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CCAR v10660 Database Upgrade Procedures
The CCAR v10660 upgrade requires changes to both CCaR and Looking Glass:
1. Looking Glass Database
a. LG Schema
2. CCaR Database
a. CCAR Schema
Migration File Download Instructions
1. Create a local folder labeled c:\ccar10660
2. Download the migration files from into this folder
Download the file from ,
and extract the db_migration
folder from the zip file.
Looking Glass Database Migration Instructions
NOTE: The Looking Glass database must be at v10650 with EBFs BEFORE
performing the v10660 upgrade, Looking Glass migration scripts are under
C:\ccar10660\lg subfolder!!
1. Backup the LG Schemas and save the export for 1 month
2. Shutdown the database and startup in restricted mode to ensure no users are
connected to the database. Also ensure there are no Oracle jobs schedule to start
during the migration.
3. If necessary, upgrade the database from the current version to v10650.
a. You must upgrade each version in sequential order (i.e. if on v10650 you
must run all applicable v10650 EBFs, then v10660)
2. LG From a command prompt run the following:
Sqlplus lg/xxx@yyy @lg10660_lg.sql > lg10660_lg.log
i. replace xxx with the lg user password
ii. replace yyy with the tnsname for LG database
b. Review the spooled files and check for errors
c. Check for invalid objects:
Select object_name,object_type from user_objects where
status = ‘INVALID’;
Make sure you have reviewed the log files to check for errors. Save the log
files for 1 month.
Shutdown the database and startup in regular mode so users can login
CCaR Database Migration Instructions
NOTE: The CCaR database must be at v10650
With all EBFs BEFORE performing the v10660 upgrade!!
1. Backup the CCAR Schema and save the export for 1 month
2. Shutdown the database and startup in restricted mode to ensure no users are
connected to the database. Also ensure there are no Oracle jobs schedule to
start during the migration.
3. If necessary, upgrade the database from the current version to v10650
a. You must upgrade each version in sequential order (i.e. if on v10650 you
must run the v10650 migration all applicable v10650 EBFs then v10660
database migration)
5. CCAR From a command prompt run the following:
a. cd c:\ccar10660
b. Run the following:
sqlplus ccar/xxx@yyy @ccar10660_ccar.sql >
i. replace xxx with the ccar user password
ii. replace yyy with the tnsname
c. Review the spooled files and check for errors
d. Check for invalid objects:
Select object_name,object_type from user_objects where
status = ‘INVALID’ and object_type <> 'JAVA_CLASS';
e. Import excel_export_templates.dmp into
sqlplus ccar/xxx@yyy @c:\ccar10660\truncate_excel_table
imp userid=ccar/xxx@yyy file=c:\ccar10660\excel_export_templates.dmp
ignore=y full=y
Make sure you have reviewed the log files to check for errors. Save the log files for
1 month.
Shutdown the database and startup in regular mode so users can login