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World News
May 2011
Joni Patry, USA.
oni has been a practicing astrologer and
teacher for over 30 years, and founder of the
“Galactic Center” in Dallas. She has been an
online Vedic Instructor for the Online College,
for the American College of Vedic Astrology’s
Online program, is a faculty member for ACVA
(American Council of Vedic Astrology), and
served as the executive secretary for CVA
(Council of Vedic Astrology), where she
published and distributed the International
CVA Journal. As a writer, she has published
three books and many articles and research in
Vedic astrology. Her book Eastern Astrology for
Western Minds is a complete manual of Vedic
astrology. Joni has organized international
symposiums and is often a keynote speaker for
national and international conferences. She has
been on national television and radio programs
as an authority on both Western and Vedic
astrology. Her clientele includes the Who’s Who
of America, including Hollywood celebrities.
Her web site,, has a good
deal of information for all students of astrology.
She can be contacted at [email protected]
ay is definitely a turning
point astrologically. Finally
Mars and the Sun are
beginning to separate from being in the
same sign for the last four months. The
heat and anger of Mars with the Sun has
caused the social uprising and rebellion
against the go vernments that controlled
and limited the people of many nations
around the world. Everyone seems to be
angry about something.
May 8th Jupiter will enter into Aries
where it will remain for a year. The
entire temperament of the world will
begin to be more progressive. The
setbacks and delays that have angered
and upset the world are changing and
forward movement in all affairs brings
April 11th is a very fortunate day for all
three benefics Jupiter, Venus and
Mercury will conjunct at 0 degrees of
Aries. This creates Saraswati yoga when
all three benefics are together. Saraswati
yoga represents learning and art, for
Saraswati was the goddess of wisdom,
learning and the arts. Which means there
will a new interest in the areas of the arts. There will be an opening to the mind which
can open awareness and consciousness. It seems there has been ignorance prevailing
throughout this dark period of economic crises and magnified fear. Fear will block
creativity and forward movement in ideas and progress.
Although Aries is the sign which begins the zodiac representing new beginnings it is still
at the eve and many new beginnings can have false starts when one is impulsive and
impatient. Aries are known to begin and not complete projects due to over excitement and zeal
that fizzles out before the end.
Recovery time with the economy doesn’t come easy when Jupiter is in Aries forming a
6/8 relationship (quincunx) with Saturn. The 6/8 relationship will be in effect till Saturn
moves into Libra around next November which will shift to a balancing period in the
As the planets (Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus) revert into Aries with the Sun, the
sign of new beginnings, there will a shift of energy. The planet of practicality Saturn is still
not in a good place with the planets in Aries. This seems to create a place of
Rahu and Ketu will change signs May 2nd where they will remain for the next 18 months.
Rahu moves into Scorpio and Ketu into Taurus. This shift of energy will put the focus on
money and finances even more than before. Taurus is the sign of banks and money while
Scorpio rules power and big money.
The change of planetary signs give hope in the right direction, but it is going to take
patience and persistence to get to a better place. This will occur when Saturn shifts to a
sign that positively aspects Jupiter. When Saturn shifts to Libra and Jupiter is in Aries
(November 2011-May 2012), there will be a balancing act. In 2012 when Jupiter is in
Taurus and Saturn still in Libra there will be a crisis for they are in a 6/8 relationship
once again. In 2013-2014 when Jupiter is in Gemini and Saturn in Libra a great prosperous
period will be born. We are all evolving through the cycles of change and our actions
now will promote a prosperous world ahead. These cycles are defined in detail in my
recent book How to Make Money Using Astrology1.
May New Moon 05/03/11 02:51 Washington, DC 18:29 Aries, Nakshatra Bharani
New Moon Chart:
1 Available at
New Moon trine Pluto, quincunx Saturn
Important Features:
 Mars conjunct Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, and Uranus (wide orb)
Jupiter changes signs May 8th into Aries
 Rahu and Ketu change signs May 2nd into Scorpio/Taurus
 Rahu 29 degrees Scorpio, Gandanta
 Mars conjunct Jupiter 29 degrees Pisces, Ghandanta
 Rahu trine Jupiter/Mars
 Early in the month Jupiter is conjunct Venus, Mercury, and Mars behind the Sun.
 Venus and Mercury stay together conjoint throughout the month.
 Venus, Mercury and Mars conjunct and travel together towards the end of the
month all casting a trine to Pluto.
2nd May Rahu enters Scorpio and Ketu enters Taurus: Scorpio and Taurus are the signs
that pertain to the global economy. Taurus rules banks and personal finances while
Scorpio rules big money and the powers that control the world. During this next 18
month period many world powers will change the direction of global finances. The
American Presidential elections will transpire during this time, November 2012. There
will be a definite curve ball coming our way that will change the world economy with
Rahu and Ketu in these powerful money signs. But a powerful disaster will require
radical assistance that will change everything. Now is the beginning of a powerful shift
in the world economy.
3rd May Mars enters Aries: Mars will join forces with the Sun in the sign Aries where the
Sun is exalted and the Mars is in its sign of rulership. This will activate their power. The
Sun rules leaders and Mars gives energy, leaders gain power to fight for their rights. This
can cause more social uprisings and escalate the fighting worldwide. The Sun will be in
Aries for another ten days where the fire will cool down after the Sun enters Taurus. The
Sun and Mars are separating further apart indicating a cool down in the war and fighting.
