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The Origin of the Drama/ Theatre (Part 2) Name_________________________
1. Describe what most Greek theatre look liked during that time?
2. What was the focal point of the theatre and what went on there?
3. What was the Greek word for hut or tent and what went on there?
4. Where did actors make their entrances/exits?
5. Who was expected to attend the theatre and why?
6. What plays were women allowed and not allowed to see?
7. What was the mechane?
8. What was the first stone theatre?
9. Who were another group of people who copied most of the Greek’s theatre style?
10. What was the vomitorium?
11. What was religion’ s role in Roman theatre?
12. What started to replace the theatre and literary dramas in the Roman times?
13. What is the most famous amphitheatre and where is it located?
14. What happened to theatre (physical structures) after the fall of the Roman
15. How were people entertained afterwards?
16. Why was theatre not around for about 500 years?
The Origin of the Drama/ Theatre (Part 2) Name_________________________
1. Describe what most Greek theatre look liked during that time? Built on the side
of hills, rock seats divided into sections, dancing floor (orchestra)
2. What was the focal point of the theatre and what went on there? The orchestra
where the chorus sang and danced
3. What was the Greek word for hut or tent and what went on there? Skene- place
where actors changed costumes
4. Where did actors make their entrances/exits? Parados
5. Who was expected to attend the theatre and why? Everyone, type of serious
religious instruction
6. What plays were women allowed and not allowed to see? They were allowed to
see tragedies but upper class women did not see the comedies
7. What was the mechane? a crane used to show people in flight or who are
suspended above the Earth, the appearance of gods
8. What was the first stone theatre? Theatre of Dionysus
9. Who were another group of people who copied most of the Greek’s theatre style?
The Romans
10. What was the vomitorium? Replaced the parados , open entrance way used by
the Greeks
11. What was religion’s role in Roman theatre? There wasn’t a role
12. What started to replace the theatre and literary dramas in the Roman times? farces
and burlesque, bloody gladiatorial fights and cruel animal combats
13. What is the most famous amphitheatre and where is it located? The Colleseum
in Rome
14. What happened to theatre (physical structures) after the fall of the Roman
Empire? They were abandoned and left to decay
15. How were people entertained afterwards? Strolling players/ Mimes
16. Why was theatre not around for about 500 years? Because the church took over
and all theatre presentations were exclusively religious based and done in