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, Ph.D., M.S.
For over four decades, Dr. Bellavia has
worked with hundreds of new and established
practices like yours and with thousands of
team members to design most of the state-ofthe-art orthodontic systems used today.
Dean has published four management books
on orthodontics and two books on personality,
has written scores of articles on practice
management, has lectured to thousands of
orthodontic professionals, and provides you
with semi-monthly “Management Pearls” at
© The Bio-Engineering Co. 2015
Dean has spent the last 4 years
developing A~D~D~I~C~T…
the complete, systematic approach
to practice management.
The Purpose of this Lecture…
…to make you familiar with A~D~D~I~C~T, an
effective, systematic approach to creating your
orthodontic management systems.
The A~D~D~I~C~T approach is simple in concept,
but detailed in application; detail that cannot be
presented in a one-hour lecture.
But there is much detail in this lecture, which is
available from the AAO lectures recordings.
This is a 3-Part Lecture about:
I) Defining Management (slides 4-8)
II) Defining A~D~D~I~C~T (slides 10-16)
III) Using A~D~D~I~C~T to create systems (slides 18-42)
The Purpose of this Lecture…
What is
Orthodontic Practice Management?
(slides 4-9)
What is
Orthodontic Practice Management
Management is composed of 3 Entities:
1) Your well-chosen, well-organized, & well-trained Team…
…with an attitude of responsibility for the tasks they perform
2) Your management Systems that your team works with…
…without systems (organized procedures) you have chaos
3) A Systematic
Approach to installing your systems;
. referred to as A~D~D~I~C~T
1) Your
Management TEAM
With designated people responsible for their systems.
Doctor (responsible for everything)
(responsible for
clerical team)
(responsible for
clinical team)
2) Your Management Systems
Fall into 8 Unique & Interrelated Categories
The purpose of Team Organization is to have all of your practice’s
positions filled to efficiently meet your production levels.
The purpose of Team Hiring is to have all of your team members working
in positions that they are naturally inclined to do well in.
The purpose of Team Training is to have all of your team quickly,
completely, and effectively trained in their positions.
The purpose of Team Scheduling is to efficiently and effectively utilize the
doctor and staff’s time to effectively treat patients.
The purpose of the New Pt. Experience (TC Program) is to provide an
exceptional service that makes your patients refer their friends.
The purpose of Setting & Attaining Goals is to set your practice on a
realistic and successful course of controlled growth.
The purpose of a Partnership or Association is for all of the doctors to
work compatibly and effectively with your team.
The purpose of a Tx Quality Control is to provide an efficient & effective
resolution of the Pt’s. orthodontic problems your Tx Mechanotherapy.
3) A Systematic Approach
to Installing Your Systems called...
a sequence or chain
of logical steps…
…but the chain is only as strong as its weakest link…
you need to give every step its due.
And, to get the big picture, let’s see
an example of A~D~D~I~C~T in action.
Using A~D~D~I~C~T to design your
OBS-Recall Control System
Analyze: (OBS Started)  (OBS from Exams)
= OBS Conversion Rate
Examples: 67/98 = 68% = OK
34/98 = 35% = Needs Control
(Ph-II Started Y-to-D)  (Ph-I Started Y-to-D) = Ph-II/Ph-I Conversion Rate
Examples: 46/60 = 77% = OK
22/60 = 37% = Needs Control
Who is responsible for the OBS Control Program: TC or DA
Visit Procedures, OBS Scheduling, daily OBS Control Log 
Implement: Pts. on Schedule with TC/DA, Visit Procedure, Follow-up (log)
Critique: Calculate your monthly OBS conversion Rates…improving?
Tweak: Improve Procedures/($)Options, New Responsible Person, etc.
The Purpose of this Lecture…
Defining the six aspects of
(slides 11-16)
minimal statistics
Implementing change without adequate analysis is
You will need at least 12 months of the following:
like driving with a blindfold—you’re in for a disaster!
• Total number of Full, Ph-II, Ph-I, Limited & Invisalign Starts
• Total number of New Patient Exams (not recall exams)
• Total number of exams Placed on OBS Recall
• Total OBS Recall Started in any Active Tx
• Total Full & Ph-II DeBands
• Total Patient Tx Days (<5 hrs = ½ day)
• Total Patients seen (for last 12 mo)
• Total Clinical Staff (full time equivalents)
• Total Clerical Staff (full time equivalents)
Total Clinic Treatment Chairs (available to the DA’s)
Active Tx Appointment Interval Sequence
Completion of Active Tx by ECD
% of Referrals from: Family Dentists & Patient/Family
what to do and when
Moving into a New Office? Step-2: move in before implementing ADDICT.
Installing a New Computer? Step-3: install it before implementing ADDICT.
Adequately staffed? If so, great, if not, Step-4 is to organize and hire
staff—your systems are embedded in your team…no team…no systems.
Are your TC’s conversion rates and internal marketing adequate? If so,
great, otherwise Step-5 is to improve your TC program.
Is your team Fully Trained? If so, great, otherwise Step-6 is train them.
Once Step-1 through Step-6 are accounted for, you can move on to
Step-7, improving your Scheduling system.
Are you considering an Associate? If so, Step-8 is when you should do it.
your systems
“Management Kits” are an integral part of
A~D~D~I~C~T for quick/comprehensive systems design
Informational Videos—Design Workbooks—Detailed Manuals & Forms
Use the “Organization & Hiring Kit” to ORG. & Hiring your team
Use the “Team Member Training Kit” to quickly Train your team
Use the “New Pt. Experience Kit” to improve your TC program
Use the “Scheduling Design Kit” to design your ideal Schedule
Use the “Goal-Attaining Kit” to set, monitor and Attain your Goals
Use the “Practice Transition Kit” to find your ideal Associate/Partner
your systems
Only implement One Management System at a Time...
…for example implement your TC systems…
then implement your scheduling system.
Have One Person Responsible for implementing the system.
Have that responsible person Train Other Team Members
on how to use your newly implemented system.
Have all of the Equipment & Supplies available for your new
system implementation.
Choose a Specific Date to start implementing your new system
and have all of the team members prepare for it.
Determine what works
your system
and what doesn’t
1) The person responsible for that system implementation
should critique the progress of that implementation.
2) Critique each month for 3 months after implementation to
reinforce your design and clear up any misunderstandings.
3) Use your management kit’s design workbook as a checklist to
make sure what you designed was properly implemented…
…for example, that your scheduling templates follow your design.
4) Also use your kit’s design workbook to make sure that what
you designed is being used correctly by your team…
…for example, using your new schedule’s appointment codes correctly.
fine-tune your system
1) Do you want more procedures or sophistication built into the
system you designed & implemented…
…for example adding “substitutions” into your schedule
…or adding elements initially left out of your hiring system
2) Do you want fewer procedures or sophistication in the system
to make it easier for your team to implement or use…
…for example, combining similar appointment codes into one
…or removing elements initially built into your system’s design
3) Do you need more clarification for the system’s use…
…for example, re-educating the team on the use of the system
4) Do whatever, to make your systems work optimally…
The Purpose of this Lecture…
Using A~D~D~I~C~T to create
your practice management systems
(slides 18-42)
& Hire
will review
them quickly, since
Design Kit
What you should know about
Organize your basic team, based on present production.
Allow your staffing to grow as your practice grows.
Hire & Train the right people, but only hire what you need.
Employ key people in key positions…
and choose your partner well.
Design a basic schedule with all of your appointments.
Modify your schedule as your production (FS/D) increases.
Set realistic monthly goals and monitor your progress.
Make changes (procedures, marketing, etc.) to attain those goals.