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Unit 3 Lesson 1 – NJ During the Civil War
Fighting Slavery (pg. 107) Colonists brought enslaved people to NJ. They did not come voluntarily.
The Underground Railroad:
helped enslaved people escape slavery along the
. Abolitionists helped
The Underground Railroad is a
routes led to
. The
. Slaves that escaped were helped by
. Runaway slaves would hide in places called
Quaker was,
. A famous NJ abolitionist and
, she gave slaves shelter (a place to stay). People who helped lead runaway
slaves to safe places were known as
on the Underground Railroad. A famous female
conductor who worked for a Cape May hotel in 1852 was
over 300 people to freedom. Many runaway slaves crossed the
. She helped
River from PA to NJ.
They hid in wagons driven by conductors who tried to avoid slave catchers. Once in NJ, conductors used boats
to carry runaway slaves to NY.
North and South
North & South (pg.108) US was divided during Civil War, many New Jerseyans fought in Union army.
No Civil War battles were fought in NJ. Some people from NJ did not support ending slavery since they
wanted to sell their goods, such as shoes and clothes, to Southern slave owners.
The issue of slavery was an important cause of the
War, but whether the government could stop states
from leaving the Union was the immediate cause of the fighting. In 1861, conflict between northern & southern
states led to civil war. A civil war is a
Most southern states were known as
on the work of
states. Many of them from those states depended
people. Slavery was against the law in most
The Civil War Begins – In
often spoke against
, Mr.
was elected President. He
. Many southerners thought Lincoln would
. So,
because of this,
slave states seceded (left), the US. They formed a country called the
, or the Confederacy. The states of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, & Missouri allowed
slavery but chose not to secede (leave). These states were called
believed in the United
states. Lincoln
, or the Union. Abraham Lincoln promised to”
.” Lincoln hoped for the Southern states to return to the
peace. On April 12, 1861, Confederate troops fired on
in South Carolina. Union
troops were forced to
, and the American Civil War had
NJ in the Civil War – Over
New Jerseyans fought in the Union army. About 3,000 were
African Americans, and many died during battle in the war. Many from NJ fought in the Battle of
in PA in 1863. This was the closest battle to NJ during the Civil War. On April 9, 1865,
Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House
in Virginia. The ward ended & the states were united again.
Review – pg. 109
1. How did the issue of slavery affect NJ?
2. Write two sentences that include the word secede and the term civil war.
3. Was NJ part of the Union or the Confederacy?
4. Why do you think NJ had so many stations on the Underground Railroad?
5. Write about 2 things you learned from Lesson 1 that you did not know before:
Unit 3 Lesson 2 – A Growing State
Economy (p.113) Define economy:
Oil, Ships, and Canned Goods
These natural resources and farm products were shipped to NJ :
Define industry:
1877-Standard Oil Company bought an oil factory, or
, in the town of
Shipbuilding was an industry that was also growing in NJ. Boats were built in waterfront cities like,
1869-A canning factory called
opened in
That company is now known as
A New Century (p.114)
Industry was growing in NJ with many factories opening, so people from other states and countries moved here.
By 1900, about
people lived in NJ.
NJ Inventors
One of the most famous inventors was
. He build two laboratories in NJ.
His workshops were located in
. Inventors do not work in
isolation. Sometimes they take an existing technology and invent an improved form. Edison’s most important
invention was the first
at his workshop in
. He showed it to the public in the year
. After that, he and his team worked on improving power to light a
city. An African American engineer that directed Edison’s team was
. His
parents both escaped from slavery. Lattimer and Edison built the first
. Lattimer was a self-taught and skilled drafter. Another inventor
was Holland. John Holland build one of the first
Eldridge Johnson improved one of Edison’s early inventions called the
Immigrants (p.115) Immigrants came from all parts of Europe. They came here because of religious problems,
political changes, and by being forced off their land. Immigrants were paid less and were treated unfairly.
Define Ellis Island:
People moved to NJ from countries like
. These
people are known as immigrants. Almost
million immigrants passed through Ellis Island. Many immigrants
worked in silk factories located in
. Men, women, and children worked over 10
hours a day in poor working conditions.
Labor Unions
Workers would sometimes go on strike. To strike means to
Workers would strike because they were not happy with something the factory owners did. So, a group of
workers would get together and take action to help improve the conditions they worked in. This is called a
The Great Migration
1914 - In Europe, a war called
started. Immigrants were needed to fight, so they
didn’t go to work in the factories, and less were migrating to the US. So, news spread about jobs available in the
north part of the US. African Americans
called the
north in the 1910s and 1920s in a movement
How did NJ grow & change in the early 20th century?
Write a sentence using the term Great Migration.
Who were some of the groups who came to NJ in the early 1900s?
How do you think the growth of industry changed in NJ?