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Atom Structure and Isotopes
Mrs. Gonzales
Review: Atom Structure
1) What holds atoms together?
an attraction of opposite charges
2) The atom is mostly empty space.
Background Vocabulary
Examine this picture. These are ISOTOPES
of hydrogen. Discuss with a partner the
similarities and differences between each
isotope of hydrogen:
Elements and Isotopes
Videoclip #2 Questions
1) What is the atomic number?
number of protons in the nucleus
2) What are isotopes?
Atoms with the same number of protons,
but a DIFFERENT number of neutrons.
3) How many protons and neutrons are in
the following carbon isotopes?
How Isotopes can be Useful…
• Carbon-14 radiometric datingused to determine the age of fossils and
living matter
• Treatment of illnesses (i.e. cancer) Cobalt60
• CAT scans in medicine
• Nuclear generators (nuclear fission)
Nuclear fission
• See desktop