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Ancient Mesopotamia
By: Jay and Sean
Gods and Goddesses
 The Mesopotamians built temples for gods and goddesses
 There are gods of air and father of gods
 Gods are responsible for the cities welfare
 The gods either blessed or punished the Mesopotamian
 Some names of the gods are Anu, Enlil, Marduk, Tiamat,
Ashur and Ea
 People of Mesopotamia worshipped the gods and goddesses
 There are many different types of religions in Mesopotamia
 Religions and rituals became more complex through the age
 Religion was a intimate part of everyday life
 City gods were promoted to be the head of all gods
 The Mesopotamians are very religious
 They believe in many different types of gods and goddesses
 They celebrate many different ceremonies and rituals
 The people of Mesopotamia built temples for the gods and give
them gifts
They built temples to give to their kings
They farm and they are nomadic so they grow lots of crops. They
take growing crops seriously because they live in a place where the
soil is moist and good for farming
They built stone walls to protect their village from any enemies
They are very war like and go to battle a lot. They usually win
wars too
 They have very good education thanks to King
Nebuchadnezzar II
 They made the first written form
 King Nebuchadnezzar II helped Babylon become a better
place after they got beaten in a war
Why we chose culture
We chose culture because we wanted to learn more about
what they did in everyday life. Also we wanted to know the
types of religions in Mesopotamia. We learned some facts in
class but we wanted to know more so we chose culture. Plus
we wanted to know more than other people so we can learn
more when they are still learning what we just learned. That
is why we chose culture to study.
Works Cited
Duckster. “Ancient Mesopotamia: Religions and Gods.” Ducksters. Technology
Solution Inc., 9/2014. Web.9/23/14.
Outman, James. “Overview of Religion of Mesopotamia.” Iconn. N.P., 2007. Web.
Haywood, Dr. John. Gods, Beliefs and Ceremonies through the Age. Vancouver, British
Columbia: Joanna Lorenz, 2001. Print.