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Location research- I have given the task of researching the location and also creating the production
schedule. I also took part in filming and editing. We made sure that as a group we had chosen
locations that would go with the
scenes of the movie.
Scene 1-This is where the first scene was
filmed which was when Gina was found
dead. The reason why we had chosen to
film this here was because it would be
something different from other cases as
most cases people who over dose die in
their own home. We wanted to show that
this can happen to anyone at any time
and this will be a shock to the audience as
Scene 2- This was the location that was
chosen for the second scene this was of
Baljeevan and Karen talking during the part
of the news report. This scene was used
twice so that it would create meaning
during the news report to show the
audience who they were. This location is
great because you cannot tell where they
are. It’s like a closed area most areas where
drug dealers hang around at.
Scene 3- This location was used when the
character Gina was dialling the number of the
drug dealer Baljeevan. You can’t see the
location because the shot is an extreme close
up but I thought I would include it for the
location research.
Scene 4 and 5- This location was used for
Gina when she called the drug dealers. This
is a plan blue wall and it seems boring
because you can’t see anything but the
character but it is interesting as the only
focus it on her and it also seems to the
audience as she is scared and is doing in
private because she doesn’t want anyone to
see. This was used in the next shot was a
close up of the character
Scene 6- This location is used for the long
shot of Gina walking to the drug dealers.
This location was used because we you
can see buildings, cars and other things
in the far which will work best for the
scene. This is also different from the
Scene 7- This was the scene were all the
characters meet up for the drug exchange.
We choice this location because this was
to be done without anyone knowing and
we didn’t want there to people around as
that wouldn’t work with the scene.
Scene 8- This location is used when Gina is
walking down the stairs to meet her friend to
inform her about the drugs. The reason why
we chose this scene was we needed
somewhere inside because of the shots were
filmed outside we needed a variety.
Scene 9- This is a carry on
from scene this location is
founded in the same
place. We chose this
location because we
wanted the two
characters Gina and
Aaliya to be sitting down
because it would set the
whole scene. This was
also used for a close up
from Gina speaking also
Scene 10- This location is the last one
used and I think it worked well for it is
because this is used for when the drug
dealer (Baljeevan) gets a mystery call
from a man. It is good how we can see
building is the distance and is not only