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Name______________________ Date_________________ Section___
INTRODUCTION: Organelle means “tiny organ.” Just
like the human body has different organs that do special jobs for us, cells
have various organelles that have special roles and do “jobs” for them. The
jobs to be done in a cell could be compared to the jobs that are done in an
actual city! For example, since the nucleus is the control center of the cell,
it could be thought of as the “boss.” Therefore, the nucleus could be
represented by the mayor since the mayor is “in charge” of a city.
YOUR TASK: Design and draw your own Cell City (or a different kind of
diagram) using the organelles listed as “required” on the back of this page as
part of your city. Other organelles are optional. The jobs you come up with
could be either PEOPLE (for example, a mayor) or PLACES (such as a
factory). Use the cell packet and your textbooks (chapter 1.2 in Cells and
Heredity) as resources. Be sure to include the following in your project:
1. Label each object in your Cell City that represents an organelle with the
organelle name in parentheses, for example: mayor (nucleus).
2. Provide a justification with the correct function of each organelle. In
your justification, it should say for example “The mayor is the nucleus
because a nucleus is the control center of the cell, and a mayor controls a
3. You will be placed into groups of 3 for this project (just one product
from each group, not 3 products from a group of 3).
4. You may have a rough draft, but be sure that your final draft is neat
(this could mean colored with markers or colored pencils).
5. Cell City is an “in-class” project. Take your time and do your best!
6. It is recommended that you work on large paper so that if you choose to
present, your work will be easily visible.
TOTAL = 35 points
Organelles (Little Organs)
Location: near the center of the cell
Function: the “boss,” is in control of cell activities
Cell membrane:
Location: surrounds the animal cell and is inside the cell wall of the plant cell
Function: lets certain substances pass into and out of the cell, does NOT allow others
Location: everywhere in the cell!
Function: jelly-like structure fills most of cell, supports the organelles
Location: in the cytoplasm
Function: known as the “powerhouse” of the cell, produces and releases energy
Golgi Bodies
Location: cytoplasm
Function: organizes and packages substances in the cell
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER):
Location: cytoplasm
Function: takes materials the ribosome gathers and manufactures proteins
Location: on the endoplasmic reticulum and in the cytoplasm
Function: gathers materials to build proteins within the cell
Location: in the cytoplasm; these are broken off parts of the ER
Function: transport materials to the golgi bodies
Nuclear membrane:
Location: surrounds nucleus
Function: allows passage of certain substances between nucleus and the rest of the cell
Location: in the nucleus
Function: contain the DNA code for genetics, an “instruction booklet” for the cell
Cell wall:
Location: surrounds the plant cell, does not exist in the animal cell
Function: gives support and shape to the cell; present in plant cells
Location: many places throughout the cytoplasm in plant cells
Function: makes the food for plants by photosynthesis
Central Vacuole:
Location: cytoplasm
Function: these sacs act as a storage area for protein, water, and other substances
in plant cells
Location: cytoplasm in animal cells
Function: disposes of cell’s waste, digests worn out organelles, destroys the cell when
worn out