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Review for CIA on Feudalism
1. Explain the reasons for the development of Feudalism
There was no empire at the time (the Roman Empire had fallen)
No one individual to demonstrate power
Lacked a central government
2. Explain the Lord-Vassal relationship of Feudalism.
Lords: gives fief-land and provides protection (have the most power!)
Vassal: gives loyalty, and provides knights.
3. Compare and contrast the feudal system to the manorial system.
Feudal System
The political and
BOTH Systems
 Both happen on
social system
Manorial System
 The economic system
feudal lands
The people of the
feudal system lived
on the manor
4. How did the Catholic Church/Pope remain so powerful while the European Kings
were trying to build stronger nations?
The Church had the power to collect taxes. Tithes were one tenth of your
The Church had their own courts where they could judge and punish for crimes
The Church provided education and health care
The Church could call for war (Crusades)
5. Who were the Vikings? What was there role?
They were the most feared invaders (from Scandinavia in the North)
They used boats and would raid and loot settlements and bring captives back to
work as slaves on their farms.
Captured towns through cruel and savage ways – used axes and dogs
Helped bring about the establishment of Feudalism
6. Why did the Crusades occur?
The Pope wanted to gain control of Jerusalem “The Holy Land.”
7. What was the end result of the Crusades?
The Christians were unsuccessful at regaining control of Jerusalem for very
long, and the Muslims controlled Jerusalem at the end of the Crusades.
Feudal system began to decline
Contact between Europe and the Middle East increased.
8. What were the lasting impacts of the Crusades on the people in Medieval Europe:
Politically-rise of kings, end of the feudal system, rise of towns
Economically-new products introduced such as fruits, cloth, inventions, end to
the manorial system
Militarily-new styles of fighting-undermine, catapults, gun powder
Culturally/Socially-new ideas are shared, cultural diffusion, blending of ideas
and beliefs.
9. Which group was most successful in uniting Western European lands during the
Middle Ages?
The Franks