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General Discussion
of our
Time: 1.5 hour
Rules: open and respectful to other opinions
(except for “fiddlers”, where we swing the sword of truth)
A duck or a rabbit – but certainly not a rat
How much do we really know about climate change?
Not as much as we might like.
And we should not pretend otherwise.
Michael Jefferson, 2010
Working Papers in Business and Sustainability, No. 10, 1-5
Professor Michael Jefferson – dear Michael,
You have a background close to the IPCC,
Though you have always kept a true scientific view of questioning.
At this conference, you have been exposed to new observational facts.
It would be most interesting, if you would be so kind as to
summarize your impressions
Only a global zero carbon roadmap
will put the world on a course to phase- out greenhouse gas emissions
and create the essential carbon sinks for Earth-system stability,
without which, world prosperity is not possible.
J. Rockström, H.J. Schellnhuber and 9 others, 2016, doi:2016EF000392
Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) marks a shift in the priority of the
UNDP from tackling poverty to tackling climate change. This shift erodes the ability of the UNDP to
perform its primary function of providing development assistance to poor countries. The climate
finance proposal is unlikely to mend this fundamental defect in the SDG initiative of the UNDPJamal Munshi, 2016
Please, Jamal, if you are here
Give us some further thoughts on this subject
OK, let us debate the role of CO2
We are gathered to explore if the idea of a CO2-driven global warming is real or just
another hoax (bluff). The post-industrial and post-war rise in atmospheric CO2 seem to
Little (maybe even negligible) effect on global temperature
No effect at all on sea level changes
Negligible effect on global acidification
Therefore, the recent rise in atmospheric CO2 rather seems beneficial to the Plant
Kingdom, and hence to life on Planet Earth. The claim of an urgent need of a transition
into “a low carbon Earth” seems exaggerated, unfounded and illusive.
(see p.121 in the Conference Volume)
“CLEXIT” (CLimate Exit) was inspired by the Brexit decision of the British people to
withdraw from the increasingly dictatorial EU bureaucracy.
A new international organisation aims to prevent ratification of the costly and
dangerous Paris global warming accord, which is being promoted heavily by the EU
and the US Obama administration.
Is this the solution to the new situation
where CO2-forcing is no longer tenable
and we just have explored
A New Dawn of Truth
a rather fringe group
discussing aspects of climate science
Professor Jonathan Butterworth said
and he continued:
we are giving a platform to speakers
who deny anthropogenic climate change
while flying in the face of accepted scientific methods.
I am sure you have no desire to bring UCL into disrepute,
or to cause dissension in the UCL community, and
I would encourage you to think about moving the event to a different venue
In conclusion, I think the past two days have documented:
– that we certainly are not a “fringe” group
– that anthropogenic climate change is very questionable
– that true science is in favour of solar variability (not CO2)
– that there is no true threat of a rapid sea level rise
– that the oceans at not threatened by acidification
– that there is no recent increase in “extreme weather”
The London Conference
ends with a summary by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
He also present a ”communiqué” form the event.
After that you are all invited
to a “wine & cheese party in the foyer
between 17.00 and 19.00