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Word Stress
One-syllable words are stressed or unstressed depending upon their function.
1. meaning function – semantic or cognitive function (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs)
We will automatically stress these (raise the pitch of our voice)
Example: “torch”
Hand me the torch (noun).
I’m going to torch this (verb).
This is a torch song (adjective).
Raising the pitch of our voice puts on the spotlight
2. grammatical function
a. articles (the, a, an) sign holders, getting you ready for the important thing
b. conjunctions (and, but, yet, if, or, etc.) also holding signs saying this thing goes
with this thing
c. prepositions (181 of them in English; in, on, at, into, before, after, etc.)
relational kind of job. Sign holders. I’m just here to show the sign that this thing
has a relation to that thing.
d. personal pronouns (I, you, he she, it, they, us, them, etc.) generally speaking,
not stressed. pronouns - they are professionals – they don’t need the spotlight.
Anyone can use them. So, unless there is a contrast, they are not emphasized.
An exception to the de-emphasis of these grammatical functions is when a contrast is
emphasized as in:
He’s not just A man, he’s THE man.
Throw the ball TO me, not AT me.
Well, I understand this, even though YOU don’t.