8th May Jupiter enters Aries: This long awaited change will bring optimism and forward
movement in the many affairs that have been stuck in our personal lives and global
affairs. There is a clearing in the air for new thought and ideas that have a progressive
mindset. Drive, energy and expansion fill the air with hope.
5th May Mercury conjunct Venus, 10th May Venus enters Aries, 10th May Mercury enters
Aries, 11th May Mercury conjunct Jupiter, 10th May Venus conjunct Jupiter:
The next five days spark creative thought and development that open world trade and
globalization this spurs financial trade and economic flow of money worldwide. The arts
begin to get the support they need to thrive and help make the world a better place.
Financial woes have consumed the consciousness limiting creativity and artistic
expression. Great wisdom flows and many can individually tap into this very fortunate
and lucky period. Plan your important events, parties and business proposals now, for the
planetary energy is uniquely strong and positive. Venus is a very social planet and loves
entertaining. It is a time to meet new people.
These three benefics (Jupiter, Mercury and Venus) together can produce love and
romance and is a great time to start a new romantic relationship. Many astrologers
believe that these planets conjoining on the very beginning of a sign (0 Aries degrees) can
be very weak because they haven’t got their footing yet into this sign, but in this case the
first 3 degrees and 30 minutes of a cardinal sign is in the same navamsha which is called
vargottoma, meaning these early degrees have power. Use this powerful time accordingly in
your life, it will mark a new, productive and fun time. These auspicious places are far and
few between in the zodiac. Mercury with Jupiter will spark new vision and is a great
time to make future plans and travel.
11th May Venus trine Rahu, 12th May Mercury trine Rahu, 13th May Jupiter trine Rahu:
For the next three days and the entire month, the planets are grouped in the early degrees
of Aries in a trine from transiting Rahu. Rahu is vacillating back and forth between the
early degree of Sagittarius and the last degree of Scorpio. The nodes travel backwards
and around the time close to the eclipses they remain around the same degree for 3-4
months. This is occurring now around the area of 0 degrees of Sagittarius and 29 Scorpio.
There is indecision between these two signs. As Rahu trines the planets in Aries there is
intense focus on change, but indecision causes instability towards a new direction of
progress. Old ideals are being replaced with new ideas of progressive change.
14th May Sun enters Taurus: Fighting and anger of this past year will begin to recede with
the surrender of many world nations of political dominance. This will transpire during
the month of June as the eclipses occur when the Sun conjoins Ketu.
16th May Mercury conjunct Venus: Mercury and Venus are traveling close together
forming a conjunction throughout this month. In Aries and in the nakshatra Ashwini the
world is opening up for more globalization and free trade. Ashwini is a nakshatra that
promotes fast travel; therefore the travel industry will begin to prosper. There will be new
ways to instigate travel in a better more efficient way. New Fuel and energy sources are a
hot topic, with new positive ideas and developments in this area.
20th May Mercury trine Pluto, 20th May Mars trine Pluto, 20th May Mercury conjunct
Mars, 21st May Venus trine Pluto: When it rains, it pours! This month has so many
planets grouped together there is an onslaught of aspects all at once, Mercury and Venus
conjunct Mars in Aries, and trine to Pluto. The faster moving planets here are still in
Ashwini trine Pluto in Mula. These two nakshatras are ruled by Ketu instigating a
spiritual direction. This is a much needed opening during the turbulence of the past four
months. A deeper spiritual force will inspire the masses to find a deeper meaning and
purpose in life. Furthermore, the nakshatra Ashwini concerns medicine and healing
which during this time indicates great strides in medical discoveries. This will be activated
through the spiritual flow of energy coming forth. People are coming out of the dark ages
into a brighter awareness with the innovative and progressive power of these planets in
Aries trine Pluto, which will activate the deep resources of power for transformation.
22nd May Sun square Neptune: Neptune rules deception and the Sun rules leaders and
Presidents. The world is being lead by illusions set into place by those who control the
world and Neptune usually represents oil. Unfortunately with all the progressive and
positive ideas surfacing now this aspect with Neptune means the oil prices will rise putting
a damper on the recent positive energy.
05/23 Venus conjunct Mars: Mars is all powerful in Aries and strangles poor Venus in
Aries. This can be a time of contention which can dampen the positive forces that Venus
has initiated. Relationships suffer for Mars is a tyrant, inconsiderate of other’s peaceful
plans. Be prepared for a changing of the guard. The idealistic views taken earlier in the
month will be put under constraint. The sign Aries is great for initiating new progressive
ideas but persistence, diligence and discipline is what is needed here to sustain the new
starts begun in this time frame. The summer months look hard and stressful and may
extinguish the optimism initiated this month. The question is can these new projects
withstand the troubling months ahead? Discipline and diligence are required to see
things through. Saturn is the planet that will pull us through these troubling times ahead.
Saturn will go into Libra next November, which work hard to balance the next two years
before a time of ease and prosperity that will resume around 2014.
30th May Mercury enters Taurus: The Sun and Mercury in Taurus will begin to set into
place the solid plans to bring forth security. This will be a long road to recovery. Get
ready for the eclipses in June, another period of earth changes, earth quakes, and volcanic