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Bonding Objectives
Introduction/Ionic Compounds
 I can explain the two reasons that atoms or molecules tend to form bonds.
 I can differentiate between ionic, polar covalent, and nonpolar covalent bonds and
explain the location of electrons in each case.
 I can use electronegativity values to determine the type of bond formed and its polarity.
o Which is most polar of: P-F, P-Cl, S-F, S-Cl? (use values in book)
o Label the following as polar covalent, nonpolar covalent, or ionic. If it is polar,
label the dipoles on the bond - B-F, S-O, S-S, Mg-O, P-As
 I can draw Lewis dot diagrams for atoms.
o Draw Cl, Mg, 1s22s22p1.
 I can draw Lewis structures of ionic compounds.
o Draw CaO, strontium fluoride, magnesium nitride
 I can calculate the energy of attraction or the lattice energy of a compound using
Coulomb’s Law.
o In Coulomb’s Law, energy is directly related to what? … inversely related to what?
Which one is more significant?
o Rank the following from the strongest lattice energy to the weakest: CaCl2, BaBr2,
NaCl, KBr, CaS
 I can interpret and explain bond diagrams to determine the relative bond length and
bond energy of a molecule.
Covalent Bonding/Structures
 I can determine the number of valence electrons in a given atom.
 I can identify atoms and situations where the octet rule is violated.
 I can draw Lewis structures of covalent compounds.
o Lots of examples…
 I can determine when a molecule will have lone pair(s) or multiple bonds.
 I can determine the Lewis geometry and the VSEPR shape of molecules.
 I can determine the bond angles associated with Lewis structures of molecules.
 I can determine the polarity of a molecule given its structure and shape.
 I can determine the hybridization around the central atom.
o What shapes are associated with 2 groups around the central atom? Angles?
o …. 3 groups around the central atom? Angles? Hybridization?
o …. 4 groups around the central atom? Angles? Hybridization?
o …. 5 groups around the central atom? Angles? Hybridization?
o ….. 6 groups around the central atom? Angles? Hybridization?
OVER  
Bond Energy and Formal Charge
 I can recall the formula for determining the enthalpy of a reaction using bond energies.
 I can calculate the enthalpy of a reaction by drawing Lewis structures and calculating
bond energies.
o Find H for the combustion of ethanoic acid CH3COOH.
 I can calculate the H of a bond given a reaction and the overall enthalpy.
o Find H of the P-Cl bond in P + Cl2  PCl5, which has a Hrxn of –68 kJ/mol.
 I can solve for the formal charge of atoms to determine the most likely Lewis structure.
o See our class examples – we did a bunch…