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Size Exclusion Chromatography (1)
Separates molecules with a high molecular weight. on the basis of size
Packing consists of small (~10mm) porous particles made of silica or a
Separation is dependent on selective penetration of analytes into pores
(requires at least 10% difference in molecular weight)
Total column volume Vt = Vg + Vi + V0 , where
Vg is the volume occupied by the packing
Vi is the volume of solvent in the pores, and
V0 is the free solvent volume (similar to injection volume)
Created with MindGenius Business 2005®
Size Exclusion Chromatography (2)
Analytes may:
1) be too large to enter the pores at all, and elute at V0
2) enter the pores completely, and elute at V0 + Vi
3) partially (extent determined by K) interact with the pores and elute at V0 + Kvi
Exclusion limit: the molecular weight beyond which no interaction with the
pores is possible. All analytes beyond exclusion limit elute together at V0*
Permeation limit: the molecular weight below which complete penetration of
the pores occurs. All analytes below permeation limit elute together at (V0 + Vi)*
Selective permeation region: size between permeation limit and exclusion
limit, where 0<K<1 Elution volume dependent on K*
*Assumption: no other interactions taking place
Created with MindGenius Business 2005®
Size Exclusion Chromatography (3)
1) Simple separations: e.g. a large protein from low Mw contaminants such as
amino acids and salts
2) Separation of oligomers: e.g. Series of fatty acids of increasing size
3) Separation of homologs: e.g. sugars in fruit juice
4) Determination of molecular weight: e.g. of a polymer with behaviour
calibrated for the conditions used
 Short analysis time
 Well defined separation times
 Narrow bands and good sensitivity
 Few problems with column contamination or sample loss
 Limited number of peaks
 Requires ~10% difference in molecular weight
Created with MindGenius Business 2005®