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1- MU_FSCI_GEOL_DATA_Mohamed. Khalifa
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Menoufia University Shiben El Kom,
Fax.No.002 048 2235689
Email: [email protected]
Date of Birth:
Marital Status
B. Sc. in Geology May 1972, Cairo University.
M. Sc. in Geology (Sedimentology and stratigraphy),1978,Cairo
Ph. D. in Geology(Sedimentology and stratigraphy),1982,Cairo
1-Field geologists in the Geological Survey of Egypt-from 1973-1978
2-Assistance lecturer in Geol. Dept. Menoufia Univ., from 1978-1982
3-Lecturer in Geology Department. Menoufia University from 19821988
4-Associate Prof. In Geology Department, Menoufia University from 19881995
5-Prof. in Geology. Department. Menoufia University from1995-till
6- Head of Geology Dept, Faculty of Science from 1999-2004;
7-Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Science, Menoufia University from
2004- 2007.
Professional activity:
Field geologists (constructing geological mapping using aerial photographs, -1
field structures, geomorphology)
High experience in sedimentary rocks (petrography, diagenesis -2
depositional environments, basin analysis, cyclicity in sediments
and sequence stratigraphy).
In 1981, sharing with Shell Wining Company for oil exploration in the -3
Bahariya Oasis (field studies and petrographic investigation of the clastic rocks
of the Cenomanian Bahariya Formation).
Teaching sedimentary petrology, Geological history of the Earth, Geology of -4
Egypt., Field geology , Sedimentary facies in the faculty of Science ,
Menofia University, 1982-till now.
.5- Supervising drilling water wells and field studies (26 deep wells) in
Al Queisy Company in the Al Qasim Province, Saudi Arabia from 1984-1987.
6- Visiting Professor to Berlin University, Germany in 1993, supervising Ph. D.
student (Mohamed Abu El Hassan)
7- Teaching in the El Emam University in Saudi Arabia from 1995-to 1999.
8- Visiting Professor to Tuscopa University ,Japan. In 2002. (two weeks)
9- Attending the International Geological Congress in August, 2004. in Italy.
and presents paper entitled: Montonous carbonate cycles of Maghra El
Hadida Formation (Turonian), Gabal Ataqa, Gulf of Suez, Egypt.
10- Member in the Committee of the Authority of Nuclear Materials in Egypt
2005 till now.
11- Member in the Commission for the Management and Application
of Geoscience Information (CGI) from 2004 till now.
12- Visiting Professor to Geology Department, Shinshu University, Matsumoto,
Nagano, Japan as scientific mission for three months (20-11-2007 to 20-22008).
13- Supervising 42 Thesis (Ph. D., and Ms. C. ) in six Egyptian Universities
(Cairo University, Menoufia University, Southern Valley University,
Al Azhar University, Sohaj University, and El Fayium University).
2- MU_FSCI_GEOL_LINK_Mohamed. Khalifa