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Essay Topic: Nonfiction Analysis, America Now
• Do you think that Americans are too
materialistic? Are we a society driven largely by
consumerism? Based on what you have read
and what you know, what do you think about
Americans as consumers? You must cite at least
two specific sources from our reading in your
• This essay uses research to prove a point.
• Why? Well, research is necessary at different
times in your life…
Like When?
When preparing for class in college
When faced with medical challenges
When moving to new places
When preparing for an interview for a new job
When looking for a safe and fun place to
Your Job!
In order to write a
successful essay, you
• Gather or read research
on your chosen topic
• Discover meaningful
connections throughout
your research
• Develop a unique and
interesting argument or
A synthesis is not a summary.
• It is an opportunity to
create new knowledge out
of already existing
knowledge, i.e., other
• You combine, “synthesize,”
the information in your
sources to develop an
argument or a unique
perspective on a topic.
• Your thesis statement
becomes a one-sentence
claim that presents your
perspective and identifies
the new knowledge that
you will create. (1)
• Read the actual question
you are supposed to
• If you can, form an
opinion before you read
• Reread the sources
provided to help shape
your opinion on the topic.
• Decide on a specific
Develop a
The Thesis Statement
• is the declarative answer to a
research question or problem.
• is the most important sentence in
the entire essay.
• must be in the introductory
paragraph and the entirety of the
paper will support it.
• is a sentence that includes a
judgment, evaluation or criticism.
• is not a question, “I” statement, or
statement of feeling.
• becomes the point one is
attempting to prove in the essay.
Sample Thesis Statements
A. While American consumers are driven to
spend, this drive keeps our economy alive,
helping imports, retail and manufacturing.
B. American consumers are greedy and
materialistic. Their constant need for the
newest or best creates a society focused too
much on money and “stuff.”
Outlining the Paper
Now that you have a thesis statement, decide
which sources/ideas support your statement.
Since you must incorporate at least two of the
sources, consider the topic of each of your
body paragraphs. You will most likely want
three or four body paragraphs.
Outlining the Paper: A Sample
Sample: Thesis Statement: While American consumers
are driven to spend, this drive keeps our economy alive,
helping imports, retail and manufacturing.
Body Paragraph I: spenders (Livingston article, Veblen
Body Paragraph II: helping imports
Body Paragraph III: helping retail (Smith)
Body Paragraph IV: manufacturing
In-Text Citation: Incorporating Sources
Remember you can incorporate sources by:
• Direct quotes
“But in fact, historical evidence shows that since 1910, private
investment as a percentage of GDP has been declining steadily,
with no effect on aggregate demand and thus none on growth.”
(Livingston 154).
• Embedded quotes
While some would argue that American consumers simply spend too
much, “…evidence shows that since 1910, private investment as a
percentage of GDP has been declining steadily, with no effect on
aggregate demand” (Livingston 154).
• Paraphrase
Consumers have been the ones pushing for better fuel economy and
healthier food options (Livingston 154).
In-Text Citation. Source Integration.
• Sample Integration of Source:
While some would argue that American
consumers simply spend too much,
“…evidence shows that since 1910, private
investment as a percentage of GDP has been
declining steadily, with no effect on aggregate
demand” (Livingston 154). This information
suggests that spending is actually good for the
Works Cited cheat sheet
Sandel, Michael. “What Isn’t for Sale.” America Now. Ed.
Robert Atwan. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2013.
Livingston, James. “Americans, Thou Shalt Shop and
Spend for the Planet.” America Now. Ed. Robert Atwan.
Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2013. Print.
Saleh, Amel. “Is the Holiday Season Too Materialistic?.”
America Now. Ed. Robert Atwan. Boston: Bedford/St.
Martin’s, 2013. Print.
Smith, Lauren. “Is the Holiday Season Too Materialistic?.”
America Now. Ed. Robert Atwan.Boston: Bedford/St.
Martin’s, 2013. Print.
“The Powerful Theory of Conspicuous Consumption.”
America Now. Ed. Robert Atwan.Boston: Bedford/St.
Martin’s, 2013. Print.
Sample Cartoon Citation:
Sizemore, Jim. “Something is Missing.” Web. Accessed 9 March
Reminders about Works Cited
Alphabetize sources
Cite ALL sources
Use a hanging indent
If unsure, use a style manual or easybibs or
citation machine.