adaptation because it is a characteristic that helps organisms protect
themselves from predators or to catch their prey. Organisms that can blend into their
surrounding deceive their predators or make them more successful predators thus
increasing their chances for survival to produce the next generation of their species.
10. D. 4.
Tip: A food web shows several interconnecting food chains. Each food chain starts from a
plant which is the producer. The plant is eaten by herbivores which are in turn preyed upon
by other animals which are considered their predators. The predators themselves can
become prey to other predators.
Section 2
11 a. 2 living things that can be picked out in the picture would be fireflies and plants .
b. A non-living thing in a meadow could be air, water, soil, stones.
Any two of the following:
 to find pollutants in the environment
 to light city streets
 to make crops glow when they need water
 to find and follow cells of cancer and other diseases